Thread: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission? Reply to Thread

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22nd June 2012 06:54 PM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

Sir I have scored 97 marks in AIEEE .I am OBC candidate my AIR General rank is 113472 my state general rank is 16459 in which private collage will I get admission?Please reply as soon as possible
2nd June 2012 02:36 AM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

i belong to general and my expected ma?rks in aieee is 106 what colledes can i get
29th April 2012 08:37 PM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

i have got 109 marks in aieee 2012 ?
can i get admissions in any nit college
i m in sc category
27th October 2011 09:01 AM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

Originally Posted by bethisowjanya View Post
sir ,this is sowjanya from hyderabad.i belong to oc catogery.iam expecting 95-105 marks in aieee .iam most worried about this.will get rank,if so in which institutions should i expect to get the seat.are they good colleges?sir plzplz give me reply as soon as possible
hii i can help you...your rank will be around is difficult for you to get in good can see the following official site for cutoffs of previous years......
13th September 2011 03:35 PM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

Dear friend,
This is quite tough to say.
It depends on various parameter.
It's quite difficult to judge.
It depends on the cut off marks of the respective year.
If the cut off marks goes high then you will get some less category colleges.
If it goes low you will get better colleges.
All the very best for your future.
Thank you.
13th September 2011 03:21 PM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

hi dear
if you will get rank in between 95 - 105 then it is good but in top 5 cllege you can take admission but you can get good stream like .
civil, mech., electrical etc.
here is the top college where you might can take admission ...

good luck.........
13th September 2011 03:01 PM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

dear sowjanya
here the marks will not decide the colleges in which you can take admission it is only depends on the rank you secured and also how much student are appearing for the counseling

but your marks are not bad surely you will get admission in good colleges like

Here is the list of the top AIEEE Colleges participating in AIEEE

NIT Warangal
NIT Trichy
Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology-Nagpur
Indian Institute of information Technology, Allahabad
NIT Suratkal, Mangalore
Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology, Allahabad
International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
NIT Rourkela
NIT Kurukshetra
Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management, Gwalior
Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi
National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur
National Institute of Technology Durgapur
National Institute of Technology Calicut
Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology Bhopal
National Institute of Technology Raipur
Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat
National Institute of Technology-Hamirpur

from them you can get any of them on the basis of the quota you have
ok all the best
13th September 2011 02:05 PM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

If the questions were tough enough, then I'm sure you will get admission in any of NIT with these marks in probably second counselling. Keep eye on AIEEE online councelling to check status on colleges. Although with 95-100 you will somewhat get admission in any of the AIEEE conduction institution.

Kind Regards
13th September 2011 01:24 PM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

Originally Posted by bethisowjanya View Post
sir ,this is sowjanya from hyderabad.i belong to oc catogery.iam expecting 95-105 marks in aieee .iam most worried about this.will get rank,if so in which institutions should i expect to get the seat.are they good colleges?sir plzplz give me reply as soon as possible
After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

I know i am very little to reply but i am replying so that student can take help from this post in future.

This question is a bit difficult to answer as the cut-off marks of the AIEEE changes every year and it depends upon nature of question asked .Here by nature i mean to say about the standard of question asked in exam. If the standard of question is high ,then the cut-off marks will be reduced than previous and if standard goes low ,then cut-off may rise and the colleges provided in councelling will depend upon your rank .

If you have got 95-105 marks in general category then it is difficult to get good colleges like NITs in first councelling .However you can get NITs as per your luck in other councellings but you will not be able to get branches like -Mechanical, Electrical or civil .

Please note that it is my personal views and reality may differs so you should take part in online councelling conducted by AIEEE to see which college you can get.

The colleges according to marks for year 2011 is given below:

With Regards
13th September 2011 03:42 AM
vishal jaybhaye
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

dear friend ,

after scoring the rank marks about 100 in the aieee exam you will get the rank of about 65k.
as you belongs to the oc that is obc category , you have very less chance of getting seat in the nit's.

according to the last year cutoffs of the different branches in the nit's the candidate belongs to the obc category having rank of about the 65k will get seat in nit's in the 7th round of seat allotment for the branches like mining or chemical provided that the nit in which candidate getting admission is candidate's home state.

and waiting upto the 7th round of seat allotment is quite strange.
because other admission processes of the different colleges are going on on that particular time.

you can get the seat in the good state based private engineering colleges .

to know more about the aieee counselling kindly visit the website

thanks and best luck
13th September 2011 02:33 AM
Re: After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

You will find great collages if you have any type of quota ... Without quota it is quit difficult for u ..
13th May 2010 10:39 AM
After scoring 95-105 marks in AIEEE in which institutes can I get admission?

sir ,this is sowjanya from hyderabad.i belong to oc catogery.iam expecting 95-105 marks in aieee .iam most worried about this.will get rank,if so in which institutions should i expect to get the seat.are they good colleges?sir plzplz give me reply as soon as possible

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