Thread: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course? Reply to Thread

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12th April 2020 07:04 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

I'm 54yrs old . I'm govt lecturer polytechnic my education qualification BA EPP ECONOMICS50 %and MA ENGLISH 60% OSMANIA UNIVERSITY can I have a chance to join CA and HOW ? Mani
28th November 2017 07:40 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

I have cleared my CA IPCC both groups and completed 2 years & 3 months articleship.

Now I have joined govt job.
Can I complete my remaining 9 months articlship by taking leave in job?

Please suggest me the possibility to complete CA

Thank you
30th June 2016 05:57 PM
kavya bv
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I'm a government employee in u.p. government. I'm a post graduate but not satisfied with my job. I want to know whether it is possible that being in a government job can i apply for c.a. course. can i do both things together
ca is a professional course..any one can do at any time if eligible....considering your graduation you can directly apply for ca ipcc course under direct entry should have a minimum percentage of 55 in can also do ca,cs ,CMA also with your can also write cpt level,,instead of that you have chance to enter to ipcc level with your graduation degree under direct entry scheme....
5th September 2015 12:56 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

I am 50 years old and now in bank job and basically B.Com graduate with 50%. Can I join CA course?
22nd March 2015 11:04 AM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

i am centeral government employee work as account assistant and how can i complete my article ship while doing job, there is no relacation for article ship
24th December 2014 11:17 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

sir i am an auditor in post and telecommunication audit i exempt from practical training of icwa
2nd October 2014 11:59 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

i am primary govt teacher. before that idid pe2 exam passed i have done 1years and nine months articleship from icai .after that i got govt job. my working hours are 7am to3pm.please suggest me is it possible for me to complete my ca anyhow.suggest me all possible ways
23rd March 2014 08:43 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

I have been working as a supervisor in a PSU. Can I study C.A/C.S course. If so what about articleship/training during the course
18th December 2013 09:45 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

i am a govt. teacher. can i continue govt.m.ed simultaneously ?
30th April 2013 11:34 AM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

Can a govt employee do ca course and articleship trg without having any interuption in his service.
23rd April 2013 02:16 AM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

i m in state goverment bt i m nt satisfied wirh my job can i do pharmacy regurally with my job......
11th December 2012 09:42 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

Can a govt employee do ca course and articleship trg without having any interuption in his service.
21st September 2012 01:31 AM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

If I ,being a govt employee want to do CA then will it be possible for me to do the articleship which is must needed simaltaneously with my job? Or I will have to choose any one?
15th May 2012 12:00 AM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

i am govt employee
Graduate,can i do CA ,please tell me what will i do in the article ship whether i take leave from job or is there any alternate
1st November 2011 01:45 PM
anju anju
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

hello sir,,,,,

yes you can do c.a being an employee,,,,,,many people do c.a , cs and icwa course holding job experience,,,

after having some knowledge of proffessional field one get the idea how to utilise the advantages of accountancy professinal courses,

its a write choice to take c.a course, you will get success in future in you field.

you have to register for CPT first,
1st November 2011 01:42 PM
anju anju
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

hello sir,,,,,

yes you can do c.a being an employee,,,,,,many people do c.a , cs and icwa course holding job experience,,,

after having some knowledge of proffessional field one get the idea how to utilise the advantages of accountancy professinal courses,

its a write choice to take c.a course, you will get success in future in you field.

if you are only 12th pass then you have to register for CPT first, or if you have completed graduation then directly can go for inter level.
19th October 2011 03:24 PM
Re: Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

Yes... you can do C.A via corrospondece and nobody can stop you from learing more...
19th October 2011 12:55 AM
Can a government employee be allowed for C.A course?

I'm a government employee in u.p. government. I'm a post graduate but not satisfied with my job. I want to know whether it is possible that being in a government job can i apply for c.a. course. can i do both things together

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