21st October 2018 11:52 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hello, I really love the work you have in here, I love the way you made every bit of this article simple*and very understanding. |
8th February 2014 11:35 AM | ||
sanniha |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
here is a simple track to create E-mail address: 1.open the website like "www.google.co.in". 2.Now google home page is open there is word "sign in" on right upper position click on that. 3.when one page is open there is two boxes are like in the format of "USER NAME" and "PASSWORD" below of this one a brief statement like "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" in bold letters click on that block. 4.Then one official form is open and fill that form in that one it ask one question like "Recovery mail id" or "Phone number" it is security question and it saves your email when you forgot password. 5.and submit form then your mail ready to open. i think it serving a useful function......... |
31st January 2014 11:43 AM | ||
IllegalPete 62 |
Too old for a console? Hi, i just joined so hello. Im 48 and my son bought me a PlayStation 4, ive not played computer games since the ZX Spectrum in the early 80's. My son downloaded a game called Battlefiled 3 or 4. Im suprised how good it all looks. Am I the worlds oldest video gamer? |
27th January 2014 04:07 AM | ||
mohit madan |
Re: How to create E-mail address? hey hi there is simple way to create account on google we will see step by step 1) go on google homepage for that go on website www.google.com 2)when homepage is open there is one word "gmail" on right upper side of screen click on that word "gmail" 3)later one page is open there is two block is seen one for username other for password exact lower-side of that the instruction for creating new account click on that red line 4)account crating form is open fill that form but one thing is remember when you choose your email address and password it choose like it will easy memorized you and save all information give your phone number 5) when you click on save button your account is ready to open |
18th January 2014 08:50 PM | ||
Perala Bharat Kumar |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
2) Go to the "log in" link.Click it. 3) You get a link saying "NOT REGISTERED?" or "CREATE ACCOUNT".Open it 4) You get a form asking for your personal details like name,date of birth,adress,phone number.It then asks you to create an e-mail id(you need to keep on trying new ones till it says the one you have chosen is available) and a password for yourself(which has to be kept confidential). 5) Select the optiion which states that you have agreed to the terms and conditions and then click SUBMIT. 6) your account is created in the website. 7) From the next time you can directly type your e mail id,password in the log in box and can access your account Thanks |
17th December 2013 12:06 AM | ||
bhole.yogesh16 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
we will see step by step 1) go on google homepage for that go on website www.google.com 2)when homepage is open there is one word "gmail" on right upper side of screen click on that word "gmail" 3)later one page is open there is two block is seen one for username other for password exact lower-side of that the instruction for creating new account click on that red line 4)account crating form is open fill that form but one thing is remember when you choose your email address and password it choose like it will easy memorized you and save all information give your phone number 5) when you click on save button your account is ready to open |
28th November 2013 11:21 AM | ||
rishabtheboss |
Re: How to create E-mail address? hi friend, 1- open google 2- type on which site you want to make account 3- click on log in button or create an account 4- give your basic information which was asked 5- write email as you desire 6- click on submit button 7- now your account created i hope it will help you |
5th November 2013 10:29 AM | ||
lubna mohd atique |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
'Google mail' or ‘Gmail‘ is a web-based email account in which emails are stored on the internet rather than on your computer. Internet email can be a flexible option as you can access emails from any computer that has internet access – for example, at internet cafés – anywhere in the world. In this guide,i am going to show you how to get started with email by creating an account in Gmail. You’ll need: a computer with internet access. Follow these step-by-step instructions to create a Gmail account Step 1: Open up your internet browser and go to the Google home page: http://www.google.co.uk. Step 2: At the top left corner of the page of the main Google page is a Google drop down list. (If the list isn’t showing, left click on the small arrow next to it). Then click on Gmail in the drop down list. Google drop down list Step 3: You’ll now be in the ‘Sign in’ section. As you don’t have a Google account yet, you need to create one. Click Create an account. Create an account button Step 4: To set up your new account, Google needs some information about you – first, your first and last names. The ‘choose your username’ is the unique email address that you wish to use, which will be placed before ‘@gmail.com’. Because it needs to be unique, Google may have to check the availability of any name that you decide on to make sure that no one already has it. Type an email name into the ‘choose your username’ box and then fill out the rest of your information. You will need to ensure that the ‘I agree to the Google terms of service and Privacy Policy’ is ticked. However, you may wish to untick the box next to Google being able to use my account information etc. for privacy and security. Then click next step. Step 5: If the email name that you requested in is not available, you’ll get a message saying that somebody already has that username and offering you some alternatives. You can decide to accept one of the alternatives or type in another name and check its availability once more. You will have to complete some of the other boxes again. You may have to do this a few times. Once you finalise your email address, it’s a good idea to make a note of it so that you can refer to it until you remember it. Name alternatives Step 6: You’ll need to come up with a password so that you can log in securely to your account. Google may explain that you should try one with at least 8 characters long to be secure. Use letters and numbers to make the password more secure and difficult to guess. You’ll need to re-enter your password to ensure that it’s you choosing it and not a hacker’s (ro)bot. This is why it also asks you to insert two random words at the bottom of the page – this is a CAPTCHA code. Captcha code Step 7: Once you have completed this page fully, clicking Next Step will take you to the Create Profile Page. If you don’t wish to have a picture on the web, click Next Step to complete setting up your email. If you do, Click on Add Profile Photo and find a photo to add. Then click Next Step. Add profile photo Step 8: You will now have set up your account. Clicking on Continue to Gmail will take you to your inbox, ready to start emailing. |
17th August 2013 03:23 PM | ||
cpmeena49 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Dear Friend, Most internet users create e-mail id on these famous website like google, yahoo, rediff .I am going to tell you how to create a e-mail address on these one by one On Google Go to page https://www.google.co.in/ 1. Click on Gmail on the top of the page 2. Click on the link CREATE AN ACCOUNT in red color. 3. Now fill the correct details those ask on the opened page. 4. Click on I agree Terms and Condition 5. At last click on Next Button Congratulation Your Email-address has created on Google. On Yahoo Go to page https://login.yahoo.com/config/login_verify2? 1. Click on Create New Account Button on this page. 2. Fill correct information and Yahoo ID that you want to use. 3. At last click on create my Account link. On Rediffmail 1. Go to page http://www.rediff.com/ 2. Click on create a rediffmail account link on the top of the page. 3. Fill correct information and choose an Rediff ID that you want to use. 4. At last click on Create my account>> button on the last of the page. |
10th August 2013 04:10 PM | ||
ece304 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? You can create your e-mail id in google or in yahoo..t For creating e-mail id in gmail, follow the steps.... 1. open www.gmail.com 3. As you are new user you can create new account For this you have to create an account....so click 'create an account' just below it. 4. now fill the form by giving your details and submit it.If you were given your mobile number verification code will be send to your mobile.After entering it new account will be created. Even if you forgot your password you can retrieve it don't worry about it. 5.After that you can go to gmail.com and enter username,password in the box and click on login button That's all. |
30th December 2012 01:38 AM | ||
JSD. |
Re: How to create E-mail address? E-mail means Electronic mail.Now days there is so need of this for all.It is very easy and convenient to create an E-mail ID. There are many companies where one can register for the Email.Some of them are Gmail, ymail, hotmail, rediffmail etc. One can go to the any one's official website.As you want to create a new mail ID, so you first have to complete a form which will be available on the website.There you have to fill the complete information regarding yourself.After completing you will get a confirmation code message or call on your phone.After successfully submitting this code you can successfully activate your ID. |
28th November 2012 12:58 PM | ||
Pinaki Banerje |
Re: How to create E-mail address? hiiii... I am Pinaki. create a new e-mail account is very easy. you shall create a google g-mail account.Between in g-mail and e-mail is no different.To create a new e-mail account you will go this website "www.gmail.com" If you use google then you entered g-mail to click the G-mail sing. Then you click "Create a account" logo. Then you see a form. you fill this form like--- Name- first name(your name) and last name(your titel) choose your user name- u choose a e-mail id. create a password-you enter a password. but very carefully. confirm your password-you need to enter the password repitedly. Birth day-you enter your birth day. Gender- your gender(MALE/FEMALE) Phone number-you have entered your own phone number. your current e-mail address- if you have a another e-mail address then you enter the id if you have not any e-mail address then you gape this option. Prove you are not a robot-you have entered the hazzi word. Location- if you Indian u click India. Then you tick the box I agree the google.... Now you get a confirmation code in your mobaile to sms. Then you enter the code the following box. you compose a mail and send a mail your friend. Then your e-mail address open. BEST OF LUCK... |
15th November 2012 04:21 PM | ||
SHIV . |
Re: How to create E-mail address? website you want to join or log in then go to its home page.For example we open google.co.in or yahoo.com and we see sign up option where we have to fill our detail like name,your self genrated login email ID name and password by whom you can log in date of birth your mobile number and also an alternate email ID for future password related problems (if you have forget it) and in last you have to type given texts and submit it after this you get a code on your mobile and this code you have to type for further process and after that you can enter your e-mail account |
13th November 2012 07:14 PM | ||
gpraveen12345 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hi,Friend E-mail ID its Mandatory to send information in electronic form you can Create You Mail ID in Gmail.com .just follow these Steps 1.Go to any internet Center 2.Open Internet Browser or explorer or Mozilla 3.jusy type www.gmail.com in Address Bar 4.the web page will open 5.CLick on Creant an Account 6.Details form will appread 7.Fill all the required Details and clikc button after entering Details its gives a email account you can use it any where form world Send mails photo file any body who is having Email id all the best my friend |
13th November 2012 02:52 PM | ||
naik4naik |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
Creating an email id is an easiest job... Here we go.. First go to the website you want to create an accunt. As you are going for campus selections, i prefer you craete an account in GMAIL. [LIST] 1. Go to www.gmail.com 2. Select on Create an account. 3. Fill all the necessary info like name, password, mobile number, address, captcha code...etc 4. Check on the Agrrement on T&C 5. Click on create my account, 6. Thats it.. and now u have your mail id Make sure you select an appropriate username. Because once you create an username and confirm it, You may never be able to change it. Next come the password. Create a password that you can remember easily, but yet difficult to crack by others. I suggest you to enable you mobile number for they can contact yu in case you forget either your email or password. For mre security, you can enable the Two-Step Verification process. It may be a bit tiresome. But it helps. All the best for your Campus selections. ThanQ |
13th November 2012 01:58 AM | ||
eduforall |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hi, Procedure to create E mail Address - First choose the service provider you want your e-mail id at like Gmail, yahoo, rediffmail, hotmail etc. Now, open the page of the service provider for example www.gmail.com There is an option " new to gmail", click on that. A form will appear. Fill that form. Submit and check the option of " read terms and conditions" Your email id will be generated and you can then use it. |
12th November 2012 11:55 PM | ||
Ravikanth2027 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Now a day so many E-mail ids available like Gmail Yahoo GMX Hotmail MSN windows live ID The following Steps used to create an e-mail account Type the mail address in the address bar Ex : http://www.gmail.com after that you see a gmail web page , you observes login & sinup options Click sinup option You can see following options Name : first name & last name Sex : M/F Birthday : D:M:Y Country : Location Name Language : select any language create your ID : you@gmail.com Password : Re-Password : Secret Questions : Question 1 : Question 2 : Ph.No : after that click on Create My Account Option ![]() |
12th November 2012 10:36 PM | ||
priyadarshini patnaik |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hello... Its a very easier task to create an account.for ex. you are going to have a account in gmail.. first of all open the webpage of gmail i.e www.gmail.com then in that page create an account option wiil be present click on that..another page will open.in that a form will be displayed fill up that form. after u filled that form a verification code will be sent to your mobile. that no. u have to type in a box which the administrator will ask for. after that our account will be created.. Thank u.. |
12th November 2012 09:06 PM | ||
aryan5107241 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Dear Friend, its very easy to make an E-Mail Address . You can make your email-id at websites like : Gmail , Yahoo , Rediff , In , Linked etc. The Steps that you have to consider on are : * Open the website (e.g., gmail.com) in your web browser. * On the Right hand side , you will see the "Create New Account" , just click on it. * After clicking on it , you will be redirected to a webpage with a form to fill details regarding your new account , just fill the details . * After filling the form , just click on the "submit" button. * Then a confirmation code will be sent on your mobile number that you have given in the form . * You have to put the confirmation code on the next webpage asking for the same. * Providing the confirmation code , click submit and you have created your new email-id. This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want. |
10th November 2012 01:10 PM | ||
tash1907 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hi Friend..... Steps to create E-Mail ID 1. Go to gmail.com and click the create an account button 2. fill out the requested personal details such as your first and last name 3. Place your desired login name information on the account form. The login name will be your email address. When you submit your information, google will reject your request if the ID is already in use. Google will give you some suggestions to try. It might take several tries until you find a login name that available. 4. Choose a password based on the Gmail criteria. There is a bar that will give you can an idea of the strength of your password. 5. Choosed a security question from the drop-down menu. There are several options available, so try to choose one that few people would know. 6. Type the characters from the visual confirmation text into the appropriate field 7. Check the box to agree to Google's terms of service and privacy agreements. 8. Click Next 9. Google will then ask you to verify your account information. Follow the on-screen instructions. regards...... Tash |
8th November 2012 08:05 PM | ||
shivaiiit |
Re: How to create E-mail address? There are so many types of E-mails. Among those frequently used E-mails are found to be Yahoo mail and G-mail. To create gmail account , follow below mentioned steps Open the below link 1) mail.google.com/mail/signup 2)Fill the required details 3)Enter your user name which has to be quite unique or not used by anyone. 4)Choose your password by involving characters , numbers,special type symbols which makes your password quite strong 5)click on signup similarly follow same for yahoo mail |
8th November 2012 10:49 AM | ||
joyshreenath |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hello, Dear, this is a very interesting question that you have asked. You will have to first choose a website where you like to make your email address in. There are a lot of websites in this regard. For example-www.yahoo.com, www.gmail.com, www.care2.com,www.rediffmail.com,etc. Now after deciding on this go to that particular website. Then you click on mail or Email option(as applicable) on the website. There you will see the option to get registered for new users. You click on that and fill up the corresponding form. Give every needed details accurately. When you give these details they will create your account there and give you your created user id and password as the gate pass of your email account. So create one now. |
8th November 2012 03:09 AM | ||
kumar12337 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? HI friend...........to create the Email address first open the google and click on the GMAIL option...which is at the top of the google window then click on the CREATE ACCOUNT option which is at top of right pane of the window then enter your name , psswrd, date of birth..............finally type the security words in the box and......amd select the Agreement statement and click the NEXT STEP option which is at the bottom of the window then click the SAVE AND CONTINUE option then your EMAIL account will be created......................ALL THE BEST |
8th November 2012 01:48 AM | ||
josh98 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hi friend, To create E-mail address following below steps first open the google. Them click on to the gmail. In the next you can see the login option. Below login you can see the Register or create e-mail. Click the box. In to below link you can watch the fields like name user id gender date of birth surname etc. Fill the all the fields. In the below you can watch box some code. The code enter the required box. Then last you click the submit botton. Thats all you create a new email id. All the best. |
8th November 2012 12:07 AM | ||
Realstarsajjad |
Re: How to create E-mail address? If you want to create an E-mail id just follow this several steps : ** At fist vist the homepage of the server, like http://mail.google.com, mail.yahoo.c...ail.rediff.com etc. ** Then select 'Sing up' or 'Register now' or 'Create a new account' and click here. ** After clicking you will fill-up your details, like e-mail name, your name, phone number etc. ** verification code will send to your phone. Veryfy your account. ** Your e-mail id is ready. Just share it with your friend. |
7th November 2012 09:01 PM | ||
sudha001 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hello Friend , How to Make an Email Follow the 7 Steps :-1)Visit a website that offers an email service. Notable ones are yahoo.com, google.com, and hotmail.com, all of which are free forever. 2)Find where to sign up. Usually, there is a small link image or text that says "register" or "sign up", although you may have to go to the login page to find this. 3)Follow all the instructions on the page, filling out all the needed details. In some cases, you may feel uncomfortable letting out certain information. Don't worry, most of the time email accounts do not need information such as telephone and street address, and you can skip these completely. 4)After filling out the required information, you should read over the service agreement and click the box saying that you agree to abide by the email system's rules.And then you should clck the Submit or Enter button at the bottom of the screen. 5)Congratulations! You have now created an email address! 6)Tell your friends and family about your new email, gather their information and add them to your contacts list, which is usually a button stationed at the top or side of the screen. 7)Start chatting with friends and family, and register for some cool websites and games. Tips If you want any notifications, a good site program for this would be Google Alerts. You can sign up to have free alerts, and news about any topic you want. Make sure that you have the correct email address from your friends and family so that you can email them. Email them your new address so that they would have a new ability to contact you. Soon, you'll have plenty of emails to fill your inbox. All The Best .... |
7th November 2012 07:55 AM | ||
ranjith1438 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Hai,
Creating an e-mail address is very simple, here shown the process below. Please follow the steps. ![]() If you want to create an account in Gmail, Yahoo mail, rediff mail etc. Thats also simple process. Steps to create an account in gmail:- First goto www.gmail.com or CLICK HERE Then click on create an account. ![]() Then fill this form. ![]() After this some times it asks mobile verification like ![]() Then your gmail account was created. |
30th October 2012 07:14 PM | ||
kesh.kumar |
Re: How to create E-mail address? To create an e-mail address first you have to choose on which website you want to join or log in then go to its home page.For example we open google.co.in or yahoo.com and we see sign up option where we have to fill our detail like name,your self genrated login email ID name and password by whom you can log in date of birth your mobile number and also an alternate email ID for future password related problems (if you have forget it) and in last you have to type given texts and submit it after this you get a code on your mobile and this code you have to type for further process and after that you can enter your e-mail account.for close it you have to go to sign out or log out option and to enter or sign in you have enter your email ID and your password and click to sign in or log in |
13th June 2012 07:33 PM | ||
sheshadev senapati |
Re: How to create E-mail address? hello dear Its very easy.... You can create your e-mail id in google or in yahoo..there are also other, but these two are preferable. For creating e-mail id in gmail, follow the steps.... 1. open google.com 2. then, in the toolbar you will get many options like 'web','Images', 'Maps' etc...among them one is named as 'Gmail', click that. 3. Then a page will open, where they will ask your username and password to sign in, but since you don't have any email id, you can not do this.... For this you have to create an account....so click 'create an account' just below it. 4. now fill the form by giving your details and submit it. Never forget your username (email id) and password. 5. Now sign in that previous page, by giving your username and password and approve the confirmation mail, sent by gmail team. 6. your email id created. thank you |
9th June 2012 08:47 PM | ||
akkikaware |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
If you open your email in yahoo then your email id is given by your name then @yahoo etc. and now you can give your email address to anyone. ![]() again thank you.... ![]() |
30th May 2012 10:07 AM | ||
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
1. Go to the desired website where you want to create an e-mail id and click sign up. for example www.google.com , www.yahoo.com 2. Fill up the following application viewed on the screen. 3 You should not forgot the password and it should not be easy to assumed by others. 4.After entering the details click sign up 5.Thus a new e-mail id is created for you. 6. Now you will return to the homepage of the website 7 Now click sign in. 8.Here you have to enter the user name and the password 9 You will reach the inbox where you can find the mail and you can reply. 10 Dont forgot to sign out after checking your mails. |
30th March 2012 07:18 PM | ||
Dinesh Rock |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
Then search for gmail. Next-create account in gmail ,web is provided by google ,you enter-then you will fill quaries ask by Gmail like- First name- Last name- Email address(as u want u write)- passward- etc ,You fill all correct info as requirements. Then-submit it. Now you ready to gmail service with enjoying mail's. And if you modify & add info to gmail account by settings-like-profile piture,date of birt,from where u belongs. I surely tell u that u follow all this u can easily create account or u get your Email ID. Thanks |
13th March 2012 10:52 AM | ||
shubham.deore |
Re: How to create E-mail address? creating an email id is just an easy thing..... First confirm that is it necessary for you to create an email id?if yes ,just follow the following instructions.. First chose your server eg.yahoo,gmail,hotmail,rediffmail.etc Then open homepage of that server and click on sign up. You will get online account creation forum on your window.....just fill that form clearly and add your information and click on sign up/create my account....and congrats Your account is ready.....remeber your email id and password....keep logging in....if dont your account will be closed in 90 days |
31st January 2012 12:16 PM | ||
Ashwinkumar Hallikar |
Re: How to create E-mail address? hi friend It is very easy to create a E-mail address 1)select the website in which you want to create a account here are some of the websites below gmail yahoo rediff hotmail etc 2)sign up to create account 3)fill up the blank column provided (personal information) 4)your E-mail is ready congratulation |
10th January 2012 10:16 PM | ||
saurabh.dhyani |
Re: How to create E-mail address? hi, Creating an email account is not a very tough task. you can create your email-id on any of the following sites like: www.gmail.com www.rediffmail.com www.yahoo.com www.hotmail.com etc. so, creating an email-id you have to first click the link on the site which is create an account then the site will ask you to sign up after your click on the sign up link you will be provided an application form. just fill the form with appropriate details and make a good password ,your account is ready Thank you. |
10th January 2012 06:56 PM | ||
a444 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? DON'T WORRY,and chill beacause its so easy,1st go to google and click on the gmail in top in left side and then click on create an account and then fill the simple form ,after you fill this simple form you have to create your account. |
25th December 2011 07:54 AM | ||
ashwingawande1442 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Just simply go in www.gmail.com and there is one option create anew account so click it and then after that fullfill you name ,mobile no. And password etc. |
19th November 2011 03:21 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to create E-mail address? so pls guide me to create e mail id |
17th October 2011 03:36 AM | ||
blizard |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Dear friend it is very easy to create an e mail address. Please go through these steps : Procedure : 1.You must have an internet connection. 2.Then visit the website you want to create your id like gmail,yahoo,rediffmail etc. 3.Then go to "CREATE AN ACCOUNT" 4.Please fill up the important fields and create an id. Please remember the user id and corresponding password. |
16th October 2011 01:44 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Creating E-mail address is easy. You can visit any of yahoo, rediff, google, etc. Let, you go at www.yahoo.com there will be a login box and sign up or create my account options you must click on given option. New window will open. Fill your details. Email id as : ______@yahoo.com password is case sensitive. You must keep it very safe. Lastly click on i accept or i agree and create my account. If you have still any problem you must visit any internet cafe for creating account. |
16th October 2011 12:52 PM | ||
edgeineervinay |
Re: How to create E-mail address? creating an email address is very simple just visit any of the website which offer mail like gmail.com and yahoo.com and click on the button sign up..after clicking to that button a page will open just fill the details and get your email id..........its very simple.. |
16th October 2011 11:05 AM | ||
shahraksh3 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? For creating email id is easy. You require email id for placement purpose so make sure when you create email id use ur name sin that. For eg sachinten@gmail.com. If it shows that username is already in use then add ur birth year behind that name. The procedure for email id is as below: 1] Open gmail account. 2] Click on create an account. 3] Fill in your details. 4]Then click on I accept and create my account. 5]You are done and created ur email account. |
16th October 2011 01:01 AM | ||
Fraction Down |
Re: How to create E-mail address? dear friend, first go through a email address site. i'm giving you example' 1.> then there will be a option create account click it.and fill up the form note down the adress and password. |
16th October 2011 12:52 AM | ||
sidbond |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Creating an email address is an easy, clean, guided process. All you need to do is to fill in the asked information. Open an email service provider like gmail, yahoo, hotmail, in, rediffmail, indiatimes etc. Click a "Sign Up" or "Create Account" link or button and follow the process. Good luck |
16th October 2011 12:30 AM | ||
tejesh_09 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? It is very easy to create E-Mail address which is very important for each and every one's day to day life. If you want to create e-mail address then it is very easy. E-mail address is very important for any candidates. You can create e-mail address in any of the e-mail website like gmail, Yahoo mail, Rediff mail, hot mail..etc. First step is go on the e-mail website then click on the sign up and after then fill the necessary details. Please remember the user name and password. For login into email address please enter the user name and then enter the password and after then click on the sign in. In this way you can create your new account. |
16th October 2011 12:29 AM | ||
dimple.simple |
Re: How to create E-mail address? It the easier way just open the web page which you like you open gmail.com->click create an accont -> fill the form which appear ->you need a phone no. to varifivcation code -> fill the code your account is created. |
15th October 2011 11:58 PM | ||
rchauhan294 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
How to create E-mail address? It is as simple as playing games on internet. Follow the procedure given. Step-I- Open either http://www.gmail.com or http://www.yahoomail.com and click on link which says either "Sign up" or "Create New Account" Step-II-You will get a form .Just fill that form according to the criteria and condition specified . Step-III-Lastly you will need to confirm you account .You can do it through your Mobile by providing mobile number during form fill up .You will receive a code .Just enter that code and your account will be activated and thus enjoy with your new email id. If you are asked to provide your email id then put @gmail.com after your username .For example- rchauhan294@gmail.com With Regards rchauhan294 |
15th October 2011 11:46 PM | ||
nitz90 |
Re: How to create E-mail address? Quote:
In order to create a new account..go to any popular email sites like gmail.com or yahoomail.com There will be an option of Create an account or New User or Sign Up Click on any of these links on the site..it will take you to a page where your personal details and account details shall be asked.. Just fill the details and do remember your id and password.. that is all you need.. all the best.. ![]() With Warm Regards "Nitz" |
15th October 2011 10:44 PM | ||
bhelanu |
Re: How to create E-mail address? dear friend.... creating an e-mail address is a very easy process...for creating an email...one must aware about the search engines that provide this facillites...... Gmail,Yahoo,Hotmail,Rediff are some of the search engines that provide these services.... when we log in to these sites..we will be getting one link "create an email address"..just access it...they wil ask you the basic things like name,date of birth,some personal informations like that...after that you must create a new email address and password...and just submit it...the conformation message will be send by the search engines...after that you will be having a new mail-id on ur name.... thank you... |
20th September 2011 06:11 PM | ||
ravi kiran.b |
Re: How to create E-mail address? if you want to create your email address firstly you have to choose type of search engines in which you want to appear. enter your details and write your desired email address and pass word.Then submit the data to the server and you will get a dialog box for acceptance of your email. |
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