Thread: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate? Reply to Thread

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2nd September 2011 02:22 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

In dumet 2011 , MBBS seat has increased or not ?
26th July 2011 08:32 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

when is agriculture counciling will start?
25th July 2011 08:52 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

my sister has got 23 rank in st category in DPMT she is given 4th waiting in 2nd counselling is she having a chance of getting admission in LADY HARDING MEDICAL COLLEGE.
24th July 2011 12:29 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir,i m from delhi. iwas alloted 31 waiting in first there any hope of admission in dumet 2011? when would be second counselling?
23rd July 2011 09:11 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

M.b.B.S Second Counselling Result
12th July 2011 06:38 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir my sc rank 272 which course is avialable for me
can i have any chance of getting seat
8th July 2011 02:13 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

my girlfriend didn't get thru the dpmt counselling
she belongs to sc category
shows even reservation ppl can't get into mbbs in delhi
8th July 2011 02:10 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

my girlfriend didn't get thru the dpmt counselling
she belongs to sc category
shows even reservation ppl can't get into mbbs in delhi
4th July 2011 06:52 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

i have 357 cat rank in i have any chance for bds?
4th July 2011 04:33 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

what is the cut off rank for general category for admission through dpmt for delhi students??
1st July 2011 09:29 AM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir my cat rank is 612 in dumet 2011 is there any hope for my admission in any medican clg. in delhi
27th June 2011 11:44 AM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir, my gen rank is 347 and comb rank is 386 in DUMET-2011 ,,,,is there any hope for my admission in any one medical college of delhi
21st June 2011 11:32 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

when will Dumet2011 conselling start?
15th June 2011 02:41 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir i m from delhi and from sc category amd my category rank is 1594 ands combined rank is 8971. so is there any chance of getting any admission in mbbs?
please rply for my query as soon as possible.
thanking you!
6th June 2011 05:42 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir i m from delhi nd from general category my cat rank is 2876 nd comb rank is 4015 so is there any chances of getting admission in mbbs or bds
4th June 2011 08:06 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

Sir my category sc rank in dumet is 47 can i get MAMC ? PLZ RPLY
4th June 2011 08:04 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir my dumet category sc rank is 47 and i belongs to delhi can i get MAMC?
4th June 2011 12:21 AM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir my sc rank is 1278 m i qualify for admission.......
3rd June 2011 08:22 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir my rank is 30 in dumet 2011 in sc category. i am from outside delhi . i am a girl candidate and if there is any chance of mine in getting admission in MBBS in LHMC in new delhi.and if there is then plz inform me about the date of counselling of dumet 2011.
3rd June 2011 11:47 AM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir , my sister got 43(sc) rank in dumet 2011 ...but she is other state ...canshe get the seat in lhmc ? please reply sir?
2nd June 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

my daughter neelam chauhan(gen)has cat rank=499 and combined rank= 568.Can you please tell me if she can be selected for dpmt(mbbs).
24th September 2010 08:13 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

I got into medical school in the UK
5th September 2010 08:18 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

when is dpmt 2nd counseling?
29th August 2010 10:39 AM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir my sc rank 272 which course is avialable for me
7th August 2010 02:53 PM
Mr.Shubham from Patna
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

Sir my rank is 57 in dumet in sc . I am from out side delhi. my waiting is 10 is thee any chance of getting admission in MBBS in LHMCH New Delhi . I am a girls candidate. Please reply immediately.
Thanking you.
2nd August 2010 06:47 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir my rank is 57 in dumet in sc . i am from out side delhi. my waiting is 10....
2nd August 2010 06:42 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

when wil b 2nd counselling is going to declare..... plz reply...
2nd August 2010 06:39 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

sir my rank in dumet in sc is 43.... my waiting is 5.... is there any chances...
29th July 2010 11:06 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

Originally Posted by VIVEK CHANDRA View Post
Sir, my sister have got sc rank 81 in DUMET .She is from outside Delhi region. Is there any chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling. In first counselling she was alloted 22 waiting.What is the expected date for second counselling of DUMET .Last year what was the last rank in sc category to get admission in MBBS from outside Delhi.Please reply me soon.
Female candidates from outside Delhi belonging to SC category, ST category and CWWAPP category who have passed the qualifying examination from Indian Universities/ Boards or Foreign Universities/ Boards are eligible for admission to Lady Hardinge Medical College only against the seats reserved for these categories, subject to their fulfilling the prescribed conditions.

As she can apply for only one college and she is having 22 waiting so there are very less chances of getting admission there. But she should attend the 2nd counseling. The dates are not declared but once it will be declared you can get the information on the website.
or you can directly contact DUMET office.
thank you
29th July 2010 08:34 PM
Re: Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

yes there is probability for getting sheet for this time during 2nd counseling because many of the sheets is still remains vacant,so attend the 2nd counseling and secure your sheep we will wish for you best,and hope your ward must get a sheets.
29th July 2010 01:22 AM
Dumet counselling: chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling for outside Delhi SC category candidate?

Sir, my sister have got sc rank 81 in DUMET .She is from outside Delhi region. Is there any chance of getting admission in MBBS during second counselling. In first counselling she was alloted 22 waiting.What is the expected date for second counselling of DUMET .Last year what was the last rank in sc category to get admission in MBBS from outside Delhi.Please reply me soon.

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