Thread: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change? Reply to Thread

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23rd June 2022 10:27 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

In my practice, I have not met students who would like to change colleges before the end of the academic year. It's quite difficult, at least from a moral point of view.
20th June 2022 12:20 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I hope you managed to solve your problems or change college. Last year I really wanted to change college, I underestimated the complexity of the curriculum. It was necessary to prepare a lot of abstracts, essays in all subjects, there were very difficult exams.
12th June 2022 10:29 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi iam lateral entry student now iam 2nd year I want to change my college at my native place I have some financial problems can it possible
I also wanted to change my college, if you had such a goal, I hope you succeeded. When I started studying the study programs were very difficult for me, I could not prepare high quality essays and the exams were difficult. Then I found the service which helped me a lot with passing my essays and it became easier to study, I now decided to stay in my college, especially since I started playing for the local sports team.
12th June 2022 10:25 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I hope you succeeded, I also think now that I chose the wrong college for me and I would like to change it. I am just starting to study this issue.
24th April 2021 08:50 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Hi iam lateral entry student now iam 2nd year I want to change my college at my native place I have some financial problems can it possible
2nd August 2020 10:58 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I am in third year. I want to continue in Australia To complete my degree. Is it okay?
27th July 2019 04:47 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

It is possible or not to change the college after 1year be
30th April 2017 05:32 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Because of great problem,Can i change my college after 2nd semester in the same affiliated university.
30th January 2017 05:56 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I am studying at VIT-Vellore. I want to change the college and relocate to Mumbai which is my home town. Is this possible?
how do I ensure that I do not lose out on credits already earned at VIT ?
16th June 2016 05:46 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I am a student of jntuh affiliatedcollege completed 2nd year with 8.2 grades and wants change to a college of jntuh because of some social problems .can I?
9th August 2015 01:51 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I got year back in 4th sem .. I want Change the college.. Again to 3rd sem can i?? Plz answer me.
3rd February 2015 01:37 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Can I change the university?
Am student of 2nd yr ENTC engg. I want to change my university bcz of some physical problems. And most imp am direct second year student.
21st December 2014 11:14 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

am doing my 3yr engineering i would like to transfer to anna university..i want to know the procedure for changing college
19th November 2014 10:36 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I am completing my btech 1sy year in deemed university of cse group,but I was interested in practical learning like by seeing any thing,I will get it means I was not interested in maths but practical learning....
31st July 2014 01:35 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

can i change my college after completing 4 th sem..??
I had clear in 1 st year with 44.45% and now i'm in 4 th sem of computer engg but due to some travelling/physical pblm i want to change my college . So can i change my college or not.?
Plzz tell me
12th May 2014 09:36 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

M a 2nd year student of civil engineering. Wants to change college in 3rd year is it possible? ?also can backlocks are allowed. .
10th May 2014 07:19 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

i want to change my college from 4 th sem..can i change it????n its very neccessary tochange the college???
n whts the process oftransfering??/n when did it will start???
30th December 2013 10:56 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

am from kolar district am studying 3 rd sem BE in dayanandasagar engg Collage bangalore.can I change my collage from DSCE engg collage banglore to CBIT engg Collage kolar after 4th sem
3rd December 2013 02:41 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

can i change my college after completing 2nd semister under guwahati university..please reply very soon..ots important..
29th September 2013 08:49 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I am taking the admission in PVPIT college of engineering for INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY after diploma for direct second year but i want to change this college after second year is this possible and this college is under pune university near please help me to give the information about changing the college after 4th sem i.e after second year.
24th September 2013 12:23 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

How to change college after 1st semester? Is it posible?
9th August 2013 05:49 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

It's possible to change college at any point of time but the only condition is u can take transfer only for odd semester, ie 3rd, 5th, 7nth. Procedure is u need to obtain NOC from both the colleges and then take it ti VTU belgaum. but u got to do it within 15 days from the time result is anounced.

19th July 2013 03:27 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Sir cn i change my engg college after 2nd year in mumbai university
27th June 2013 12:02 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

what is the procedure for changing the college in after second year? i have to talk to the college in which i am studing or i have to talk to the college in which i want to transfer?is there any probleam if i change my college ?
25th May 2013 02:01 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

i am B.E 2 yr cse. i get 73.4% in 1 yr.some physical & travel problem,i want to change my college at same university after 4th sem ?if any arrear will come in 4th sem?can i change my college?
what is the procedure for that?
11th May 2013 04:15 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

i have some back subject in 3rd sem its possible to change of college after 4th sem
9th March 2013 08:55 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Is it possible to change my
university from Anna
University to calicut university(BE1yr)??
pls help..!!
9th March 2013 08:52 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Is it possible to change my
university from Anna
University to calicut university(BE 1yr)??
pls help..!!
19th June 2012 11:17 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

can i change my college after 3rd semester.......? and 'm a year back student in 4th sem.........?
13th June 2012 12:55 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Now m doing my be course in vtu(4th sem) I would like to change my collage due to some problems. Am I able to change the collage?? What are the formality for getting n o c?? Pls anybody help me
12th May 2012 12:43 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Dear friend, I don't think that after 4th semester i.e. after 2nd
year, you can change your college or institution. Even if you talk to the college authorities or
administration,they will not be able to help you at
this stage. If it was your 1st year then they could
somehow solve the problem. All the fees deposited to the college can't be
refunded to you also if you leave this college at
this situation. For this,you have to talk with the
college authorities. May be ,at least half of the deposited fees can be
returned to you.
6th May 2012 01:45 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I am 2sem student under vtu can i change my college under the same university?what are procedure?is there any complication or problems aftr change of college? plz tel me
19th April 2012 11:03 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

I am studying in 2nd year college is narayanaguru underthirunelveliuniversity.but i want to tranfer thanjavur.its my nativeplace.
19th December 2011 06:40 PM
shri ram sharma
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
can i change my college after completing 4 th sem..??
I had clear in 1 st year with 74.45% and now i'm in 4 th sem of computer engg diploma but due to some travelling/physical pblm i want to change my college . So can i change my college or not.?
Plzz tell me
dear ,
no, you cannot change your college now when you are in 4-semester .this will possible only after 1-year .i.e. after completing 2-semester . but i think it will not possible that you can change your college .anyhow you can ask your teacher they will help you.
25th October 2011 06:43 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

How can i change my evening college with arrears after 4th semester and what are the procedures for it?
25th October 2011 06:39 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

How can i change my college with arrears after 4th semester and what are the procedures for it?
25th October 2011 06:35 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

how to change the college with arrears and what are the procedures for it?
25th October 2011 06:29 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

can i change my college with arrears and what are the procedures?
31st August 2011 10:16 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

i'm 1st year student year taken admission in ptu university but now i want to quit the college.
Money is refundable or not
30th August 2011 03:09 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

can i transfer college in 3rd year of engineering in same university.
10th August 2011 08:25 AM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

you can inform your principal for changing of college
9th August 2011 12:31 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

how can i change branch in collage after 1 year ?
how many spi need it?
4th August 2011 03:55 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

i want to change ma college in 3rd year soo vil college giv bak the deposited money already paid for 3rd year
29th July 2011 11:40 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

How can i chage college after taking admition in lateral entry and complited 4th semester
19th June 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Ya you are eligible to change your college. You contact your college administrator head and know the procedure to change a college and then apply but this is nonsense your studies will be affected.
15th June 2011 02:46 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Dear friend,

I don't think that after 4th semester i.e. after 2nd year, you can change your college or institution.

Even if you talk to the college authorities or administration,they will not be able to help you at this stage. If it was your 1st year then they could somehow solve the problem.

All the fees deposited to the college can't be refunded to you also if you leave this college at this situation. For this,you have to talk with the college authorities.

May be ,at least half of the deposited fees can be returned to you.
31st May 2011 08:08 PM
Re: Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

Yes you are eligible for changing college at any time.
But i think this is wrong one.
You have no benefit from it.
They do not refund your fee because you leave college .
So they have a right of keeping your previous fee.
and also you get admission in 1st semester not in 4th.
So i think this is not smarter choice of changing current college.
14th February 2011 09:33 PM
Change of college after 4th semester? What is the procedure to apply for a change?

can i change my college after completing 4 th sem..??
I had clear in 1 st year with 74.45% and now i'm in 4 th sem of computer engg diploma but due to some travelling/physical pblm i want to change my college . So can i change my college or not.?
Plzz tell me

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