Thread: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics? Reply to Thread

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23rd July 2023 09:48 AM
Re: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

Which is best option for M.E/ M.Tech vlsi design or applied electronics??
20th November 2013 04:30 PM
Re: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

I am studying (Embedded system).I don't like programming and all those things.have interested to work in electronics side if govt will announce job relevant to applied electronics i can able to apply for that job or not
31st July 2013 03:23 PM
Re: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

i join ME APPLIED ELECTRONICS what are the jobs available for me after completed my study?
17th December 2011 09:53 PM
Re: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

is it good to study nanotechnology after doing my BE in ECE
31st August 2011 12:15 PM
Re: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

which is good (mtech in applied electronics or mtech in communication systems)?which give more opportunities?
26th August 2011 12:18 PM
Re: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

Both are good , because both have applications in industries but applied electronics has more opportunities than VLSI design.

Manufacturing companies at VLSI level are few in INDIA . So I will sugest you to choose applied electronics.

thank you
25th August 2011 11:15 PM
Re: What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

which branch is better electronics and communication or electronics and instrumentation?
8th August 2011 09:24 PM
What should I choose between VLSI design and applied electronics?

I have completed My B.E(ECE).I'm planning to do M.E--vlsi design.But some of my friends are suggesting to choose applied electronics.Which is best and what is the scope for both branches>???

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