Thread: Last years campus placement papers of TCS? Reply to Thread

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1st April 2012 06:28 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

I uploaded some previous year placement papers of TCS.
download and prepare weel.
All the Best

14th September 2011 02:47 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Originally Posted by krishan627 View Post
will u provide me last year campus placement paper of tcs
Last years campus placement papers of TCS
7th September 2011 11:31 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

which type of current affairs is needed for the camus
11th August 2011 05:13 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

here you can get the last year placement paper of TCS.
11th August 2011 03:51 AM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

hi friend
TCS is following new pattern from last year called touchstone. it is a online test which contains 35 questions everything will be logical questions. thinking is a must for touchstone. it also have negative marks for wrong answer.
PFA below for last year campus placements paper of TCS:
gud luck
17th April 2011 12:30 AM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Originally Posted by krishan627 View Post
will u provide me last year campus placement paper of tcs


Attached some of the previous year TCS placement papers in this post.. kindly check it over.. hope it helps for your preparation...


-> There are 35 questions asked in the exam for 80 minutes.

-> Go through the previous year papers and find out the question pattern and prepare for the questions accordingly.

-> Attached the 451 question bank of TCS in this post... check it over.. prepare all the questions from that...

-> Attend the mock test which is there in TCS openseesame portal, most of the questions in the final exam will be from that..

-> To attend online mock test for TCS CLICK HERE!!!

-> To prepare aptitude and reasoning online CLICK HERE!!!
16th April 2011 02:18 PM
Mayank Shekhar
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

For this you can visit the following link-



15th April 2011 10:12 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Originally Posted by krishan627 View Post
will u provide me last year campus placement paper of tcs
TCS exam is conducted in two levels.

1.written test

The written test is basically based on the
Aptitude test
English ability test
Verbal ability

Those qualify the written examination are only called
for the interview.

I have attached some previous year sample papers of TCS. You can download
it from below:
15th April 2011 10:48 AM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Some of the last years TCS placement papers are attached below..........

Go through them or download them..........
15th April 2011 12:35 AM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Hey ,
I am giving the links where you can find each and every placement paper of Tcs, that are available on internet plus you can also see the placement papers of other firms.

Read more here: WQHOsSP
14th April 2011 08:41 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

hello friend

some Last years campus placement papers of TCS is attached.
you can get more TCS Question paper Format and Sample Question Papers With Solutions in the given below site

all the best......
14th April 2011 07:41 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Hello friend,
As you know every company has different recruitment procedure. So TCS is one of the largest company in worldwide. It recruit candidates from all over india as well as abroad. Three phases are there for campus selection of TCS that is., Aptitude test, GD and HR interview.
I have attached three sample paper and question pattern so kindly go through the attachments.
14th April 2011 06:06 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

thanx a lot to all
14th April 2011 04:24 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Don't worry i am not giving links to the Question papers !!

i am attaching some of TCS placements papers, it will really help you and

with best wishes for your future placements.

More TCS Papers can be Downloaded From Placement Papers !!

14th April 2011 03:01 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Hey buddy,
I am providing the links where you can find each and every placement paper of Tcs, that are available on internet plus you can also see the placement papers of other firms.
14th April 2011 12:09 PM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

i have attached some pappers for TCS these papers are very useful to prepare for TCS

14th April 2011 11:21 AM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Check this attachment file for TCS placement papers:
14th April 2011 10:45 AM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

here i am attaching this year and last year aptitude paper for TCS placement. one thing to be noted that previously in TCS aptitude paper there was verbal section including antonym, synonym etc. but from this year there are no verbal question in TCS aptitude test.

in TCS placement aptitude test previous years papers are very much helpful. almost all questions come from previous year. so collect so many papers of TCS and practice them.

best of luck.
14th April 2011 10:02 AM
swati biswas
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

Originally Posted by krishan627 View Post
will u provide me last year campus placement paper of tcs
here i have sent some of the question for TCS and software company, it will be help full


part A - Vocabulary(synonyms) 40 Questions
1. To merry = Enjoy
2.To Alienate = abandon
3.To Solicit = Humble
4.To Heep =to gather
5.Cargo = load,luggage
6.Momentary = for small time
7.Volume = quantity
8.To Veer =
9.To Admonish=
10. To Meager = small,little
11. To lattitude,
12. Latent =
13. To Covet = To desire
14. To Discretion =
15. Potential = ability
16. To Emancipate,
17. To Wethargy,
18. To Concur = similiar
19. To Confiscate = To take charge, to annex
20. To Dispel =
21. Baffle = puzzle
22. Subsidise =
23. Misery =
24. Pretentrous =
25. Tranquil = calm, silent
33.Belate =after time
34.Brim = edge
38. Embrace =
39.Adhesive =
40. Miserable =

Critical Reasoning

1. My Father is only child to his Father. My father has three
sisters. All are married and have two children each.
(state True or False Or Can't be determined )
1.1 My Grand father has two sons (false)
1.2 I am having six cousins (true)
1.3 I have three uncle (true)

Part B (15 Questions )

1. Two Pencils 8 cents 5 Pencils cost ( Ans 20 cents)

2.A work is done by two people in 24 minutes. One of them alone can
do it in 40 minutes. How much time will the other person wiil take to
complete it ( 60 minutes)

3. A car is filled with 4.5 gallons of fuel for a round trip . Car
is taken 1/4 more than in going than coming up. What is the fuel
consumed in coming up ? (2.0 gallons)

4. Low temperature at the night in a city is more than 1/2 high as
higher temperature are 100. Then What is low temperature (Ans 40)

5. Person who dicided to go to weekend trip should not exceed 8 hrs
driving in a day. Average speed of forward journey is 40 miles/hour .
Due to traffic in sundays ,in return journey average speed is 30mph .
How far he can select a picnic spot ? (ans 240 miles)


6. A sales person multiplied by a number and get the answer 3. Instead
of that number divided by 3. What is the answer she actually has to

(1/3) * 1 *3 =3 so the no= 1 divided by three. The answer =1/3

7. A ship started from port and moving with 'I' miles/hour and other
ship started From L and moving with 'H' miles/hour . At the place
where these two ships will meet. (ans L*I*H)/(H+I)

8. A building with height D shadows up to G. A Neighbour building
with what height shadows C feet. (ans CD/G)

9. A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another
person was also fined for exceeding the speed limit by twice the
same. If the second person was travelling at speed of 35mph . Find
the speed limit (ans. 15mph)

10. A bus started from the bus stand at 8 Am and after staying 30
minutes at a destination return back to the bus stand. The
Destination is 27 miles from the bus stand . The Speed of the bus is
18mph . In the return journey the bus travells with 50% fast speed.
At what time it is return to the bus stand (1 p.m)


11. In a mixture R is two parts, S is one part . In order to mixture
how much R is to be added. Ans S is 25% of R


Best of luck
14th April 2011 09:28 AM
Re: Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

I have attached some of the question paper's of TCS hence please go through it.The sections are the verbal section, the quantitative aptitude section and the critical reasoning section.Hence,please concentrate on these questions so that you can score well in the examination.

You can even visit the following link to download more TCS related placement papers
22nd January 2010 01:13 PM
Last years campus placement papers of TCS?

will u provide me last year campus placement paper of tcs

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