Thread: Summer training in DRDO for btech students? Reply to Thread

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3rd September 2017 06:40 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

I am B.Tech (EEE stream) Student of IP University Delhi and passed IVth Sem. I want to participate the training programme to organiseby DRDO, may be informed please. Prashant Kumar, Mobile No. 9868426045...
28th March 2016 11:22 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir i am COMPUTER SCIENCE, student of 3rd year.How to attain summer training from DRDO.Kindly provide me with details of labs suitable for CSE students.
25th May 2015 11:58 PM
Re: Interview in DRDO in COPA ?

Please give me some important question about copa interview exam.
My exam on 18/06/1015. so, i will obliged to you.
25th May 2015 01:27 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Hello Sir,
i am from Mechatronics 3rd year and i have 2 baclogs in my 2-1 sem, so can i apply for summer internship at DRDO hyderabad.??
24th January 2015 09:45 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

i am a student of 3rd year aeronautical .. how can i apply for doing summer training in drdo agra?
16th October 2014 02:23 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

hello sir ,
10th March 2013 01:22 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir, i want to know the department where the training letter is to be sent,regarding biomedical summer training...
thanking you
8th February 2013 11:51 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir i m student of biomedical 4th sem ,i hv to do my training from drdo(delhi), n z it beneficial that my brother z in defence,n also one of my relative z in drdo (bangalore), i wish to hv training from ds prestigious place, also i want contact no. of drdo training officer ,sir plz guide me towards my query.thank you
8th February 2013 11:39 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir i m student of biomedical,4th sem i want to do my 1.5 mnths training from drdo, n actually my brother z in defence job,so does it z beneficial to get chance of training here. n sir i need a contact no. of drdo training officer, n sir i hv relative in drdo bt in bangalore ,i m delhi (n.c.r) region,so needed a contact no.
26th December 2012 04:06 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir, plz tell me i am a 4th year student in electronics and communication branch,but i don't have any reference in drdo, i want to join as an apprentice in drdo,how i get apprentice job in drdo plz sir give a positive information
6th June 2012 03:18 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir,pls. tell me what is the minimum cut off marks criteria for selecting in the 6 months internship programme in drdo..
6th May 2012 12:23 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

i am student of 3rd year in electronics and communication branch, i want to do my training from drdo? how can i get my training oat drdo. my father works in military(crpf), would their refrence helps me to get training there?
please sir give me the positive feedback?
3rd May 2012 11:18 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir i'm doing instrumentation and control engineering 4th sem from N.S.I.T(netaji subhas institute of technology,new delhi)..Is DRDO chandigarh will be good for internship according to my branch??
and can u suggest me some other companies where i can apply for the same and i have 72% and a good recommendation letter.
28th April 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

hello.... I m student of B.Tech 3rd year from Chemical field!
i want to do summer training from DRDO...what is procedure for that..!!
Reply on [email protected]..
23rd April 2012 01:17 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir thank you very much

but please tell me one more thing "Up to which date forms are accepted and in which month training is provided me."
i am ask this because in June-July my exams are not finish.
Is it possible in the month of august.
please reply me fast.
22nd April 2012 01:52 AM
nagendra vijayasree
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am a student of B.Tech [biotechnology] from Banasthali University RAJASTHAN.and i want to do my 6 months industrial traning in DRDO.Please provide me with the information regarding the procedures for the above mentioned task.
Defence Research & Development Organization(DRDO) is one of the best govt research centers.
To apply for DRDO summer training you have to fill the DRDO form issued by DRDO & then you have to put the signature of your Principal of your institution and then you can easily do the summer training.
ALL THE BEST............
22nd April 2012 12:37 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Please tell me company which provide me training of 6 week for 2nd yr student in mechanical.
22nd April 2012 12:36 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Sir i am a student of b-tech 2nd yr. Please giving me useful detail for training.
21st April 2012 11:29 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

I am d student of mechanical 3rd year from nalla malla reddy engineering college of JNTU as i want to do the mini project in DRDO so could you please tell me what is procedure to be full filled need to get a permission to do mini project in DRDO
12th April 2012 10:30 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

INMAS is imparting training to B.Sc/ M.Sc/ B.Tech/ M.Tech students coming from various academic institutions for summer and Project training. for more detail please visit the
official site of drdo -
10th April 2012 10:41 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
How to apply for summer training with DRDO for two months after biotech honors 2nd year?
you have to send a training letter from your TPO as concerned from your college aur institution.
7th April 2012 12:05 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Sir i am a student of mechanical 2nd year.
i got a joining letter of summer training.But the time period gave by DRDO clash with my university exam. So please tell me,is it be postpone by 15-20 days?
please give me positive response.
7th April 2012 11:36 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir i am a student of mechanical 2nd year.I got an joining letter of 6week training letter.
But the time period given by DRDO clash with my university exam timing.
So i want to postpone my training time period by few days(like 15-20days).
Is it possible for me?...sir please send me positive result.
6th March 2012 10:45 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

i m pursuing btech chemical 3rd year....
is there any training for us in drdo...
pls tell me the name of the lab in delhi for chemical engg.....
3rd March 2012 02:55 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i am student of 6th computer science from where i should do my tranining what is precedure to enroll in DRDO please rply
Dear friend DRDO conducts training program for student
the best way to apply is to contact the director of DRDO through his Email address which is provided in the DRDO website, DRDO has has various types of projects in different types of fields/branches which have different center headed by directors so it is better to contact the director or DRDO who is heading the branch in which your interested
for details visit

Best of luck
3rd March 2012 02:49 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i am student of 6th computer science from where i should do my tranining what is precedure to enroll in DRDO please rply
Dear friend it depends upon what type of project your interested, there are various projected handled by DRDO and various separate center is there for each field headed by director , so the best way is to contact Director

Best of luck
2nd March 2012 11:01 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

IS SSPL LAB ALSO FOR B.TECH- IT SUMMER TRAINING? or is it for electronics stream only?
27th February 2012 10:36 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir plz tell me how many fields are available for traning point of view for 3rd year (ECE) students???
11th February 2012 05:16 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir i am a student of 6 sem computer scince in marudhar engineering college.i want to do my summer traning in DRDO.please provide me the information procedure for above mentioned task.
22nd January 2012 07:12 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

i am metallurgy 4th sem student ,can i do the summer internship from drdo?
12th January 2012 06:01 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

How to apply for summer training with DRDO for two months after biotech honors 2nd year?
11th January 2012 08:15 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

I have completed my with 61% aggregate and i'm willing to take apprentice training at DRDO please inform me at my ,ail id am i suitable for doing this apprentice ship training please .My mail id is [email protected]
11th October 2011 11:37 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir drdo me computer eng wale ae sakte he kya
28th September 2011 02:59 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

we are engineering students (6 nos) in ECE branch in School of Technology,NEHU Shillong. we want to do 1 month training in your institute from jan'12 to feb'12. if it is possible please send us the details.

Bhaskar Kalita
21st September 2011 11:24 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

M in 5th sem ECE branch.
can u plz tell me when do we have to submit c.v and NOC for Training in DRDO?
8th September 2011 10:34 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir i am a student of microbiology, i want to do my 4th semster training from drdo, hw cn i apply?
21st August 2011 12:33 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

sir,i m 3rd yr studnt of instrumentation engg. from iit kharagpur.I want to do some project in drdo.please provide me with information regarding the procedure to be followed.
12th August 2011 08:12 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

What are the jobs offered in DRDO for electrical engineer who had completed their b-tech recently
8th August 2011 11:31 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

hello sir ,i am student of seemanta engg. college mayurbhanj 3rd year student of electronics and telecommunication i want summer traning in drdo plz help me...
8th August 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

I am a student of B.Tech [EC-3rd year] from Sharda University greater noida.and i want to do my 6weeks industrial traning in DRDO.Please provide me with the information regarding the procedures for the above mentioned task.
my id is [email protected]
1st July 2011 08:52 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

I am doing 5-Year integrated course in Industrial biotechnology at SASTRA university.I am eager to do my final semester project in DRDO. Could you please instruct me the procedure.
25th June 2011 02:27 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Sir i am a student of 4th yr pursuing my degree in ece under PTU UNVERSITY.what is the procedure for enrolling in 6 months industrial training in drdo (dehradun).my email id is [email protected]
29th May 2011 10:39 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Respected sir , i am dayanand prajapati from VIT University 3rd year student nd i m doing in mechanical engineering spl. in chemical process engineering,sir could be able to guide me that we can do the summer trainning from drdo.thank you sir.
28th May 2011 03:43 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

plz tell me how to get training in drdo ,my e mail id is [email protected]
27th May 2011 12:41 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Hi dear,
you find some institutes then try to get
information about training duration, fee,..
and then forward a letter to this company or institutes by your principle...
in drdo also available training programme contact by phone and
get information...

26th May 2011 11:52 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

tuff to get throuh it without approch.....
26th May 2011 01:11 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

respected sir/mam
i have already applied for 6 months industrial trng in drdo dehradun through reference.but yet no reply has, will u plz tell me that how they told the students about their they upload the list of selected candidates on their site or send a msg on the email id.and at what time the disclose the list of shortlisted candidates.
my email id :[email protected]
14th May 2011 02:15 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Hi dear,
you find some institutes then try to get
information about training duration, fee,..
and then forward a letter to this company or institutes by your principle...
in drdo also available training programme contact by phone and
get information...

6th May 2011 01:05 PM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i am student of 6th computer science from where i should do my tranining what is precedure to enroll in DRDO please rply
Summer Industrial training 2011 on
Advance Robotics, Wireless communications and Remote sensing,
Embedded systems, Hardware Designing
and many more
100% Placement Opportunity to Every Participant

Nextsapiens Launches summer training programs:

1. Advance Robotics (Technovation 2011)

7 days Advance level Workshop on Robotics and Emgineering.

Practical projects:
Generating Electricity while walking
New sense: explore the novel interaction technique based on Image Processing
Human Body Interfaced robot
Hand Interface robot ( desiging of WII remote) to control the functionality of the robot
Balancing Robot ( Robot balancing and moving on 2 wheels)
Home automation using sensors and remote control device
Directional Touch screen control Robot
Scrolling on touch screen to make robot move in any particular direction
IVRS Based system
Voice recognition robot

Location: Sector 2, Noida

Starting Dates:June 2011 onwards

2. Wireless Communication and remote sensing techniques

Hands on Projects to be covered:

1. Wireless communication between PC and Microcontroller
2. Wireless communication between 2 microcontrollers
3. Wireless communication between sensor and microcontroller
4. Remote sensing by installing sensor at remote location and recieving its data on PC
5. Designing of wireless sensor network using 2 or more sensors connected wirelessly to base station
6.Designing of wireless communication module

Location: Sector 2, Noida
Starting Dates: June 2011 onwards

3. Embedded systems, Image Processing and Robotics

8 days of Training Program includes 4 Programming Languages and 22 practical exercises.

Programming Languages : Embedded C, Assembly, Matlab and Basic

Main attractions:
1. Ball Follower Robot using Image Processing
2. Autonomous Traffic Light control system
3.Anti theft system
4. Autonomous Maze solver Robot
5. Autonomous Line follower Robot
6. Autonomous Obstacle avoidance Robot
7. GSM Control Robot and many more

Location: Sector 2, Noida
Starting Dates: June 2011 onwards

4. Embedded systems and PCD designing

Practical Projects:

1. Implementing micro controller circuit and its features on the bread board
2. Designing of Powersupply to Microcontroller
3. Designing of ISP for programming the microcontroller
4. Interfacing LCD with Micro controller on bread Board
5. Interfacing of ADC and analog sensors with Microcontroller
6. Interfacing of Motors via L293D with Microcontroller on Bread Board
7. Circuit and sensor designing
8. Circuit layout desigining using E.A.G.L.E
9. Interfacing of Digital devices with Microcontroller
10. PCB desiging

Location: Sector 2, Noida
Starting Dates: June 2011 onwards

For more Information: Please visit , Call us @
0120-4231373, 9810570011
3rd May 2011 08:20 AM
Re: Summer training in DRDO for btech students?

i m a student of chemical engg. 3rd year
wants to do training in TATA CHEMICALS
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