Thread: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam? Reply to Thread

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18th August 2014 01:42 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

hey! i am confused how to prepare for aipmt 2015. though i m taking coaching also but still i cannot see my physics improving. so what should i do?
1st May 2014 09:51 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

yo man
the main thing is revision reallly
call me for assistance 9991807878
9th April 2014 09:49 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

I have 25 days for AIPMT can i able to prepare from today and succeed in this?
2nd February 2014 11:20 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Plz mujhe koi tips dijye ki m aipmt m selection la saku plzzzzz sir manisha
23rd November 2013 01:00 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

its my board n aipmt too in 2014.....give some suggestion to clear both wid a high percentile so i can get best college to get admission in mbbs course?????i need it urgentlyy......hope u vl give d same way thnkx
30th July 2013 03:30 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Hey .. I scored 450/720 in neet exam dis year by dropping a year and studying from aakash but dint get admsn newhr but I just wana do mbbs n nothin else so decided to drop agn .. Can u plz tel frm whr wud it b worth 2 take coaching . Dis wud b my last chance ! :(
If u can help me on dis
Reply me on
[email protected]
16th June 2013 11:26 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

hello sir ma'am i m a student of class 12th right now
i wanna crack the aipmt exam
next year m going alllen career institute at kota
for the preparation
tell me some tips and tricks to crack it in a year
2nd October 2012 12:39 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

can a average student crack aipmt exam? if so then how? pls help
18th April 2012 12:11 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

what will be my wbjee medical rank in 2012 after scoring 160?
24th January 2012 12:27 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

the most important thing about preparing for any exam is practice. The reason why most of us fail to do enough practice because our brain hates any form of exercise. We will study for long hours, read the text books, prepare notes also, but when it comes to practicing questions, we just are satisfied with 50-60 questions.. One must not forget that practice is essential and therefore I think, a smart way to crack AIPMT or any exam will be to practice more, because ultimately the competition (or the exam) is going to be on questions (not on how much you understood in the chapter).
6th December 2011 06:17 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Respected sir,is it neccessary to join the coching centre to crack the pmt exam? Sir wht types of books should i refer to pmt test? With ragarding
23rd November 2011 10:41 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
yaa even with ncert books u can prepare but it is necessary to practice exercise and refer to other books.
12th November 2011 04:56 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

I am a student of class XII with PCB ,,,, I WANT TO CRACKK AI PMT,,,as olmost every medical student want......and i wnt to clear pmt in first attempt....but the problm is that... in march after final exams .......we get very less time...and in that short period of time can we manage such a vast syllabus with less time.......plzzz give me some tips should i manage d thngs....plzzzzzz ^_^
3rd November 2011 12:52 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

hello guys,,,,,,,wht is ur prblm is the......jst enjoy lyf ,,,no need to study....hve a nce day.....b bye...:)
22nd October 2011 03:43 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Are we gonna have CET fr 2012?
18th October 2011 02:09 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

what is the importance od AIEEE/AIPMT ?
11th October 2011 02:23 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Is Ncert and H.C.verma enough to crack PMT Examination..............????
10th October 2011 04:26 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

i am a student of class xi and i have aburning desire to crack medical entrance...any easy tips please
9th October 2011 10:38 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

the syllabus is same as your 11th and 12th.........
complete 11th and 12th chemistry book.
complete 11th and 12th physic book.
complete 11th and 12th biology book.......
9th October 2011 02:46 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

can i crack AIPMT without a coaching??
3rd October 2011 12:25 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

i am studid well and also practised question but i am not confident.
1st October 2011 06:12 PM
[email protected]
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

hiii sir...i m weak in physics n i m in 12th with bio,chem n physics as subject and i wanna crack AIPMT WHAT I CAN DO???? which book should i refer ? pls
1st October 2011 06:06 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

pls help..i m weak in physics and in 12th what i can do?? pls suggest???i want to crack AIPMT but how should i practise and also which books should i refer for bio ,chemistry n physics???? pls help dev
25th September 2011 02:27 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Having written the tests myself, and even though i was the first batch to face the mains written in cbse pmt, i can confidently say that the basic strategy has not changed.
First and foremost, those who r dropping a year, plz make sure you work really hard for not just cbse but state and other exams as well. Whatever u do, don't think abt dropping another year. Its not worth it. There is much struggle ahead in this profession. But if u think that medicine is the profession for you, go ahead in confidence.
Attitude counts more than anything. Tell yourself u can do it.
NCERT books are the basics. You must finish them, read carefully the concepts in all 3 subjects. If you are in school, you should next go for the other theory books - just choose 1 book each which you can revise with the numericals/problems as well. Don't go overboard and buy 10 textbooks.
Join a good coaching. Give regular tests, as many as possible and revise these papers too. Focus on ur weakest subject and weakest topics first. If u leave them,they'll come back to haunt u on the exam day.
Take any of the popular mcq books and read and revise them. revision Is the most important thing. Questions are repeated, more so the topics. U can't afford to miss any repeated question or topic. Practise writing as many tests as possible, that is where coachings help.
Finally, a month b4 the exam, only revise. Don't read anything new. Relax the day b4 exam, hv a good night's sleep. Be calm and attempt the paper, then u'll b able to recall best. And if u'v written many practice tests in a classroom, it'll make the job easy.
In the end, take it just as an exam, not a life or death situation.
All the best everybody.
24th September 2011 08:27 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

Can U plS tell me what books I should refer for AIPMT?
21st September 2011 12:25 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

sir if u could pls telll me how to go wiith my now hw much i should have finished...nd how to manage my syllabus for the exam...pls tell me
18th September 2011 12:04 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

6th September 2011 07:59 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

name the state best in pmt institute
23rd August 2011 05:46 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

13th August 2011 10:37 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

I'v a strong desire to crack aipmt but get confused on how to manage my study time on those subjects... Pls help me wit some important tips and which way should i follow my time to my lesson?
6th August 2011 09:49 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

pls any one inform me how to prepare for medical entrace..........will there be common exam?
6th August 2011 10:47 AM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

i am 2 medical student tell me some ways how to crack pmt test
22nd July 2011 01:42 PM
Re: What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

hi rohan,

the most important thing about preparing for any exam is practice. The reason why most of us fail to do enough practice because our brain hates any form of exercise. We will study for long hours, read the text books, prepare notes also, but when it comes to practicing questions, we just are satisfied with 50-60 questions.. One must not forget that practice is essential and therefore I think, a smart way to crack AIPMT or any exam will be to practice more, because ultimately the competition (or the exam) is going to be on questions (not on how much you understood in the chapter).
21st July 2011 10:51 PM
rohan krishna
What are the smart ways to crack AIPMT exam?

i am a medical aspirant.i have scored only 210 in AIPMT mains.i crcked DUMET but my rank in OBC category was 279.i want to improve.i am droping this year,suggest me smart way to crack AIPMT 2012

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