Clerks Recruitment, Allahabad Bank


Company Profile:

Allahabad bank is the oldest joint stock bank in India. It was established in the pre independence era, on 24th April in the year of 1865 by a group of Europeans. During these three decades the bank steadily set up its business over the country. It gained the trust of thousands of Indians. The first overseas branch of the bank was opened in Hong Kong in the year 2007.  Its business crossed the prestigious mark of 1,00,000 Rs in the same year. Currently with the establishment of 46 zonal offices in different parts of India it has grown up a well connected network.

Job Profile:

The person undertaking this job will be initially handed over the responsibility for opening and closing the accounts and answer questions to the customer. Afterwards they will be given duties according to the section they will be allotted in. Such as keeping records of different interests, Exchange foreign currencies, sorting and recording of loan details, preparing balance sheets, maintaining stocks bonds and other investment related certificates, mail handling.

Number of vacancies:

The numbers of vacancies available are 990 for a pay scale of Rs.4410 to Rs.13210 per month.

Eligibility Criterion:

The candidates applying for the job should be under the age limit of 18 to 28 years. One must have minimum marks of 60% in 10+2 /HSC exam or should have graduated from a reputed university. A certificate/diploma on computer education or computer as a subject in degree is needed. Candidate must be fluent (read/write/speak) in the language of the state applied for.

Note for Candidates:

Selection will be through written test and interview. Candidates will have to pass in each exam to appear for interviews. Online application starts from21.12.2009 and end at 21.01.2010.tentative date for written exam 14th march 2010.

How to apply:

Using the Chalan from Website one will have to pay Rs.300 (gen/OBC) or Rs.50(SC/ST),  the application  fee at any branch of Allahabad bank . During applying/registering through website of Allahabad Bank one will have to provide Chalan details along with the payment related information.

Contact address:

Head Office (Kolkata)
8, N.S Road,                                                                                                     Kolkata700001                                                                                                    

Phone 2231 6634/6635




Do you have any question? Please ask:

Questions will be answered on our Forum section

64 Responses to “Clerks Recruitment, Allahabad Bank”

  1. 64


  2. 63
    Avinash kumar:

    When allahabad bank 2011-12 clerks interview result will be out
    ? plz tell me

  3. 62

    what is the syllabus and time duration of allahabad bank exam on 8/05/2011?

  4. 61
    vinti kumari:

    please sir send detail about clerical admit to search admit card.plz help me.

  5. 60

    Sir pls send details about clerical exam time and patterm

  6. 59

    please send me clerical solved exams of allahbaad bank

  7. 58

    I applied for clerical post. I lost my bank receipt (chellan)…then How to write my exam..

  8. 57

    How can i get the preexam trainig cal letter?

  9. 56

    syllabus for allahabad bank po and clerks

  10. 55

    wich date clerks pre examination traning ?

  11. 54

    i want to know the date of pre-training for the post of clerk in allahabad bank..

  12. 53

    What education is Railways ticket cheaker

  13. 52

    how to submit the online application form.i can’t find form online

  14. 51
    kavita jain:

    i have an difficulty to find application from onlineI have an difficulty to find application form online!
    please give me detail about this?

  15. 50

    i have an difficulty to find application from onlineI have an difficulty to find application form online!
    please give me detail about this?

  16. 49
    Piyali dutta:

    I can’t download the clerical reqruitment application …… plz help me ……

  17. 48
    nishanta kumar dash:

    I don’t know how i will on line form fill up in clerical exam. so please help me

  18. 47

    I cant find the application form online! and even the chalan. can u please help me out. Thank you.

  19. 46

    i want 5years model question paper for clerical post in allahabad bank.

  20. 45

    I want last 5 year question paper&which book shld i refer?

  21. 44

    I have an difficulty to find application form online!
    please give me detail about this?

  22. 43

    i want 10 years question papers of allahabad bank

  23. 42
    Gitanjali jena:

    how to apply the clearical post.
    I comleted Diploma in office management/equvalent bcom.In year of 2010 with 63%

  24. 41

    i am not getting the application form..plz help..

  25. 40

    resp sir/ madam,
    how do i fill up my application form for the clerical post in allahabad bank. i can’t find the application form. so plz
    help me…. i m waiting for your reply. help me!!!!

  26. 39
    veluri sri phani tej:

    is it diploma in electronics & communications is eligable for bank clerk exams?

  27. 38
    bikesh singh:

    Dear sir / madam,

    how doi apply onlile job in allhabad banck
    the problem is the site is opening succswely fuly but i am not finding out the application forkm plz plz ,…. help me

  28. 37

    i scored just 59% only can i eligible to write the bank p o exams

  29. 36

    i want 10 years question papers of allahabad bank

  30. 35

    sir i want last three months general awarness questions

  31. 34
    ashish kumar:

    i want ten years question of allahabad bank

  32. 33
    nisha kadam:

    i want last three years question papers of allahabad bank clerical exam on my email id.and how would i prepare for descriptive part.

  33. 32
    amritesh singh:

    sir when allahabad clerk result will out of west bengal ?sir when the next vacency will be for clerk?

  34. 31
    Suresh Kannabiran:

    Sir I haven’t recieved my call letter but my friends who have applied has recieved the call letter. Why not I?

  35. 30

    i want last three years question papers of allahabad bank clerical exam on my email id.and how would i prepare for descriptive part.

  36. 29
    Dola Datta:

    i want the question paper of last 3 years of allhabad bank clerical exam on my email would i prepare for descriptive part.

  37. 28
    Priyank Mishra:

    I need syllabus for allahabad bank recruitment for clirk 2010.

  38. 27


  39. 26
    gautam ranjan:

    give me sample paper

  40. 25

    sir, i have NOT receive any admit card yet ….. pls send me admit card very quickly for clerical exam held on 14th march. my email id— [email protected] my postal address:Rasika Rai
    Hotel Balaka International,Mission Compound,Room no.210
    Bolpur(West Bengal)

  41. 24

    when i will get the admitcard for clerical exam held on 14th march 2010?pls kindly inform me.
    thank you

  42. 23
    indu dhiman:

    when i get my admit card for exam held on 14 march?

  43. 22

    sir, i have NT receive any call letter yet ….. pls send me call letter very quickly. my email id— [email protected] my postal address is SUJAY LAHA S/O MR. JOYDEB LAHA. P.O+P.S- DHANIAKHALI DIST- HOOGHLY. WESTBENGAL PIN-712302

  44. 21
    shiv kumar das:

    when i will get my admit card for exam will be held on 14 march?

  45. 20
    shiva ranjan:

    sample questionicals of allahabad clerk type of question

  46. 19
    Bablu Patra:

    i want 10 years previous solved questions of clerk exam of allahabad bank.

  47. 18

    type of questions (sample paper)

  48. 17

    when i get my admit card for exam held on 14 march?
    and please send me my printout application form on my mailid

  49. 16
    Sanjit Bagchi:

    Respected Sir,
    I passed my Higher Secondary exam in 2009 in Commerce subject with 72% marks..
    Please give me an oppurtunity to prove myself..
    Thank you..

  50. 15

    i want the question paper of last 3 years of allhabad bank clerical exam on my email id

  51. 14

    when i will receive my admit card?

  52. 13

    i want po paper of alahabad bank

  53. 12
    sumanta chatterjee:

    i want 10 years previous solved questions of clerk exam of allahabad bank.

  54. 11

    i want 10 years previous solved questions of clerk exam of allahabad bank

  55. 10

    sir i want 10 years previous solved questions of allahabad bank

  56. 9

    what will be genral awarness coming out in the clerks exam 2010?

  57. 8
    seema soni:

    where is the online application form?

  58. 7
    Pinkesh kumar:

    give me application form of clark of allahabad bank

  59. 6

    good evening ,
    i want allabadbank question paper & name of the book which shld i refer

  60. 5
    Balam singh:

    I have an difficulty to find application form online!
    please give me detail about this?

  61. 4

    good evening sir,
    i want allabadbank question paper

  62. 3
    abhishek kumar:

    i m 12th pass in 2006 with 58% with DCA..
    M I ELIGIBLE 4 allahabad bank clerks……..

  63. 2

    which is the last date to register?

  64. 1

    when will you conducted exam for tenth and tweleth eligiblity candidates?