Syndicate Bank Probationary Officer Recruitment Exam Papers
Syndicate Bank is one of the Premier National Banks. It is one of the most trusted banks in whole of India. Every year or so this bank hires people for the post of Probationary Officer.
The application for the post of PO has to be in the prescribed order as maintained by the Syndicate Bank. Any violation of the format will lead to non acceptance of the forms.
There are very less seats for the post of PO. Only 40 n 4 are reserved. One must be a citizen of India or Bhutan or Nepal to be eligible. Other criteria’s are also there. One must be a degree holder from a recognized University. Computer literate people are more preferable. One should be between the age 21 to 30.
The selection of candidates is done through written tests and interviews. The written tests are of 135 minutes. The total marks is 200 upon which test is taken. There are a total of four tests. They are Test of Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude, Test of General Awareness, and English Language. There is also a descriptive test of 45 minutes duration and of 60 marks.
From the written tests the short listed candidates are interviewed and then the final selection is made.
- Probationary Officers, Syndicate Bank
- Vijaya Bank Probationary Officer Recruitment Exam Papers
- Syndicate Bank Probationary Officers Exam 2009
- Union Bank Of India, Probationary Officers Exam Papers
- Probationary Officers, Probationary Clerks, Canara Bank
- Bank of India PO Exam Papers
- Pay scale for Probationary Officer in Government Jobs
- Difference between Bank Probationary Officer and Bank Clerical Jobs
- Public Sector Banking Jobs after Graduation
- Probationary Officers, State Bank of India
- Public Sector Banking Jobs after Graduation
- Probationary Officer, Bank of Baroda
- Clerk/ Probationary Officer, Allahabad Bank
- Government Jobs in Banking sector
- P.O,Baroda Rajasthan gramin bank
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138 Responses to “Syndicate Bank Probationary Officer Recruitment Exam Papers”
It’s in reality a nice and useful piece of info. I am satisfied that you simply shared this helpful information with us. Please keep us up to date like this. Thank you for sharing.
i need last 5 years southindian bank test solved question paper..?
Does anybody know when the United India Insurance AO written exam ( held on mar 27, 2011 )result be declared ?
I just want to say that i want to know my result of p o exam held on twenty ninth august two thousand lean
please send me previous po question papers..
plese sir i want to know my reasult of syndicate bank p.o exam which was held on 29-8 -2010 please send me the reasult in my mail i will be greatful to you.
Hi please send result to my mail
I want to know the syndicate bank po result which was held on 29 august 2010. Plz Send me at [email protected]
my roll no is 2809004931
i want to know my result of syndicate bank p.o exam to my mail held on 29 aug.
hi sir i want to know my result what i do any customer care number is please send me to my email id that is [email protected]
I want to know the syndicate bank po result which was held on 29 august 2010. Plz Send me at [email protected]
Respecter Sir/Madam,
i want to konw when the results of syndicate Bank po written exam on 29/08/10 results are come out .
please send me probationary officer papers of all banks of 2010,2009,2008,2007.. with all like computering and marketing,quatitative,reasoning,english descriptive .
thanking you,
sir when will be results of syndicate po’s announced si cud u inform me by mail
respected sir,
please send me syndicate bank probationary officer result which was conducted on 29/08/10.
thank u.
i had given the sindicate bank po exam which was held on 29/08/10 , i want to know when will result be out?
Hi sir/madam
Please send me syndicate bank probationary officer question paper which is conducted on 29/08/10 and results announcement of 1000 probationary officers recturiment results.
thanking you,
yours obedently,
n.pradeeep kumar,
syndicate po’s roll no:7401002450.
Hi sir/ Mam
Please send me syndicate bank probationary officer question paper which is conducted on 29/08/10.
please send previous year solved question paper in my mail.
thank you
HI Sir/Madam,
Please send me sysndicate bank probationery officers solved question papers
HI Sir/Madam,
Please send me sysndicate bank probationery officers solved question papers
sir please send some syndicate bank po questions papers
please send me previous po question papers..
sir ,
please send me previous syndicate bank discriptive question papers and question paper also
please send me clerk & probationary exams questions papers
of 2007 ,2008 & 2009 with all subjects like computer profiency ,reasoning, quantitative aptitute and english…
Thanking you
who is the syndicate bank president
could u plz help me for the preparation of syndicate bank p.o exam by providing solved model paper to me so that i can prepare for it. plz provide it in my mail i.d that is [email protected]
thank you.
dear sir/madam
plz kindly send to my email previous syndicate po exam papers.
thanking u sir
please send me the previous question papers for po’s
could u plz help me for the preparation of syndicate bank p.o exam by providing solved model paper to me so that i can prepare for it. plz provide it in my mail i.d that is
[email protected]
thank you
may be posible send me last 3year paper of po.
Dear Sir,
Kindly send me previous year syndicate po examination paper.
Thanking You
could u plz help me for the preparation of syndicate bank p.o exam by providing solved model paper to me so that i can prepare for it. plz provide it in my mail i.d that is [email protected].
thank you.
please send me the previous question papers for po’s
Plz send me previous years po exam papers on my email. that is:-
[email protected]
Sir pls send me previous po exam papers of syndicate bank.
plz send me previous syndicate po examination paper along with model test papers and currently generated general awrness question in my email id
pls give me syndicate bank papers po solved in my email id of 2 years.
pls send me some solved previous question papers for PO examination syndicate bank
i want all the previous po’s question papers
sir pls send me all prvs years po exam papers …!
Kishan kant Gupta.
dear sir
i request you to send me previous exam paper of PO.
Hello, sir will it be possible to send previous 10 years question & some model test papers for syndicate bank’s p.o examination. It would be a great help to enhance my preparation.
plz send me previous year syndicate po examination paper and currently generated general awrness question in my email id
plz send me previous year paper of po exams on my gmail id thank you sir
Request , previous year & model test papers for syndicate bank.
Thanking you
Please send the model question paper of the syndicate bank po exam August 2010.
Kindly cover the General Awareness portion.
please send me the syndicate bank po exam papers…
[email protected]
sir i request u to send all the previous po’s exam papers.
i have applied for syndicate bank probatinery officers, so please send me some model questin papers of probatinery officer post exam
Respected sir,
I have applied for syndicate bank P.O exam so i requesting you pl.. send me previous question papers i will very thankful to you
Thank you
plz send genral awrnes questions and prev papers to my mail..
I have applied for Syndicate bank PO exam.I need some model papers of syndicate bank po exam.So can u please send me those to my email id which is mentioned below.
[email protected]
kindly send the possible genral awareness questions to email .my id is [email protected]
dear sir,
plz send me previous papers of syndicate bank P.O. and NABARD managerial papers.i will be so thnkful 2 u
this is prasanna b.
please send me bank PO previous year question papers to get ready upcoming exams .
i ll very thankful to you sir.
please send previous/model paper of syndicate bank and other po related.
plz send me previous year po exam paper on my yahoo id n i will be very thankful to u……….
thank u sir.
[email protected]
Dear Sir,
please, provide me last 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys as soon as possible.
Thank u. my id is [email protected]
please send all the sample papers of po exam on my e mail [email protected]
i will be very thankful to you..
pls send me model papers of po xams……..on my yahoo id n i wii be very thnkful to u thnku sir…………..
sir i am amit bajoria .i have prepation for the syndicate bank
p.o vacancy………. that way i have requirement of bank po solved paper…so sir please send me p.o. modal paper……
i am very thankfull to you……………
Dear Sir,
I needed previous question papers to get ready for my upcoming exam… please send me soon…..
Waiting for u reply….
Thank u…..
I have applied for Syndicate bank PO exam.I need some model papers of syndicate bank po exam.So can u please send me those to my email id which is mentioned below.
[email protected]
[email protected]
dear sir,
i want the previous question paper with solutions
dear sir,
please send me the prevoius 10 years question papers with solutions for preaparing pos exam
Respected sir/madam plz send me important & privious years Qs papers. Thank u
I have applied for Syndicate bank PO exam.I need some model papers of syndicate bank po exam.So can u please send me those to my email id which is mentioned below.
[email protected]
Respected sir i need previous year question papers or notes about PO exams of Banking sector so please help me………
thanking you
hallo sir i just want a sample paper for probationary officer please send me as soon as possible .thanks
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys as soon as possible
hello sir,
i need 10 years question papers of syndicate po exams to get prapared well. will u plz send it to my mail id.
i am waiting for ur reply.
Dear sir,
please i want a previous model question paper of syndicate bank exam for probitionary officer. now i preparing sir plz send me as soon
helo sir plz send me syallbus and previous papers for po exam(syndicate bank).
Dear Sir,

I needed previous question papers to get ready for my upcoming exam… please send me soon…..
Waiting for u reply….
Thank u…..
I have registered online then what i need to do now i have took print out my application and whether i have to send that with my photograph affixed to any address or else keep it with me and when can attend the training and in which date it starts
kindly inform me the details regarding that
thank you so much for your kind reply
Dear sir / madam
Plz send a mail (to my mail id)about the previous question papers regarding probationary officer exam
plz provide me past few years Probationery officers written test sample question papers for following :
1) Syndicate Bank
2) SBI
dear sir/madam
please send me a 5 years question papers regarding probationary officers exam.
thanking you.
i wanna previous papers and mock paper of PO exam of syndicate bank for aug exam
good morning sir,,
i want the syndicate bank previous 3/4 years po question paper..plz sent me as soon as possible..
m waiting 4 ur reply..
sir,please send me most important questions for syndicate bank p.o. exams which are held to 29 august 2010
good morning sir,
sir i want to know that what type of question of maths will come
it will be on the standered of inter or matriculation.
will the question of syndicate bank maths be quite different from other banks?
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys .
Dear Sir,
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys as soon as possible.
Thank u
kindly send me previous exam paper of syndicate p.o
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys as soon as possible
thanks for your such site plz send me previous 10 years question paper with solv paper.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I have applied for Syndicate bank PO exam.I need some model papers of syndicate bank po exam.So can u please send me those to my email id which is mentioned below.
email id- [email protected]
Thanking you,
Dear Sir/Mam,
I want to get the Previous Years of Bank PO Entrance Exam Solved papers. so, please send these solved papers on my e_mail.
I want complete material of previous exams papers of syndicate bank papers held last year.
Pleas try to anticipate this request at that earliest.
Chandrasri B
I want a complete material of previous exam papers of syndicate bank held last yearl. Also including important tips and guidance for the preparation of exams.
Please try to anticipate at the earliest.
Chandrasri B
Hello sir, i want model question papers for po exam…
Dear Sir,
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys as soon as possible.
dear sir/madam,
please send me the mock test paper of recruitment for the post of probationary clerks asap…
hello sir plase guide me to prepare for the bank po exams. thank you
hello sir/madam i am anupama presently working as teacher. will you please guide me to prepare for bank po exams? thank you from anupama hegde
dear sir/madam,
please send me syndicate bank clerk exams model question papers which are held on 27 june 2010. and send quickly solved methods in exam period
Dear Sir,
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys as soon as possible.
Thank u
sir or mam.
please, send last 5 yrs syndicate bank PO question paper or sample papers as soon as possible
during exam period to solve the problems in quick method notes please provided me for before the exam.tomy id
please send me syndicate bank clerk exams model question papers which are held on 27 june 2010
Sir plz send previous 10 years solved question papers for the post of po(syndicate bank)
during exam period how to solve the problems in quick method notes please provided me for before the exam…. to my mail id
in english language 50 questions are there how much should we get this is for eligiblity criteria only
please send me syndicate bank clerk exams model question papers which are held on 27 june 2010.
dear sir,
please send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank po exam sample papers
sir, i need previous five year papers of po exam of syndicate bank
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers with answer keys as soon as possible
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers as soon as possible
send imp questions
How can i get the previous solved question paper,can u plz send me ,solved paper of po exam in my [email protected]
Respected Sir,
For the probationary officer Exam I want the some previous years solved question papers of Syndicate Bank on my email-id
I am waiting for that, Thank you
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers as soon as possible
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers as soon as possible
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers as soon as possible
please, send previous 10 yrs syndicate bank PO sample papers as soon as possible
sir I want a model solved probationary officer question paper of syndicate bank in 2009
Hello sir,
plz send me previous yr question papers of Syndicate Bank Probationary Officer’s my kind request sir..plz consider this & give me fast response.Thank you.
When the call letter link will activated to get online printout of call letter.
dear sir,
pls send me some model question papers for bank clerical exam on my e-mail id
Respected Sir,
For the probationary officer Exam I want the some previous years solved question papers of Syndicate Bank
I am waiting for that, Thank you
sir I want a model solved probationary officer question paper of syndicate bank
PLEASE send me bank po exam papers
please send me bank po exam papers
please send p.o clerk exam model question paper for preparing exam.
8A SRINIVAS RAO: On May 22nd, 2010
please send me most important questions for syndicate bank for p.o. exam
respected sir,
please send p.o clerk exam model question paper for preparing exam.
please send me syndicate bank clerk exams model question papers which are held on 27 june 2010.
Dear Sir,
Kindly send me Model question paper for Syndicate bank - Specialist officer
I think my email ID, which send by me in online ragistration was wrong caracter
my e mail ID is [email protected]
and my is 263920
And I also Request you to provide past few years Probationery officers written test sample question papers for following companies:
1) Bank of Baroda
2) Syndicate Bank
3) Corporation Bank
4) LIC ( Apprentice Development officer papers )
sir,please send me most important questions for syndicate bank clerk exams which are held to 27june2010
plz send me some sample question papers for
bank clerical exm for following banks on my mail.
banks r:-
Hello Sir/Madam
What will be minimum Qualification for Probationary Officer Post and is there any relaxation for the candidate who completed his Graduation through Correspondece Please guide me in full details thank you very. from
Request you to provide past few years Probationery officers written test sample question papers for following companies:
1) Bank of Baroda
2) Syndicate Bank
3) Corporation Bank
4) LIC ( Apprentice Development officer papers )
please give me last year paper of ssc