27th May 2016 10:24 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? I have passed PUC with 74% but i am interested in space science .I don't know which will be better B.E or BSc.In B.E which branch we have to choose,after B.E any courses regarding space science .Please reply sir what will be good for me |
4th October 2015 01:10 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Sir I am doing BTech in Civil engineering at IITRAM,Gujarat.I want to go in space research.I had also applied for BSc colleges But I opted for BTech.But due to some problems I have to take drop.So what to do further.I dont want to waste my one year.Are there any duall degree programs in BSc and BTech?which colleges in gujarat have this programs and how to proceed further in space research.Pls reply because I have to take decision of dropping this year..... |
9th June 2014 04:22 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? I appired 12th exam this year & i want to make carrier in space science. What should do for getting jobs in space sector? |
6th September 2013 06:51 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Career in space after bsc physics |
6th June 2013 10:39 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? if i go to bsc maths can i get achance for space research and how i go for space research after graduation |
10th June 2012 09:51 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? now i am in 12th science.I intrested in space research or astronut carrer.please guide what to do? shubham khade kolhapur (india) |
14th March 2012 07:21 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? I am in the 10th standard, i want to become an astrophysicist or a theoretical physicist.please guide me through the courses i need to do and the best institutes which offer these courses.do i neccesarily have to be on the merit list of iit-jee or aieee to get into these courses ? |
14th March 2012 12:54 AM | ||
masuka123 |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? there are various options after 12th. you can do LLB, BBA, BCA, B.com, and then masters degree in that link. or you can go for animation designing or fashion designing these both courses has a bright future. |
12th March 2012 09:31 PM | ||
pumchi |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? which college should i choose for the space research? |
12th March 2012 09:24 PM | ||
pumchi |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? what course i should do after 12th about space research? |
16th January 2012 10:08 PM | ||
vinay21feb |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Yes your plan is really a good one, but some changes will make you even better. Go for aerospace engineering instead of aeronautical in a very good reputed institution. The best thing that made you select in NASA is Do an exceptional thing during your project work in final year. Every year NASA,s Exhibition is there in INDIA where you can show your project work. Besides that you should have a great knowledge and excellent skills. then first you go for posts in ISRO and gain some experiance then apply for NASA. Plan your future in a effective way. All the best...!! |
8th January 2012 11:29 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? sir i'm doing my 12th.i have 96 percent average in my 11th.can you suggest a career option in aeronautics.pls reply me here ritzrithu24@gmail.com. |
11th June 2011 06:23 PM | ||
amit gaur054 |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? My dear friend.... >if you are confused between bsc physics and be then i have a way.bsc in physics and be both have its own value,so it cant be compared.but as i go on your present study status,i will advice you to do bsc in physics.it will more help you in msc or phd than be. i hope this will helpful for you best of luck |
26th May 2011 12:36 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? hello sir my name is hardik i was passed B.Sc in Physic and i want to join M.SC course astronomy or aerophysic can i do? |
14th May 2011 06:46 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? i complited 12th with maths group. i am intrested in space science research.plz tell me about courses. |
28th April 2011 11:50 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? I Can Study in B.C.S How can i get carrer in Space Research? |
23rd April 2011 08:10 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? what should i do to research in nuclear physics i only passed 12 and which are university for nuclear |
20th April 2011 03:06 PM | ||
sharivikram |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? You can do anything for space research. But according to me you can do BE in Aerospace engineering. |
4th April 2011 06:45 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Dear Sir, I am a computer engineer.Working from the last 2 years as a head customer support,but now i want to come to right track,Customer support is not my field..I have great interest in space ...I want to be a researcher....Please guide..there is no body to guide me ...hoping for a early reply from your side.... |
28th March 2011 10:12 AM | ||
amlendu |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Hi, For becoming an Astronaut check weather you have that qualities or not. Then you have to acquire anyone of the following degree from a good institute like IIT or IISC or IIST (most suitable). P.hd (Astro physics). P.hd (Geophysics). P.hd (Metaphysics) I mean to say any branch of physics which leads to space science,these are few examples. You can persue these degrees from IIT's or IISc,after acquiring these degrees from there you can appear for entrance conducted by NASA at international level for recruiting Astronauts,Scientists etc.You can also work with our country's ISRO various entrance are cionducted by ISRO for recruiting Scientists and engineers for carrying Space reasearch or various jobs. M.tech/P.hd (Aerospace engineering) M.tech.P.hd (Aeronautical engineering) Better to persue these degrees from IIST.IIST conducts Admission to its specialied courses which leads in space tecnhnology.For entering into IIST you have to crack ISAT or IITJEE after that you will be provided Admission into B>tech if you have good performance in B.tech then you would also offered M.tech or P.hd. all study there is free of cost,after aquiring degree from there yopu will be absorb as an Scientist of ISRO. Besides these you will also get oppurtunity to join NASA,the best place for astronauts in the World.They pay $1,00,000 to there scientists or astronauts. Six Indian Students were involved in LHC (Large Hadron Collidor) experiment at CERN,they from NIT,Durgapur and were M.tech student. So, now decision is your's weather Enroll for B.sc/M.sc then P.hd or B.Tech/M.Tech and then P.hd. If problem persists please feel free to ask. Thank |
27th March 2011 09:40 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? can bsc in electronics help me to take career in space science.....? plz rply........ |
12th March 2011 03:59 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? i m jst pasing 12 th and i want to becme an astronomer. what i have to do and in which exam i have to sit for this? |
25th February 2011 01:17 PM | ||
Pradeepkumar yadav |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? i have passed 12th in 2008 yaer and now want to complete bsc with physics . can you guid me after this which proffesional courses will be available for me...plz help me.. |
25th February 2011 12:57 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? i have passed 12th in year 2008 with aggrt 59% now i want to do bsc with physics but after completing bsc physics where should i apply for the job or which profesional coures will be available for me ..plz help me.. |
17th December 2010 04:45 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? my name is nagaraj ihave to go reserch field then what should i do iam studying in 1st pu in science. |
22nd November 2010 04:30 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? i want to join in NASA or ESA or ISRO .i was intrested in doing Aerospace engineering,but my bad luck it was not possssible.so what can i do.i am doing my B.Tech( EEE ) 1st year.is there any possibility for mi to join in them.what r the courses i have to complete in my future?send mi reply to "himasarma777@gmail.com |
6th November 2010 10:02 PM | ||
ashwani avasthi |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Dear friend, I think you just do B.tech after 12th.You can do B.tech in Electronics or B.Sc in Physics branch. so best of luck. Thank you. |
6th November 2010 10:47 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? which institute provide aero space or aeronautical engineering after b.sc in gujarat?how many percentage to join in?it is bettr after b.sc or m.sc and ph.d please give me answer ?and what is iit,iisc university? and which are place? |
5th November 2010 12:23 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? I WANT TO RESEARCH IN ASTROPHYSICS.FOR THAT BE IS GOOD OR BSC IS GOOD? |
4th November 2010 03:52 AM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? I am studying in 12.i have accquired 91percent in 10.i have a great intrest in space "research".i am not appearing for iit but for MHT-CET and hope to score good..please help me that what should i do after 12th.u can write me on my id shina181@gmail.com |
3rd November 2010 11:35 PM | ||
tirthak04 |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? hey i think you should opt for a bsc as personally i give preference to strengthening one's basic science rather than get a hands on experience like engineering course, which you'll get anyways once you start specialising in astrophysics or any othert course youre interested in . |
3rd November 2010 08:37 PM | ||
ravik1214 |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? you are interested in science so you should go towards b.sc rather than ba. as you should move towards your interested subjects so that in future you can choose your path when needed. |
3rd November 2010 08:13 PM | ||
faiyaz |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Quote:
Well dear it always depends upon your Interest. What type of job/career you are expecting for. As compared to B.sc B.tech will always lead in all aspects, because of Industrial interfarance and growing technology. B.Tech can provide you good pay, perks, allowance, quick job. Whereas just after acquiring B.sc you can not except that things, you have to opt higher studies say- M.sc or P.hd. So, better opt for B.Tech in some core and demanding branch like- Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Biotechnology etc. However, being a bright student way to success for you through any of them will not be a difficult task. But your own will or interest matters most. And remember o one can let you to take a right dicision except you, yourself. Thats because no one can judge oneself better then himself. Just for Knowledge: Authorities and HRD Ministry are working to get rid of this issue, that all charms are for B.Tech/B.E. graduates, but nothing for B.sc (Natural science) graduates. A meeting held including, Directors of BHU, Banglore University and other two NAtional Universities. Where proposal had been made to introduce a 4 years long B.sc/BS Program in some streams, on par with B.Tech/B.E. which will provide that B.sc graduates equivalency to that of Engineering graduates. Regards ~Faiyaz~ |
3rd November 2010 05:51 PM | ||
helpmaster |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Quote:
But if you have very much interst in this particular field than need to do BTech. But time never comes back. So just complete your graduation it will not cost you much |
1st November 2010 01:13 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Hi!!! i m very confused about selecting the option between b tech or bsc?? i m dropping one year however i have taken admiison in central university for bsc. please rply what would b good for me?? i have got 82 percent in12&10. |
15th October 2010 05:38 PM | ||
helpmaster |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Quote:
After 12 you can join those institutes which provide the degree in aeronautical engineering. there are course both at UG and PG level FOR this you need to have physics , chemistry and maths as your subject in PG. Some of the Institutes are
14th October 2010 04:12 PM | ||
expart |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? hello friend see, it will be easy for you to make Career in space research after 12th if you do BE. you can join ISRO after BE. for information check-www.isro.gov.org. all the best....... |
13th October 2010 05:41 PM | ||
helpmaster |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? You are elligible for both the exams wheteher its nift or isat.. But both the fields are totally different so take decison according to your personal interest in the field and not under the force of anybody |
11th October 2010 10:02 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? sir,i am studing btec first year,so am i eligible for ISAT or NIFT which is good? |
30th September 2010 11:41 PM | ||
solution |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? hello dear you see, if you are interested to work in space research then you must do btec first then mtech. specially if you want to do research oriented jobs, then MTech is compulsary. after doing btech you can join isro. you can apply in ISRO exam after your btech courses. minimum 65% marks in btech is require to join in ISRO. age limit 21-29. for more information check-www.isro.gov.in. all the best........ |
30th September 2010 09:13 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? I am a student of class 12th I am interested in space field what all possible options do I have after 12th? |
28th September 2010 04:32 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? sir i am studying in 12th.............. i am having interest in theorotical astrophysics how can i proceed................. |
26th September 2010 04:11 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? HELLO! Can i take Physics,Maths,Computer simultaneously in B.SC Physics or B.E.? Also tell me about good institutes in north India for these courses. Please answer me quickly. I will be very thankful to you. |
26th September 2010 04:02 PM | ||
Unregistered |
26th September 2010 03:45 PM | ||
Unregistered |
25th September 2010 04:57 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? what can i do for doing carrier in space science after 12th |
27th August 2010 09:48 AM | ||
cenaetion |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? dear friend, As you want to go for space research, then it will be better for you to go for Bsc. in physics.... after that you can go for Msc and then you can do Phd. for research.. after completion of your Msc ,you can also appear in some entrance exam which are conducted by ISRO.. if you do well in that exam then you can getting into ISRO.. all the best.. |
26th August 2010 10:18 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? i have passed 12th this year and i got admission in delhi university in the course of bsc. physical science.can i make a better carrer in space science?if yes,then tell me the best institute for msc.i request u 2 send the sugestion on my e-mail id that is, bondravispa123@gmail.com.pls...............reply.. ...................... |
2nd August 2010 10:43 PM | ||
zarina |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? Quote:
2nd August 2010 08:35 PM | ||
August |
Re: Career in space research after 12th? I should do BSc Physics or BE? dear friend as u are not excepting a good result in the entrance exams so can choose any one of the courses i.e B.SC OR B.E. after this u complete your M.SC degree . u can apply in space research organizations like ISRO,NASA and many more. all the best. |
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