Thread: Syllabus of B.Ed CET? Reply to Thread

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6th January 2015 01:38 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

i want b.ed and d.ed govt exame all papers syalabus copy send to my mail id and i want all year cet question paper send me to my email id [email protected]
16th November 2013 07:32 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

I want B Ed govt appointment CET exam General Paper Syllabus
7th October 2013 04:13 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

B.ed cet job syllabus
15th July 2013 01:57 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

i want karnatak b.ed cet syllabi and last year quation papaer .my email id [email protected]
28th March 2013 02:08 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

sir, i want to do b.ed in English medium, i had complete B.A in English literature. so tell me its possible to do b.ed in english medium.
31st July 2012 09:48 PM
savan kumar chaitanya
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?



1- Introduction and Measurement

2- Description of Motion in one Dimension

3- Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

4- Laws of Motion

5- Work Energy and Power

6- Rotational Motion

7- Gravitation

8- Properties of Matter

9- Heat and Thermodynamics

10- Oscillations

11- Waves

12- Electrostatics

13- Current Electricity

14- Thermal and Chemical Effect of currents

15- Magnetic Effect of Currents

16- Magnetism

17- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

18- Electromagnetic Waves (Quantitative Treatment)

19- Wave Optics

20- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

21- Electrons and Photons

22- Atoms and Nuclei

23- Solids and Semiconductor Devices



1- Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic

2- Elements, their Occurrence and Extraction

3- States of Matter

4- Atomic Structures

5- Chemical families periodic properties

6- Bonding and Molecular Structure

7- Carbon and its Compounds

8- Energetics

9- Chemical Equilibrium

10- Redox Reactions

11- Rates of chemical Reactions

12- Chemistry of Non-metals I

13- Chemistry of Non-metals II

14- Chemistry of Lighter Metals

15- Chemistry of Heavier Metals

16- Structure and Shapes of Hydrocarbons

17- Preparation and Properties of Hydrocarbons

18- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds

19- The Molecules of Life

20- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

21- The Solid State

22- Solutions

23- Chemical Thermodynamics

24- Electro-Chemistry

25- Chemical Kinetics

26- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups I

27- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups II

28- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups III

29- Chemistry of Representative elements

30- Transition Metals Including Lanthanides

31- Coordination Chemistry and Organo Metalics

32- Nuclear Chemistry

33- Synthetic and Natural polymers

34- Surface Chemistry

35- Bio Molecules

36- Chemistry of Biological Process

37- Chemistry in Action



1. The Living World

2. Unity of Life

3. Diversity of Life

4. Organism and Environment

5. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Plant life

6. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Animal Life

7. Continuity of Life

8. Origin and Evaluation of Life

9. Application of Biology


1- Sets and Binary operation

2- Complex numbers

3- Quadratic equiations

4- Sequences and series

5- Statistics

6- Permutations and combinations

7- Mathematical Induction and binomial theorem

8- Linear programming

9- Exponential and logarithmic series

10- Trigonometry

11- Circles

12- Conic section

13- Matrices & Determinants

14- Vectors and three dimensional geometry

15- Differential Calculus

16- Integral Calculus

17- Definite Integral

18- Differential equations

19- Correlation and regression

20- Probability


Unit 1

Introductory Basic Sciences

1. Elements of Genetics and Plant Breeding.

(a) Definitions of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Cell and its

structure. Cell division and meiosis and their significance.

(b) Linkage and crossing over. Sex-linked inheritage.

(c) Organisation of the genetic material in chromosomes, DNA & RNA.

(d) Elaboration of Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Reasons for the success of Medal in his experiments. Absence of linkage in Mendel’s experiments.

2. Elementary Biochemistry :

PH, Carbohydrate, protein and vitamins.

3. Introductory Microbiology:

Microbial Cell structure, Micro-organism-Algae Bacteria Fungi, Actinomycetes and viruses; Farmentaton, organic, matter decompositions

Unit 2

Livestock Production

1. Introduction

(a) Importance of Livestock

(b) Important breeds and distribution of cows, buffaloes and poultry.

2. Care and Management:

(a) Cattle housing.

(b) Management of calves, bullocks, pregnant and milch animals and poultry.

3. Feeds and Feeding Practices

(a) Balanced ration.

4. Common Diseases:

(a) Signs of sick animal

(b) Symptoms of common diseases e.g. Rinderpest, Block Quarter, Foot and mouth and Haemorrhogic Septicanamia. New castle disease of poultry, their prevention and control.

5. Artificial Insemination (a) Importance (b) Techniques

Unit 3

Crop Production

1. Introduction

(a) Agriculture and Its importance in national economy.

(b) Different branches of agriculture and crop production.

2. Soil and Soil Fertility :

(a) Importance of Soil and Soil types.

(b) Soil pH. soil structure, soil organisms.

(c) Elements necessary for plant growth.

3. Tillage and Farm Equipments:

(a) Objectives, tilth, minimum tillage.

(b) Kinds of tillage; preparatory, lnterculture, weeding, harrowing and earthing.

4. Farm Management:

(a) Object

(b) Types of farming (co-operative farming, joint farming, intensive farming, Extensive farming, mixed farming and Dry farming etc.).

5. Manures and Fertilizers:

(a) Classification (organic and inorganic).

(b) Characteristics, uses and application of different nitrogenous, Phosphatic and potassic fertilizers.

6. Irrigation and Drainage

(a) Importance of Irrigation and Drainage.

(b) Sources of Irrigation water (rain, canal, tanks, rivers, wells, tube wells, etc.).

(c) Common water lifts.

(d) Methods of irrigation and drainage.

7. Weed control

(a) Principles of weed control.

(b) Methods of weed control (Mechanical, Chemical and Biological).

8. Crops :

(a) Economic classification (Cereals, pulses, oil-seeds, fodder, fibre crops, commercial crops).

(b) Quality of good seed, technique of quality seed production in general.

(c) Seed bed preparation, improved varieties, method of sowing, seed-rate, method and time of fertilizer application irrigation, interculture and weed control, common pest and diseases and their control, harvesting threshing and storage of paddy, wheat,

maize, sorghum, pearlmillet, gram, barseem, mustard, cotton, sugarcane, Jute, potato and tobacco.

Unit 4


1. Introduction:

(a) Importance

(b) Planting-systems, training, pruning intercropping, wind-break, protection from frost sunburn.

(c) Propagation-seed cutting, budding layering gootee, grafting.

(d) Cultivation-Mango-Papaya, Banana Guava and Citrus.

2. Vegetable Gardenings

(a) Kitchen gardening.

(b) Cultivation of Radish, Carrot, Cauli-Flower, Onion, Brinjal, Tomato and potato.

(c) Curcurbits and leafy Vegetables.

3. Ornamental Gardening:

(a) Common Ornamental and Flowering Plants.

4. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation :

(a) Preservation of fruits and vegetables

(i) General principals and methods of fruits and vegetables preservation- processing by heat, preservation by antiseptic, drying, preservation by fermentation and exclusion of air, dehydration and packing.

(ii) Preparation of jellies, jams and tomato ketchup.

Unit 5

Agriculture Business, Planning and Management

(i) Inventory of farms resources.

(ii) Identifying farms family assets and liabilities.

(iii) Maintenance of farm-record and accounts.
22nd June 2012 09:09 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

hello dear
syllabus for admission to B.Ed

marathi medium and english nmedium
if u want to b.ed in english medium entrance test is seperate after common general test

to qualify and get high score referB.Ed cet book written by brijmohan diama and general knowledge book

syllabus is so simple

g k


teacher ability behaviour


Best luck
thank you
20th June 2012 02:05 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Pls provide the syllabus of B.ed CET of VISPUTE B.ED COLLEGE PANVEL
15th February 2012 02:09 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

When will be karnataka BEd CET and probable date.
21st June 2011 02:12 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Dear Sir,
When is the result of CET - B-ed Entrance Exam held in Pune,
17th June 2011 03:16 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

6th June 2011 11:54 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

29th May 2011 06:44 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Originally Posted by sandipk View Post
hello friend,



1- Introduction and Measurement

2- Description of Motion in one Dimension

3- Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

4- Laws of Motion

5- Work Energy and Power

6- Rotational Motion

7- Gravitation

8- Properties of Matter

9- Heat and Thermodynamics

10- Oscillations

11- Waves

12- Electrostatics

13- Current Electricity

14- Thermal and Chemical Effect of currents

15- Magnetic Effect of Currents

16- Magnetism

17- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

18- Electromagnetic Waves (Quantitative Treatment)

19- Wave Optics

20- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

21- Electrons and Photons

22- Atoms and Nuclei

23- Solids and Semiconductor Devices



1- Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic

2- Elements, their Occurrence and Extraction

3- States of Matter

4- Atomic Structures

5- Chemical families periodic properties

6- Bonding and Molecular Structure

7- Carbon and its Compounds

8- Energetics

9- Chemical Equilibrium

10- Redox Reactions

11- Rates of chemical Reactions

12- Chemistry of Non-metals I

13- Chemistry of Non-metals II

14- Chemistry of Lighter Metals

15- Chemistry of Heavier Metals

16- Structure and Shapes of Hydrocarbons

17- Preparation and Properties of Hydrocarbons

18- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds

19- The Molecules of Life

20- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

21- The Solid State

22- Solutions

23- Chemical Thermodynamics

24- Electro-Chemistry

25- Chemical Kinetics

26- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups I

27- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups II

28- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups III

29- Chemistry of Representative elements

30- Transition Metals Including Lanthanides

31- Coordination Chemistry and Organo Metalics

32- Nuclear Chemistry

33- Synthetic and Natural polymers

34- Surface Chemistry

35- Bio Molecules

36- Chemistry of Biological Process

37- Chemistry in Action



1. The Living World

2. Unity of Life

3. Diversity of Life

4. Organism and Environment

5. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Plant life

6. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Animal Life

7. Continuity of Life

8. Origin and Evaluation of Life

9. Application of Biology


1- Sets and Binary operation

2- Complex numbers

3- Quadratic equiations

4- Sequences and series

5- Statistics

6- Permutations and combinations

7- Mathematical Induction and binomial theorem

8- Linear programming

9- Exponential and logarithmic series

10- Trigonometry

11- Circles

12- Conic section

13- Matrices & Determinants

14- Vectors and three dimensional geometry

15- Differential Calculus

16- Integral Calculus

17- Definite Integral

18- Differential equations

19- Correlation and regression

20- Probability


Unit 1

Introductory Basic Sciences

1. Elements of Genetics and Plant Breeding.

(a) Definitions of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Cell and its

structure. Cell division and meiosis and their significance.

(b) Linkage and crossing over. Sex-linked inheritage.

(c) Organisation of the genetic material in chromosomes, DNA & RNA.

(d) Elaboration of Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Reasons for the success of Medal in his experiments. Absence of linkage in Mendel’s experiments.

2. Elementary Biochemistry :

PH, Carbohydrate, protein and vitamins.

3. Introductory Microbiology:

Microbial Cell structure, Micro-organism-Algae Bacteria Fungi, Actinomycetes and viruses; Farmentaton, organic, matter decompositions

Unit 2

Livestock Production

1. Introduction

(a) Importance of Livestock

(b) Important breeds and distribution of cows, buffaloes and poultry.

2. Care and Management:

(a) Cattle housing.

(b) Management of calves, bullocks, pregnant and milch animals and poultry.

3. Feeds and Feeding Practices

(a) Balanced ration.

4. Common Diseases:

(a) Signs of sick animal

(b) Symptoms of common diseases e.g. Rinderpest, Block Quarter, Foot and mouth and Haemorrhogic Septicanamia. New castle disease of poultry, their prevention and control.

5. Artificial Insemination (a) Importance (b) Techniques

Unit 3

Crop Production

1. Introduction

(a) Agriculture and Its importance in national economy.

(b) Different branches of agriculture and crop production.

2. Soil and Soil Fertility :

(a) Importance of Soil and Soil types.

(b) Soil pH. soil structure, soil organisms.

(c) Elements necessary for plant growth.

3. Tillage and Farm Equipments:

(a) Objectives, tilth, minimum tillage.

(b) Kinds of tillage; preparatory, lnterculture, weeding, harrowing and earthing.

4. Farm Management:

(a) Object

(b) Types of farming (co-operative farming, joint farming, intensive farming, Extensive farming, mixed farming and Dry farming etc.).

5. Manures and Fertilizers:

(a) Classification (organic and inorganic).

(b) Characteristics, uses and application of different nitrogenous, Phosphatic and potassic fertilizers.

6. Irrigation and Drainage

(a) Importance of Irrigation and Drainage.

(b) Sources of Irrigation water (rain, canal, tanks, rivers, wells, tube wells, etc.).

(c) Common water lifts.

(d) Methods of irrigation and drainage.

7. Weed control

(a) Principles of weed control.

(b) Methods of weed control (Mechanical, Chemical and Biological).

8. Crops :

(a) Economic classification (Cereals, pulses, oil-seeds, fodder, fibre crops, commercial crops).

(b) Quality of good seed, technique of quality seed production in general.

(c) Seed bed preparation, improved varieties, method of sowing, seed-rate, method and time of fertilizer application irrigation, interculture and weed control, common pest and diseases and their control, harvesting threshing and storage of paddy, wheat,

maize, sorghum, pearlmillet, gram, barseem, mustard, cotton, sugarcane, Jute, potato and tobacco.

Unit 4


1. Introduction:

(a) Importance

(b) Planting-systems, training, pruning intercropping, wind-break, protection from frost sunburn.

(c) Propagation-seed cutting, budding layering gootee, grafting.

(d) Cultivation-Mango-Papaya, Banana Guava and Citrus.

2. Vegetable Gardenings

(a) Kitchen gardening.

(b) Cultivation of Radish, Carrot, Cauli-Flower, Onion, Brinjal, Tomato and potato.

(c) Curcurbits and leafy Vegetables.

3. Ornamental Gardening:

(a) Common Ornamental and Flowering Plants.

4. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation :

(a) Preservation of fruits and vegetables

(i) General principals and methods of fruits and vegetables preservation- processing by heat, preservation by antiseptic, drying, preservation by fermentation and exclusion of air, dehydration and packing.

(ii) Preparation of jellies, jams and tomato ketchup.

Unit 5

Agriculture Business, Planning and Management

(i) Inventory of farms resources.

(ii) Identifying farms family assets and liabilities.

(iii) Maintenance of farm-record and accounts.

you may follow this.

good luck....
about social studies
28th May 2011 07:38 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

should we read botany and zoology for the B.Ed exam.?
Sir/Madam please let me know.I'm waitng.
Thank you
28th May 2011 07:35 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Should we read botany and zoology for the B.Ed exam or just general biology????
please do inform me sir/madam...
27th May 2011 12:31 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Hi dear,


1- Introduction and Measurement

2- Description of Motion in one Dimension

3- Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

4- Laws of Motion

5- Work Energy and Power

6- Rotational Motion

7- Gravitation

8- Properties of Matter

9- Heat and Thermodynamics

10- Oscillations

11- Waves

12- Electrostatics

13- Current Electricity

14- Thermal and Chemical Effect of currents

15- Magnetic Effect of Currents

16- Magnetism

17- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

18- Electromagnetic Waves (Quantitative Treatment)

19- Wave Optics

20- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

21- Electrons and Photons

22- Atoms and Nuclei

23- Solids and Semiconductor Devices



1- Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic

2- Elements, their Occurrence and Extraction

3- States of Matter

4- Atomic Structures

5- Chemical families periodic properties

6- Bonding and Molecular Structure

7- Carbon and its Compounds

8- Energetics

9- Chemical Equilibrium

10- Redox Reactions

11- Rates of chemical Reactions

12- Chemistry of Non-metals I

13- Chemistry of Non-metals II

14- Chemistry of Lighter Metals

15- Chemistry of Heavier Metals

16- Structure and Shapes of Hydrocarbons

17- Preparation and Properties of Hydrocarbons

18- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds

19- The Molecules of Life

20- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

21- The Solid State

22- Solutions

23- Chemical Thermodynamics

24- Electro-Chemistry

25- Chemical Kinetics

26- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups I

27- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups II

28- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups III

29- Chemistry of Representative elements

30- Transition Metals Including Lanthanides

31- Coordination Chemistry and Organo Metalics

32- Nuclear Chemistry

33- Synthetic and Natural polymers

34- Surface Chemistry

35- Bio Molecules

36- Chemistry of Biological Process

37- Chemistry in Action



1. The Living World

2. Unity of Life

3. Diversity of Life

4. Organism and Environment

5. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Plant life

6. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Animal Life

7. Continuity of Life

8. Origin and Evaluation of Life

9. Application of Biology


1- Sets and Binary operation

2- Complex numbers

3- Quadratic equiations

4- Sequences and series

5- Statistics

6- Permutations and combinations

7- Mathematical Induction and binomial theorem

8- Linear programming

9- Exponential and logarithmic series

10- Trigonometry

11- Circles

12- Conic section

13- Matrices & Determinants

14- Vectors and three dimensional geometry

15- Differential Calculus

16- Integral Calculus

17- Definite Integral

18- Differential equations

19- Correlation and regression

20- Probability


Unit 1

Introductory Basic Sciences

1. Elements of Genetics and Plant Breeding.

(a) Definitions of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Cell and its

structure. Cell division and meiosis and their significance.

(b) Linkage and crossing over. Sex-linked inheritage.

(c) Organisation of the genetic material in chromosomes, DNA & RNA.

(d) Elaboration of Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Reasons for the success of Medal in his experiments. Absence of linkage in Mendel’s experiments.

2. Elementary Biochemistry :

PH, Carbohydrate, protein and vitamins.

3. Introductory Microbiology:

Microbial Cell structure, Micro-organism-Algae Bacteria Fungi, Actinomycetes and viruses; Farmentaton, organic, matter decompositions

Unit 2

Livestock Production

1. Introduction

(a) Importance of Livestock

(b) Important breeds and distribution of cows, buffaloes and poultry.

2. Care and Management:

(a) Cattle housing.

(b) Management of calves, bullocks, pregnant and milch animals and poultry.

3. Feeds and Feeding Practices

(a) Balanced ration.

4. Common Diseases:

(a) Signs of sick animal

(b) Symptoms of common diseases e.g. Rinderpest, Block Quarter, Foot and mouth and Haemorrhogic Septicanamia. New castle disease of poultry, their prevention and control.

5. Artificial Insemination (a) Importance (b) Techniques

Unit 3

Crop Production

1. Introduction

(a) Agriculture and Its importance in national economy.

(b) Different branches of agriculture and crop production.

2. Soil and Soil Fertility :

(a) Importance of Soil and Soil types.

(b) Soil pH. soil structure, soil organisms.

(c) Elements necessary for plant growth.

3. Tillage and Farm Equipments:

(a) Objectives, tilth, minimum tillage.

(b) Kinds of tillage; preparatory, lnterculture, weeding, harrowing and earthing.

4. Farm Management:

(a) Object

(b) Types of farming (co-operative farming, joint farming, intensive farming, Extensive farming, mixed farming and Dry farming etc.).

5. Manures and Fertilizers:

(a) Classification (organic and inorganic).

(b) Characteristics, uses and application of different nitrogenous, Phosphatic and potassic fertilizers.

6. Irrigation and Drainage

(a) Importance of Irrigation and Drainage.

(b) Sources of Irrigation water (rain, canal, tanks, rivers, wells, tube wells, etc.).

(c) Common water lifts.

(d) Methods of irrigation and drainage.

7. Weed control

(a) Principles of weed control.

(b) Methods of weed control (Mechanical, Chemical and Biological).

8. Crops :

(a) Economic classification (Cereals, pulses, oil-seeds, fodder, fibre crops, commercial crops).

(b) Quality of good seed, technique of quality seed production in general.

(c) Seed bed preparation, improved varieties, method of sowing, seed-rate, method and time of fertilizer application irrigation, interculture and weed control, common pest and diseases and their control, harvesting threshing and storage of paddy, wheat,

maize, sorghum, pearlmillet, gram, barseem, mustard, cotton, sugarcane, Jute, potato and tobacco.

Unit 4


1. Introduction:

(a) Importance

(b) Planting-systems, training, pruning intercropping, wind-break, protection from frost sunburn.

(c) Propagation-seed cutting, budding layering gootee, grafting.

(d) Cultivation-Mango-Papaya, Banana Guava and Citrus.

2. Vegetable Gardenings

(a) Kitchen gardening.

(b) Cultivation of Radish, Carrot, Cauli-Flower, Onion, Brinjal, Tomato and potato.

(c) Curcurbits and leafy Vegetables.

3. Ornamental Gardening:

(a) Common Ornamental and Flowering Plants.

4. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation :

(a) Preservation of fruits and vegetables

(i) General principals and methods of fruits and vegetables preservation- processing by heat, preservation by antiseptic, drying, preservation by fermentation and exclusion of air, dehydration and packing.

(ii) Preparation of jellies, jams and tomato ketchup.

Unit 5

Agriculture Business, Planning and Management

(i) Inventory of farms resources.

(ii) Identifying farms family assets and liabilities.

(iii) Maintenance of farm-record and accounts.

25th May 2011 10:44 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

May i know when the next CET exams dates follows?
4th May 2011 04:07 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

syllabus of B.ed cet for biology
22nd April 2011 07:12 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

when the prospects will be available for 2011-20012
20th April 2011 03:50 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

hi sir,

I finished my B.Ed in Banglore,recently i came to know in bnglr also above 20 telugu schools are there.Now i want write CET entrance exam in telugu.Please tell me when will be that exam cundutedand i want that syllubus.

Please help me...
18th April 2011 05:33 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

sir, what is the fee structure for B.ED?
11th April 2011 03:44 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

11th April 2011 01:54 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

It is same as you study in 11th and 12th class syllabus....but level of questions in B.Ed CET is slightly higher comparing to your 11th and 12th exam....
11th April 2011 02:38 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Syllabus of B.Ed CET:-

The question paper consist of some questions from General Knowledge, English .

And some question would be from the field by which you want to pursue your b.ed. like Science, Commerce ,etc...

All the Best...
11th April 2011 01:54 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

See this attachment for syllabus of B.ED CET exams:

10th April 2011 11:50 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

which is the best book for CET B.Bd.....???
6th April 2011 04:36 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

What is the syllabus for entrance test for methodalagy mathematics
2nd April 2011 12:30 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

recommend me the sites to getv syllabus of bed exam in up 2011
1st April 2011 11:17 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

when will cet 2011 maharastra conduct?from where we will collect the form?
26th March 2011 06:01 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

I want to know exact date of CET of B.ed
28th February 2011 08:19 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

how much do i have to pay for the Bed CET exams in maharashtra
and how do i get the CET forms for this?
ABJ pune
24th February 2011 10:21 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

when BEd Govt. CET 2011?
i am Doing MA Politics in 2005 can i do?
23rd February 2011 11:37 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

when will bed cet?
14th February 2011 03:00 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

upcoming date of CET for B ED2011
2nd February 2011 03:45 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

syllabus for admission to B.Ed

marathi medium and english nmedium
if u want to b.ed in english medium entrance test is seperate after common general test

to qualify and get high score referB.Ed cet book written by brijmohan diama and general knowledge book

syllabus is so simple

g k


teacher ability behaviour


Best luck
1st February 2011 03:51 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

when will i get the forms for B.Ed CET maharashtra 2011?
25th January 2011 06:15 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

sir plz teel me what is the syllabus for b.ed &when wil the notification release?
25th January 2011 05:38 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Which are the feilds or contents that would be included in CET exam for B.Ed
25th January 2011 09:30 AM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Originally Posted by jahagirdarg View Post
want to know about BEd C.e.t. what is the portion how much marks? dates?
i want to b.ed syllabus.plz sent me my email id my is [email protected]
24th January 2011 01:56 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

Dear sir,

would like to know when the forms for B.Ed come out?
3rd December 2010 09:16 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

For the B.Ed course you have to take admission through CET ,

for this you have to pass B.A or BSc or B.Com or BBA or BCA examination ,
final year student also can apply.

you have to score minimum 50% in any of the above bachelor degree.

you have to more than 19 years .
2nd December 2010 09:34 PM
Re: Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

hello friend,



1- Introduction and Measurement

2- Description of Motion in one Dimension

3- Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions

4- Laws of Motion

5- Work Energy and Power

6- Rotational Motion

7- Gravitation

8- Properties of Matter

9- Heat and Thermodynamics

10- Oscillations

11- Waves

12- Electrostatics

13- Current Electricity

14- Thermal and Chemical Effect of currents

15- Magnetic Effect of Currents

16- Magnetism

17- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

18- Electromagnetic Waves (Quantitative Treatment)

19- Wave Optics

20- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

21- Electrons and Photons

22- Atoms and Nuclei

23- Solids and Semiconductor Devices



1- Atoms, Molecules and Chemical Arithmetic

2- Elements, their Occurrence and Extraction

3- States of Matter

4- Atomic Structures

5- Chemical families periodic properties

6- Bonding and Molecular Structure

7- Carbon and its Compounds

8- Energetics

9- Chemical Equilibrium

10- Redox Reactions

11- Rates of chemical Reactions

12- Chemistry of Non-metals I

13- Chemistry of Non-metals II

14- Chemistry of Lighter Metals

15- Chemistry of Heavier Metals

16- Structure and Shapes of Hydrocarbons

17- Preparation and Properties of Hydrocarbons

18- Purification and Characterisation of Organic Compounds

19- The Molecules of Life

20- Atomic Structure and Chemical Bonding

21- The Solid State

22- Solutions

23- Chemical Thermodynamics

24- Electro-Chemistry

25- Chemical Kinetics

26- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups I

27- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups II

28- Organic Chemistry based on Functional Groups III

29- Chemistry of Representative elements

30- Transition Metals Including Lanthanides

31- Coordination Chemistry and Organo Metalics

32- Nuclear Chemistry

33- Synthetic and Natural polymers

34- Surface Chemistry

35- Bio Molecules

36- Chemistry of Biological Process

37- Chemistry in Action



1. The Living World

2. Unity of Life

3. Diversity of Life

4. Organism and Environment

5. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Plant life

6. Multicellularity : Structure and Function – Animal Life

7. Continuity of Life

8. Origin and Evaluation of Life

9. Application of Biology


1- Sets and Binary operation

2- Complex numbers

3- Quadratic equiations

4- Sequences and series

5- Statistics

6- Permutations and combinations

7- Mathematical Induction and binomial theorem

8- Linear programming

9- Exponential and logarithmic series

10- Trigonometry

11- Circles

12- Conic section

13- Matrices & Determinants

14- Vectors and three dimensional geometry

15- Differential Calculus

16- Integral Calculus

17- Definite Integral

18- Differential equations

19- Correlation and regression

20- Probability


Unit 1

Introductory Basic Sciences

1. Elements of Genetics and Plant Breeding.

(a) Definitions of Genetics and Plant Breeding. Cell and its

structure. Cell division and meiosis and their significance.

(b) Linkage and crossing over. Sex-linked inheritage.

(c) Organisation of the genetic material in chromosomes, DNA & RNA.

(d) Elaboration of Mendel’s laws of inheritance. Reasons for the success of Medal in his experiments. Absence of linkage in Mendel’s experiments.

2. Elementary Biochemistry :

PH, Carbohydrate, protein and vitamins.

3. Introductory Microbiology:

Microbial Cell structure, Micro-organism-Algae Bacteria Fungi, Actinomycetes and viruses; Farmentaton, organic, matter decompositions

Unit 2

Livestock Production

1. Introduction

(a) Importance of Livestock

(b) Important breeds and distribution of cows, buffaloes and poultry.

2. Care and Management:

(a) Cattle housing.

(b) Management of calves, bullocks, pregnant and milch animals and poultry.

3. Feeds and Feeding Practices

(a) Balanced ration.

4. Common Diseases:

(a) Signs of sick animal

(b) Symptoms of common diseases e.g. Rinderpest, Block Quarter, Foot and mouth and Haemorrhogic Septicanamia. New castle disease of poultry, their prevention and control.

5. Artificial Insemination (a) Importance (b) Techniques

Unit 3

Crop Production

1. Introduction

(a) Agriculture and Its importance in national economy.

(b) Different branches of agriculture and crop production.

2. Soil and Soil Fertility :

(a) Importance of Soil and Soil types.

(b) Soil pH. soil structure, soil organisms.

(c) Elements necessary for plant growth.

3. Tillage and Farm Equipments:

(a) Objectives, tilth, minimum tillage.

(b) Kinds of tillage; preparatory, lnterculture, weeding, harrowing and earthing.

4. Farm Management:

(a) Object

(b) Types of farming (co-operative farming, joint farming, intensive farming, Extensive farming, mixed farming and Dry farming etc.).

5. Manures and Fertilizers:

(a) Classification (organic and inorganic).

(b) Characteristics, uses and application of different nitrogenous, Phosphatic and potassic fertilizers.

6. Irrigation and Drainage

(a) Importance of Irrigation and Drainage.

(b) Sources of Irrigation water (rain, canal, tanks, rivers, wells, tube wells, etc.).

(c) Common water lifts.

(d) Methods of irrigation and drainage.

7. Weed control

(a) Principles of weed control.

(b) Methods of weed control (Mechanical, Chemical and Biological).

8. Crops :

(a) Economic classification (Cereals, pulses, oil-seeds, fodder, fibre crops, commercial crops).

(b) Quality of good seed, technique of quality seed production in general.

(c) Seed bed preparation, improved varieties, method of sowing, seed-rate, method and time of fertilizer application irrigation, interculture and weed control, common pest and diseases and their control, harvesting threshing and storage of paddy, wheat,

maize, sorghum, pearlmillet, gram, barseem, mustard, cotton, sugarcane, Jute, potato and tobacco.

Unit 4


1. Introduction:

(a) Importance

(b) Planting-systems, training, pruning intercropping, wind-break, protection from frost sunburn.

(c) Propagation-seed cutting, budding layering gootee, grafting.

(d) Cultivation-Mango-Papaya, Banana Guava and Citrus.

2. Vegetable Gardenings

(a) Kitchen gardening.

(b) Cultivation of Radish, Carrot, Cauli-Flower, Onion, Brinjal, Tomato and potato.

(c) Curcurbits and leafy Vegetables.

3. Ornamental Gardening:

(a) Common Ornamental and Flowering Plants.

4. Fruit and Vegetable Preservation :

(a) Preservation of fruits and vegetables

(i) General principals and methods of fruits and vegetables preservation- processing by heat, preservation by antiseptic, drying, preservation by fermentation and exclusion of air, dehydration and packing.

(ii) Preparation of jellies, jams and tomato ketchup.

Unit 5

Agriculture Business, Planning and Management

(i) Inventory of farms resources.

(ii) Identifying farms family assets and liabilities.

(iii) Maintenance of farm-record and accounts.

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good luck....
29th November 2010 12:36 PM
Syllabus of B.Ed CET?

want to know about BEd C.e.t. what is the portion how much marks? dates?

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