Thread: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category Reply to Thread

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18th May 2018 10:18 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

Will i get admission in jntuk or jntuh for gate score of 469 and rank of 9961 in civil engineering general category
10th July 2017 07:05 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

MTech admission in JNTU Hyderabad gate rank 12000, score 352in CSE stream SC category. Is there any chance to get seat in JNTU please reply me. Mail id: [email protected]
7th May 2016 10:20 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

My score is 23.99.. Rank 38000 and score is 292!! I'm of SC category sir..will I get mtech admission in jntu Hyderabad??
18th June 2015 08:13 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 34 rank and 2898 in mechanical engineering pgecet exam,can i get seat in in juntuh college in any mechanical branch?
24th October 2014 11:58 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir i got gate A.I.R 9002 and gate score 401 2014.can i get seat in jntuh or O.U in eee and i belong to o.c A.P kurnool..
10th June 2014 04:10 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hi sir i hav agate score 322 in gate 2014......can i get chance to jion in jntu hyd r ou in eee .sc categoryy s......sir plss reply me to my mail [email protected]
14th April 2014 11:04 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir,my score is 490 in EEE stream,can i get in JNTUH obc category
email id:[email protected]
29th March 2014 02:08 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir , i got GATE 2014 rank 9700 in electrical branch in OBC cata. can i got admission in,.,.,
i highly oblided to you .., please send me your opnion please.,
[email protected]
28th March 2014 10:04 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir, i got GATE 2014 rank 12835 in civil engineering stream in SC catagory. can i get seat in JNTUH. please send me your openion & advise.

email id: [email protected]
4th August 2013 08:42 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hello sir,
i got 8661 rank in gate2013,can i get in to jntuh in mtech civil enginerring stream
email id: [email protected]
please reply me
5th June 2013 11:30 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir/ madam
i got 7780 rank in gate. i am from OC category. can i grt into JNTUK or AU? kindly reply me sir.
email. id: [email protected]
23rd May 2013 07:07 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

my gate 2013 score is 500,air is 3246, can i get a seat in jntu hyderabad, mechanical
22nd April 2013 12:51 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir i got 9915 in ec stream gate 2013 i belongs to o.c. category can i get seat in any j.n.t.u s ? for doing in vlsi or embedded systems
6th April 2013 02:12 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 8000 rank sir in gate 2013 can i get admission in jntu hyd
3rd April 2013 12:25 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 20011 rank ineee category.can i get seet in jntu anantapur and jntu hyderabad.i have sc raservation
please send me your responce as soos as possible
31st March 2013 07:26 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir shall i got seat in jntuh i got 412 score and 11,744 rank in EC code....
26th March 2013 02:35 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 8342 rank do i get addmissions in jntuh inn elcterical stream.
21st March 2013 12:22 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir, i got 5120 rank in gate2013 & score as 504 , i am from electronics and comm. engineering. sir can u please suggest me some universities in andhra pradesh and other states where i can get my mtech admission . my email id is [email protected]. sir please please suggest.
19th March 2013 09:42 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir i got 6712 rank in gate2013 & 310 score .., im from civil engg & belongs to general category can i get admission in jntu hyderabad or any university in andhra pradesh....
email id:[email protected]
17th March 2013 11:38 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

Hello sir,my rank is 14,375 with gate score as 346 in CS stream.I've OBC reservation.Can I get admitted into either OU/JNTUH or any other good colleges in AP?
Thank you in advance.
31st March 2012 10:14 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 2593 rank in pgecet2011.i want to do .in which i may get the seat plz tell me.
31st March 2012 12:04 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

Hi this is raviteja i got 6868 rank and 452 score in gate
plz suggest me that
where did i try to join
30th March 2012 01:37 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hi sir,
I got 12,500 gate rank in eee stream in 2012,can i get any state university

email id:[email protected]
19th March 2012 01:12 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir, i got 260 score in gate 2012 in ECE stream.I am Sc catageory. I will get admission in your university or not?
email id: [email protected]
18th March 2012 04:08 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i have qualified in GATE-2012 exam under(SC Category) and my GATE score is 216(IT)....Do i have any chance of getting good college in Andhra Pradesh State ?
Sir is it necessary to write PGECET who qualifies in GATE Exam ?
................Sir please reply to my Email ID:[email protected]
17th March 2012 12:10 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

I got GATE-2012 rank 4954 and score 425 in EEE stream from obc category,can i get admission in jntu hyderabad jntu kakinada?
this is my email: [email protected]
16th March 2012 04:59 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

how much GATE
score is needed for getting M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad
15th March 2012 10:29 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir i score 14.76 marks with 23 score card ,i belong to sc category,,can i apply in any college for biotech..
2nd March 2012 07:39 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hi sir i got gate rank 8794 and sore 429 in 2011 and ihave sc reservatio can i expect good universities......?
5th January 2012 06:28 PM
sahaja mallarapu
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category


481 is not a bad score and

with your rank and OBC categery you can definitly get admission in JNTU Hyderabad.

for an OBC candidate 481 is good score
and 4778 is a decent rank.

so surely you will get admission in JNTU hyderabad.
5th January 2012 12:44 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

my gate score is 435 in EEE, can i get seat in iit hyderabad?
12th November 2011 04:15 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hi i got 310 gate score and rank is 20918 in cse branch.
can i get seat in jntuh.
i have sc reservation.
21st October 2011 04:35 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir ,
got 530 in ece gen category ,can i get in jntu hyderabad in vlsi or other related courses gate rank 3902

email id: [email protected]
10th October 2011 02:05 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got qualified in GATE-2011 and my gate score is 323(IT),can i get seat in OU or JNTUH or CBIT,i'm belongs to BC-B category
26th August 2011 11:53 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad with GATE score 316 in ECE stream PHC category
i got 316 score in gate 2011....
can i get m tech admission in jntu hyderabad in ece stream
i belongs to phc..
please reply to my email [email protected]
23rd August 2011 06:56 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir ........
i got 9500 rank in gate 2011....
can i get m tech admission in jntu ece stream..
i belongs to obc...
pls rply to my email [email protected]
9th August 2011 02:11 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

28th July 2011 08:23 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir i got 1022 rank in gate 2010.... with score 316.....belong to obc category, is there any chance to get adimission in jntu hyd.......for m.teh seat
6th July 2011 09:08 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 9500 rank in gate 2011..with score 417....and i belongs to obc category,is there any chance to me to get admissions in jntu hyd....
plz rply me mail address is [email protected]...
5th July 2011 08:53 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hi.. my name is suresh.. i got 6300 rank in gate 2011 from electrical branch.. my gate score is 375. i belongs to obc category.. will i get seat in jntu hyderabad??? please reply me.. my email id:[email protected], contact no:9666415826
3rd July 2011 08:50 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 414 rank in pgecet-11 . will u please give the information about colleges.
26th June 2011 11:46 AM
amit gaur2065
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

According to you if you belongs from OBC then surely
you will get admission in a good college, and you can get admission at the time of counselling and you can select the stream which you want.
23rd June 2011 03:17 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

i got 4038 rank in gate-11 ec with score-527.
is there any chances in jntu hyderabad in vlsi branch and embeded system branch.
plz reply me...........
17th June 2011 05:27 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hello sir,
dis is srinath.i got 8023 rank in gate with 441 score.i belongs to sc.would i get seat in nit warangal or tirchy.plz reply me
my mail id is [email protected]
13th June 2011 09:32 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir i have got 7400 rank with 355 marks in gate plc tell me can i get good college in ap.
13th June 2011 12:00 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hiii sir I got rank 23608 in Gate 2010 belongs to SC score is 275..can i get admission in JNTUH,
my Id is [email protected]
10th June 2011 09:02 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hiiiiiiiii sir i got gate rank 8011, gate score 345......... obc cat, eee......can i get seat in jntuh,or jntuk or jntua or any other universities............if not pls sugggest some good enggg college............
my mail id [email protected]
thank u sir
31st May 2011 11:43 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

Hi dear,

you have obtained a very decent score for availing admissions into JNTU , Hyderabad . You can even get a chance to continue with your stream as well as the cutoff for the last year was a score of 460 for CSE .

attaching you the procedure and cutoff's along with the advertisement for admission , go through them .

* Source .....

25th May 2011 04:41 PM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

sir i got 366 score in GATE-2011(ECE)..OBC Category with 13965 rank .....i know it's very long.. But can you please guide me for some good colleges in all over india for admission to M-TECH.
can you please send your answer on my email id: [email protected]
Thanking you for observation.
11th May 2011 10:36 AM
Re: M.Tech admission in JNTU hyderabad GATE rank 4778, score 481 in ECE stream obc category

hi sir ;
i got gate score:308 ,rank:21494 can i get admission in jntu hyd or ou compus
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