Difference between NET and SET


Lecturer jobs are one of the most motivating jobs in our country. A student will have to train himself in every aspect of a particular subject to become a lecturer. The majority of universities and colleges in India are in search of excellent lecturers with good qualification and skills. To separate the best from the lot Indian government along with the University Grant Commission (UGC) has conceptualized two entrance exams, the NET and SET, one for national level and other for state level. Candidate must have a post- graduate degree or doctorate as to be eligible for this entrance test. These exams are conducted so as to improve the progress level in educational standards.

NET exam and its opportunities

NET is the abbreviated form of the National Eligibility Test conducted by the University Grant Commission (UGC). This exam is written in order to enable a candidate to apply for lectureship or for joining the research fellowship in colleges. Generally the passing percent of the students for this exam (About 5% only) is very minimal because of the high standards. If a candidate wishes to take up teaching as a profession in colleges and universities having a post graduate degree or a doctoral degree then he/she must pass the National Eligibility Test. The UGC conducts the NET exam every year in the months of June and December. In order to be qualified to apply for lectureship or Junior Research Fellowship one must pass this exam.

The UGC NET exams are carried out in a variety of topics like Physical Science, Life sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Chemical Sciences and Earth Atmospheric Ocean and Planetary Sciences jointly by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the UGC. The NET exam is conducted for many papers which include Humanities (which also consists of languages), Computer Science and Applications, Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Electronic Science and Forensic Science.

SET exam and its opportunities

By passing State Eligibility Test exam, lectureship is granted on that particular state only. The exam pattern of the State Level Eligibility Test (SLET) is based on National Eligibility Test conducted by the University Grant Commission (UGC). The papers include subjects like social sciences, science subjects and humanities correspondingly.. The aspirants who are appearing for the SLET test gets to answer the paper in their respective mother tongue or in English. Some of the states that conduct the SLET are Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Goa and the north eastern states of India including Sikkim.

Key differentiators between NET and SET Exam

NET is conducted for lectureship posts in any university or college in the country. Also candidates wishing to take up research field need to appear for this exam. On clearing this exam they are given the Junior Research Fellowship. This is done as to ensure minimum standards for the applicants in the teaching profession and research. The NET qualified candidates are only eligible to apply for lecturer post in Indian universities, Institutes and colleges.

At the same time the SET qualified candidates is eligible for the lecturer post only in the universities and colleges belonging to the state they have passed SET exam. Another difference is that the Junior Research Fellowship is awarded to the meritorious candidates who have qualified the NET Examination only if they have opted for the same in the application form.

The NET exam is not completely able to stand for the regional subjects and therefore the SET exam was bought in by the state governments and union territories which enabled the candidates to appear for the Test in their own mother tongue. Thus was born the concept of SET which is conducted both in English and the vernacular.



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38 Responses to “Difference between NET and SET”

  1. 38
    romen roy:

    Dear Sir/Madam

    I want my daughter wh is studying in class X now to persue her education in Lecture ship and apply and clear the exams of NETor SET . I need your further assistance for her career.

  2. 37

    i finish Ma Tamil so i apply .net or set exam what do pls

  3. 36

    when did the slet exame conducted in mp in 2013-14

  4. 35


  5. 34

    To add with (few more points)…
    1. NET would be conducted twice in a year, and every year.
    This guarantee is not with SET

    2. NET would be conducted to the wide range of subjects.
    SET would conduct on a few subjects, depends on the number of people required for their state level college openings.

    3. This one is untold, but could be felt by verifying the question papers …
    NET is in hight standards and hard to pass. In certain subjects (for example, Computer Science, Mathematics etc), the pass percentage is less than 1 or 2. But SET cannot be seen as such a tougher one, but at the same time not very easier too. Not all states who conduct SET are in equal standard.

  6. 33

    Is SET conducted also in Haryana if yes then what is the date for this in 2013

  7. 32

    I completed my post grad frm JNU (Delhi) and belong to delhi only. So does that stop me from giving a SET from UP? And also is there No provision for Delhi ites to give SET or SLET???

  8. 31
    kumari sikha:

    i am student pg 3rd semester can i apply form of net exam

  9. 30


    can any one tell me, where i can get the details of SLET exam U.P. 2012..

    I am not able to find out any site which give me proper information..

    Please help..

  10. 29

    when would SLET and SET lecturership forms for UP and RAJASTHAN come for2012?How to get them and what is their site?

  11. 28

    when would SLET or SET forms for UP AND RAJASTHAN COME?

  12. 27

    when will SET uttar pradesh and rajasthan 2012 (lecturership ) forms come? And to get them? pls tell their sites?

  13. 26

    is SET Exam in UP?

  14. 25
    vaishali virmani:

    Is there any state eligibility test conducted by haryana state???? as u have mentioned various states, but not haryana. so plz reply if haryana does so?

  15. 24
    kanan k:

    what is the new exam date of 2012 of Maharastra?how many times it conducted in a year?

  16. 23
    kannammal N:

    SET exam result for the year 2011

  17. 22
    nisha wahane:

    what is the exam date of SET exam in 2012

  18. 21
    Maner Abdulajij:

    What is Exam date of SET exam in 2012

  19. 20
    Aparna jaiswal:

    What a new date to admishan

  20. 19
    Aparna jaiswal:

    What a new date tm admishan

  21. 18

    Dear madam/sir,
    I am completed M.A. Sociology on last year, but i have only 53%, am community of SC , so, can i do will write NET exam and am eligpil for NET and SET exam? pls responce for my doute.
    Thanking You

  22. 17

    i need to know about dates of set 2012 (himachal pardesh).also about d syllabii in field of life sciences.min last year of msc biotech.if u could mail me d ans of my quires, dat would be more [email protected]

  23. 16
    sunita srivastava:

    kindly send me the date for uttar pradesh SLET exam2012.

  24. 15
    meraj ahmed:

    i have comleted my m.com p 1 with 50 pc can i appear for net/set exam

  25. 14

    which school is best in mysore to join 7th std

  26. 13

    my qts is i completed my B.COM n i am currently in my first year of MBA in HR…so am i eligible for SET exams?if so than at what period of time i can appear for the exams…can u plzz provide the detail information about it?
    thank you

  27. 12

    Whether Karnataka state conducts SET exam?
    I cant go other states because I am settelled in Dharwad< then for me which exam is suitable NET or SET? I am doing MSc(computer science).

  28. 11
    amarkant rao:

    which is best book for english subject NET/SET Exam

  29. 10

    which suject i should choose if i have done BSC.CS and MCA and what i can write SET or NET

  30. 9

    I am missing the current year slet exam appling so when was the next slet exam please heip me

  31. 8

    Has phd been considered equivalent to net ?

  32. 7

    i want to know that SLET exam in bihar state for life science held or not if yes then how can i apply

  33. 6

    net exams are conducted half yearly(twice in a year).
    what are the criteria for gujrat set exams?
    is there any special time at which the gujrat set is conducted?

  34. 5

    I am missed the current year KSET exam applying so when was the next KSET exam plees help me

  35. 4

    Iam Msc graduate, I would like to appear for SLET & NEt What are subjects, Syllabus anwhere Ican get forms and othervital informations

  36. 3

    1.Is a UGC-NET qualified candidate considered as a government employee or a private employee?

    2. What is the pay scale of a UGC-NET(Computer Science & Applications) qualified candidate?

    3. Can UGC-NET qualified get AICTE pay scale?

  37. 2
    vijendra dudi:

    amerkot(sindh) history during mugal period

  38. 1

    can any one plz tell me, SET exam held for haryana also?
    and what is the procedure to clear the test?