Thread: Certificate courses for a btech student Reply to Thread

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15th August 2012 06:33 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

You can opt for
1) Six months full-time certificate course in VLSI Design and Embedded System.
2) diploma in embedded systems design at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(CDAC),
3) One-year diploma in advanced digital system design (ii) Six-month certificate course in VLSI Design and Six-month certificate course in embedded system design, at University of Pune.

Besides this you can opt for short term courses in robotics etc. (CDAC) offers number of courses partime and fulltime courses which have really good scope in today’s market.

Thank you
22nd March 2011 10:16 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Originally Posted by prashanth_ojela View Post
I had completed my graduation (B-tech) at hyderabad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering stream with an aggrigate of 67.23%.
Can you please suggest me wheather there are any certificate courses which adds strength to my career.
my email id: [email protected]

thank you sir,
the various short term courses are:

An ADVANCED course on Industrial and Medical application of x-rays.
Computational Fluid Dynamics and its Applications
Programming in Java
Cryptography, Protocols and its Implementations
Evolutionary Computing Techniques with Engineering Applications
Advanced topics in DSP with applications to Communication and Instrumentation
Cluster Computing
embeded circuit design,
data and wireless communication,
intregated circuit design.
7th November 2010 04:58 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

there are number of certification courses are available like
CDAC in embedded, vlsi
CCNA in the field of networking
You can go for certification in software like c,c++, java, .Net, SEO.
26th October 2010 02:44 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

search job,what u was doing 4 years of b-tech on basis of that only.
18th October 2010 04:59 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

I had completed my graduation (BSc) at haridwar in computer Science stream and now i m pursuing Msc with computer Science final year .
Can you please suggest me wheather there are any certificate courses (related to data mining concept ) which adds strength to my career.
my email id: [email protected]
16th October 2010 01:04 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Dear friend,
There are lots of courses for Electrical&Electronics engineers like,
Embedded,automation,networking,etc.CDAC offers lots of courses which is of six month,Vector institute in hyderabad for there will be entrance tests conducted to be soon.Embedded or PLC Automation will be a better choice for you.
16th October 2010 12:24 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

you can do many courses
electrical insulation
embedded technology
31st August 2010 11:55 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

hello dear

you can do many courses. some of them are given below

1.scada communication.


3.Embeded technology.


all the best..........
30th August 2010 11:13 PM
shipra saxena
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Originally Posted by prashanth_ojela View Post
I had completed my graduation (B-tech) at hyderabad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering stream with an aggrigate of 67.23%.
Can you please suggest me wheather there are any certificate courses which adds strength to my career.
my email id: [email protected]

thank you sir,
there are some of the corses like
Electrical Insulation
Signal Processing
Control Systems
Wireless Communication you can do such certificate courses
30th August 2010 08:40 PM
Shagun Makin
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Originally Posted by prashanth_ojela View Post
I had completed my graduation (B-tech) at hyderabad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering stream with an aggrigate of 67.23%.
Can you please suggest me wheather there are any certificate courses which adds strength to my career.
my email id: [email protected]

thank you sir,
Dear friend,

There are many courses that will add strength to your career i.e you can look for:
MBA etc.

There are many other courses will be helpful for you.

So go for any course.
30th August 2010 12:20 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Yuou can do various certified should do industrial trainging will help you in core branch areas...Good luck !!
30th August 2010 01:18 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear friends,'
here is the list of the some course that will be helpful for you these are as followings.






control lab
29th August 2010 11:09 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

these are the Certificate courses for a btech student

BEST OF LUCK.................................
29th August 2010 05:52 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear friend,
you have great interest in certified course after B.Tech.Yes,there has many many courses.
you follow the document .
best of luck
29th August 2010 01:12 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

carrier opporunity for student to join training in any companies like bhel,ongc,mnc,tcs etc....
Summer Training For BE/B-tech Engineering Students on Embedded, VLSI, .NET, JAVA, PHP, CAD/CAM
good luck
29th August 2010 03:42 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Hello Friend
Yes there are certain courses which yu can do as a certificate courses some of them are listed below:
VLSI :you can do this course as acertificate courses ,it will be 6 months courses,you can do it from any recognized institute..

Secondly you can go for the Embeded courses ,which will contain the most important parts for your stream,so you can also go for it.

all the best..
29th August 2010 01:32 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Originally Posted by prashanth_ojela View Post
I had completed my graduation (B-tech) at hyderabad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering stream with an aggrigate of 67.23%.
Can you please suggest me wheather there are any certificate courses which adds strength to my career.
my email id: [email protected]

thank you sir,
there are
1:Electrical Insulation
2:Signal Proc
a) Short Term Implant Industrial Training of 10 days
b) One Month Practical Training on frontline specialised topics.
c) One Year Engineering Industrial Apprenticeship
best of luck
28th August 2010 11:26 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Dear friend,
there are a lot of certificate courses for a can a course in embedded systems,VLSI,Networking,Signal processing,Communications, can do some hardware courses also to increase your knowledge over practical.
All The Best!!!!
28th August 2010 01:37 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear friend,

you can do some short term courses like, in embedded system,VLSI ..

after doing these type course you will get a certificate..

there are lots courses , which are, Signal processing,Networking,communication based..

after doing these type of courses you will also get a certificate..

so go for that..

all the best..
26th August 2010 03:52 PM
Bishwajit Giri
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Dear Friend,
there are so many Certificate courses after B.Tech.
There are some Online Certification programs on Internet. Various short term Certifications are also available in the market as :

you can do 6-9 months VLSI design on Embeded system.
beides these,you can go for:
1:Electrical Insulation
2:Signal Processing
3:Electronics etc...
Good luck.
15th August 2010 10:44 PM
ravi k
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear frnd,

as you are a btech student so you can do following certificates.

One-year diploma in advanced digital system design (ii) Six-month certificate course in VLSI Design and Six-month certificate course in embedded system design, at University of Pune.

Six months full-time certificate course in VLSI Design and Embedded System.

diploma in embedded systems design at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(CDAC),

all d best.
15th August 2010 12:11 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Electronic Engineering Corporation offers the following Training Programmes :

a) Short Term Implant Industrial Training of 10 days
b) One Month Practical Training on frontline specialised topics.
c) One Year Engineering Industrial Apprenticeship
Basic Eligibility : Only M.E. / M.Tech / B.E. / B.Tech Degree / AMIE / Diploma
/ M.Sc (Physics) and B.E.S. Degree students, in anyone of the branches can apply :
Electronics & Communication Engg,
Electrical & Electronics Engg
Electronics & Instrumentation Engg
Computer Science Engg / Information Technology
Bio-Medical Engg / Bio-Technology
Mechanical Engineering

Project Director
Electronic Engineering Corporation
T-4, Dr, Vikram Sarabai Electronic Estate,
Thiruvanmiyur - Taramani area,
Opposite ELCOT Power Control / Behind Thompson TV factory
Chennai - 600 041
Phone: - (044) 24481680 or 24925853 or 9840954637
14th August 2010 10:41 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Dear friend,

Various Certificate courses for a btech student available in the market as :-

Signal Processing



Electrical Insulation

Control Systems

Wireless Communication ,etc..

For more information regarding Certificate courses for a btech student
you go through the website:-
13th August 2010 02:04 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Originally Posted by faiyaz View Post
You can opt for
1) Six months full-time certificate course in VLSI Design and Embedded System.
2) diploma in embedded systems design at Centre for Development of Advanced Computing(CDAC),
3) One-year diploma in advanced digital system design (ii) Six-month certificate course in VLSI Design and Six-month certificate course in embedded system design, at University of Pune.

Besides this you can opt for short term courses in robotics etc. (CDAC) offers number of courses partime and fulltime courses which have really good scope in today’s market.
if i am the student of electrical engineering then.
10th August 2010 12:15 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear friend,
if you are interested in electronics ..then you can go for the certificate courses for micro-controller,programmable logic controller course can do also six month diploma course in embedded system design,this certificate gives more strength to your caree
23rd July 2010 02:04 PM
Mohamed Shaheen
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

Originally Posted by prashanth_ojela View Post
I had completed my graduation (B-tech) at hyderabad in Electrical and Electronics Engineering stream with an aggrigate of 67.23%.
Can you please suggest me wheather there are any certificate courses which adds strength to my career.
my email id: [email protected]

thank you sir,
Autocad,Electrical cadd,Pc schematic,matlab,electrical design courses are good for electrical engineers
21st July 2010 12:55 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

sir,this is anitha.i have completed it.plese tell me details about certificate courses related to my study.wt is cdac .is it related t programing side.
15th July 2010 08:53 PM
Hitha Nanjappa
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student


whether the course of c programming is benefit for EC branch students???

YES... C programming is beneficial irrespective of the branch you have studied... there will be many softwares we come across which will be derived with the basics of programming...
15th July 2010 08:51 PM
Hitha Nanjappa
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

what are certificate course for an civil engineer?

engineering CAD from CAAD centre
CFD- computational fluid dynamics
28th June 2010 12:45 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

whether the course of c programming is benefit for EC branch students???
15th April 2010 02:33 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear friend,
there are many certificate courses for a B.Tech student.
they can do a training from any good institute on VLSI,Network security,ethical hacking,data mining ,ICs circuit design,power systems etc.
all the best.
30th March 2010 01:43 PM
rahul k
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear friend, there are manny certificate courses for student,
all the courses are availiable in this attach files, just get it from there-
29th March 2010 03:28 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

hi friend,
yes there is some course,
such as
winding design
insulsting process
v l s i
embeded systesm.
mat lab
o k
good luck
23rd March 2010 01:02 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

IEE EDUCATION PARTENER PROGRANM log on this and you will get the details of your quiery
14th March 2010 09:11 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

u can do courses in VLSI... animation and web designing courses also help u a lot
19th February 2010 12:31 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

dear friend.
if you are interested for certificate courses then ..there are many certificate courses are available ...
if you are interested in electronics ..then you can go for the certificate courses ...
for micro-controller,programmable logic controller course etc..
you can do also six month diploma course in embedded system design
this certificate gives more strength to your career ...
so try it..
best of luck.
17th February 2010 02:10 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

In my opinion you do M-TECH because ,
this certificate have many profit ,
you get job very soon ;
in M Tech period only one year you
get classes after this you have some projects only ...
in this time period you can search job as well as do projects for
your M tech final semester.....
all the best...
16th February 2010 12:56 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

as you are an electrical engineer you can go for embedded system course , hardware and networking and some cadd course like proe..... will add strength to your resume
8th February 2010 01:32 PM
gautam d wonder lover
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

yes there is certificate course like
embedded system,
8th February 2010 02:58 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

i hope these are the certificate courses that you can opt for along with some higher degree i hope this will help:::

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation

Wireless Systems Development

Software analysis, design and development

Web design, development and integration

Data warehouse and data mining design, development and administration

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation

Information Security al the best and good luck to you for the future and bye take care...
7th February 2010 06:13 PM
Shafna Ashmi.A
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

U can do courses in embedded system, hardware and networking.....
30th January 2010 09:58 PM
[email protected]
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

you can docertificate courses in hardware networking,software quality assurance etc or many other short term courses are also available you can joinn them
this will help you to make your CV more demandable
28th January 2010 11:38 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Certificate courses for a btech student
A graduate of this program may find employment in the following areas:

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems Implementation
Information Security
Wireless Systems Development
Software analysis, design and development
Web design, development and integration
Data warehouse and data mining design, development and administration
Distributed systems design and development
Network and telecommunication system administration
Software quality assurance, testing and validation
Project management
Human computer interface design
Multimedia development
Hardware/software technical support
27th January 2010 03:20 AM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

yes hadware networking can be done ,, microprocessor ale lab can be done to improove your bio data
9th January 2010 11:44 PM
rohit kumar singh
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

wellthe best course for EC stream is
vlsi design or
circuit design
or u can join C-DAc also
9th January 2010 07:49 PM
Aditya Mannarwar
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

you can do after

best luck
31st December 2009 04:12 PM
anurag kumar
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student is the certificate course after B.Tech and also ALCCS from IETE Delhi.
15th December 2009 12:59 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

what are certificate course for an civil engineer?
2nd December 2009 09:48 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

you can have a course in caad/cam
24th November 2009 07:05 PM
Re: Certificate courses for a btech student

networking,embedded system,sap etc
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