Thread: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it? Reply to Thread

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13th November 2017 08:00 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

CS is a support function and not an executive function please note. Therefore in case of large profit making company CS will have some work and recognition. The salary part may not be skyhigh as people tell you. In fact at the entry levels it varies from 2lacs to 5 lacs per annum. So people may tell you that you will be equal to Board of directors etc. which is all crap. You will be just like any other junior employee and you may be treated like a personal secretary by some board members (dont feel surprised) since in a private sector you dont have that courage to confront and risk loosing your job. Already there are more than 10000 qualified CS in the market without jobs and struggling in the market.Life in corporate sector is too short and after certain age you will find it hard to get a new job or a hike. Your life will be tested at every board meeting and you will realise too late that this profession sucks. If some one is trying to sell you fancy dreams on CS dont believe him. take a practical survey and you will find your answer. is it worth a career? take a deep breath and think again. Hare Krishna
8th August 2016 08:13 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i have given cpt but cud nt clear...soo now i want to do c.s ....does it have good scope??
Yes it does. I am a CA student.Am doing my Articleship along with CS excutive programme. It does have good scope in Both Govt. And Private sectors. It is mandatory for a company to have a COMPNAY SECRETARY since CS has the expertise in Fields like General laws,Capital Marketing,Company accounting Audit and Cost accountancy as well.Hope it helped you.
11th August 2015 06:59 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Originally Posted by surya143prakashrao View Post
It is a very good course.

Every public limited company should have a qualified company secretary,

he is the link between the company and it's share holders.

You have to register yourself with the Institute of company secretary's after your graduation.

Alongside you should also do some computer programme relevant to the course you propose to do which will have a better prospects.
sir i want to know that i will be able for do llm after cs or i will have to complete my llb for llm? after complet my cs can i do llm without complete llb?
12th May 2015 01:37 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Hi Im confused and wanna know if CS is better than CA. Plus, is there a nice income package for a CS? Any scope for CS in out of India. Please help. Should i go fir CA or CS?
14th February 2015 09:25 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I have completed in the year 2001 & working since 10 years in the field of Accounts & administration. Now i have planned to do CS will it be help ful now Iam 39 year of age & also working
13th August 2014 11:43 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I completed My bbm degree and now thinking to do cs. Can i start to do ? I need guidance thaxs
27th July 2014 11:26 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Is dere any scope of cs after 2?? N can we do cs simultaneously vid bcom???
Reply fst siri need a proper guidance!!
19th May 2014 03:56 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

nw i m in 12 n i wnt to do cs aftr cmpleting 12 bt some peole have advice me to not to do cs s cs has no value .... realy cs do not have any value ??????
17th May 2014 11:27 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

hello sir i have passed 12 (science) now and i want to SC.So which course will be helpfull for me to do CS
20th January 2014 08:08 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Most of say company secratory is useless as compare to ca is it true ..,
6th September 2013 07:31 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Is CS course good or MBA.
15th July 2013 05:16 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

hello sir....
I am in cs final and nw i want to do ca along with cs.
should i do or nt? bcz i am nt cnfdnt on cs course..having fear that if i wl get good job or not.
plzz suggest me what should i do..
Thank you
18th May 2013 02:07 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

It is a very good course.

Every public limited company should have a qualified company secretary,

he is the link between the company and it's share holders.

You have to register yourself with the Institute of company secretary's after your graduation.

Alongside you should also do some computer programme relevant to the course you propose to do which will have a better prospects.
15th May 2013 02:05 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I hav completed my bcom and now doing cs executive.But recently when i went through some job opening advertisements i saw an llb degree is also asked for along with CS in most of them for the prospective candidates.Is'nt CS alone worth a course to spend 4 years of study?
9th April 2013 10:08 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

hi frd,,,,

COMPANY SECRETARY COURSE is very good course and there is lot of scope for jobs and for advancement in this field.

every year thousands of new companies register them self.
As INDIA is growing so as the companies of INDIA's is growing very fast.
every big company need some professional one to look after their companies affair and advise them on that matters.

COMPANY SECRETARY possess all the knowledge on legal ,finance and on management matter which a company need.

SO at present and also in future the company secretary future is very bright.

you can go to even United Kingdem through this course as company secretary institution has some collaboration with UK.student just need to clear 2 or 3 paper.After clear those papers he/she can work in UK on the basis of this course.

company secretary course is well suited or you can say very much ideal if done with law.

Eligibility requirements CS

Senior Secondary Examination (10 + 2)
or equivalent recognized examination passed students
are eligible to take admission in the course.


The Institute of Company Secretaries of India,
ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area,
Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003.
Phone-(011) 51504444, 24617321-24, 24644431-32

Website -
best of luck..........
8th April 2013 06:39 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I WANT TO DO CS(COMPANY Secretary) want to ask should i do it? with graduation or without graduation?...
>>>>>MSG ME AT [email protected]
2nd March 2013 12:45 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I m gng to do what's ur opinion about the course???pls msg me on [email protected] or 8898893905
20th February 2013 06:26 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Hello Concern,
I have done PGDM Course(HR& Maeketing) in the year 2012.How can this CS Course would be helpful for me.As i want to do this course with my job and i am searching for could u please tell me about duration,levels and fee structure and Institutes of this courese.
1st January 2013 10:42 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Sir i am currently doing cs executive.their is scope in cs in future or not?
5th September 2012 04:40 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I have completed B.A. in economicswith 64% . Now i want to do CS . I am in confused what will better for me cs or bank po. And easy for me.
8th August 2012 06:00 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I am working in a insurance industry as claims officer previously i joined in the course of acs in 2004 and completed one group but due to some personal problem i could not able to continue & concentrate in studys. I i continue my acs definately minimum it will take some time to complete the another group of executive programe & final after traing of 15 months.So, i want to know whether i can get good job in the age of 35 after completion of this cousrse in the addition of my work experience.

Please any one answer me on my mail id [email protected].

25th July 2012 10:19 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Currenlty iam working as IT there any scope after completing CS?
6th July 2012 08:07 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Hello everyone, i'm jst cleared my 12th and i want to know that can i clear my c.s foundation easily........
30th May 2012 06:04 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

i hav completed my 10 2
should i do llb first or llb ?
and from where i can get good coaching classes for cs
16th May 2012 05:24 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

i m now in executive programme of cs!!! i hav my exams in december. what course shoud i pursue now.. llb or ma in english and linguistics??? shweta frtom ranchi!
26th April 2012 10:20 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Hi All ,

very nice to see u r query's here , about company secretary course!!! ok we will talk about company secretary course ,
1) jobs prospectus is really superb lot of scope is there for company secretary .
2) dont worry about communicational skills go for any spoken english classes you can do it.
3) ofcourse company needs one comapnay secretary if its small ... if its MNC they required more and there is no only one comapny in india to fulfill the job there are lot growing like mushrooms so dont worry persue it with confidence ...

good luck to all
26th April 2012 08:10 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
hi everybody at present i am working in tcs bpo now i want to do company secretary course what can i do anybody give suggestions for me
Reply for u: Even m working in TCS bpo in VIKHROLI and i hav completed my CS EXE, now doing ma Final level. Incase if u want any more information u can reply me with ur name and department u r working with location. I ll be happy to help u.
22nd April 2012 10:02 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

it is really true that the year 2013~2015 a many of c.s. want? if want so tell me how much want ?
16th April 2012 10:04 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Hi All ,

very nice to see u r query's here , about company secretary course!!! ok we will talk about company secretary course ,
1) jobs prospectus is really superb lot of scope is there for company secretary .
2) dont worry about communicational skills go for any spoken english classes you can do it.
3) ofcourse company needs one comapnay secretary if its small ... if its MNC they required more and there is no only one comapny in india to fulfill the job there are lot growing like mushrooms so dont worry persue it with confidence ...

good luck to all

company secretary in practice
14th April 2012 06:03 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

good evening sir
if my english is week then i cant to do the companey secretory course please tell me.
my email is [email protected]
30th March 2012 11:26 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

nw iam dng cs .wht can be the best course after this which can give me assured job ?
14th February 2012 05:21 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I heard that CS has nt Good scope,is that true. Further i heard, company needs only 1 CS. Plz advice
4th February 2012 12:04 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

28th January 2012 01:27 PM
Oracle 9
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

COMPANY SECRETARY COURSE is very good course and there is lot of scope for jobs and for advancement in this field.

every year thousands of new companies register them self.
As INDIA is growing so as the companies of INDIA's is growing very fast.
every big company need some professional one to look after their companies affair and advise them on that matters.

COMPANY SECRETARY possess all the knowledge on legal ,finance and on management matter which a company need.

SO at present and also in future the company secretary future is very bright.

you can go to even United Kingdem through this course as company secretary institution has some collaboration with UK.student just need to clear 2 or 3 paper.After clear those papers he/she can work in UK on the basis of this course.

company secretary course is well suited or you can say very much ideal if done with law.

Eligibility requirements CS

Senior Secondary Examination (10 + 2)
or equivalent recognized examination passed students
are eligible to take admission in the course.

There are no restrictions on the age of the candidate
or marks obtained by student in Senior Secondary Examination.


The Institute of Company Secretaries of India,
ICSI House, 22, Institutional Area,
Lodi Road, New Delhi 110003.
Phone-(011) 51504444, 24617321-24, 24644431-32

Website -
27th January 2012 11:18 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

is job profile of cs with mba is well sufficient for me for my career?
24th January 2012 01:49 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?


There is a tremendous scope for CS course.
CS has very good scope in both govt sector as well as private sector:

Job prospects for Company secretary course:

Private companies
Consultancy firms
Financial Institution
Banking sectors

For most of the companies you can go for

Managing director
Board of Director
You can work in tax department also

Don't worry CS has the very good scope.

All d best....
19th January 2012 09:41 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

i have given cpt but cud nt clear...soo now i want to do c.s ....does it have good scope??
17th January 2012 07:01 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

what are the chances of job in govt sector after completing cs
15th January 2012 01:18 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I am doing banking and insurance in 2nd year.But I am thinking about doing company secretary and LLB after graduation.I have got 78.83% in HSC.Can I do it together and is there scope or employment opportunity?
15th January 2012 01:10 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

i am doing banking and insurance and now in 2nd year.But I am thinking about doing Company secretary and LLB after graduation.I have got 78.83% in HSC.Can do it and is there much scope for employment?
21st December 2011 01:14 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I want to ask,how CS is beneficial for those have done Have it any Govt job opportunity? if yes in which departments?
29th November 2011 11:53 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

both are equally good better go for c.s its time taking but fruitful,
rest depends upon yours confidence wheather you want to do banking or not..o gat in a bank is easy but the salary is less in bank depnds on you
so make up your mind which one you want to go for
good luck
28th October 2011 03:47 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

hello everyone im doing last year is there c.s.good for boys,can i do a bank po job or c.s. which one good for me please tell me.
11th October 2011 08:34 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

hi everybody at present i am working in tcs bpo now i want to do company secretary course what can i do anybody give suggestions for me
7th September 2011 01:40 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

after cs i want to know that where i get the good jobs and also salary
6th September 2011 12:19 AM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

Sir , I want to do CA or Cs Executive Program, I want to know Which Course is tough and why? I know both are not easy but how much time I have to Spend on Study to pass these courses.please reply... [email protected].... because i am currently doing job.............
Any person who is doing CS or CA Your's most welcome as my friend............. kush joshi, 098160-56564
28th August 2011 04:55 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

mera puchna hai ki hindi medium keeeee liyee esme kitttna scope hai kya llb as advocate ka labh ees field me milega
i rambhati from rajgarh mp
20th August 2011 03:45 PM
Re: Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

i have complete the cs course.i want to the job.
12th July 2011 01:56 PM
Is company secretary a good course? Is there scope in it?

I have clear my syjc now i am thinking to go for company secertary course is that a good course which will help me in future is there scope for company secretary in future i am working as well as studing so can i do company secertyary course will it be possilble

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