Thread: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea? Reply to Thread

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14th July 2016 11:16 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

It depends , Now a days we have Mtech Industrial Engineering that has almost same syllabus of mba ( Operation Mgmt , six sigma , OR etc). So if you are mtech Industrial Engineering then your knowledge and experience after mba will be helpful.
5th January 2016 06:15 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

Presently I am doing from IIT kgp and is placed in Hospira.I wish to do job for 2 years and then pursue mba, as I like this field more.But due to some circumstances i could not do after't it be helpful to have a degree?
23rd June 2014 01:20 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

hello sir
i have done BTech - CSE with 44% and MBA - HR with 79%. can i do MTech by applying GATE or ap pgecet
19th December 2013 07:49 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

hello all
I have done B.E(elex) and M.Tech in Optoelex .I have got 5 years of teaching exp. I am 35 years old. I want to change my profession now. Can I have some public sector opportunity for me. Are any career counsellor known to you in delhi. Pls help.
20th June 2013 01:25 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

If I've completed M.Tech and then if i got MBA admission in any IIM,can i do MBA or not?
30th January 2013 03:17 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

Dea sir,

after i want to do or msit.i'm cofusing pls tell me solution bt interestedo do both. which one btter sir pls tell me sirand pls snd to my mail nd my mail id is [email protected]
7th August 2012 01:31 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

I Also have the same situation right now..I am doing but willing to go for mba after this...Wont it be a better qualification for a good job to have both masters degrees?..PLease mail me what you did after listening from many people those who have similar [email protected]
10th July 2012 12:11 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

If I have a passion towards core side of my engg i.e M.Tech as well as doing MBA in IIM s later......... can u please suggest me whether that would sound better to have a diversified knowledge like that ..........?
31st March 2012 10:14 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

to apply for jobs at various government or private organisation if you are eligible in other criteria like the minimum percentage required ,age limit etc. or you can pursue higher studies in the same field. Doing your MBA at this juncture is not advisable as it wont add value to the qualification you have. Rather it will change your course and will also take valuable time. Its better you opt for a job as you will gain experience
31st January 2012 11:22 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

I thinkyour best bet is to start your career right after completing your B TECH,and try to take classes toward your master's --even if it means youcan only attend school part-time, thus lengthening the time it willtake to complete an advanceddegree. Or, choose a master's program that offers a stipend or payinginternship (I have listed several schools that provide that option).But getting real-life work experience under your belt is the bestnext step for you to take.
20th January 2012 04:04 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

If I want to do MBA in IIMs only after MTech then will it be a good idea??
5th December 2011 05:42 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

After M.Tech it is not a wise decision to purse for MBA for another 2 years because both are Master degree courses and having different carrier opportunities.

After M.Tech you should go for the job opportunities in various public sector undertakings or MNCs and you may opt for education and research line.

you should better concentrate to your subject on which you have completed M.Tech. and develop your self in that line rather to shift to MBA.
5th December 2011 12:37 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

It is not advisable to do MBA after M.Tech. as both are Master degree course having totally different carrier opportunities.

So rather doing MBA for 2 years you should try for job on the basis of M.Tech qualification as so many opportunities are there for a M.Tech qualified in Public Sector companies or in education and Research line.
5th December 2011 12:23 PM
Snehamay ganguly
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

dear friend,
My friend , after completion of you can get a very good job in core sector with much higher designation and high salary..

So, don't need to go for MBA course..
Which is totally different from your field.

I think you should go for job , or if you want to do higher studies then you can go for P.hd..

So, no need to do MBA course.. rather than you can go for research in your field..

All the best.
5th December 2011 11:46 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Is MBA after mtech a good idea...could u please tell me if its a good chocie

if you want to mint money, MBA is a must, because this is the era of commerce not IT, if you want to pursue job through M-TECH, you can, But, you may get a good job in govt. rather than private, SO, if you pursue MBA, your qualification will boost your salary package like anything.
5th December 2011 09:46 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

Dear pal,
it is not possible to say which course is good. Both the course are good and has good future. The course you prefer to choose depends on your interest and your bachelor degree discipline.
Mba deals with the business administration and management of human resource, supply chain etc. It mainly suits those who wish to run organisations and entrepreneurs . There is no degree restriction for doing masters in business administration bachelor degree from any discipline is recognised. And so the competition is more . Various competitive exams are held every year namely CAT. Mat. TANCET etc. makes you to personalise yourself in a particular discipline. The entry into the course is by the GATE score and by entrance exam conducted by state government and universities. To be eligible for the course one need completed engineering degree. Engineers with specialisation are in more demand. So it will be better to opt
whatever the course you do the job oppourtunity depends on your skill . So choose the choose you wish
5th December 2011 09:19 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

Both MBA and M.Tech are post graduation courses. Each course is having its own career opportunities for the candidates.

Having done M.Tech, I don't think its not a good idea to pursue MBA course. You have already done Post Graduation in M.Tech. So, it will take another 2 years for you to complete MBA course.

Rather than pursuing M.Tech course, I will suggest you to try for the job opportunities on the basis of your M.Tech course.

You can have good number of job opportunities in various public sector companies and private companies, MNCs.

You did not mention the specialization which you have gone through in your M.Tech course. Whatever the specialization you have pursued, I suggest you to look for the job profiles for which you are suitable in various companies.

Later on know the selection procedure to be placed in those job profiles of those companies.

Be strong enough in subject knowledge and communication skils which will benefit you in getting good job opportunities.

Wish you all the best.
5th December 2011 12:22 AM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?


As you have done M.Tech, its clearly shows that you are very interested in technical side. But If you are planning to go in top management or want to become entrepreneur , than MBA is a good option. you should go for it.
4th December 2011 10:17 PM
Re: Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

Hello Friend,
Firstly from your query its clear you are a M.Tech so i would suggest you to apply for jobs at various government or private organisation if you are eligible in other criteria like the minimum percentage required ,age limit etc. or you can pursue higher studies in the same field. Doing your MBA at this juncture is not advisable as it wont add value to the qualification you have. Rather it will change your course and will also take valuable time. Its better you opt for a job as you will gain experience or pursue higher study in the same stream.

12th October 2011 03:47 PM
Is MBA after M.Tech a good idea?

Is MBA after mtech a good idea...could u please tell me if its a good chocie

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