29th May 2013 08:16 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? recently i have scored 90 marks in sbi(associates) clerk but the cut off mark is 134. how can i fill the gap ?and tell the no. of questions to be attempted in each section to cross the over all cut off as well as sectional? and give me the way of starting the exam i mean which section first..? |
2nd November 2012 05:01 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? up coming examination of bank clerk what should we do so that we can get success |
28th October 2012 11:45 PM | ||
rohit khaneja |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? hey my dear friend here i just want to say u that there are many short-cuts available which we can use no dough hard work is the the most powerful and gorgeous shortcut but by using different short-cuts with hard-work we can win more easily.... get it and try it ok |
23rd April 2012 11:19 PM | ||
vijaykumarsriram |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Quote:
remember one thing there is no shortcut success.and dont waste your time you can follow these books you will reach your goal..... R S AGARWAL is the best book for bank exams all the best |
23rd April 2012 10:43 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? sir i kwn dat there is no shortcuts for sucess bt m also kwn dat "there is a way,where is a vill" so plz tel me something about dat......... |
20th April 2012 09:09 PM | ||
monisha_sarabhai |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Hi there! Follwing is the examination pattern for the IBPS PO examination.(many other banks follows the same pattern for there PO examinations like SBI) For aptitude:R S agarwal quantitative aptitude reasoning:R S agarwal verbal and non-verbal reasoning BEST OF LUCK.......... 1.Quantitative Aptitude by R.S Aggarwal, S.CHAND publication. 2.Bank P.O. Prev. Solved Papers by Rph Editorial Board ,Ramesh Publishing 3.Quantitative Aptitude for competitive exams from ABHIJIT GUHA 4.For GK you can refer monthly time magazine such as Pratiyogita Darpan |
16th April 2012 01:46 PM | ||
ishwaryahh |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? sir attach some previous year clerk question papers of tamilnadu merchantile bank |
16th April 2012 01:44 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? sir attach some previous year clerk question papers of tamilnadu merchantile bank |
16th April 2012 01:42 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? sir attach some previous Tamilnadu merchantile bank clerk question papers. |
14th March 2012 09:49 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? sir please tell me how to maths paper |
15th January 2012 09:10 PM | ||
abhisek.sonu |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Hello, Remember one thing,there is no short cut for success and please do not waste your time in finding methods of short cuts. There is only one short cut and that is practice and only practice.Try to solve the previous years question papers,taking the time into consideration. Once you get used to the type of problems being asked in the Bank clerk exams,the time will automatically take care of itself. R.S.AGARWAL is one of the most preferable books for the bank exams. So work hard,you'll get to your destination,because "HARD WORK PAYS". GOOD LUCK. |
1st December 2011 09:53 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? how to prepare for English paper because it's to hard |
21st November 2011 11:47 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? which coaching centre for bank exams is best in hyderabad |
17th November 2011 10:23 PM | ||
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Hello, There is prescribed syllabus for clerk grade to officers exam.Usually common type of questions are asked in bank exams.Graduate level for PO & Intermediate standard for Clerk grade.if you focus on some special segments then you can qualify questions seems to be toughest,- ¤English language: The questions are asked from the segments candidates have studied earlier.you should follow a national english newspaper and try to enhance your vocubulary. ¤General Awareness: To gain the name in Merit list, one has to focus on Reasoning, Mathematics & English.you should keep yourself updated with latest consignments, burning issues, recent stories in national & international politics.Prepare well for economics & pay more time for questions related to Banking. ¤Mathematics: like reasoning, Maths is also an scoring subject.Solve the questions with respect to timing, All questions will be on the basis of 'Concepts'. ¤Discriptive test: It's compulsary for all candidats.You have to score qualifying marks, for which keep yourself updated with Editorial page of Hindi & English news paper. ¤GDPI: By Group discussion & Personal Interview,personality evalution is done.If you have firm determination & firm self confidence, then absolutly you can get success. Overall it can be categories in two sections as Verbal & Non-verbal. *Verbal: Number series, Alphabet series, Direction test, Coding-Decoding, Number ranking, Arithmatics,Blood relations, Analogy, Decision making. *Non-verbal: Grouping, Figure relations. So, according to above suggested advices you can absolutly crack the exam. Ok, best of luck. |
17th November 2011 09:27 PM | ||
VegaSridhar |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Quote:
Confidence,Hardwork and right practice are the keys available to success in bank PO exams. Remember that most of the bank examination papers are all at the same level. Tips::
Good Luck |
17th November 2011 12:42 PM | ||
farooq32 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? frnds am gng to write tamilnadu mercantile bankclerk exam i need ur help dis is the first exam am gng to write so i need ur help. wt r all the things i ve to study. post some sample question papers for TMB clerk exam plz.......... |
17th November 2011 12:40 PM | ||
farooq32 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? frnds am gng to write tamilnadu mercantile bankclerk exam i need ur help dis is the first exam am gng to write so i need ur help. wt r all the things i ve to study. post some sample question papers for TMB clerk exam plz.......... |
11th October 2011 07:35 PM | ||
rafimca68 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? hi send reasoning model questions to [email protected] |
5th October 2011 09:14 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? any short cut method used for bank english???? |
29th September 2011 11:43 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? any short cut in bank english |
1st September 2011 06:29 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? hello..... sir i hve mny pblms in clerk exam so plz sugget me wht to do.......... |
28th August 2011 10:50 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Please tell me a best book for upcoming bank clerk exam. Book in which cover all subject |
27th August 2011 12:40 PM | ||
Mannu2525 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Dear, There is no short cut of success. If you really want to see yourself at any successful position then you should have to first clear your concepts regarding your subject and then find out the way to solve question quickly. There are lots of books available in the market but few of them are good in which shortcuts are given. I summarized all together and form a list which is given below • Maths - Arun Sharma • English - RS Aggrawal • Logical Reasoning - RS Aggrawal BEST OF LUCK |
26th August 2011 01:58 PM | ||
pruthvisinh |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Quote:
26th August 2011 12:23 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? plz give the short cut methods for reasoning and english to my mail indojusureshbabu 2gmail.com |
14th August 2011 07:50 PM | ||
divyanakra |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Tips on solving Reasoning questions in Bank PO exam? The reasoning questions can be solved more accurately by practicing as more as you can do. Since the only trick to solve reasoning question accurately is practice as much problems as you can do. There are some particular tricks for doing the aptitude questions they are not fixed you can make them by your own practice and solve as many questions as you can. For this purpose you can refer the book written by R.S. Agarwal. famous book writer for quantitative aptitude. Main thing that you must keep in your mind is that practice always to control time the questions are not very hard but you have to do them in particular time. |
14th August 2011 04:21 PM | ||
saurabhkaushal333 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? never go for shortcut methods as it not always helpful.go for best coaching classes for bank if you have trouble in self study.they give you best guideline as well as clear your all queries. |
14th August 2011 04:01 PM | ||
vigilancebti |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? the shortcut method for preparation is just go for self study. the following attachment helps you. |
14th August 2011 03:59 PM | ||
vigilancebti |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? the shortcut method for preparation is just go for self study. the following attachment helps you. |
14th August 2011 01:07 PM | ||
jxsab |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Quote:
Books for Bank Clerical: Ramesh Bank Clerical Practice Work Book by RPH Editorial Board (Rs. 190) Ramesh Bank Clerical Exam Solved Papers by RPH Editorial Board (Rs. 110) Ramesh Bank Clerical Test Guide (Big) by Anjani A Gupta (Rs. 195) Ramesh Bank Clerks Exam Guide (Small) by Saurabh Sharma, Karan Dev (Rs. 140) Upkars Banks Recruitment Tests by Khanna & Verma (Rs. 130) Upkars Bank Competitions by T. S. Jain (Rs. 205) Upkars New Banks Recruitment Tests by Dr. M. B. Lal & Bhatnagar (Rs. 140) Upkars Quicker Numerical Test for Bank Clerical Cadre by Dr. M. B. Lal & Jain (Rs. 145) Arihant General Knowledge (Objective) 2750+ Questions – Rs.66 Arihant Objective General Knowledge 6250+ Questions – Rs.156 Ramesh General English – Rs.68 Objective General English For all competitive Examinations - Rs.175 Objective General English 10,000+ Questions – Rs.355 by R.S. Agarwal Upkars Quicker Reasoning Test –Rs.60 Ramesh Test Of Reasoning Ability - Rs.48 Upkars Objective Banking & Finance – Rs.120 Upkar SBI Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam.-Rs.225 Ramesh Bank Clerical Practice Work Book – Rs.192 Ramesh Bank Clerical Exam Solved Papers – Rs.104 Refer the file attached for the clerical exam papers. |
7th July 2011 01:33 PM | ||
dr.minakshi |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Hiii Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? |
29th June 2011 11:51 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? how to solve the non verbal part of reasoning? |
31st May 2011 10:36 PM | ||
Bhojrajjangid |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? For any exam first all you must understand what the structure and pattern of the exam is. You need to be well aware of what you will be tested upon. The bank test will test you on your aptitude level. So you need to be prepared in all the areas related to it. These will include DI, Logical reasoning, Mathematics, Verbal Reasoning. For these you mustcover all the topics. Start from simple problems and move on to the higher level problems. You can refer to books like R.S Agarwal and Oswal. These will give tips on how to solve problems quickly. Other than this newspapers and magazines will give you information regarding the General Knowledge section. |
20th May 2011 12:08 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? i'm scared of ur answers whether i can compete or not |
2nd May 2011 12:38 PM | ||
sivaraj448 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? # Syllabus * This is Only an indicative Syllabus. * Syllabus Varies from Bank to Bank. * Specialist Officer exams have special sections on “Technical Knowledge” * Reasoning * Mathematics * English * General Awareness * Marketing * Financial Awareness # Pattern of Test * Number of Questions vary Bank to Bank * Level of PO exams is very high as compared to clerical exams. * Test duration is normally 2 to 3 hours, conducted on a single day. * Questions are Objective Type * Each Section has Equal Questions(generally) * Most Exams have Negative Marking * Some exams may have Descriptive English Section. |
28th April 2011 08:44 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? I hav solved 130 questions out of 200 in associate state bank of india clerical test held on 16-01-2011. is there any chance to get success. |
19th April 2011 02:38 PM | ||
sharivikram |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Go and get school mathematics book. Prepare that. You must know the concepts of Simple Intrest, Compound Intrest. Many easy methods will be there. You must also have good typing skills. |
19th April 2011 02:34 PM | ||
sharivikram |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Go and read school mathematics books. You must throughly know the concepts of Simple intrest, Compound Intrest. You must also have good typing skills. |
17th March 2011 05:38 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? When you feels your mind and heart cannot want to study because of difficulty and difficulty in understanding the question. Pls send suggestions for facing this problem and also send me a suitable tips for preparing 'Profit & Loss", Work time & Wages, Area and other mathematically chapter. I will be very thankfull from heart to all of you. My email ID is - [email protected] From Sohan Lal |
10th March 2011 06:00 PM | ||
melwynjensen |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Quote:
Attached some of the previous year model question paper of Syndicate bank and a common PO and clerk exam question pattern in this post... kindly check it over... just go through the papers and find out the pattern of questions asked and prepare accordingly not just reside only on the previous question papers... hope the info. helps... All the Best... ![]() |
9th March 2011 08:40 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? i want previous question paper of syndicate bank ........by apk |
27th February 2011 07:00 PM | ||
ashok880 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? to get qualify in any competitive exam. one should have basic concept of the problems,which most of the bank clerk exam will held on this type of concept.to get complete grip on the topic.their is best text book,which covers the all competitive exams as well as bank clerk exam.that book is R.S.Agrawal quantitative aptitude text book.this book is available in every book stationary.go through particular topic which asked repeatedly.all the best .work hard u will can crack any competitive exams. |
27th February 2011 06:59 PM | ||
Sneha1247 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Hi!!!! Wether you believe or not but the most important thing is that 90% persons get cleared the written exams for banks who attend any good bank coachings. So better to join any bank coaching or if not than better to make a daily time table like monday is for reasong tuesday is for english wednesday is for G.K..etc.You can also solwe previous year question papers follow it and definitely you will find a better result. with best wishes!!!! |
27th February 2011 05:50 PM | ||
kumarpravir007 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? the various tips and the tricks needed for the bank clerk exam are that you have to learn the various maths tricks and memorize the various formula for the quick reference and the fast calculations ..... and you have to read the newspaper daily and watch the news even daily for the latest updates happening around the world and in India for the current affairs .... and you have to work hard for the success ........ |
27th February 2011 05:47 PM | ||
kumarpravir007 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? the various tips and the tricks needed for the bank clerk exam are that you have to learn the various maths tricks and memorize the various formula for the quick reference and the fast calculations ..... and you have to read the newspaper daily and watch the news even daily for the latest updates happening around the world and in India for the current affairs .... and you have to work hard for the success ........ |
27th February 2011 04:32 PM | ||
melwynjensen |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Hello friend... There is no shortcut method present to prepare for bank clerk exam instead there are lot of tips available.. one of the important one is to know the pattern of the bank clerk exam and preparing according to it... That you can do only by referring the previous year papers of bank clerk exam which enables to have a idea about what type of common questions are asked then to prepare accordingly... I have attached some of the previous year question papers of various bank in this post just go through and try to form an idea of pattern they are following and work out those questions by spending some valuable time for it daily then you can easily crack the exam.... hope the info. helps... ![]() |
27th February 2011 04:02 PM | ||
pops07 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? The bank's exam pattern consists of 4 or 5 topics. It differs from bank to bank. but they are mainly: reasoning ability numerical ability clerical aptitude test computer basics general English you should start the preparation for the exam 3 to 4 months before... But since you already have some experience about the exam pattern, it will be not so tough for you. the best way to prepare for the exam is to buy one or two books from the market, the name for which is given below, and start practicing. the more you practice the more you will be able to complete the paper in that limited time which is very short to solve all the questions. so practice is everything to prepare for bank's exam. the books which you can follow to prepare are given below(buy one or two): Upkar`s SBI Clerical Cadre Recruitment Exam Ramesh`s Bank Clerical Exam(Solved Papers) Upkar`s SBI PO Examination (Solved Papers) Ramesh`s Bank PO. Previous year Solved Papers Test of Reasoning/Reasoning Ability by R.S.Agarwal (Verbal & Non-verbal) Quantitative Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal Guides by Kiran publications. all the best. |
27th February 2011 03:41 PM | ||
rahul k |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? To Crack The Bank Exams Was Not Easy. And You Can Not Crack The Bank Examination Two Or Three Days Study. You Have To Work Hard Regularly, To Crack Bank Exams, You Need Atleast 6 Month Practice, Only then You Will Be Able to Scored Good Marks In Bank Examination. So, I will Inform You That, There Is No Shortcuts To Crack The Bank Exams, In Just Few Days Perperation. If You Have Work Hard And Try To Solve the Questions Daily Only then You Will Be Able to Crack the Bank Examination. So, I will Suggest You Just Purchase the Best Book From The Market And Try to Solve them Regularly And Also Try To Solve Previous Year Bank Exams Papers, So, That Your Confidence level Will Increase And You will Attempt Questions Easily In Bank Exams. And If You Face Problem To Solve Questions, Then I Will Suggest You Just Join Some Good Coaching Center Near By Your City, They Will Guide You Properly And They Will Provide You the Best Material To Crack The Bank Exams. So, Please Work hard For Few Months, If You Really Interested to Get The Bank Jobs. Rahul k |
27th February 2011 03:17 PM | ||
sonu1234 |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? R.S.AGARWAL is one of the most preferable books for the bank exams.There is only one short cut and that is practice and only practice.Try to solve the previous years question papers,taking the time into consideration. |
27th February 2011 02:36 PM | ||
sanjay kumar saini |
Re: Tips and shortcut methods to prepare for bank clerk exam? Hi, Old man says that ther is no shortcut for success of any work you should work hard for the success of any type of task whether it is a easy task or complicated task.you should study hard for success of any task. For bank clerk exam it is important to study aptitude type question very much.your selection depends on the preparation of aptitude question because these are those type question vhich are asked very much in any exam. For preparation of aptitude type question you solve more and more question.as much aptitude question you solve your preparation will be solid. Best book for preparation of aptitude tye question is R.S AGARWAL. If you study according to this book you deefinitely get success in bank clerk exam. You should also improve you english language this help you in your exam and interview. So work hard for success in exam. Hard work is a key for success of any task. Best of luck. |
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