Assistant Grade-I Level, Clerk Level, Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED)


Company Profile: TRIFED is a national level co-operative body that is engaged in the various economic developments of the scheduled tribes of our country through the assistance of the marketing development of the related products and engaged in the skill up gradation. The field of MFP and handicrafts are the very important area that is covered by the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED).

Job Profile: The organization is holding recruitment for the post of Assistant Grade-I Level and Clerk Level. The candidates are expected to assist different operation of the organization and provide an accurate data to people ratio. The candidates are also expected to look at the financial assistance of the organization.

No. of Posts: The number of vacancy that is to be recruited for these posts is 12 and 35 for the post of Assistance Grade- I Level and Clerk Level respectively.

Salary: The candidates that will be selected for the post of Assistance Grade-I level will be paid a monthly salary of Rs. 17, 145/- and for the post of Clerk level is Rs. 9, 817/- per month.

Selection procedure: The candidates will be selected according to the walk in interview process.

How to apply: The candidates have to download the application form from the official website of Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED) and then have to send the application form to the address as given in the site.



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7 Responses to “Assistant Grade-I Level, Clerk Level, Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED)”

  1. 7
    arunava sarkar:

    please give me important question and answers for asst. grade job

  2. 6

    from where i can download model test paper for delhi headconstableministrial

  3. 5

    please tell me the official website of TRIFED

  4. 4

    give the website address to download form

  5. 3

    please tell me the official website of TRIFED

  6. 2

    what is the qualification and age limit for both the post

  7. 1

    what is the age limit and qualifications required