Thread: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA? Reply to Thread

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9th April 2012 09:06 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

I'm in 12th class ...want to clear IIT/AIEEE.....please give suggestion so,that I can crack?
12th August 2011 07:01 PM
vipin bihari chaturvedi
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

Dear friend,
I will suggest you some tips for AIEEE,IIT and JEE...
Read carefully your text book and clear your basic and fundamental concepts...
solve some previous years questions and model papers with clock..

Feel free and study according to a somewhat (but not completely) flexible routine, because people who set strict routines generally end up not following them (automatically), and start getting confused during the October-November-December before the exam.

Moreover, you need correct books:
Physics: Resnick Halliday (Main book), HC Verma, IE Irodov (Selected sections)
Chemistry: NCERT (Main book), Arihant Organic
Maths: RS Aggarwal (Main book), SL Loni (Trigo & Conics), Hall & Knight Higher Algebra (selected sections), Arihant Calculus (Last book)

best of luck
5th June 2011 06:46 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

Sir, i have scored 134 marks in AIEEE b.arch and 2146 as overall rank with SC quota. Can i get admission in SPA,delhi or NITs ?
24th April 2011 01:50 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

sir, i have got 22,251 rank in sc quota what government colleges and private colleges with best placement i can get
22nd April 2011 02:31 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

i m an 10th CBSE passed student i have heard lots of thing about the classes in kota,rajesthan preparing students for IIT exams also the level of study their is very high , its very high then my level so should i study in my home town for 11th and12th science or should i swith to kota plz............. help me out i have very less days to think and decide what to do
13th April 2011 11:35 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

i'm a class 11 cbse student. is studying only the ncert text book enough for preparing for the aieee exams?
11th April 2011 05:40 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

I have only 20 days i hand.. need admission iin DCE.. please suggest... how???
11th April 2011 02:56 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

my marks in iit are about 130 ..can i got admission in any iit? please rply sir...
4th April 2011 07:20 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

last year's cutoff marks in eee to be eligible in dce
15th January 2011 01:50 AM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

Originally Posted by saakshi31 View Post
plz tell some ways to prepare for aieee and IIT entrances..and also what are the cut off ranks required to get admissions in DCE and SPA
Dear friend,
I will suggest you some tips for AIEEE,IIT and JEE...
Read carefully your text book and clear your basic and fundamental concepts...
solve some previous years questions and model papers with clock..
23rd December 2010 04:45 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

i will try my best..
m very obliged that you replyd..
Hope it helps me..
Thank you very much sir..
21st December 2010 01:33 PM
Re: How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

I can help you with AIEEE/IIT but I have no idea about the rest two (sorry!)

Just remember that IIT/AIEEE are not difficult, these exams are just different. Also, they do not test class 12 level knowledge. They test the application of the knowledge. Remember, hard work is second to none, and that there are 4lakh/14 lakh candidates other than you who have the same aspirations!

Studying is the art and science you need to crack these. Secondly, concentration and dedication.

Follow just 12 rules for preparation:
Stay focused
Clarify concepts
Prepare good notes
Mug formulae
Brush Basics
Practice problems
Objective analysis
Assertion reason
No selective study
Do not ignore board syllabus
Do not upset body routine
Set strict timelines

Feel free and study according to a somewhat (but not completely) flexible routine, because people who set strict routines generally end up not following them (automatically), and start getting confused during the October-November-December before the exam.

Moreover, you need correct books:
Physics: Resnick Halliday (Main book), HC Verma, IE Irodov (Selected sections)
Chemistry: NCERT (Main book), Arihant Organic
Maths: RS Aggarwal (Main book), SL Loni (Trigo & Conics), Hall & Knight Higher Algebra (selected sections), Arihant Calculus (Last book)

...and you need the correct guides. Although I am doing without this part, don't hesitate to seek support from teachers in coaching institutes. But judge the teacher first, there are people who only care for you, there are others who care only for their pockets. Choose wisely.

If you feel bored anytime, sit back on a comfortable armchair, reflect - Have I done enough? Is the rest of the syllabus going to be complete in the remaining time? Am I going at the correct pace? etc. The next time you sit down to study, you shall have improved your outlook and will study better. And do listen to light music - One inspiring song is Lakshya!

Finally, don't lose control. It is only slowly but steadily you get to achieve your goal.

Best of luck
12th December 2010 04:46 PM
How to prepare for IIT and AIEEE exam? Cutoff rank required to get admission in DCE and SPA?

plz tell some ways to prepare for aieee and IIT entrances..and also what are the cut off ranks required to get admissions in DCE and SPA

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