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19th January 2014 10:54 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

i have acheived sucess in class 12th plesae tell me a good option for my % is 80% in class 12Th .
31st May 2013 11:28 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

i am having subject acco.,,english,eco.and computer. Please tell me that can i do economic honour by carrying all these subjects.
18th September 2012 08:38 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

i m graduate from arts strem and now i want to do a course which have basic knowdge of comerse side
15th March 2012 01:41 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

After completing 12th with the commerce stream you have many option to improve your career like BBA, BCA, B.Com.....etc. I advise you to choose according to own interest not by parents or other interest. After completing 12th most of the student confused that what i do ahead. So, i advise to all the student who are in the confusion for the higher career that choose any field by own interest not by other interest.

BBA is known as the Bachelor of Business Administrative. This course is related with the business field and it is duration of 3 years. If you are interested in the business field then this is the best option for you. After completing this course you can do MBA for a batter future. BCA is the Bachelor of computer Application. It is totally related to the computer field. If you are interested in the computer field then BCA is the best option for you.
7th March 2012 08:07 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

it will be better course for commerce student , there is a future for c.a students .
for more details you can visit website
you also go for icwai.
7th March 2012 08:06 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

it will be better course for commerce student , there is a future for c.a students .
for more details you can visit website
you also go for icwai.
16th February 2012 08:58 PM
Sagar Keshari
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

There are immense opportunities available for commerce student.
You can do B.Com and appear for professional courses conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Institute of Cost and Work Accountancy. After getting the professional degree you can get employment in Companies (Public & Private)

You can go in for LLB which again has abundant opportunity with Company Secretary.

You have to choose your interest field and take decision on that basis for example if you are interested in Finance go in for C.A. or C.W.A.
If interested in Law then you can go for LLB with C.S.
and Accounts
The subject matter of the course consists of Law, Taxation, Management

There are other opportunities also available apart from your subjects.
For that you need to know which course you are interested in, then you can go in for-
*Exams conducted by banks
*Graduate diploma in print and web, broadcast or multimedia Journalism
*Bachelor of Business Administration
*Air Hostess
*Acting for Film & Television
*Diploma and Degree in Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing and Management
*Diploma and Degree in Graphic Design
*Diploma and Degree in Jewellery Design
*Diploma in 3D Animation- Expert
*Diploma in Game Art, Pre-Production and Game Design
*B.A (Hospitality Management)
*B.A (Political Science)
*B.A. (Hons.) Humanities and Social Sciences
*B.A. (Hons.) in Retail Management with Marketing
*B.Com+ Cosmic Certified Accountant (CCA)
*B.Com. (Computers)
*B.Com. Corporate Secretaryship etc.
*CA(Chartered Accountancy)
*CS(Company Secretary)
*ICWAI(Cost Accounting)
*Bank Clerical job
*Hotel Management
All the best
16th February 2012 08:51 PM
Sagar Keshari
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

There are immense opportunities available for commerce student.
You can do B.Com and appear for professional courses conducted by The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, Institute of Cost and Work Accountancy. After getting the professional degree you can get employment in Companies (Public & Private)

You can go in for LLB which again has abundant opportunity with Company Secretary.

You have to choose your interest field and take decision on that basis for example if you are interested in Finance go in for C.A. or C.W.A.
If interested in Law then you can go for LLB with C.S.
and Accounts
The subject matter of the course consists of Law, Taxation, Management

There are other opportunities also available apart from your subjects.
For that you need to know which course you are interested in, then you can go in for-
*Exams conducted by banks
*Graduate diploma in print and web, broadcast or multimedia Journalism
*Bachelor of Business Administration
*Air Hostess
*Acting for Film & Television
*Diploma and Degree in Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing and Management
*Diploma and Degree in Graphic Design
*Diploma and Degree in Jewellery Design
*Diploma in 3D Animation- Expert
*Diploma in Game Art, Pre-Production and Game Design
*B.A (Hospitality Management)
*B.A (Political Science)
*B.A. (Hons.) Humanities and Social Sciences
*B.A. (Hons.) in Retail Management with Marketing
*B.Com+ Cosmic Certified Accountant (CCA)
*B.Com. (Computers)
*B.Com. Corporate Secretaryship etc.
*CA(Chartered Accountancy)
*CS(Company Secretary)
*ICWAI(Cost Accounting)
*Bank Clerical job
*Hotel Management
All the best
14th August 2011 10:11 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

After completing 12th you can do the following:-
1. You can prepare for C.A for this you have to qualify the exam of C.P.T
that is common proficiency test.
2. You can do and after if your percentage is greater than 55 than there is no need to give C.P.T .
14th August 2011 07:12 AM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

hi friend,

Since you have finished 12th in commerce stream , here are the basic UG courses for you:

1. you can do B.COM in commerce stream ,in which commerce subjects will have much importance.

2. you can also do BBA (Bachelor of business administration) ,its also fully based on commerce.

3. Otherwise you can go for some Big courses like:

CA (CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT) Its a very difficult course but it has a great scope . If you have the ability then you can do it.

14th August 2011 06:21 AM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

Originally Posted by kashyap ashara View Post
i want know the basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?
& i want to know the best courses done after comleting 12th commerce.
After 12th in commerce stream you have so many options are available . you can pursue for Bachelor of Commerce , B.B.A Bachelor of Business Administration , B.B.A Bachelor of Baking Management , these course under graduate course . the duration of the course is 3 years and six semester is conducted by the every colleges . there is wide job opportunity for the this course in both the public sectors and private sectors . in our so many college are offering this course . the nature of the course is accounts and management .

job prospectus for the under graduation course in filed like banking sectors , insurance sectors and financial sectors , manager of business concern .

if you like to go good job with high pick salary then you can go with C.A, I.C.W.A , I.C.F.A and Company Secretary . there is wide job opportunity for this course in filed like companies , auditor , stock market , financial analyst in companies , and financial consultancy .
13th August 2011 01:26 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

After completing 12th standard in commerce you are having lots of courses option

1. B.Com.

2. BBA

3. BCA

4. CA


Other than these courses you can also go for

Exams conducted by banks

Graduate diploma in print and web, broadcast or multimedia Journalism

Bachelor of Business Administration

Air Hostess

Acting for Film & Television

Diploma and Degree in Fashion Design, Fashion Marketing and Management

Diploma and Degree in Graphic Design

Diploma and Degree in Jewellery Design

Diploma in 3D Animation- Expert

Diploma in Game Art, Pre-Production and Game Design



So, choose your course as per your interest..
13th August 2011 12:23 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

after +2 in commerce there are mainly two options avialable
firstly go for or b.a economics since boyh the subjects have good career prospect and after completion of the said course you may move to do the pg or mba as per the interest.i would suggest complete the foundation level of icwa with graduation and then complete the next 2 levels after graduation
secondly go for bba degree and side by side complete your foundation level in icwa and go for intermediate later after bba you may complete icwa or go for an mba.
13th August 2011 12:11 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

hi dear
the best course after +2 for commerce stream.
AFTER +2 OF COMMERCE YOU CAN JOIN IN C.A there are three group
it will be better course for commerce student , there is a future for c.a students .
for more details you can visit website
you also go for icwai.
c.s etc...

good luck...
13th August 2011 12:04 PM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

hello dear

there have many basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th.

some of career oriented courses are given below




5.Hotel management.

6.Animation technology.

all the best.
13th August 2011 11:31 AM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

There are various course for commerce student which are as follows :-
5]Hotel management
6]Air hostess/air stewarded
7]After completing your graduation you can apply
8]You can also apply for the post of IAS officer after
completing your graduation .
9]You can also apply for various bank's exam .
So choose one option as career and make your career .
Best of luck
13th August 2011 07:18 AM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

hi dear
After complete your 12th commerce you have many course to do ,
or choose your career many ways .
because 12th is the middle position of your career but you decide
where you go for that?
So after this you may go for
Integrated MBA
Integrated LAW
but you decide your own mind not any one talking you choose
your subject,what subject or course you have interested that you choose .

Good Luck...........
13th August 2011 05:59 AM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

Originally Posted by kashyap ashara View Post
i want know the basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?
& i want to know the best courses done after comleting 12th commerce.
Best Course after completing 12th with Commerce.

After completing 12th with the commerce stream you have many option to improve your career like BBA, BCA, B.Com.....etc. I advise you to choose according to own interest not by parents or other interest. After completing 12th most of the student confused that what i do ahead. So, i advise to all the student who are in the confusion for the higher career that choose any field by own interest not by other interest.

BBA is known as the Bachelor of Business Administrative. This course is related with the business field and it is duration of 3 years. If you are interested in the business field then this is the best option for you. After completing this course you can do MBA for a batter future. BCA is the Bachelor of computer Application. It is totally related to the computer field. If you are interested in the computer field then BCA is the best option for you.

Now, finally depend on you in which course you want to go. In which field your interest is more then you can takes admission in that field. It is your career so decide any field by self not by other. Before choosing any field think twice on that. i wish you will get a brightness future.

13th August 2011 05:51 AM
Re: Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

hi...there are many courses that you could choose after the completion of your 12th class with commerce as an subject,some of these subjects are as follows: can do in commerce
2.bachelor of bussiness administartion,cws,css
after the graduation in commerce your main target shoould be that you should try for an mba because that has really got lots of scope and very good job opportunity along with good pay ,the average pay for an mba students is almost more than 10 lakhs if you do your graduation from an good collges so your main aim shoud not be to just complete the graduation in commerce but instaed try to complete the post graduation in master of bussiness administartion ,
also the best subjects for you would be to take is computers because this subjects has lots of scope in todays environment and really helpful for the students and you will have an good career and many good job opportunities
6th July 2010 08:58 PM
kashyap ashara
Basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?

i want know the basic courses of commerce stream after completing 12th?
& i want to know the best courses done after comleting 12th commerce.

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