Thread: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar? Reply to Thread

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25th July 2013 12:52 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

My State rank is 9117 & gener rank is 6000 can i got seat for cs , pls confirm
26th August 2012 02:45 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

how many seats are vacant in mechanical stream in gju
15th March 2012 05:07 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

Guru Jambheshwar University , B.Tech is available in following streams:


B. Tech. (Bio-Medical Engineering) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering) .................................120
B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) ...............120
B. Tech. (Information Technology) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) ..........................................60
B. Tech. (Printing Technology) ..............................................60
B. Tech. (Food Engineering) .................................................6 0
B. Tech. (Packaging Technology) ...........................................60

Good luck..............
28th October 2011 08:31 AM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

Dear sir,
In Guru Jambheshwar University , B.Tech is available in following streams:


B. Tech. (Bio-Medical Engineering) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering) .................................120
B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) ...............120
B. Tech. (Information Technology) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) ..........................................60
B. Tech. (Printing Technology) ..............................................60
B. Tech. (Food Engineering) .................................................6 0
B. Tech. (Packaging Technology) ...........................................60

25th October 2011 08:15 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

Is there any vacant seat in any branch of gju ??
23rd August 2011 04:20 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

How many seats in ECE. Can i take it seats. My state rank is 615.
13th August 2011 06:57 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

how many seats are remaining in ECE
12th August 2011 04:28 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

how many seats are vecant in gju
8th August 2011 06:38 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

my state rank is 9100 . can i take addmission in gju.
4th August 2011 01:27 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

how much seats are empty now nd which trade
3rd August 2011 11:33 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

how many seats is vacant in 2011 in gju campus?
3rd August 2011 11:09 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

how many seats vacant in printing stearm???????
26th July 2011 02:20 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

my ovrall rank is 231822 n my state rank is 9844 my catgry is gen can i get admsn in gju in pgm in any stream
15th July 2011 04:35 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

i want to ask how many seats of for leet students?
9th July 2011 07:19 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

25th June 2011 05:19 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

How many seats available in B.tec in CSE for jelet candidates this year?
16th June 2011 04:23 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

In Guru Jambheshwar University , B.Tech is available in following streams:


B. Tech. (Bio-Medical Engineering) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering) .................................120
B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) ...............120
B. Tech. (Information Technology) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) ..........................................60
B. Tech. (Printing Technology) ..............................................60
B. Tech. (Food Engineering) .................................................6 0
B. Tech. (Packaging Technology) ...........................................60

i hope u like this
16th June 2011 12:58 AM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

Computer Science-120
Food Technology-60
Printing Technology-60
Information Technology-60
Electronics & Communication-120
Bio Engineering-60
16th June 2011 12:40 AM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

In Guru Jambheshwar University , B.Tech is available in following streams:


B. Tech. (Bio-Medical Engineering) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering) .................................120
B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) ...............120
B. Tech. (Information Technology) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) ..........................................60
B. Tech. (Printing Technology) ..............................................60
B. Tech. (Food Engineering) .................................................6 0
B. Tech. (Packaging Technology) ...........................................60
15th June 2011 07:32 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

In Guru Jambheshwar University , B.Tech is available in following streams:


B. Tech. (Bio-Medical Engineering) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering) .................................120
B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) ...............120
B. Tech. (Information Technology) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) ..........................................60
B. Tech. (Printing Technology) ..............................................60
B. Tech. (Food Engineering) .................................................6 0
B. Tech. (Packaging Technology) ...........................................60
15th June 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

i will give the detail

Electronics & Comm. 60
Information Tech. 60
Comp. Sc.& Engg. 60
Bio-Medical Engg. 60
Printing Technology 60
Mechanical Engg. 60
Food Engg. 30
Packaging Technology 30

you choose any branch then you get admission in the college............
15th June 2011 06:33 PM
Sushant Roy
Re: Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

In Guru Jambheshwar University , B.Tech is available in following streams:


B. Tech. (Bio-Medical Engineering) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Computer Sc. & Engineering) .................................120
B. Tech. (Electronics & Communication Engineering) ...............120
B. Tech. (Information Technology) ........................................60
B. Tech. (Mechanical Engineering) ..........................................60
B. Tech. (Printing Technology) ..............................................60
B. Tech. (Food Engineering) .................................................60
B. Tech. (Packaging Technology) ...........................................60

Complete Prospectus of GJ University which consists of details about fees, seats important dates and instititute's profies.
11th May 2011 11:50 AM
Number of seats allocated in each trade of B.Tech(Engg) department of GJU Hisar?

how many seats have been allocated in each trade of B.Tech(engg.) deptt. of GJU HISAR>

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