Thread: How can i win the scholarship? Reply to Thread

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31st August 2013 10:52 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Hai friend
After logging into the forum,you need to answer the questions everyday till the end of the session i.e.15 days.The results will be announced on the 15th day night at 00:00:00 Hrs.If you remain in the top 30 rankings,then you can get your scholarship amount regarding your forum ranking and the amount will be made through the cheque mode within the one month.
Thank You
16th April 2011 04:11 PM
Precious ojukwu
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

How wil i get the question to answer
16th October 2010 11:48 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Dear afzaal ,
you just have to answer the various questions or dilemmas expressed by people on this site in well sophisticated manner. The more u answer more u get points & have a chance to be a topper. So best of luck !!
15th October 2010 11:12 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

to win the scholarship give quality answer of question at general discussion.

answer many question and increase your point. if you come within first 20 then you will get the scholarship. you will be able to see your rank online from

try to give quality answer that will increase your point for each question. do not copy of other answer. the first scholarship money is Rs.1100/- there is two session for every month for the scholarship. scholarship money is sent through speed post. so do not worry try to give answer with quality and earn money with the experience information.

all the best.
15th October 2010 11:09 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

to win the scholarship give quality answer of question at general discussion.

answer many question and increase your point. if you come within first 20 then you will get the scholarship. you will be able to see your rank online from

try to give quality answer that will increase your point for each question. do not copy of other answer. the first scholarship money is Rs.1100/- there is two session for every month for the scholarship. scholarship money is sent through speed post. so do not worry try to give answer with quality and earn money with the experience information.

all the best.
15th October 2010 10:39 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Dear, go to this site and registered there and then give the answers of the questions, if you are in top five. then you will get certificate.

all the best
15th October 2010 05:56 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Everything is mentioned in the forum, you need to search it out.
All your questions will be answered.
Anyways start posting you will see your ranking in the rankings page.
If you remain in top 10 you will win a scholarship
15th October 2010 05:14 PM
Sanjiv sharma
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

You will daily have to sit before computer by logging in the site . You have to pay your precious time for atleast two hours daily . while framing good answers . You do this only if you are a free person
15th October 2010 04:36 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Dear friend,

At first I will say you that its very very good opportunity offering by the .

Its very good site which provides an environment of

1:Earning money sitting at home

2:Increasing the ideas,information,knowledge of various competitive exams,new websites etc....

3:This is not a work of pressure,you can do it very satisfactorily,calmly.

To join the Education forum,you have to visit the link:

Then you have to register,and then you will get a link on your e-mail ,clicking on that link you will be able to start the forum work.

You should keep in mind some tips to earn the Scholarship:

1:You should not copy any answer from other members or from any site.

2:Try to give the answers in your own words.

3:You can take help from other members' answers or websites but not to copy.

4on't use the capital letter and SMS languages.

To know another rules visit:

If you maintain some rules of the forum,you can earn upto Rs.1,100/- per 15 days means Rs.2,200/- per month.
Good luck.
15th October 2010 12:31 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

first get yourself registerd here and try to post maximum good qualities answers for the querries made by studnet.
Theres will be negative marks for wrong anwers
15th October 2010 02:08 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Originally Posted by afzaal View Post
how can i win the scholarship whats the procedure for that just now i logged in in this site
dear friend,

just log on and click register.fill the particulars.

good luck.
15th October 2010 01:14 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

dear it is very simple to get scholarship from this forum you shoul help the others with your fuul efforts and positive attitude and also truthfull to help you just give up the helpfull answer to the threads in front of you.
the you will definatly get the scholarship
for logged in on this forum go to the site
here you can register your self
ok start helping the others
good luck
14th October 2010 10:42 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

be the registered user here and then answer the questions here in the forum

And with answers you post you get the points.Highest number of points gives you good rank.If you be in first 20 you can get scholarship.
29th August 2010 05:18 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

dear friend,

as you are already after log on to you will find a place in which you can fill your name and password.

after that click 'general discussion' you will find lots of questions .you have to answer them .if you will remain in top 1 to 20 you will win the scholarship.
all the best.
6th August 2010 02:10 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

scholarships are cming in various fields.
there are many things from the litery grounds.
you can become lecturer,freelance writer, to get money
20th July 2010 08:42 PM
Kumar Mayank
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Originally Posted by afzaal View Post
how can i win the scholarship whats the procedure for that just now i logged in in this site
To win it you just need to answer the queries perfectly as in you are just telling it to your younger brother or sister and yes you need to be consistent in doing so and the scholarship is yours.
Best of luck
20th July 2010 07:31 PM
Singh Anurag Atul kumar
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

U can win the scolarship by giving best quality of answers and also more quantity os answers.By doing this u got more marks and if you will acheive 1 to 10 rank, then you will definately get scholarship......
please visit this site and registered yourself.Then do above procedure.
THANK YOU...........
19th July 2010 06:34 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

asu have alredy logged in so u can just have to give answers to various questions on general discussion link polls intro etc ...
and earn more n more points
19th July 2010 11:12 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

hi friend..
see friend first of all you have to register in this forum.then after signing in you have post some threads and answer to the questions to guide others in their every question carrys marks which depends on the quality of your score more and more points and get your rewards.
18th July 2010 11:37 PM
sharmila jain
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Originally Posted by afzaal View Post
how can i win the scholarship whats the procedure for that just now i logged in in this site
hi ...welcome .. just after you log in you will be seeing many threats ,just keep on posting replies to the questions will be getting points for the replies and if you come under 1st 10 you will be getting the scholarship and a certificate .. just you see the ranking scheme by clicking on rankings...
18th July 2010 05:13 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

I have no gaurdian(Father),so i want some money for my Diploma Engg. courses to complete my technical education and earn some money for my family please............. help me for this.THANKS
12th July 2010 11:58 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Originally Posted by afzaal View Post
how can i win the scholarship whats the procedure for that just now i logged in in this site
first of all you must register yourself as a user on the site. Then check you email id which you have given. You have to verify your account from there. Then log in into the site. Then click on general discussion. There are a lot of questions. Start answering them. If you remain in to 20, then you will get scholarship.
15th June 2010 11:42 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

its very easy,you just have to participate by registering.
then start helping othes
12th June 2010 04:07 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

just log on to and regularly to win scholarship.
14th May 2010 03:14 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

hey friend all you have to do is just answer as many questions you can answer and for that you will be allotted few point after that if you fall under top 10 answers then you will win the scholarship.......

you can check your rankings on :-

best of luck
13th May 2010 12:08 PM
rahul k
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

dear friend

To win scholarship, then please visit this site and registered yourself.
after that, gives best quality answers in your own word. If you will
post high quality answers then you will get points. according to the
point, you will get a rank. and if you will acheive 1 to 10 rank, then
you will definately get scholarship......

all the best.
14th April 2010 10:02 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

hello sir,
how can i participate and win the scholarships, please give me the criteria
15th March 2010 04:57 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

dear friend
all you have to do is to register for the website
then enter the general discussion section
you will find numerous threads
post answers and gain points
the more and quality answers you post more are the chances of winning
plus the certificate provided for top 5 is very valuable
best of luck and start winning
14th March 2010 12:46 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

hey friend,
all the process to win the scholarship is given on the home page of

you can find all the details there.

all the best.
4th February 2010 01:14 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

to win the scholarship you have to post more exact answers of the querries to get points and don't follow the answers of others..........
3rd February 2010 04:57 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

for winning the scholarship you should post more reply.
you should solve more query,donot make copy.
and try to be in under 10th position.
3rd February 2010 04:56 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

for winning the scholarship you should post more reply.
you should solve more query,donot make copy.
and try to be in under 10th position.
3rd February 2010 01:30 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship? go to this site and registered there and then give the answers of the questions, if you are in top five. then you will get certificate.
1st February 2010 01:43 PM
mohit sahu
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

For winning the scholarship one have to answer the query .more exact the answer you give , more points you will achieve.
31st January 2010 01:34 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

what you will have to do is to fulfill the queries of member of this forum as much so post more points you get and this will make you win the scholarship .....
but post only right ones don't beat around bush to get points
15th January 2010 11:45 PM
[email protected]
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

in this you have to first register for it then click on HERE link given and then participate in the discussion forums and help students answering their quieries
top ten will win the scholar ship
11th December 2009 05:46 PM
shweta guleria
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

after log in you will find various questions or threats you have to answer them as many as possible
10th December 2009 07:27 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

if you know some thing which can help other students just share here,
the more you share the better it is
all the best
9th December 2009 08:56 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

Dear friend,

you have to join here,.. and share your knowledge,....
and answer more questions, asked here as per the instruction given by the administrator,......
9th December 2009 06:44 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

help as many students as you can by answering the questions ,the more you answer the more are your chances to win
9th December 2009 12:59 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

dear afzal just go to the following website to login
you can win by answering more and more in a well manner .
so first you have to all knowledge about your question asking to you then answer in a well manner language.........
9th December 2009 02:42 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

just regularly answer the queries for which you will be given points.....the more you answer the more is the chances of winning the scholarship.......

best of luck
8th December 2009 07:23 PM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

After logging in just register yourself in the link given and you will find threads to be answered so start answering as many as you know and your points will be taken into account and if you are one among the five top candidates you will be receiving the scholarships and the certificates.
8th December 2009 11:51 AM
Re: How can i win the scholarship?

just log on to

click on 'register' icon and register then login click on ;grneral discussion' you will find lots of questions anser them if you will remain in top 5 you will win the scholarship.
30th November 2009 09:05 PM
How can i win the scholarship?

how can i win the scholarship whats the procedure for that just now i logged in in this site

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