25th August 2014 09:54 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Hi, Gud Eve Sir, I completed my B.Tech (C.S.E) with an aggregate of 55.58% in the year 2009.From 2009 to 2014 I did not apply for any job. but now I realise that I should learn some software cources. so I joined in orbit training institute.i successfully completed my testing tools,dotnet,vb.Net.now Iam doing a project on internet shopping . do I have any beneficiary ,if I do this project. pls tell me sir still is there any thing to learn better course than this .my mail id is mlgth462@gmail.com pls give me feedback sir.thanking you sir yours faithfully (student). |
6th April 2014 09:42 PM | ||
nareshsunrise |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Software is in good boom in India. There will be good job opportunities for the candidates who have completed B.Tech in Computer Science in various IT companies like TCS INFOSYS WIPRO ORACLE MICROSOFT etc. The selection procedure to get jobs in these companies will be Written Exam Group Discussion Technical Interview HR Interview As per the thing that are required to get a job will be -You should be strong enough in subject knowledge of your academics. -You should have enough communication skills. -Should have strong knowledge on 1 front end technology, 1 backend technology and 1 operating system. Out of the courses that you mentioned, you can choose the one which you are interested. At fresher level, they won't expect much from you. They will test your basic knowledge and communication skills. After giving the job opportunity, they will offer the training as per the job profile. My suggestion would be strong enough in Java and Oracle which are the standard and popular courses. Wish you all the best. |
22nd January 2014 07:03 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi ,im doing my b.tech 3rd year in computer science.. can i prefer diploma in animation now? |
15th July 2013 07:50 PM | ||
luckyss |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? dear friend..... software skill course to do after btech computer science --------------------------------- 1.dbms 2.java 3.unix 4.linux 5.c,c++ 6.networking 7.oracle 8.j2ee 9.j2me 10.photoshop 11..net 12.c sharp |
5th May 2013 09:12 AM | ||
lipusahoo141 |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? dear friend,,,, software skill course to do after btech computer science -------------------------------------------------- 1.java version 2.oracle 3.unix 4.linux 5.dbms 6.j2me 7.adv. java 8.networking 9.photoshop 10.c 11.c++ 12.core java 13.c sharp 14.java 2 jee 15..net 16.php 17.networking 18.java version 19.dbms 20.unix |
2nd May 2013 02:04 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i am going to complete my b.tech in 2014 i want to know the position of software ,now i am b.tech 3rd year am going to 4th yr in two months what courses should i take in this year so that soon after my b.tech i'll get placed in the top mnc companies plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell meeeeeeeeeee |
27th March 2013 09:54 PM | ||
bhawnarattan |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Quote:
*database *Java *.net etc. |
14th March 2013 05:32 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? which course is better for salary.Give combinations like (.net,Oracle) or(java,Oracle) or with SQL backend,ORACLE backend. |
16th October 2012 09:32 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? I am 31 years. I completed B.tech CS. Can i get job in private for fresher. |
31st August 2012 02:32 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i am 2011 passedout,b.tech(cs). wich course is best for me? |
25th August 2012 12:17 AM | ||
sumitjha14u |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hello dear, if u r ready for any job interview or any entrance exam. then go the Short term courses after b.tech like- advance java, J2ME, JAVA, NETWORKING, Oracle, DBMS,aneroid,php,.net by doing this u will get job or u visit www.freshersworld.com to see the demand of JAVA programmer as a job website. good luck |
24th August 2012 03:02 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? which is best ANDROID or DOT NET and from which instiute in pune???????? |
4th July 2012 07:32 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i am b.tech 2012 passout..i am not placed in any organisation..i want to some courses like sap abap or dot net.. which one is better for good job..plz suggest me |
24th June 2012 05:53 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hiiii...... i am a b.tech(cs) graduate 2012.i want to know the most acceptable advanced courses for better jobs in conmpanies.........suggest me quick..... |
2nd June 2012 03:11 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i complted btech ece which course i want you join? |
25th May 2012 07:57 PM | ||
Sneha1247 |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Hi!! After B Tech with IT you can get a job as system engineer or IT Engineer/Officer both in public and private sector but if you want to do any database related course than must go for oracle certification.So start your preparation for that.Because you have to clear atleast 2 papers so that you can jumpstart your career.You have to join any reputed institute for the preparation which is registered for issuing vouchers whatever you have to purchase after your course completion for giving exam. After cleared those papers you will be eligible to be hired as database administrator. Best of Luck |
24th May 2012 10:19 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi. . i completed my b.tech(IT) i don't have interest in coding field. . and i want to do database related courses. . please anyone guide me. . and also tell me the careers in that field. . |
13th March 2012 08:44 PM | ||
jagan542 |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hello, i am completed my b.tech in computer science but i dont have any programming skills and i dont have interested on further studies and business. so can anyone please suggest me what should i do? |
26th February 2012 04:53 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i am himanshu garg.i have completed b.teh. i m very confused. i'm really very scared cuz my aggregate is below 70%., i dont know whether i'll get a job or no. So thru which course i can get a good job. Pls suggest me. With Regards-software devloper |
2nd February 2012 11:35 PM | ||
sahilarora21 |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Hi.. I wanna ask as u mentioned that the Dot net is good career option, but dot.net from the NIIT is really important than from any other institution?? |
2nd February 2012 11:23 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? I wanna know about the photoshop. Is there a good career in it? |
30th January 2012 02:26 AM | ||
vinay21feb |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? short term computer courses are: Cloud computing Programming Languages Database .NET Java Operating Systems Office Tools Computer Fundamentals |
25th January 2012 12:42 PM | ||
sheshadev senapati |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hello friend you can do Short term courses after Btech computer science is some given below 1.J2EE. 2.J2ME. 3.JAVA. 4.NETWORKING. 5.Oracle. 6.dbms. etc. all the best.............. thank you |
20th January 2012 03:39 PM | ||
tl.com |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi dear Don't get confused, instead you better get yourself ready for any job interview or any entrance exam. There are so many courses after BE. Either you can go for higher studies or job. Honestly, your aggregate is ok, many MNC company ask for 60% aggregate and you have it . so you are eligible for attending interview. If you want to higher studies, then take GATE exam for ME or MTech or CAT or MAT for MBA. Otherwise, make a powerful resume and submit to various company. Also, Take an exam called PH test conducted by group of companies. Through the PH test, you can get placed in very good and high profile companies. So don't keep trying as "Where there is will, there is a way" All the best my friend. thanks |
19th January 2012 09:10 PM | ||
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Quote:
For computer science candidates following courses are important such as: 1)dbms 2)C 3)C++ 4)JAVA 5).NET 6)Oracle....etc Among above C is basic language ahich is more helpful in technical point of view too. Best wishes....... |
17th January 2012 11:56 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Hi, I am working as a System admin for the past 3 years. Working in 24/7. I want to change my profile by learning any good course. Could you please suggest me a good course and suggestions for my job profile change. Thanks. |
15th November 2011 04:17 PM | ||
kartik41 |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Friends,I think best one is .NET from NIIT. it will be best choice for you if you take admission in any software courses.NIIT is the best institution providing computer education in india. so it will be very usefull to get job after doing .NET from NIIT.the next choice should be IBM mainframe if you specially want to join in IBM. IBM is one of the best IT industry. so to join IBM it will be also very help full. other courses also very help full. you may also try for it if you are unable to do above. |
10th November 2011 06:48 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i have completed my btech with aggregate 65% ,im in job hunt,please suggest what are the requirements |
17th October 2011 01:22 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hiiiiiiiiiiii...iam b.tech fresher with 60% in i.t and i preferred for database and i completed oracle course as a fresher is oracle enough for me or any informatica or datawarehousing is required? please guide me..thanku......... |
8th October 2011 04:10 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hiii sir i have completed btech in cs in 2011 with aggrgate 72%,i did my summer training in asp.net and now i am searching a job bt i hv'nt got in big company now and faced many intrview in small company in jaipur of asp.net and get a job bt stipend is less,den i think learning shuld be done first or not ? or i have to do higher study which is best mba or mtech.or prepare for gvt.jobs |
20th September 2011 09:36 PM | ||
meeepriya |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? dear friend you can do Short term courses after btech is some given below most importants r 1. GOOGLE ANDROID 2.PHP 3.IPHONE 3.ADVANCE JAVA 4. DOT NET as u wish |
20th September 2011 05:40 PM | ||
surajitmaity |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? well there are many courses which is very helpful for a B.tech passout CSE student. As you are a CSE student you should know the basics of programming ,object-oriented technique,knowledge about data structures and algorithm for any programs.These things are the base to learn any language in today's world. Everyday technology is changing and new languages and versions are coming. so one has to cope up with the changing technology to be the best. But for now to avail jobs one has to know many skills but you should be strong in any one particular language.And you should be passionate to learn new everyday. You can get Sun Certified in java certify in Asp.net and C# and PHP .These are the most important platforms which most of the companies work. Some more skills you need to know the databases like oracle,concept of Rdbms,MY sql,Sybase,DB2 etc. But you should be strong in any of the platforms.And put one thing in your mind that the basics and programming concept are same for any laguages. hope i have given you some kind of valid know how .choose right kind of skills which you are fond of . Regards Surajit |
20th September 2011 05:03 PM | ||
Snehamay ganguly |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? dear friend, As you are doing your B.tech course in computer science field..Then you can go for short term courses like- 1.JAVA 2.J2EE 3.ASP.NET 4.Networking These are the important courses for getting a job in software company.. So, go for these courses.. All the best. |
20th September 2011 05:02 PM | ||
Sumit Ahujaa |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? The first level expectations in many of the top multi national companies is to have a strong application knowledge in C,advanced C,data strustures,C++. If you are strong in the above areas you can move to JAVA.JAVA itself has two types of courses J2EE (application programming),J2ME(mobile application development),then the next level is .NET(mainly C#) and MAIN FRAME. The company cannot put you in to the JAVA domain if you have done a value added course in JAVA but the chances to get in to JAVA are more. All the best |
20th September 2011 04:54 PM | ||
Sumit Ahujaa |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? you can do Short term courses after Btech computer science is some given below 1.J2EE. 2.J2ME. 3.JAVA. 4.NETWORKING. 5.Oracle. 6.dbms. etc. all the best.............. |
20th September 2011 09:17 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i have complete my b.tech in computer science but i have no job i am plan to do a training from jet king is it a wright. |
2nd September 2011 06:50 PM | ||
manoj rajpurohit |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? There are many famous courses after the b.tech. This is all depend on you that in which field do you have interest in pursuing your b.tech. There are many courses:- advance java, J2ME, JAVA, NETWORKING, Oracle, DBMS, J2EE etc. you can choose any kind of these cources and if you work hard then you will get very nice job. All the best. |
1st September 2011 12:48 AM | ||
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Dear friend, There are lots of courses available after B.Tech for CS students.Like .NET,Web technology,Advance Java,HTML etc. I am suggesting you another course that is very much valuable after B.Tech(CSE) that is SCJP.This course based on core java and is very efficient to get ajob with it. All the best. |
31st August 2011 12:22 AM | ||
saugata2008 |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? If you want to make your grip strong the you can go for - c++, JAVA,J2E . There are so many opportunities in PHP, .net . If you want to be a network administrator then you can go for - CCNA,CCNP,CCIE . thank you |
30th August 2011 01:12 PM | ||
Mannu2525 |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Dear, If you want to find a place for yourself at some software companies then you should have knowledge of computer languages. Most common languages that is known by everyone (Professionals) is C and C++. I advice you to for for C# or VB.net or JAVA because these languages are in demand right now. After completing C# and VB.net you can be placed in companies like infosys, wipro, syntel, L&T and CSC as a ASP.NET Developer. GOOD LUCK |
28th August 2011 08:26 PM | ||
sathyainfanta |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi, The first level expectations in many of the top multi national companies is to have a strong application knowledge in C,advanced C,data strustures,C++. If you are strong in the above areas you can move to JAVA.JAVA itself has two types of courses J2EE (application programming),J2ME(mobile application development),then the next level is .NET(mainly C#) and MAIN FRAME. The company cannot put you in to the JAVA domain if you have done a value added course in JAVA but the chances to get in to JAVA are more. All the best |
28th August 2011 08:25 PM | ||
sathyainfanta |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi, The first level expectations in an many of the top multi national companies is to have a strong application knowledge in C,advanced C,data strustures,C++. If you are strong in the above areas you can move to JAVA.JAVA itself has two types of courses J2EE (application programming),J2ME(mobile application development),then the next level is .NET(mainly C#) and MAIN FRAME. The company cannot put you in to the JAVA domain if you have done a value added course in JAVA but the chances to get in to JAVA are more. All the best |
28th August 2011 04:14 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i completed B.tech(CSE) in 2009 but backlogs cleared this year. what to learn in order to get job. which software course is in demand and recruit non-freshers. i have % less than 55. suggest the best institute and also the fee structure, duration if possible. |
18th August 2011 11:10 PM | ||
amaan khan ak |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? Quote:
there are many scope for programming for programming. u can also learn about networking,database managment,software devoloper.these are also very good options for a bright future. |
16th August 2011 10:49 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi... i'm studing in b tech 3rd year it department i'm good at and intrested in program coding i have learnt c,c ,java nw at present i want to learn short term courses in this computer science department plzzzzzz can suggest me any courses or should i make myself perfect in the above languages only..... i'm confused to choose............... plzzzzzzzzzzz guide me |
17th July 2011 08:47 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? i've completed my 10 and wand to do computer software. kindly suggest me the right cource in computer software feild |
20th June 2011 12:29 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hello , actually i m from btech 3rd year, IT stream could you suggest which summer trainings to opt for........its really very urgent |
16th June 2011 12:15 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? I am in final year(CSE,B-tech)..I have a aggregate above 70%...I'm really tensed about my future regarding placement and job..my plan is to do MBA if i didnt get placed in a good firm else continue with my job....Is my decision right?Which are the good software companies that i can try 4 job?...*I'm weak in programming* Plzzzzzzzzz help me out |
8th June 2011 01:58 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi i am a btech(cse) fresh graduate and seeking good job. i need to do some course related to it job which one is better for me java or dotnet. |
3rd June 2011 07:19 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Which software skill course to do after btech computer science? hi! i am a Btech(IT)fresh graduate and seeking good job. I need to do some courses related to IT. which one is better for me?? im having aggregate 69% but still not placed. These days i'm really confused. So many suggested me to learn Testing,SAP,Oracle. is they good?? which one is good and will be benefial for me? which course is good for my profile and having great scope now? |
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