Thread: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A? Reply to Thread

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11th November 2017 02:00 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

Sir, now I am in 12th and I am interested to do hotel management but I have a diabetes then I can do hotel management. I mean after completing the hotel management i can do job in hotels.
22nd July 2014 01:16 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

Firstly my suggestion will be not to go to IHM Aurangabad. It is only a hyped Institute. Talking from first hand experience the atmoshphere is worse than a prison and the Hostels are infamous for Drinking, Smoking and Drugs! It is 16 lakks plus your additional cost of around 4 lakhs in 4 years. The food in the canteen is so bad that you will not be able to eat anytime. People do get job from the Campus but the pay package is very poor around 8,000-12,000 INR per month. Not worth. No value for money.
4th June 2014 12:48 AM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

Sir can i know what is the average and highest package we get at ihm aurangabad!! pls tell me as i am confused bcs i have to pay a sum of 16lacs and what will be the package i will get?? sir pls tell me the package pls!! thank you
28th April 2013 10:57 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

i want to know that what type of questions will be asked???
can i get some sampel papers for practice???
24th November 2012 09:20 AM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

sir i want to know that when the application form will be out for this year 2013?
8th June 2012 11:25 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

i need the sample paper of the entrance exam...
please help me...
22nd April 2012 05:58 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

what is the diffrence btwn Bsc. in hotel managment and BA in hotel managment?
26th July 2011 10:43 AM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

this is ram from coimbatore.i want to do the phd in Banking industry.kindly give me the topics and guidences
20th July 2011 08:53 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

13th April 2011 12:52 AM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

how much fees require for hotel management?
26th February 2011 01:23 AM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

What about salary?
11th July 2010 09:32 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

dude if u can pay the hefty fees 16lacs yes its 16 lacs then join ihm aurangabad
30th May 2010 04:43 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

what r u doing these days danish just giving free advice or what?
30th May 2010 02:30 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

Dear friend,

IHM conducts written test (90 minutes) where the questions will be objective and based on the following topics:-

Abstract Reasoning
Verbal Reasoning
Numerical Reasoning
Reading Comprehension
General Knowledge

All the above topics are very common for any SSC/Bank exam, and hence if you possess general vocabulary and knowledge and if you are average student, then it is easy to get through it.

You have to get a minimum of 45% in written test to get qualified for Group Discussion/ Personal Interview.

Break-up of marks are as under:-
Written test: 40
Group Discussion: 20
Personal Interview: 40

For Personal Interview,(if you have cleared 2 above) will be based on:-

Communication skill,
Alertness/Analytical skill
General awareness
Warmth/Service orientation

All the above details are furnished in your application form, or else you can log on to:
29th May 2010 04:45 PM
Re: IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

Originally Posted by ajinkyajoshi View Post
hello i m giving ihm-a entrance to b held on 4th of june at aurangabad ,i just wanted to kno tht what type of topics will b der in group discussion,personal interviews r of what type and most importantly r there ample job oppu. once da cource is done? i also wanted to kno da danger side of this streme and da risks involved as far as da jobs and monatary thing is concerned.can u give me some idea of fee structure at ihm-a for hotel managment and hospitality cource?as there is no one i kno who is in this field i wanted help
Dont ask this silly question about the topic of group discussion , personal interviews
these are never fixed they may be from current affairs, sports, politics, business and anything
It has a good future perspective depending upon how you work
it is a highly competitive field and unless you have some backing or assured of some vacancies I won't advise you to go in straight and join one on your own.
On the other hand if you have already planned to start one with the locale having been finalised then you can go full steam ahead.
27th May 2010 05:05 PM
IHM-A: Topics in general discussion and personal interviews? Scope of Hotel Management course from IHM-A?

hello i m giving ihm-a entrance to b held on 4th of june at aurangabad ,i just wanted to kno tht what type of topics will b der in group discussion,personal interviews r of what type and most importantly r there ample job oppu. once da cource is done? i also wanted to kno da danger side of this streme and da risks involved as far as da jobs and monatary thing is concerned.can u give me some idea of fee structure at ihm-a for hotel managment and hospitality cource?as there is no one i kno who is in this field i wanted help

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