Thread: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR? Reply to Thread

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20th April 2016 06:23 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

sir,I had completed my bachelor degree in civil now i want to do M.B.A in construction management so i need the information about the fee of the course and when are the openings are going to start.please send ur reply to

and my id [email protected]
2nd February 2016 12:30 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

Sir: I want to Know Fee structure for PGP course Quantity Surveyour External as I have 3 years of Experience in QS.
And also placement opportunity in the campus
Please forward to :[email protected]
16th March 2014 08:01 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

[QUOTE=Unregistered;1848287]Dear sir
I am a student of B.E.(CIVIL) 3rd year after B.E. I want to do this (PGP REUIM) Course in your institute from distance education so please give me the detail information about this course along with session, fee details, entrance exam etc. at my email ID- [email protected]
15th February 2014 12:52 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

If there is any course for mechanical diploma holder with 19 yrs. exp. in construction industry (project execution)
2nd October 2013 07:18 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

what is fees per annum
2nd October 2013 05:25 PM
Hari Prasad Nalam
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

sir i am studing b-tech final year civil engineering. i want to do my m-tech in nicmar. so please tell me how to apply for exam. please tell me the full detais about the exam.
10th August 2013 02:17 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

Sir: I want details about who many semisters and semister fee
And placement oppurtunityss in the campus
Plsss forwd to :[email protected]
8th July 2013 02:36 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i want to do MBA in real state and urban infrastructure managemaent in nicmar so i want to know the admissions details , fee structure, syllabus for entrance for nicmar?
4th July 2013 07:41 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i hv cmpletd b.arch n want to join construction mngmnt in nicmar...plz send me fees structure of regular as wel as distance learning course at [email protected]
23rd June 2013 02:03 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

what is the fee for qauntity surveying. i m in 4th year civil engineering.
3rd November 2012 04:18 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

I have 6 years of experience in construction industry (ITD Cementation India Ltd).i have done my Diploma Land-Surveyor Course, now i want to join correspondence course in QUANTITY-SURVING CERTIFICATE COUSE. plz send me fee structure at [email protected]
10th October 2012 01:45 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

sir i am now working in jindal steel and power ltd. in (piping ).i am very interested to go abroad .2 year experience i have,so can u tell me which discipline will help me most to reach higher post and salary.and what will be the course period and fee structure.

alok jena
[email protected]
16th September 2012 05:12 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

1. i want to fee particulars for advanced construction management ( two years). acadamic year 2013 to 2015.
2. i am financially poor so NICMAR institute bank loans acepted or not particularly pay the amount through bank.
3. when you given the notification NICMAR.
4. what is the eligibility for A C M course ( NICMAR).
5. if u give me the response pls send the details the mail id ([email protected]).
6. thank u sir.
3rd September 2012 07:49 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i wanna do mba construction management correspondence course from nicmar plz send me fee structure at [email protected]
28th August 2012 11:55 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

10th August 2012 10:05 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

sir i m working in U B ENGG. LTD PUNE(4x350 mw GMR ANGUL ODISHA) i am having a experience of 3 yrs in power plant project.

i am willing to do the distance program tell me right choice give me details about admission fee
thanks and regards
manoj kumar
angul odisha
[email protected],[email protected]
16th July 2012 07:38 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

M looking for MBA in real estate please let me know which collage is better.n whats the fee for that.

10th July 2012 05:35 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

What is the course fee of Post Graduate Programme in Project Management (PGP PM) from distance education.
17th June 2012 09:40 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

What is the fee structure for Online Contracts management certificate program?

Thanks & Regards
Bhagwant 9673260157
30th May 2012 10:41 AM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i want to join mba please send me detail also fee structure
18th May 2012 09:55 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

I WANT TO JOIN CORRESPONDENCE course in construction management i have done my B.ARCH
Kindly send fee structure at [email protected]
16th May 2012 05:56 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i want to join mba please send details
28th April 2012 06:53 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i want to join nicmarc MBA , PLS SEND ME DETAIL
18th April 2012 04:55 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

Originally Posted by Bishwajit Giri View Post
National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR) ,of branches Pune, Hyderabad and Goa is one of the best leading educational Institute which is established by the Indian construction industry.

According to the Eligibility:
Course: Advanced Construction Management (PGP ACM): You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch or architecture with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year .

Designation:Post Graduate .

Course: Project Engineering and Management (PGP PEM) : You should have Bachelor's degree in engineering in any discipline with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year

Designation:Post Graduate

Course: Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure Management (PGP REUIM) : You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch or architecture with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year

Designation:Post Graduate

Course: Infrastructure Finance, Development & Management (PGP IFDM): You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch or architecture with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year

Designation:Post Graduate
Course:Health, Safety and Environment Management (PGP HSEM): You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:One Year

Designation:Post Graduate
Course:Quantity Surveying (PGP QS):You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:One Year

Designation:Post Graduate

Centers of the admission test are:




Delhi &


You have to pay a Demand Draft(DD) of Rs.1,300/- payable at NICMAR,Pune
and if you choose more than one subject as your choice ,an additional Rs.700/- will have to be paid.

the application form can be download from its own official site:

follow this details and make your future.
best of luck
18th April 2012 03:27 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i have 8 years of experience in construction industry. i am interested to do PGP ACM in fulltime. what are the documents need from me and fee structure of course?please guide me.when will get application form for the year of 2013?
15th March 2012 11:18 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

I wish to want to do a Distance Course of MBA in Construction Management from NICMAR. So please give me detail about like fees & admission procedure etc,as soon as possible.
14th March 2012 09:49 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

I wish to want to do a course Graduate Certificate in Constrution Quality Management from NICMAR.So please give detail about like fees and amission procedure etc. as soon as possible.
8th March 2012 12:51 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

I have 10 years of design experience in structural design of power plant structures now i want to do exicutive mba in construction management let me know the cost & details of course & the future opportunities
3rd March 2012 04:16 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

Dear sir
I am a student of B.E.(CIVIL) first year after B.E. I want to do this (PGP IFDM) Course in your institute from distance education so please give me the detail information about this course along with session, fee details, entrance exam etc. at my email ID- [email protected]
18th February 2012 08:49 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

Dear Sir,
I have taken my B.E (Civil) and i want to do this (PGP IFDM) course in your institute from distance education so please give me the detail information about this course along with session, fee details,entrance exam my email ID- [email protected]
17th February 2012 11:18 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

sir,I had completed my bachelor degree in civil now i want to do M.B.A in construction management so i need the information about the fee of the course and when are the openings are going to start.please send ur reply to
17th February 2012 08:28 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

I have completed BE(Mech). Kindly advise me for higher studies to get better job opportunities.
16th February 2012 08:51 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

Sir what is the fees for entire course period if i clear the NICMAR entrance exam??
11th February 2012 08:56 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

after mechinical engineer course complete whic course i take in nicmar
18th January 2012 12:52 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

I m Completed Dip in Interior Designer ,I want info about project management courcs detail for part time
18th November 2011 05:02 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

what is the program fee for sl no b and c course
1st November 2011 02:26 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

National Institute of Construction Management and Research (NICMAR) ,of branches Pune, Hyderabad and Goa is one of the best leading educational Institute which is established by the Indian construction industry.

According to the Eligibility:
Course: Advanced Construction Management (PGP ACM): You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch or architecture with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year .

Designation:Post Graduate .

Course: Project Engineering and Management (PGP PEM) : You should have Bachelor's degree in engineering in any discipline with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year

Designation:Post Graduate

Course: Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure Management (PGP REUIM) : You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch or architecture with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year

Designation:Post Graduate

Course: Infrastructure Finance, Development & Management (PGP IFDM): You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch or architecture with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:Two Year

Designation:Post Graduate
Course:Health, Safety and Environment Management (PGP HSEM): You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:One Year

Designation:Post Graduate
Course:Quantity Surveying (PGP QS):You should have the Bachelor's degree in engineering in any branch with minimum 50% in aggregate marks.

Duration:One Year

Designation:Post Graduate

Centers of the admission test are:




Delhi &


You have to pay a Demand Draft(DD) of Rs.1,300/- payable at NICMAR,Pune
and if you choose more than one subject as your choice ,an additional Rs.700/- will have to be paid.

the application form can be download from its own official site:
1st November 2011 12:50 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

FEE STRUCTURE FOR TWO YEARS POST GRADUATION " PGP ACM : Post Graduate Programme in Advanced Construction Management"
31st October 2011 09:49 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i want know fee structure from sponsorship sheet
28th October 2011 09:03 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

Can you inform me fees structure for various courses in Construction Safety Management with NICMAR.
Please reply to [email protected]
1st October 2011 09:58 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

wt is d last date of d form and wt is d fee structure
1st October 2011 09:39 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

wt is d fee structure for civil engg.branch?????
1st October 2011 01:00 AM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

wt is d last date of d form and wt is d fee structure
26th July 2011 02:03 PM
Re: Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

should i appeared after passing civil engg. diploma?
25th July 2011 10:06 PM
Admission details and fee structure for NICMAR?

i want to do MBA in construction management externally in nicmar so i want to know the admissions details , fee structure. so plz give me the details @ this

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