Thread: Scope of Mechatronics in Future? Reply to Thread

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31st July 2013 08:28 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

is college of engineering pune good for m tech mechatronics?
24th July 2013 09:02 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i want to know the scope of mechatronics in future? because if there is good scope i want to start my career in this area
Hi, Mechatronics is a multidisciplinary course comprising mechanical, electrical and electronics components and computer control. This course creates opportunities for wide stream of jobs in various organizations. Experts say that future mechanical, electrical; computer and IT engineers will have to deal with Mechatronics. Research and development potential in Mechatronics includes areas such as space technology, especially in the wake of use of robots for space exploration. Many consider robotics and Mechatronics as closely linked. You can take up a BE (Bachelors in Engineering) after you finish your diploma. A BE degree will be more recognised in the long run than a diploma. Some of the institutes, which offer this course, are Sastra University, Tamil Nadu, Institute Of Higher Education and Research Chennai, School of Mechatronics & Robotics, Bengal Engineering & Science University Shibpur, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, and Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University-Patan, Gujarat, SRM Institute of Technology, Chennai, Maharaja Engineering College, Coimbatore and Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. Companies recruiting Mechatronics engineers are SRK Corporates, Baroda, Mechatronics Ex Solutions Pvt Ltd, Pune, MACHT Technologies Pvt Ltd, Ghaziabad and Mind Ex Solutions Pvt Ltd. There are lot of overseas companies offering jobs to Mechatronics engineers. Apart from this, if you have a good academic record, you also have the option of applying to IT companies.

I am a final year student of B.Tech. I want to do M.Tech (Mechatronics). Kindly provide the details of universities that offer this course. What are the job opportunities in this field?

Marur Sai Charan

Mechatronics is a blend of branches of engineering like Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science. It focuses mainly on design and production of automated equipment.

It aids design, development, maintenance and management of high-technology engineering systems for automation of industrial operations.

Mechatronics is extensively used in design and manufacturing of mechanical and electronic items. In fact, several products we know as mechanical or electronic devices are actually, products of mechatronics. Washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves and robots are some examples.

Robotics is a classic example of the application of Mechatronics. The basic difference between robotics and mechatronics is in the way the systems get their inputs. In mechatronic systems, we provide the inputs; whereas robotic systems get their inputs by themselves. For better understanding, consider traffic lights. These are mechatronic systems because they work using the inputs we provide. However, if they are programmed to capture the density of traffic and change lights accordingly, they would become robotic systems!

Mechatronics can be applied to fields like nanotechnology, automation, aircraft engineering, oceanography, oil and gas, biomedical systems, transport and computer-aided design.

The study of Mechatronics covers subjects like Mathematics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Circuit System, Electronics and Communication, Mechanical Design and Power Engineering.

Some of the universities/institutes that offer M.Tech (Mechatronics) are listed below.

VIT University, Vellore: The eligibility criterion is Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Automobile Engineering or Computer Science and Engineering. Admission is based on performance in entrance test/ GATE. For details, log on to

Central Institute of Tool Design, Hyderabad: The eligibility criterion is BE/ B.Tech (ECE/ Mechanical/ EEE/ EIE/ Aeronautical Engineering) with at least 55 percent marks.
Admission is based on performance in entrance test. For details, log on to

Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity University, Noida: The eligibility criteria are BE/ B.Tech/ AMIE in Mechanical/ ECE/ EEE and +2 with 60 percent marks. For details, log on to

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur: The eligibility criterion is Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Automobile Engineering, Production Engineering or Computer Science and Engineering. For details, log on to

Job prospects:

Professionals in Mechatronics can work in areas like design, R&D, manufacture, production, safety, and quality. Some roles they can assume are systems engineer, application engineer, product development engineer, quality and safety engineer, research and development engineer, project supervisor and managers.

Jobs can be found in fields like electronics, electrical, manufacturing, engineering, instrumentation, defence, mining, aerospace, automobile, robotics, tool design and aviation.

In short, candidates who are adept in electronics, software design and mechanics can compete for many technical roles in these fields. Research organisations and educational institutions are the other avenues.

Some attributes expected in Mechatronics engineers are: Technical drawing and computer programming skills

1)Numeric skills (as Mathematics is an important tool)

2)Good communication, problem solving and decision making skills

3)Ability to work in teams

if you want to do MS in abroad, then you have to consider the following factors:
Academic record, right from schooling

Marks obtained in the basic degree

Scores obtained in GRE and TOEFL

Letters of recommendation from professors

If you want to pursue Master's programme in a good university in USA, securing a good score in GRE and TOEFL is imperative. Taking these tests is one of the ‘must’ criteria candidates must meet for getting admission into any of the US universities. The cut off score in GRE for the master's programmes varies from university to university and may differ from year to year.

For a better idea on cut off scores, you may write to the universities, analyse the cut off scores of the specific university in previous years or seek the help of foreign education consultancies.

all the best for your carrier..!!!
27th March 2013 03:13 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
sir i compleated diploma in mechatronis at GT&TC in bangalore so tell me where i can work ?
you can work anywhere and everywhere
12th February 2013 06:56 PM
shilpanaidu 123
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Dear friend ,

Scope of Mechatronics in Future-

This course provides the students with heavy knowledge on basic electronics subjects, various computer languages along with hardware and software, control system, various machine related works, etc.

One of the most beneficial things about the course is that it provides the student with elaborate knowledge on various streams such as electronics, computer science, mechanical, controlled system, etc. this increases the job scope for the candidates after the completion of B.Sc in Mechatronics. As various factories and industries are growing day by day the scope of students in this course is also rising.

Good day!!!!!!
12th February 2013 06:55 PM
shilpanaidu 123
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Dear friend ,

Scope of Mechatronics in Future-

This course provides the students with heavy knowledge on basic electronics subjects, various computer languages along with hardware and software, control system, various machine related works, etc.

One of the most beneficial things about the course is that it provides the student with elaborate knowledge on various streams such as electronics, computer science, mechanical, controlled system, etc. this increases the job scope for the candidates after the completion of B.Sc in Mechatronics. As various factories and industries are growing day by day the scope of students in this course is also rising.

Good day!!!!!!
5th December 2012 02:52 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

The synergistic combination of electronics, mechanical and computer systems integrated via a control architecture'A mechatronic engineer designs mechanical devices that incorporate electrical, software and mechanical components.Examples include a more efficient washing machine, cameras, laser printers, hybrid autos and garage door openers.
A mechatronics Engineer deals with a system that has many electromechanical components.Collaborate with vehicle dynamics group on developing advanced systems
The field of mechatronics requires that engineers have broad exposure to software programming, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. A mechatronic engineer needs to possess good communication, problem solving and creative skills

Completing the post graduate program in mechatronics, career opportunities include positions such as:-
1)systems engineer,
2)Application engineer,
3)Product development in industrial sectors
4)Automation systems,
5)Automotive engineering,
5th December 2012 12:22 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

As the branch in engineering called mechatronics is the combined branch of two

different branches eletronics and mechanical, it has good scope in future

MECHATRONICS is Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics systems combined with Information Technology.

In the current scenario of technical advancement those who can handle multiple disciplines of engineering, is preferred rather than who sticks to a branch by itself. Hence Mechatronics being an integrated new generation course has wide potential within the country and abroad.

Mechatronic engineering is a new focus area in engineering with wide range of application in business and industrial sector.

Industries entered in mechatronic engineering include automobile, aerospace, defence and energy as well as the manufacturing of industrial and domestic products, drugs, furniture and processing of chemicals and foods.

4th December 2012 07:49 PM
priyadarshini patnaik
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Hello Friend,
Mechatronics provides the students to gives knowledge on various streams such as mechanics, computer science, electronics, controlled system, artifical inteligence etc. The scope of students in this course are rising.Courses Available: in Mechatronic Engineering in Mechatronic Engineering.
1.For Bachelor Degree the student have passed +2 EXAM With 50% marks in agreegate inPhysics,chemistry,math in any Recognized Board/University..
2.For Post Graduate program in Mechatronics a candidate need to have B.E/B.Tech in the area of electrical engineering, electronics, instrumentation, mechanical, electronics and telecommunication from any recognized university.
Scope of Mechatronics:
After completion of the Mechatronics program one can getting jobs in IT sectors or other private firms.They can also get jobs in Govt. sectors.
4th December 2012 02:04 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

what is the scope of bs in mechatronics????
14th September 2012 04:10 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

hi ,
i am prabhas
i want to know the scopes for mechatronics
9th September 2012 01:03 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?



29th July 2012 11:02 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Dear friend,

To Be More Clear:-

Mechatronics is emerging as one of the integrated new generation courses having enough career potential within the country and abroad.

This is a combination of mechanical engineering, electrical & electronics, computer engineering, systems engineering and control engineering.
It is also called Robotic science.
Mechatronics has wide applications in Robotics, Nano technology, automation, aircraft engineering, biomedical systems and computer-aided design.

Taking in to account the emerging opportunities in the telecom sector, Nanotechnology and Mechatronics is emerging as the promising technological areas.

Being the four-year graduate program, engineering students can directly apply for postgraduate programs in Mechatronics abroad.

MS Mechatronics is the most established and successful specialist program in UK, which will substantially enhance career prospects of students. It is of one-year duration under full-time program. In United States MS Mechatronics course is of two-year duration.

Completing the post graduate program in mechatronics, career opportunities include positions such as:-

1)systems engineer,
2)Application engineer,
3)Product development in industrial sectors
4)Automation systems,
5)Automotive engineering,
7)Shipping or hardware/software development.

All The Best
29th July 2012 09:13 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

MECHATRONICS is Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics systems combined with Information Technology.

In the current scenario of technical advancement those who can handle multiple disciplines of engineering, is preferred rather than who sticks to a branch by itself. Hence Mechatronics being an integrated new generation course has wide potential within the country and abroad.

Mechatronic engineering is a new focus area in engineering with wide range of application in business and industrial sector.

Industries entered in mechatronic engineering include automobile, aerospace, defence and energy as well as the manufacturing of industrial and domestic products, drugs, furniture and processing of chemicals and foods.
29th July 2012 03:29 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

This course provides the students with heavy knowledge on basic electronics subjects, various computer languages along with hardware and software, control system, various machine related works, etc.

One of the most beneficial things about the course is that it provides the student with elaborate knowledge on various streams such as electronics, computer science, mechanical, controlled system, etc. this increases the job scope for the candidates after the completion of B.Sc in Mechatronics. As various factories and industries are growing day by day the scope of students in this course is also rising.
28th July 2012 10:49 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

I wish to join a mechatronics course of 3 year.i dont know the scope & the job how to?so please help me .type of job with example.please reply to me my email add is [email protected]
25th June 2012 11:28 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

what is the future scope of mechatronics? can i get job early?
21st June 2012 06:09 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Sir,.i have got mechatronics in btech in srm it good branch or not.
20th June 2012 12:58 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

How can MECHATRONICS be useful for me to get into the field of AUTOMOBILE??
16th June 2012 09:02 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?


i did my b tech in electronics and communication. can i take m tech in mechatronics.
18th May 2012 05:21 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

i have done my b tech in there any benefits to do in mechatronics....
7th May 2012 03:29 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

hello...m persueing degree in mechanical engg. i wnt to do a 3-4 mnths course in mechatronics. so i wnt 2 kno the institutes offering this course, fee structure, its job prospects,future scope,whether it is a certificated course or not. please guide
5th March 2012 08:45 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future? HERE YOU CAN see what is the scope of MEchatronics and realted top engineering colleges providing mechantroncs frns
5th March 2012 08:32 PM
30th January 2012 05:04 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

>>the only way to become a software engineer is you must get a good cutoff in 10 +2 exam .

>>to get agood seat in a good college.

>>you can also even write entrances to get seats in indian institute of technology and national institute of technology.

>>to become a software engineer you must study b.e or course in computer science engineering.
21st January 2012 10:31 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

I was completed my Mechatronics in Ganpat University.Now what can i do.
15th January 2012 12:23 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

what exactly is the difference btw mechatronics electronic and mechanical engineering?
23rd November 2011 12:23 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

what is the future scope of computer engineering ?
6th November 2011 03:42 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

sir i compleated diploma in mechatronis at GT&TC in bangalore so tell me where i can work ?
3rd September 2011 11:26 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

hi friend,

as the branch in engineering called mechatronics is the combined branch of two

different branches eletronics and mechanical, it has good scope in future

23rd August 2011 04:40 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

dear sir
[email protected]
17th August 2011 03:46 PM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Sir i have completed my B.Sc.Electroinics
i wish to take BS Mechatronics Engineering, in future i have scope in it or not
1st August 2011 01:09 AM
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

'Mechatronics is the synergistic combination of electronics, mechanical and computer systems integrated via a control architecture'

A mechatronic engineer designs mechanical devices that incorporate electrical, software and mechanical components.Examples include a more efficient washing machine, cameras, laser printers, hybrid autos and garage door openers.

A mechatronics Engineer deals with a system that has many electromechanical components.

Collaborate with vehicle dynamics group on developing advanced systems

The field of mechatronics requires that engineers have broad exposure to software programming, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering. A mechatronic engineer needs to possess good communication, problem solving and creative skills

Graduates can work in automobiles, manufacturing, gas and oil, mining, transport, defense, robotics, aerospace and aviation.
31st July 2011 11:37 AM
dreksha chaudhary
Re: Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

Dear friend ,

Scope of Mechatronics in Future-

This course provides the students with heavy knowledge on basic electronics subjects, various computer languages along with hardware and software, control system, various machine related works, etc.

One of the most beneficial things about the course is that it provides the student with elaborate knowledge on various streams such as electronics, computer science, mechanical, controlled system, etc. this increases the job scope for the candidates after the completion of B.Sc in Mechatronics. As various factories and industries are growing day by day the scope of students in this course is also rising.

Good day!!!!!!
31st July 2011 03:08 AM
Scope of Mechatronics in Future?

i want to know the scope of mechatronics in future? because if there is good scope i want to start my career in this area

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