Thread: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam? Reply to Thread

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13th January 2013 10:48 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

How much marks will be required to clear IBPS exam for the personal comes under ex servicemen categary?
29th October 2012 05:26 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?


29th October 2012 12:30 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Can anyone tell me toll free to ask some doubts with them? i registered wrongly money also got deducted. Above toll free number cannot be processed. Help me out
28th April 2012 11:59 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

IBPS Clerk Exam consists of questions from the following categories.
-Quantitative Aptitude
-General Awareness
-General English
-Computer Knowledge.

There will be 50 questions from each section which will carry 50 marks. In order to get through the written exam, one has to qualify in each of the sections separately.

Generally for any bank exam, one need to secure a minimum of 40% of marks in each of the section. But as around 40 lakhs candidates have applied for IBPS Clerk Exam, the cut off will be more than 40%.
15th April 2012 11:32 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

I AM MANALI WASNIK . I HAVE FORGOT MY PASSWPRD ,MY REGISTRATION NO. IS 1001432160 AND ROLL NO IS 1280112487 , PLEASE SEND MY PASSWORD ON MY NEW EMEIL ID I.e [email protected] pls reply other wise i will lose a golden chance or suggest me, whwt to do....thanks
12th April 2012 02:03 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Dear sir,
What is cutt off marks for IBPS clerk for a OBC candidate of Himachal Pradesh?
30th March 2012 02:10 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

I scored 135 marks in ibps clerical exam (SC category ),do i have any chances for getting a bank job??
27th March 2012 09:53 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

sir, i have scored 146\250 (cat. obc)from rajasthan, what are any chance for me for getting job
19th March 2012 10:00 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

i got 126 marks in ibps clerk exam wat's my chance?
16th March 2012 11:00 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Hello sir,
i scored 125 in bank clerical exam held on 27-nov-2011 And I m belongs 2 OBC category... how many chances 2 get job in bank?????????? n what are the procedure after getting the score card means how i apply in bank??????????
rply me soon sir......
thanks in advance
16th March 2012 12:54 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Yes you have to eligible in each
subject separately.
If you get 50
out of 50 in reasoning and you
get 10 in general awareness out of 50 you are not
qualified in that exam.
16th March 2012 12:03 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

In IBPS abank PO and clerical exams,cut off
marks/score will depend on 1.numbet of students taken the exam 2.number of students qualified 3.number of posts 4.Difficulty of exam paper Depending upon the above mentioned 4
factors,cutoff marks will decide.
All the best.
15th March 2012 07:38 PM
rakesh kumar paswan2
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
What is the cut of marks in ibps examination 2011 for S.c canidate?
the cut of marks for sc is 21 in each subject and 24 marks for general in each subject.
any inquiry plz call on my mobile 9709834626
13th March 2012 12:07 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

i have scored 135 in ibps ....
how can i apply for interviw...
reply me soon...
12th March 2012 09:44 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Dear frnd
mujhe clerk exam me 125 marks mile h ,
aur intervew k liye koi chance h (OBC cataegiry)
mera email id
[email protected]
plz semd me some information
12th March 2012 08:42 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

I have got 119 out of 250 & I am in sc category.
Can me call for interview.
12th March 2012 04:04 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?


12th March 2012 01:44 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Ibps Cut-off marks for clerk exam 2012

Expected cut off marks for ibps clerk exam 2012?,this question raised from so many students,who are going to take upcoming exam.Here for their interest,we are listing you expected cut-off marks,basically it’s tough to say,but by taking and considering the so many aspects,we estimated cut off score for each and every section wise,so students can get minimum idea and will prepare still more hard.It’a depends on number of candidates took the exam and level of question parer difficulty.Here we know that about 40 lakhs students applied for ibps clerk exam.Let’s have interesting things listed below

No. of students applied for ibps clerk exam: 40 lakhs

No. of students will take/write this exam: 35 lakhs(expected numbers only)

Candidates applied without interest or due to pressure from parents, neighbors and relatives: 20 lakhs

Actual number of students,who applied for just practice the exam : 5 lakhs

Number of students taking coaching in institutions: 3-4 lakhs

Number of students,sincerely preparing for exam: 2-3 lakhs(home/institution)

And other small aspects: 2-3 lakhs

Note: all the above numbers are expected only.

Now see the real competition for this exam was hardly for 3-5 lakhs students,depending upon the questions paper difficulty,its possible to say.Here we are considering that the questions papers is not so tough/easy,that is medium,then see the stats

1. Reasoning: 23-26marks

2. English language: 19-24marks

3.Numerical ability: 21-25 marks

4. General awareness : 27-29 marks

5.Computer Knowledge : 30 marks

All the above expected marks,have to calculate after reducing the negative marks.


At last, this post consist of expected numbers and the cut-off marks calculated for students interest only.
12th March 2012 12:15 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Yes you are eligible for IBPS clerks.


-You have to pass your 10+2 with 50% of marks in any recognized board.
-Your age should in between the 18-21 years.
If you fulfill these requirements you are eligible for IBPS clerks.
Good luck......
12th March 2012 11:57 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What is the cut of marks in ibps cleark
reply me soon.
According to experts,ibps exam very huge competetion exam,across india,so many students taking this exam,so if you get 70% of marks that is 70% of 250 marks=175, you will definetly get job in any of 19 banks notification.7o% of marks guaranteed you job in first notification.

If IBPS exam paper was very tough
You need to get 60 to 65% of marks mean 140-145 marks results you job.
60% of marks(140 MARKS) also offer you job?
Actually this is a common written test for bank jobs in 19 banks.
12th March 2012 01:44 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Cut off marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam is not fixed it is decided by ibps
Each candidate will have to secure a minimum standardized score in each of the tests to
qualify in the written examination and to be considered for vacancies in the participating
banks. The cut-off points will be decided based on the average (Average – ¼ Standard
Deviation for General category candidates and Average – ¾ Standard Deviation for
Reserved Category candidates).
12th March 2012 12:30 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

to qualify in IBPS clerk Exam 2012 cut off marks are 105
11th March 2012 11:50 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

sir how many posts for clerk (ibps 2011)
11th March 2012 11:02 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What is the cut of marks in ibps cleark
reply me soon.
the IBPS clerk exam based upon the contents
general awareness
computer knowledge
english language
in marks point of view these four subjects contributes equal priority where as cut off marks depend upon the no.of students appeared in the exam. cut off marks is aproximately equal to 40%
11th March 2012 08:55 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?


I got 145 marks for IBPS.

Is there any chance for me to get interview call from banks?

Please reply as I heard that only those who score 180 and above are having chance to get the interview call.
11th March 2012 08:51 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?


I got 145 for IBPS clerical exam.Is there a chance for me to get interview call from banks? Please reply.
11th March 2012 02:24 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

i have got 152 marks general from rajasthan any chance of getting job
11th March 2012 09:30 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

IBPS clerk's exam :

Reasoning with 50 questions of 50 marks
English language with 50 questions of 50 marks
Aptitude with 50 questions of 50 marks
awareness with 50 questions of 50 marks
computer knowledge with 50 questions of 50 marks

The cut off marks are based on the no of candidates and divided into cast based
min cut of marks is 35-40%
11th March 2012 06:51 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Friend the IBPS PO exam cut of is 24 (49%) for
general and 21 (41%) for sc/st/obc.
But compare to PO, Clerk exam is easy so cut off
may be has gone up. Based on some PO experts
said that for General cut off between 27 and 30.
For sc/st/obc cut off between 24 and 27..
So all the best friend.
10th March 2012 11:46 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What is the cut of marks in ibps cleark
reply me soon.
Each candidate will have to secure a minimum standardized score in each of the tests to qualify in the written examination and to be considered for vacancies in the participating banks. The cut-off points will be decided based on the average (Average – ¼ Standard Deviation for General category candidates and Average – ¾ Standard Deviation for Reserved Category candidates).
10th March 2012 10:22 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

please tell me ibpsclerks result
10th March 2012 09:18 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

i have secured total marks 168. may i know the expected cut off marks for General?
10th March 2012 09:10 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

What is the cut of marks in ibps examination 2011 for S.c canidate?
10th March 2012 09:39 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

what is the min marks to be scored in ibps
10th March 2012 12:47 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What is the cut of marks in ibps cleark
reply me soon.
Each candidate will have to secure a minimum standardized score in each of the tests to qualify in the written examination and to be considered for vacancies in the participating banks. The cut-off points will be decided based on the average (Average – ¼ Standard Deviation for General category candidates and Average – ¾ Standard Deviation for Reserved Category candidates).
9th March 2012 10:22 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

I'm one of the candidate qualified IBPS PO CWE EXAM 2012 .
I want to know wether i'm going to get select for interview or not b'coz
i found that only top 10000 (ten thousand) candidate get chance for
interview in most of the bank recuirtment .
For ex: Union bank recuritment for PO 2467 has called 10611
approx then again same 10000 candidiate r selected for syndicate bank
PO recuirtment interview !
If candidate selected for any bank like union bank has announced the
final result for 2467 po recuirtment but in other bank also they had
applied and even though they will be counted for the shortlist
then what about the other candidate??????
We r not going to get chance for interview b'coz other bank
donot know that the candidiate applied has already selected for
previous bank interview in this way other candidate will not get
chance for interview !
B'coz all most all leading bank has annouced the
recuirtment seat for PO.
Atleast IPBS should go through this problem !
All bank has announced recuirtment simualtaneously ..........?
therefore only top 10000 candidate get selected for interview ?
Bank provides cut off marks for online application but selection
criteria is either 1:3 or 1:5 ?
Even IBPS has not given rank in certificate ?
So that we should get familiar with our position in category or all
over ranking ?
Its an request to pls take out some solution so that other candidate
also get selected for the interview .
9th March 2012 10:20 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

I'm one of the candidate qualified IBPS PO CWE EXAM 2012 .
I want to know wether i'm going to get select for interview or not b'coz
i found that only top 10000 (ten thousand) candidate get chance for
interview in most of the bank recuirtment .
For ex: Union bank recuritment for PO 2467 has called 10611
approx then again same 10000 candidiate r selected for syndicate bank
PO recuirtment interview !
If candidate selected for any bank like union bank has announced the
final result for 2467 po recuirtment but in other bank also they had
applied and even though they will be counted for the shortlist
then what about the other candidate??????
We r not going to get chance for interview b'coz other bank
donot know that the candidiate applied has already selected for
previous bank interview in this way other candidate will not get
chance for interview !
B'coz all most all leading bank has annouced the
recuirtment seat for PO.
Atleast IPBS should go through this problem !
All bank has announced recuirtment simualtaneously ..........?
therefore only top 10000 candidate get selected for interview ?
Bank provides cut off marks for online application but selection
criteria is either 1:3 or 1:5 ?
Even IBPS has not given rank in certificate ?
So that we should get familiar with our position in category or all
over ranking ?
Its an request to pls take out some solution so that other candidate
also get selected for the interview .
9th March 2012 08:56 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

please tell me ibps clerks top score
9th March 2012 07:49 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

sir, i have score 127 out of 250 in GEN-PWD
9th March 2012 02:11 PM
harshit agrawal 2021
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?


For PO exam:-1.General category candidates should have scored 24 marks or above in every subjects.Failing to minimum marks will lead to fail in exam.
2.SC/ST/OBC/PWD category candidates should have scored 21 marks or above in every subjects.Failing to minimum marks will lead to fail in exam.

According to me for clerk exam:-1.General category candidates should have scored 22 to 24 marks or above in every subjects.
2.SC/ST/OBC/PWD category candidates should have scored 20 to 22 marks or above in every subjects.

best of luck..............
9th March 2012 11:13 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Sir I want to know my score according to ranking system. what is my rank roll No. 2080525920 & Reg.No. 2003776475
8th March 2012 01:12 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

sc cut of marks 105 for any doubts ask me [email protected]
7th March 2012 11:59 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

pls inform me about that what is process to apply as i hav qualified in the exam about interview call letter
7th March 2012 07:23 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

I score reasoning 21 english 28 numerical 30 gen awareness 31 comp 32 total 142. Im posting for chhattisgarh. Category SC. Am i eligible for interview. My email [email protected]
7th March 2012 11:08 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

how many members qualify in written exam and how many wrote the exam
7th March 2012 10:42 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

What is the highest score in ibps clerical result
7th March 2012 02:34 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Originally Posted by [email protected] View Post
What is the cut of marks in ibps cleark
reply me soon.
dear friend
Cutoff marks will be decided by the organisation but expection is necessary. The expected cutoff marks will be 180-190 marks.

to qualify a candidate in the above exam, they must score 40 % overall marks however they also need to score ateast 40 % marks in each unit. There will be 5 units in the IBPS CWE CLERICAL exam-
* general english
* general awareness
* logical reasoning
* quantitative aptitude
* computer knowledge.

each unit contains 50 questions of 50 marks and a candidates should score atleast 20 marks in each unit to qualify in the examination.

best of luck.
7th March 2012 12:03 AM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Cutoff marks for IBPS bank PO and clerical
exams In IBPS abank PO and clerical exams,cut off
marks/score will depend on 1.numbet of students taken the exam 2.number of students qualified 3.number of posts 4.Difficulty of exam paper Depending upon the above mentioned 4
factors,cutoff marks will decide. Ibps cut off marks/score 70%/60%? According to experts,ibps exam very huge
competetion exam,across india,so many students
taking this exam,so if you get 70% of marks that
is 70% of 250 marks=175, you will definetly get
job in any of 19 banks notification.7o% of marks
guaranteed you job in first notification. If IBPS exam paper was very tough You need to get 60 to 65% of marks mean
140-145 marks results you job. 60% of marks(140 MARKS) also offer you job? Actually this is a common written test for bank
jobs in 19 banks.Let say indian bank given the
notification for jobs,then 70% score students will
get job in indian bank Also if ANDHRA BANK release notification for
jobs,then 68% of marks students will get the job
in andhra bank. So if you very lucky,then 5 to banks will release
notification for jobs means then 60% of marks
students have chances to get the job in of 19
All the best.
6th March 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

Minimum and maximum marks of st categeory in ibps clerk score
6th March 2012 08:49 PM
Re: Cut off Marks to qualify in IBPS Clerk Exam?

I got 153/250 in ibps clerk with obc category. Is there is a chance for me to attend interviews of any bank?
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