Thread: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT? Reply to Thread

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14th March 2014 11:14 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

Hi can anyone tell me am I eligible for CAT exam?

I have done 3years polytechnic diploma after 10 2 (15 year or edu.)

1st July 2013 12:23 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

i have completed my graduation in 2013, but having 45% in B.A and i belong to NC-OBC,so m i eligible for MBA or for CAT plzzz...reply me on [email protected]
9th May 2012 10:55 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

i am graduate with B.COM but having 47 % .but i had done M.ed with 58% , whether i am eligibile for M.B.A or for CAT pls ans me on [email protected]
22nd February 2012 08:16 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

The eligibility criteria for mca is given below
You need to have a
bachelor's degree (3-
year course) or
equivalent in any
discipline recognised by
any Indian University /
AICTE as eligible for
post-graduate studies.
You can apply while you
are in your final year of
graduation. If you do
get through the
admission test, you will
be given provisional
admission on the
condition that you
provide your mark
sheet and a certificate
of passing by a certain
8th January 2012 01:50 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

i want do MBA operations in part time but i could find only 50% marks in my graduation so can i do mba if yes then which college from pune.
11th December 2011 12:28 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

24th September 2011 11:50 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

now i am tybcom appear , so can i apply for mba cat exam ?
31st August 2011 09:16 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

for appear in this exam you should have to complete your graduation in any stream with minimum50% .this exam, is conducted by IIMs .in all india level.

important exams in india to pursue mba in good colleges are as follows
check cat website;
26th August 2011 01:38 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

hi. i am Dhananjay sharma i am studing in bcom 2nd year from ddu.gorakhpur.if my percentage will come 45% after then which best college will taken admition in mba.and that college avrage salary is good. I want to do mba in 2013.
20th August 2011 11:19 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

24th July 2011 01:45 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

i have only 42% in graduation can i eligible for mba??plzz send my answer on my mail [email protected] i am waiting..
5th July 2011 11:49 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

Can anyone doing AMIE be eligible for CAT exam.
5th July 2011 11:38 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

I am doing amie after completing my diploma. Would I be eligible for CAT exam.
plz. reply.
11th June 2011 06:47 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

a student with only 45% can he appear in the MAT or RMAT
5th May 2011 07:06 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

Is percentage of 10th and 12th standard required for CAT or Symbiosis or any other for doing MBA?if yes then how much?
31st March 2011 10:10 AM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

if you want to take admission in MBA so you should be need quilyfier in CAT exam.

You must fill CAT form for taking admission in IIMS MBA program.Because admission in iims has been taken on the basis of the rank obtained in CAT.

eligibility are; having a 50% marks in graduation , final year candidate appearing for final degree exam or waiting for results can also apply for cat.

check cat website;

21st March 2011 02:24 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

For taking the CAT examination you shouldbe an graduate from any stream or in the final year of your graduation. There is no limit in no of attempts.

CAT examination is held every year in the month of OCTOBER-NOVEMBER and it is a online based examination. The forms will be available in the month of AUGUST in selected branches of AXIS bank. The fees is around Rs.1400/-.
All instructions will be available in the broucher. It's a very easy process.
Hope you son come with flying colours.
21st March 2011 02:04 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?


You need to have a bachelor's degree (3-year course) or equivalent in any discipline recognised by any Indian University / AICTE as eligible for post-graduate studies.

-You can apply while you are in your final year of graduation.

The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree, with at least 50% marks

CAT Test :

CAT tests a candidates skill in verbal ability and reasoning, reading comprehension, quantitative skills, data interpretation and analytical and logical reasoning.

Voucher Sale 30 August – 27 September 2011

Test Dates & Centre 27 October – 24 November 2011
21st March 2011 01:29 PM
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

dear friend,

Eligibility for CAT exam
To study your post graduate courses in india with IIM OR with other best insititutions, you have to write online exam namly CAT - Common Admission Test conducted by IIM - Indian Institute of Management. From their official website we gathered lot of information and publish here for your convenience. If you required more details on this topic / article visit their official website.
The Official Website :
CAT Exam Date for 2011will be : November 2010 and December 2010
The Result for CAT 2011 will be : January 2011

The CAT Exam 2010 2011 candidate should have a Bachelor?s Degree, and at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA [45% in case of the candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Differently Abled (DA)categories], or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.
Elgibility for CAT Exam 2010
The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in the bachelor?s degree calculated based on the practice followed by the university from where the candidate has obtained the degree.

Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelor?s degree examination and those who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results can also apply.

Elgibility for CAT Exam 2010
IIMs may verify eligibility at various stages of the selection process, the details of which are provided at Selection Process of IIMs.

Prospective candidates must maintain a valid email account throughout the selection process.

Eligibility for CAT 2010 2011 for SC/ST, NC-OBC, and DA Candidates
Fot SC or ST categories, your caste/tribe listed in the Government of India schedule. The caste certificate that you send to IIM should be in the Government approved format and should clearly state:

(a) Name of your caste/tribe;
(b) Whether you belong to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe;
(c) District and the State or Union Territory of your ordinary residence; and
(d) the appropriate Government of India schedule under which your caste/tribe is approved by it as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe. A copy of the certificate must be sent to
CAT Centre,
C/O PGP Admissions Office,
Indian Institute of Mangament,
Ahmedabad, 380 015.
Mention the Voucher Serial Number on the certificate. Failure to produce a copy of the caste certificate will result in the rejection of your CAT registration.

Elgibility for CAT Exam 2010
The caste certificate must be shown and a photocopy enclosed at the time of interviews. Moreover, the caste certificate must be submitted at the time of joining programmes of any of the IIMs.

If you belong to the Non-Creamy Other Backward Classes (NC-OBC), you must produce the NC-OBC certificate duly signed by competent authority and enclose its photocopy at the time of interviews. Moreover, the certificate must be submitted at the time of joining programmes of any of the IIMs. Failure to do so during the post CAT selection process will result in you not being considered under the reserved category.

If you belong to Differently Abled (DA) Category, a copy of the DA certificate must be sent to
CAT Centre,
C/O PGP Admissions Office,
Indian Institute of Mangament,
Ahmedabad, 380 015.

Mention the Voucher Serial Number on the DA certificate. Failure to produce a copy of the DA certificate will result in the rejection of your CAT registration. The DA certificate must be shown and a photocopy enclosed at the time of interviews. Moreover, the DA certificate must be submitted at the time of joining programmes of any of the IIMs.

Official Website:
Links to Indian Institue of Management

IIM Ahmedabad
IIM Bangalore
IIM Calcutta
IIM Indore
IIM Kozhikode
IIM Lucknow
IIM Shillong

best of luck..............................................
21st March 2011 11:59 AM
omprakash sharma
Re: Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

if you want to take admission in MBA so you should be need quilyfier in CAT exam.

You must fill CAT form for taking admission in IIMS MBA program.Because admission in iims has been taken on the basis of the rank obtained in CAT.

eligibility are; having a 50% marks in graduation , final year candidate appearing for final degree exam or waiting for results can also apply for cat.

check cat website;
21st March 2011 10:44 AM
Admission in MBA: Eligibility criteria and procedure for CAT?

my son is looking for admission in MBA institute. what are the eligibility criteria? if he has to pass CAT exam when he can write the the exam.?

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