Thread: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam? Reply to Thread

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9th February 2013 12:02 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

hello friend,

Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam

1.BHEL Electrical engineering by G.K Publications.
2.BHEL Engineers trainee finance study guide by G.K Publications
3.General studies for BHEL ,BSNL,MTNL DRDO by G.K Publications.
4.General studies for BHEL ,BSNL,MTNL DRDO by G.K Publications.
5.Guide to civil engineering by G.K Publications
Transformers BHEL
6.Guide to BHEL Electronics and telecom engineering by G.K Publications
7.Guide to BHEL computer engineering by G.K Publications

thank you & all the best....
12th December 2012 06:48 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

Books of BHEL electrical

Guide To BHEL Electrical Engineering (Supervisor Trainees) (2011) by GK Publications Books
Objective general engineering : NTPC ,BHEL ,SAIL by G.K Publications .
Guide for general aptitude by G.K Publications
Guide to BHEL computer engineering by G.K Publications
Guide to BHEL Electronics and telecom engineering by G.K Publications
Guide to civil engineering by G.K Publications
Transformers BHEL
General studies for BHEL ,BSNL,MTNL DRDO by G.K Publications.
BHEL Engineers trainee finance study guide by G.K Publications .
BHEL Electrical engineering by G.K Publications.

11th April 2012 08:32 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

syllabus and previous year question paper to prepare for bhel eantrance exam
15th November 2011 10:46 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

hello friend,
i am suggesting you few books for the bhel entrance exam just go for it:
First go through GATE electrical engineering by R K kanodia
that will clear your basics then go for PSU Book of Made easy publication.
Here is a website where you can get previous years questions and syllabus.
21st August 2011 09:23 PM
bhim Arora
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?


One books that caters specifically to BHEL Electrical Engineering Trainee is
  • Guide to BHEL Electrical Engineering (Engineering Trainee) 2011 GK Publications 9788183555173 Rs 595

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
List the names of books that will help me to crack the record of bhel entrance exam and please give me syllabus and the previous question paper of electrical engineering of these exam. my email id is [email protected]
Hope you find it useful and informative.
20th August 2011 09:33 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
List the names of books that will help me to crack the record of bhel entrance exam and please give me syllabus and the previous question paper of electrical engineering of these exam. my email id is [email protected]
Mostly you will prepare all electronics paper in Engineering syllabus.Especially Signals &systems,Analog & digital Electronics,Microprocessors, Digital Communication,Electronics circuit 1& technical side only..
In general aptitude,verbal reasoning,comprehension questions, grammar.....etc
Prepare Well.....All the best......
18th August 2011 10:02 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

hai i need engineer traine exam syllabus for electrical and electronics eng.. and also model question papers
18th August 2011 06:43 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

plz tell me the best books for bhel exam for supervisor trainee(finance)...
18th August 2011 12:25 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

can any one plz suggest the books for ece engineer
15th August 2011 07:10 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

Can any one pls give a soft copy of sample paper and syllabus. my mail id: [email protected]
11th August 2011 03:11 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

Can any one pls give a soft copy of sample paper and syllabus. my mail id: [email protected]
10th August 2011 07:53 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

List the names of books that will help me to crack the record of bhel entrance exam and please give me syllabus and the previous question paper of electronics engineering of these exam. my email id is [email protected]
12th July 2011 07:33 PM
Re: Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

hello friend,
i am suggesting you few books for the bhel entrance exam just go for it:
First go through GATE electrical engineering by R K kanodia
that will clear your basics then go for PSU Book of Made easy publication.
Here is a website where you can get previous years questions and syllabus.
all the best
12th July 2011 03:01 PM
Books to prepare for BHEL Entrance Exam? Syllabus and Previous year question papers of the exam?

List the names of books that will help me to crack the record of bhel entrance exam and please give me syllabus and the previous question paper of electrical engineering of these exam. my email id is [email protected]

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