CBSE Class 12 Functional English Papers


CBSE or Central Board of Secondary Education conducts class 12 exams throughout the length and breadth of India in the month of March. In addition to compulsory English, students are also given a choice to study Functional English. Functional English is meant for the students who are studying Arts subject. CBSE also updates its syllabus every year.

Paper Pattern

The Functional English Paper is of 100 marks and is divided into 4 Sections, Section A is Reading, Section B is Comprehension, Section C is Grammar and Section D Literature. Section A consists of 20 marks, Section B consists of 25 marks, Section C consists of 20 marks and Section D consists of 25 marks. Instructions are given at the beginning of every section or questions, wherever necessary, and students are required to follow them religiously. There is a word limit for every Section or questions and students are advised not exceed those word limits because special credits would be given to those candidates whose answers are to the point and that too within the word limits.

Time Duration

The duration of the question paper is 3 hours. However, and extra 15 minutes is also given to the students to read the question paper. Students are not allowed to write anything on their answer sheet during this time interval.

Download CBSE Class 12 Functional English Papers



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13 Responses to “CBSE Class 12 Functional English Papers”

  1. 13

    Not satisfied… I need complete guide of good funtional english..?

  2. 12
    Gloria M. Massey:

    can you tell me about some good functional english for class 12?

  3. 11

    please send english functional guess paper with scoring key

  4. 10

    Total marks is 100 but Section A+B+C+D (20+25+20+25) is 90

  5. 9

    plz send english gss paper

  6. 8

    Difference between circular/ memorendum

  7. 7

    plz send english gss paper

  8. 6

    i want important question which come in board exam subject hindi , english , IP , economics , geography . sir i request you to send in a 5 days please sir.

  9. 5

    I am not satisfied with my functional english marks in cbse 2010. Please help and give me information regarding revaluation.

  10. 4

    I am not satisfy with my cbse result 2010 Please give some information for recheck the copy

  11. 3
    Sehar Ehsan:

    what is the paper pattern of 2010

  12. 2

    how toget functional english guess papers with scoring key?

  13. 1

    send functional english guess papers with scoring key