Thread: Procedure to become IPS Officer? Reply to Thread

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5th May 2014 04:04 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Am +2 pass student & i want to become a police officer, so plz help me for ips,si test step to step.
29th June 2013 07:29 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Originally Posted by anudmishra View Post
to become an IPS officer you have to write an upsc exam based on your performance in which you will be selected for interview and physical test
hello sir as iam now i jond college i have aim to becom an best ips officer but i have taken pcmc wt i have to do i dont konw plz help me what i should i do
1st March 2013 12:25 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Originally Posted by amarjitsingh View Post
im +2 pass student & i want to become a police officer, so plz help me for ips test step to step detail.
To become an IPS officer you need to fulfill the following:

* You hold graduation degree from recognized university.

* Age limit 21-30 yrs

Then you can apply it online at

For more info visit
12th January 2013 09:00 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Which degree is best for ips and also tell me in detail about preliminary &main exam if my subject is sociology&public administration
27th July 2012 12:26 PM
Apurva Beniwal
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Originally Posted by amarjitsingh View Post
im +2 pass student & i want to become a police officer, so plz help me for ips test step to step detail.
to become an IPS you should clear the UPSC exam and before that you must check your Eligibility for the exam for civil services which also includes IAS, IFS , IPS
BUT +2 is not eligible for this exam .. you must complete ur graduation in any stream 1st ...
1.if your age is between 21- 30 (NOTE relaxation of 5 yrs is provided for Schedules) ,
2. Indian/ subject of Nepal or bhutan / having a permanent Indian citizenship and settled permanently india as per Law
3. graduate in any stream
4. there is some reservation for Handicaps.
1st April 2012 09:41 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.Only Indian nationals are eligible for IAS and IPS.
27th February 2012 12:49 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?



1. candidates must be an indian
2.age must be in between 21 to 30,
3.candidates must have graduate degree in any decepline

For more details please visit:-

13th January 2012 11:40 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hellow sir how many percentage take in 10 standard if i get 60 percentage so i can not eligble for ips exam
13th January 2012 11:35 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hello sir how many percentage take in 10 standard if i get 60 percentage so i can not eligble for ips exam
28th December 2011 06:40 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

For a +2 passed candidate becoming an IPS officer is a simple. But you need to wait atleast 3yrs in which you must have finished your graduation.

Because to become a IPS officer you must clear an exam conducted by Union Public Service Commission commonly called as UPSC. To appear in that exam you must have completed your graduation of any discipline from a recognized university. Your age must also be above 21years and below 30years to be eligible to appear in this exam.

The above are the common eligibility list for appearing in UPSC exam but to become an IPS officer you need some minimum physical standards also. They are

Height required for male is atleast 165 cm and for female is 150 cm

Chest – Male Minimum 84 cm. Expansion 5 cm.
Female Min 79 cm expansion 5 cm.

Eye sight – 6/6 or 6/9 distant vision for good eye.

Blood pressure (High) – Age 23 – 123, age 24 – 124, age 25 –122, age 28 – 124, age 30 –125, age 32 – 126, age 34 – 127.

Ear- good listening & normal ear cavity. 1000 to 4000 frequency hearing impairment shd not be more than 30 decibels.

Nasal- candidate should not stammer while speaking.
27th December 2011 08:45 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Originally Posted by amarjitsingh View Post
im +2 pass student & i want to become a police officer, so plz help me for ips test step to step detail.
what is upsc exam?

upsc exam stands for union public service commision.this exam is conducted by the union public service to select the ias and ips oficers throught the is a great civil post in indian administration department.this test is conducted to select the ais and ips officers.ias stands for indian administeative service and ips stands for indian police service.

eligibility for the upsc exam

the candidate must atleast complete any degree and must have got a certificate from any one of the indian university of that degree.the age limit is from 21 years to 30 years of age.the age limit is extended to 3 years for other backward communities and extended to 5 years for sc and st candidates.the candidate must be an indian citizen.

process for the exam
>>the first step is to get the form in any one of the post offices and fill it and send it to the following address
the secretary,
union public service commision,
dholpur house,
new delhi-110011
>>the second step is writing the preliminary examination.the preliminary exam consists of two section the general studies and the optional subjects.the general studies is of 150 marks and the optional subject is of 300 marks.the optional subject refers to the degree course it refers to.
>>>those who are passed in the preliminary exams are sent to the final exam.the final exam consists of essay type english qualifying language paper of 300 marks and english qualifying marks of 300 marks and general essay type paper of 200 marks .the general studies paper for 300 marks and the 4 optional subjects for 300 marks.

>>once you have passed in this examination then the direct interview by the oficials.the officials take test to check the candidates mental ability.if you have scored a rank of above 450 ranks then you are qualified for ias officer and from 400 to 450 then you are sent to sardar vallabhai patel police academy to become an ips officer.

syllabus for upsc exam

the syllabus for upsc exam is that you must have a good general knowledge.then you must have a good knowledge about your degree course and you must have a good knowledge of english language.

So you must complete your degree and write the exam mentioned above a score good marks to become an ips or an ias officer

oppurtunities knocks the door once
3rd December 2011 01:14 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hello sir,
i m a student in final year nd i want to join ips. plz guide me how can i start plz give me the details.
16th November 2011 01:00 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hi dear,
look dear the question you have asked is too lengthy and as i can figure out i cant boo you by a simple and short answer but it is good to see your determination in asking for entire detailed and step by step approach to how to join or become an IPS officer. so dear go to this link and follow the steps to become an IPS officer & i hope in time to come you will certainly be an IPS officer -
just folow this link and read the entire step by step approach .wish you good luck as well as success in life.. keep studying harder and harder...

10th November 2011 09:12 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in IPS examination
Then you will have to fulfill these criteria.

IPS eligibility Criteria :

Academic Qualification :
The candidate must be graduate from any university.

Age Limit :
For General :21 to 30 years.
[SC/ST will get 5 years age relaxation and OBC will get 3 year age relaxation]

No Of Attempts :
General : 4.
SC/ST: Unlimited.
OBC :7.
10th November 2011 01:35 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

My name is niviya, I am a Student I wanted to enroll in IPS traning can u please guide me for the following. what are the necessary steps that i should take in my inital stage
as i am in 11th standard
9th November 2011 10:59 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

i am doing my graduation last year so ,can i fill the forms of upsc in 2012 and my birthday is on 26 aug 1992 ppls tell me
31st October 2011 11:56 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

you need to sit in and clear civil services examination conducted by atleast need a graduation degree with high second division to sit in this examination...
first of all complete your graduation and have a great command over your can start preparing for general knowledge and general studies by throughly reading NCERT books and magazines like Competition success, frontline and newspapers like hindu....
general studies is the head ache of most IPS aspirants , so start preparing for it as soon you decide to seriously think IPS as a career option.
30th October 2011 04:28 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

jai shri krishna

Firstly you will prepare yourself to become a IPS officer because it is a very responsible job. after 10 plus 2 you should preparing yourself for entrance exam by reading carefully general knowledge books and also the previous exams book. these books will help you in exams.
22nd October 2011 08:22 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Dear pal,
being satisfied the eligibility criteria for the UPSC exam you need to apply for the exam.

The selection procedure involves
1.written exam
-aptitude test
-main exam
2.physical test
3.personnel interview

The aptitude exam consist of general paper and a English paper.Both the paper are compulsory.
The main exam has nine papers and you can chose your optional papers.
Those who have cleared are eligible for the physical test followed by interview
22nd October 2011 07:24 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?


A degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educatsional institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be a Deemed University under the UGC Act, 1956, or an equivalent qualification.
Candidates who have appeared or intend to appear for the qualifying examination and are awaiting results are also eligible to appear for the Preliminary Examination. All such candidates who qualify to appear for the Civil Services

Age limit for IAS

A candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.

The upper age limit is relaxed in specific cases as mentioned below:

- upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.
- upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes.


Only Indian nationals are eligible for IPS.

22nd October 2011 07:17 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

A degree of any of the Universities incorporated by an Act of the Central or State Legislature in India or other educatsional institutions established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be a Deemed University under the UGC Act, 1956, or an equivalent qualification.
Candidates who have appeared or intend to appear for the qualifying examination and are awaiting results are also eligible to appear for the Preliminary Examination. All such candidates who qualify to appear for the Civil Services

Age limit for IAS

A candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.

The upper age limit is relaxed in specific cases as mentioned below:

-upto a maximum of 5 years if the candidate belongs to SC/ST.
-upto a maximum of 3 years if the candidate belongs to Other Backward Classes.
22nd October 2011 06:52 PM
sheshadev senapati
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hii dear,,
candidate must have attained 21 years and not be over 30 years on August 1 of the year of examination.Only Indian nationals are eligible for IAS and IPS...
thank you...
22nd October 2011 05:06 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

sir i want do i.p.s. but first i can know what,s a perfect course of graduation, B.Sc. & OTHER COURSE BY BETTER,S??????
10th September 2011 09:17 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

sir, i am a simple graduate(48% as 3rd div student...) & i want to become an ips officer n i also going with hard prepration for to sit in the exam of civil service 2012... btt now i got information frm smwhere that the candidates hv must be (second division or 50%) mrks to sit for the exam... so plz help me whether i am elligible to sit for the exam or not........... thank you.!
3rd September 2011 06:58 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

for being an ips officer

1. you have to write civil service examination
2. you should have a degree in your hand
3. your age should be above 21
4. you need a wide knowledge about society and various subjects
3rd September 2011 05:46 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Originally Posted by amarjitsingh View Post
im +2 pass student & i want to become a police officer, so plz help me for ips test step to step detail.
the minimum qualification required to be able to appear in the Civil Service Exam is to be a first you have to complete your graduation from any stream and then you should be withing the age limit of 21-30 years to appear for this will be having a maximum of 4 attempts..prepare well and from now on..start preparing for the GK part at least
3rd September 2011 12:12 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Dear Sir/Mam
Mai ips officer banna chati hu i Like ips officer post
25th August 2011 01:51 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Dear friend,
To become an IPS officer you have be a Graduate from any of the recognized university by govt. of India, Your age should be between 21 to 30, You should be an Indian.
If you meet all these criterion you can sit for CSE exam comes under UPSC and crack the exam become what you want
24th August 2011 08:30 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?


My name is Manish Khuman. I have completed my Graduation in Engineering (IT) and also MBA. I am planning to give IPS exam.
Will this help me? and which subject should I opt for?

5th August 2011 06:35 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Originally Posted by amarjitsingh View Post
im +2 pass student & i want to become a police officer, so plz help me for ips test step to step detail.
dear friend,

IPS (Indian Police Service or Indian Postal Service) examination are conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission).

Eligibility criteria for UPSC IPS exam are as follows: -

1. Pass graduation / Bachelor’s degree in any subject or in any engineering stream or equivqlent from a recognised institute / university.

2. Age - 21 Years to 30 Years for General candidates, 21 Years to 33 Years for OBC candidates and 21 Years to 35 Years for SC / ST candidates.

3. Nationality - Indian

NOTE: - Final year appearing candidates can also apply.

For more details & updated information visit

All the best
5th August 2011 01:14 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

is it difficult for a science student to appear for the examination for an IPS officer compared to an arts student
20th July 2011 07:13 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

i am not medically fit can i become an ips
8th July 2011 07:39 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Hello i am an average student secured 76% in 12th and 61% in I am very much impressed and aim to become an IPS officer from my childhood. my question is how can a average aspirant like me become an IPS officer.
29th June 2011 06:06 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?


In order to become an IAS/IPS officer , the candidate should possess the following qualities:-

--> The minimum educational qualification required is to be a graduate.

--> Age limitation is between 21-30 years for the general category , 21-35 years for the SC/ST , 21-33 years for the OBC.

--> More details :-

--> There is also a physical test before this.

--> It is a exam conducted by the UPSC.

19th June 2011 11:59 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

my self kuljeet singh i am as a enggineer and i am appearing in B.COM CAN I GIVE A IPS EXAMINATION PLEASE REPLY
15th May 2011 12:08 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

how can i become a ias officer.................................?
4th May 2011 02:58 PM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hi friend,

You can be a IPS officer.

For that you have do all is
1. Finish your graduate degree.
2.Apply for the upsc exam which is conducted once in a year.
3.So, till that you go on preparing the subjects in upsc syllabus.

All the best. Study well.
4th May 2011 02:12 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

To become a IPS officer,you should appear for Civil service examination.

Eligibility criteria for Civil service exam:
Minimum graduation degree with any stream from a recognized university.
Age should be between 21 to 30 year for general category,21 to 33 year for OBC category and only minimum age is required for SC/ST category i.e 21 years.

If you fulfill with above mentioned criteria then you can apply for Civil service exam.
To know the updates of Civil service exam,then click here
To know more about Civil service exam,then see this attachment.
26th April 2011 01:41 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Dear Sir,
I have completed B.SC(Pure Science) in 2008.But i want to appear for the examination for Botany as the optional subject.And my eye power is r/s-6/9 and l/s 6/, pls suggest me and confirm.
Awaiting your earliest response.

Ratan Pal
26th April 2011 01:31 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

Dear Sir,
I have completed B.SC(Pure Science) in 2008.But i want to appear for the examination for Botany as the optional subject.And my eye power is r/s-6/9 and l/s 6/, pls suggest me and confirm.
Awaiting your earliest response.

Ratan Pal
29th March 2011 01:01 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

It doesn't matter how much marks did you get in 12th and what was your stream. Aslso your graduation subject doesn't matter for appearing UPSC. All you need is to satisfy the eligibility criteria ie passed in graduation with a govt. recognized university and also the age limit: 30years (GEN).

For all details regarding UPSC exam please visit:

29th March 2011 12:53 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

there are criteria required for IAS exam..
1. candidates must be an indian
2.age must be in between 21 to 30,
3.candidates must have graduate degree in any decepline,
NOTE-no minimum percentage is required for this exam
28th March 2011 10:57 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

is it separate exam like ias,ifs...... and some body told me like it is not separate exam,we taken ias know den if we get low marks den we cant tke ias know so den we take a ips like dis so pls tel me
10th March 2011 07:39 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hello friend

its a very good decision to become IPS officer

and doing some good to the country..

i appreciate your decision

and coming to answer to your question..

first you shoud have any degree from indian university..

and you should have 21 years of minimum age

and just attempt the Civil services examination..

with full preparation..this is a 3 level examination.




after clearing all these stages in the last stage you'll be given a chance to select the cadre of your choice

there you can keep three options.

if your interest is IPS you keep your first option as IPS

and that's all after announcement of result you will get the good news ..

if you have enough potential

for any further queries..

check this links

all the best

10th March 2011 06:46 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

hello friend

your Aim to become IAS is really appreciable..

and I'm very happy to see that at the age of 18 you have the aim to become A good Police officer

the answer for your question is ...

first after completing your 12th you should have your degree ..

no matter which degree it is ..

but it would be helpful if you take something like LLB or social related anything like

and then after attaining your degree and

having the age of 21 years..


the three stage examination..

will make your fate..

if you lose in the first attempt also don't lose your heart...

try again and again..

for technical information related to IPS examination..

once go through these links it may help you..

all the best..

9th March 2011 09:29 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

i am currently doing my BEcivil engineering my inspiration to become an police officer give me an detailed explanation to become an fine COP reply me and give hands to my dream !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
9th March 2011 09:22 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

i want to become an assistant commisioner of police how to join in that police job i am presently doing my BE civil reply me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8th March 2011 01:41 AM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

IAS, IFS, and IPS are the top three services of Group A, Central Services. The other Group A services include Indian Customs and Central Excise Service, Indian Revenue Service, and Indian Postal Service.
7th March 2011 03:13 PM
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?


IPS (Indian Police Service) Examination are conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission).

Minimum Eligibility for UPSC IPS exam: -

1. Pass Bachelor’s degree in any subject or in any engineering stream from a recognised institute / university.

2. Age - 21 Years to 30 Years for General candidates, 21 Years to 33 Years
for OBC candidates and 21 Years to 35 Years for SC / ST candidates.

3. Nationality - Indian

How to join IPS or Procedure to join IPS: -

1. Written test,
2. Interview and
3. Medical Test.

Fight UPSC IPS examination to become an IPS.

Good Luck
7th March 2011 05:25 AM
Sanjiv sharma
Re: Procedure to become IPS Officer?

You can become IPS officer through civil service examination. Upsc conducts civil service examination every year and selects officer in IAS,IPS,IFS etc. Civil service exam is one of the topmost and very popular examination in india. One needs a very intensive and tough as well hard study to crack the exam. The exam is conducted in two phases mainly pre and mains and then interview. If you clear CSAT(pre exam) then you got chance for main exam. Some important dates and informations of civil service eexamination 2011.
Date of notification - 19 feb 2011
Last date of submission of forms
21 march 2011
12 june 2011
Qualification required
Age limit
21 to 30 years other age relaxation as per govt. Rules and Regulations.
For more info please visit the official website of upsc
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