Thread: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics? Reply to Thread

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31st October 2011 02:48 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Hello friend, first of all i congrats you. You have two best career options in your hands. If you have good financial condition, go with Otherwise go for job. Improve the financial condition, then do higher studies. Choose your career with your choice. Best of luck
30th September 2011 11:06 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

No other book is as good as Tata mcgrawhill for gate mathematics preparation.

However,upkar's GATE Mathematics by-N.K.Singh is also good for it.

28th June 2011 01:53 PM
amit gaur2065
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

First if you are appearing in Gate exam, then your basics mathematics would be also clear, here basics means your mathematics engineering such as H.K. Dass(s.chand publication), after it you can refer upkar publication mathematics
that is N.K. singh
16th June 2011 07:00 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

which book i read for upsc main 2011 of maths & public administration
30th April 2011 09:25 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics? › GATE Preperation
30th April 2011 05:58 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

For the gate examination the book which you should follow are:
engineering mathematics by b s grewel
engineering mathematics by R.K KANODIA
engineering mathematics by erwin kreyszig.
29th April 2011 10:25 PM
Somesh Goenka
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

For the GATE mathematics exam, you may consider
the following books for your preparation:

3rd January 2011 08:36 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
tell me about books to be followed for maths for preparation of gate
Dear friend,
Tata mcgrawhill is the best book for the GATE mathematices exem,according to my opinion...
25th December 2010 08:00 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Originally Posted by satyavani View Post
i want to take mathematics as one of my subjects for ias exam please tell me which books to follow and the syllabus?
for ias examination you should have thorough knowledge of the subjects,
you have to follow post graduation level books,
for starters you can start with solving problems of DASGUPTA,
then THOMAS FINLEY is good for calculus.
some other good books are
matrices:schaum series
nemerical analysis:s.s sastry
all the best
24th December 2010 09:22 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

for the gate examination the book which you should follow are:
engineering mathematics by b s grewel
engineering mathematics by R.K KANODIA
engineering mathematics by erwin kreyszig........
are some of the good books which you can follow......
21st December 2010 03:53 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
tell me about books to be followed for maths for preparation of gate

In every engineering stream u would have to refer these following texts
Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Gravel
Engineering Mathematics by B.V. Ramana

and for the aptitude u can refer Aptitude by R.S.Agarwal
20th December 2010 12:27 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

book by rk kanodia is very good has problem with excellent solutions.
for more books
18th December 2010 03:15 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

follow upkar's GATE Mathematics by-N.K.Singh book
15th December 2010 11:53 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Dear friend,

I will suggest you 2 good books for preparing GATE mathematics. Here they are

1.GATE Engineering Mathematics byR.K.Kanodia

2.Tata mcgrawhill.

All the best
13th December 2010 10:29 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Hi,by seeing the state forward comments,I would like to say that have confidence on yourself and make the concepts clear .Wish you may achieve a bright future with a lot of success.
12th November 2010 04:18 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
tell me about books to be followed for maths for preparation of gate
For your GATE preparation in mathematics you can refer following books :-
1) GATE Mathematics by Dr. N. K. Singh.
2) Engineering mathematics by John Bird.
3) Gate objectives of GK publisher.
4) Higher mathematics by Doug Brown, J. L. Hodge, Robin D. Howat.
You also try to solve the previous year questions which can give you a huge boost in GATE preparation.
10th November 2010 05:12 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Originally Posted by khusi View Post
even though b.s grewal does not have any objective type questions,
follow it because it gives the best theory
for concept use advanced engneering by Erwin Kryszing
31st August 2010 04:48 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

dear friend,
to crack in GATE you can read:
For gate mathematics you refer :
1. Gate maths by N.K.Singh
2. Gate objectives of GK publisher
3. Brillient tutorial test series
4. B.S.Grewal for engineering maths deep questions
beat of luck
28th August 2010 08:15 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Dear friend,
there are so many books available for gate in mathematics.but the best ones are books by G.K. publications,books by Tata Macgrawhills,engineering mathematics by can also opt for the various study materials of the coaching centres,
All The Best!!!!
7th August 2010 08:36 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

i want to take mathematics as one of my subjects for ias exam please tell me which books to follow and the syllabus?
7th August 2010 02:27 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
tell me about books to be followed for maths for preparation of gate
dear maddusajj
to do preparation of gate. you can follow r k jain publisher book.
its a good book.
and you can get more book name on siteby google.
so go with it.
with best wishes.
6th August 2010 11:14 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

No other book is as good as Tata mcgrawhill for gate mathematics preparation.

However,upkar's GATE Mathematics by-N.K.Singh is also good for it.
5th August 2010 09:43 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?


If you want to score best in mathematics for the gate examination then Tata mcgrawhill is the best book for you as it contains almost the complete syllabus of the gate examination with best explanation and tricks of solving problems.

Beside this you can prefer R.D Sharma and R.S Aggarwal also. theses books also contains many problems for the gate examination .

But if you want to clear your concepts more clearly and with best explanation of problems then first one book which I suggest is the best one for you.

Good Luck
5th August 2010 09:39 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

dear friend
for preparation in GATE (mathematics) u have to study b.s.grewal or

engineering mathematics by das & pal.

all the best.
5th August 2010 05:17 PM
Singh Anurag Atul kumar
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Here i am telling the names of some of good books they are 'Golden Gate,' by Kevin Starr and Abbott, Edwin A.Flatland (non) Flatland is of course the archetypal popular math book. Life in 2D has its problems... See also Dewdney's Planiverse and the lesser known sequel Sphereland.
5th August 2010 12:37 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

dear sir
best book for gate preparation as Tata mcgrawhill is the best book of mathematics.and b.s.ghrewal also.these books is best for gate exam.
5th August 2010 08:35 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

is b.s grewal useful even for the preparation of Indian administrative exam?if i have mathematics as one of my subjects?
or do oi have to follow some other book?
please help
5th August 2010 03:21 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Hi friend,
The important books for Gate in mathematics is as follows:
3. Khanna publication
4. Gate mathematics by A.K.Sahni
5. Gate mathematics by Amitavo Ganguly
6. Mathematics for gate Mitaraj Amine
and many more
5th August 2010 02:25 AM
mini rani
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?


GATE Engineering Mathematics by RK Kanodia is very good book. It has excellent collection of problems with full solution. Every problem is model problem for gate exam.

You can also refer a no. of other good books like:
GATE maths book by Tata mcgrawhill
Gate maths book by N.K.Singh

For specific topics you can refer these books:
Theory of probabilty by k.c. sinha
Introduction to algorithms " - Cormen etal ( CLRS )
Numerical Methods " - by S.S.Sastry
5th August 2010 01:38 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

hello dear

for gate in mathemetics, there have lots of book in the market.

but G.K publication book is best reference book for GATE mathemetics.

all the best....
4th August 2010 11:28 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

dear friend,
their are lots of mathematics books available for GATE exam in the market.
you should have good basic knowledge and deep knowledge about the content.
Or it will be better if you join a coaching classes as they provide study materials and also give tricks to solve the questions.
GATE forum is good institute for GATE preparation
4th August 2010 11:15 PM
Ravi Khera
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Dear Friend,

Just follow your engineering syllabus books first,then for support you can use any of the books like:
1). Made Easy
2). GK Publication etc.

But remember every book for GATE preparation have its own answers which may be sometimes wrong,so first check your books & then make sure if the answers are Ok.
4th August 2010 06:54 PM
Sushant Roy
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

For gate mathematics you refer :
1. Gate maths by N.K.Singh
2. Gate objectives of GK publisher
3. Brillient tutorial test series
4. B.S.Grewal for engineering maths deep questions
4th August 2010 02:55 PM
Jitendra malviya
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Upkar's mathematic book is best for prep of GATE..

good luck
3rd August 2010 06:11 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

can u please send me a link to download B.S.Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics
15th May 2010 10:38 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Dear Friend
You can follow the book of T.M.H ,it is one of the best book considered for GATE exam.

There is GATE forum also,
you can switch to it for better understanding of the topics covered in the GATE exam along with lots of question papers for practice.

All the best.
15th May 2010 04:29 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

the list of books you should prefer for the preparation of gate exam are given below:
1 calculus by r.d . sharma
2 theory of probabilty by k.c. sinha
3 engineering mathematics b.s. grewal
4 gate forum corrospondence course
just strictly follow this books and success will be at your fit
all the best for youe future
13th March 2010 12:24 AM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Hey friend
the books for gate preparation of mathematics is as followings,
engineering mathematics by H.K DAS
engineering mathematics by B.S GRIWAL

all the best
11th March 2010 11:58 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

for gate preparation the best gate book is the material of the vinex coaching center in hyderabad,
you can also material of the ace academy and educamp academy also
by the way b.s grewal is also an goof text book
8th March 2010 01:02 PM
rahul k
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Textbook : " Discrete Mathematics " by Tremblay and Manohar.
Textbook : " Probability , statistics and queuing theory " by S.C.Gupta & V.K.Kapoor.
Textbook : " Intermediate Mathematics " , S.Chand publications , authors : B.V.Sastry and K.Venkateswarlu ( if i remember )

" Higher Engineering Mathematics " by B.S.Grewal for generating functions and recurrence relations . ( Bessel's formula , Lagrangian Polynomial )

" Introduction to algorithms " - Cormen etal ( CLRS ) for recurrence relations and asymptotics.

Textbook : " Numerical Methods " - by S.S.Sastry.
Textbook : " Formal Languages and Automata theory " , J.D.Ullman etal.

you can get it these books for the perperation for gate.
26th February 2010 03:56 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

dear friend.....
if you are worry about that what book should follow for math for G A T E exam......
then don't worry you can follow the book of b.s grewal ....
its a best book for math in gate...
so go for it...
or you can also follow the g.k publishers guide..
good luck
21st February 2010 07:24 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

the materials of brilliant tutorials is really helpful,you can have a look in it,you may really like it
all the best
12th February 2010 01:48 PM
Esha Sharma
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Books of grewal, comprehensive and cbse sample papers are sufficient for GATE in mathematics.
10th February 2010 04:29 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?


i think books of R.K KANODIA will be best and visit the link too.

all the best
9th February 2010 08:42 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

for the preparation of gate exam,for the subject of mathematics i will suggest you,two book of different writer such as
h.k das
b.s griwal.
30th January 2010 08:41 PM
[email protected]
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

best book is by RK Kanodia
you can refer bs aggarwal
you can also refer upkar prakashans
28th January 2010 12:45 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

For GATE Engineering Mathematics the best book is by RK Kanodia. This book contain solved problems from all previous GATE exam of all branch and every problem is exam problem chosen from IAS (mathematics) GATE mathematics.
Every problem has full solution and syllabus and nature of problem is specific to gate exam
23rd January 2010 12:45 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

engineering maths by h k das has all parts of maths 1st & 2nd year too so it's good ............
b.s grewal is also good for solving
22nd January 2010 03:01 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

Originally Posted by maddusajj View Post
b s grewal does not have objective type questions tell me a good book for objective
even though b.s grewal does not have any objective type questions,
follow it because it gives the best theory
21st January 2010 04:40 PM
Re: which book to follow for gate in mathemetics?

u cn go for n.p bali and b.s grewal have their editions as engineering mathematics
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