Thread: Postgraduate Courses after Msc? Reply to Thread

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12th September 2017 11:51 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

I am pursuing (physics). I would like to know about the courses after it... Specially full details about radiation course after Like duration, colleges, career opportunities, etc
16th August 2015 12:05 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hello sir
I have done Master's in botany ..for which course should I go further?
is there any job related to my Field?
14th November 2013 11:15 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hello sir
i am currently completing my Msc in biochemistry , but very much confused on what diploma course can i go for .
wish to complete phd ,but due to some issues want to first earn , get in a company which will then finance for phd. do guide me.
thank you !!!!
28th July 2013 01:19 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

pls tell me i have done biochemistry now i want to do any diploma coures through which i can get job opportunities
28th May 2013 12:57 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

I have completed my -Biochemistry.Now i want to do diploma.can u plz tell me the good diploma courses through which i can get job apportunities.
26th May 2013 11:30 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Sir I have compleated my m sc in botany after this Wat may I select and which are the courses after m sc pls reply
14th January 2013 01:42 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hi, i am a B.E. mechanical graduate who has also completed a postgraduate degree- Msc. Engineering business management. what will be my best option of going forward with studies?? i am not interested in a career as a lecturer and would like to get into a reputed industry. can u please suggest me which higher studies option will suit me best
4th December 2012 05:35 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Master of Science Courses
M.Sc Mathematics
M.Sc Physics
M.Sc Chemistry
M.Sc Botany
M.Sc Zoology
M.Sc Biotechnology
M.Sc Genetics
M.Sc Genetic Engineering
M.Sc Plant breeding
M.Sc Gene technology
M.Sc Microbiology
M.Sc Biochemistry
M.Sc Opto-electronics
M.Sc Nanotechnology
M.Sc Bio-informatics
M.Sc Electronic Science
M.Sc Environmental Science
M.Sc. Geology
M.Sc. Demography
M.Sc. Home Science
M.Sc Aquatic Biology
M.Sc Geo-Informatics
M.Sc Statistics
M.Sc Applied Statistics & Informatics
17th September 2012 09:15 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

I have done MSc Biochemistry. I want to know what further studies i can per sue preferably by distance education.
20th April 2012 11:02 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

i have completed M.Sc organic chemistry, i would like to join phd
13th April 2012 06:58 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hi sir
i had completed msc in general microbiology.i would like to do diploma,but i don't no better course for as you know please informe me immediately.
12th February 2012 06:48 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what after msc staistics
you have choosen a very good subject in bsc and then latter on in msc ,i.e, statistics . a very few people opts this subject but they don’t know that it is a valuable one. after doing your msc you can go for m.phill and then phd in statistics. you can become junior or senior assistant in statistic department with 25000 salary .you can give all india level statis exam also. regards prince222
8th February 2012 10:24 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Dear Sir,
I have completed my M.Sc. (Inorganci). Could you pls inform me is there any professional courses which i can join.
15th November 2011 01:43 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

HI dear,

Master of Science Courses
M.Sc Mathematics
M.Sc Physics
M.Sc Chemistry
M.Sc Botany
M.Sc Zoology
M.Sc Biotechnology
M.Sc Genetics
M.Sc Genetic Engineering
M.Sc Plant breeding
M.Sc Gene technology
M.Sc Microbiology
M.Sc Biochemistry
M.Sc Opto-electronics
M.Sc Nanotechnology
M.Sc Bio-informatics
M.Sc Electronic Science
M.Sc Environmental Science
M.Sc. Geology
M.Sc. Demography
M.Sc. Home Science
M.Sc Aquatic Biology
M.Sc Geo-Informatics
M.Sc Statistics
M.Sc Applied Statistics & Informatics
14th November 2011 05:26 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

I have done MSc.(Statistics) in 2010 . I want to know courses after Msc. Statistics.
27th September 2011 11:04 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi ,

I have done my M.Sc (IT) , what are the courses that I can do further?
PHD IN Computer Science
13th August 2011 04:30 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Master of Science Courses
M.Sc Mathematics
M.Sc Physics
M.Sc Chemistry
M.Sc Botany
M.Sc Zoology
M.Sc Biotechnology
M.Sc Genetics
M.Sc Genetic Engineering
M.Sc Plant breeding
M.Sc Gene technology
M.Sc Microbiology
M.Sc Biochemistry
M.Sc Opto-electronics
M.Sc Nanotechnology
M.Sc Bio-informatics
M.Sc Electronic Science
M.Sc Environmental Science
M.Sc. Geology
M.Sc. Demography
M.Sc. Home Science
M.Sc Aquatic Biology
M.Sc Geo-Informatics
M.Sc Statistics
M.Sc Applied Statistics & Informatics.
10th July 2011 04:24 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Ihave complited M.Sc. in Environmental science I have to know pg cources after M.Sc.
6th July 2011 11:04 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hi sir...

I have completed my -- botany. Plz tell me what should i do after M.Sc for job prospects??
30th June 2011 10:46 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?


I have completed my -Biochemistry.Now i want to do diploma.can u plz tell me the good diploma courses which i can get job apportunities.
24th June 2011 03:22 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Hi ,

I have done my M.Sc (IT) , what are the courses that I can do further?
11th June 2011 11:11 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hello sir am persuing msc in micro biology. so what i hav 2 after msc . phd a part any diploma courses is der n wat r der
11th June 2011 11:01 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hello sir am persuing msc in microbiology so wat i hav 2do after msc
29th May 2011 02:58 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

i have completed M.Sc organic chemistry, i would like to join deploma in petrochemical diploma
3rd February 2011 05:29 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?


Postgraduate Courses after Msc
As you have not mentioned that in which field you have completed your msc so its difficult to tell but if your msc is in nutrition than you can do pg diploma in food technology after msc nutrition.The other ones are-
Product Design
Transportation Design
Interior Space & Equipment Design
Retail & Exhibition Design
Graphic Design
Animation Design
Film and Video Design
Design Management
The forms will be available in january & you can prepare by taking the help from the various sample papers.You can get a job that provides you a handsome salary & status.

good luck
27th January 2011 01:18 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

what after msc staistics
3rd December 2010 09:43 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

19th November 2010 02:11 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

i have completed my M.Sc. in organic chemistry.i want to know P.G.diploma courses.
15th November 2010 12:12 PM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

As you have not mentioned that in which field you have completed your msc so its difficult to tell but if your msc is in nutrition than you can do pg diploma in food technology after msc nutrition.The other ones are-
Product Design
Transportation Design
Interior Space & Equipment Design
Retail & Exhibition Design
Graphic Design
Animation Design
Film and Video Design
Design Management
The forms will be available in january & you can prepare by taking the help from the various sample papers.You can get a job that provides you a handsome salary & status.
15th November 2010 08:41 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

Master of Science Courses
M.Sc Mathematics
M.Sc Physics
M.Sc Chemistry
M.Sc Botany
M.Sc Zoology
M.Sc Biotechnology
M.Sc Genetics
M.Sc Genetic Engineering
M.Sc Plant breeding
M.Sc Gene technology
M.Sc Microbiology
M.Sc Biochemistry
M.Sc Opto-electronics
M.Sc Nanotechnology
M.Sc Bio-informatics
M.Sc Electronic Science
M.Sc Environmental Science
M.Sc. Geology
M.Sc. Demography
M.Sc. Home Science
M.Sc Aquatic Biology
M.Sc Geo-Informatics
M.Sc Statistics
M.Sc Applied Statistics & Informatics
15th November 2010 05:04 AM
Re: Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

You can go for MTech after Msc in the same field. For that you have to clear gate exam. There are options of Phd and MS for you either after MSc/Mtech.
10th November 2010 07:56 PM
Postgraduate Courses after Msc?

hello sir ,i m student of msc and want to know about pgt program.when forms comes out and how to prepare for it.also want to know wt type of job i will get. thank u

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