Thread: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA? Reply to Thread

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28th September 2013 11:14 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

i have an eyesight of -2.5. am i eligible to join the nda
15th September 2013 06:37 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir could you please tell me whats the physical fitness do i want to join NDA
Dear friend,
Physical fittness is one of the most important creteria for selecting Army candidate.
*Minimum Maximum
Leg length 99cms 120cms
Thigh leg 64cms
Sitting height 81.50cms 96cms

*Height and weight should be according to standard chart provided by doctor.

*Chest should be well developed

*The candidate should be free from disease and bone joint problem.
15th September 2013 02:28 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

National Defence Academy Exam is conducted by UPSC twice in a year for admission to Air force , Navy and Indian Army .

Vision Standards for National Defence Academy Examination ::

Naval Examination ::
  • Uncorrected without glass - 6/9
  • Corrected with glass - 6/6
  • Limits of myopia - -0.75
  • Limits of Hypermetropia - +1.5
  • Binocular Vision - III
  • Limits of Colour preception - I

Air force Examination ::
  • Minimum Distant vision 6/6 in one eye and 6/9
  • correctable to 6/6 only for Hypermetropia
  • Colour vision CP-1 Hypermetropia: +2.0 D Sph
  • Manifest Myopia: Nil
  • Retinoscopic Myopia: -0.5 in any Meridian permitted
  • Astigmatism: +0.75 D Cyl

Minimum Acceptable height is 157.5 cms (162.5 cms for Indian Air force ) and chest should be well developed . Fully expanded chest should not less than 81 cms . The minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should have a 5 cms .

Physical Conditions ::
  • Running 2-4 km in 15 minutes .
  • Skipping
  • Push ups and sit ups - minimum 20
  • chin ups - minimum 08
  • Rope Climbing 2-4 meters .
14th September 2013 02:20 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Dear friend,

Physical fitness of a candidate is one of the most valuable criteria for one's who apeer in NDA.

Physical standard for NDA:

>> Leg Length of a candidate must be lie b/w 99 to 120 cm.

>> Thigh leg should be atleast 64cm

>> Sitting hieght must be b/w 81 to 96cm.

>> Eye sight of the Candidate must be 6/6

>> Candidate hieght should be minimum 165cm

7th September 2013 02:56 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Does an arm fracture matter in case of selection?
21st March 2013 11:36 PM
[email protected]
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

hi friend,
The physical fitness for NDA is:

Required leg length = 99 to 120 cms .

Required thigh length = not more than 64 cms .

Required sitting hight = 81.50 to 96 cms.

Your Height and wait should be according to the standard chart.

You have to be free from any mental or physical diseases.

And information about NDA exam is :

NDA stands for National Defence Academy.

Eligibility for NDA exam:

1)12th class should be passed in any stream from any recognized board for Army wings of NDA and for Navy and Air force, 12th class must be passed from science stream.

2)The candidate must be unmarried male.

3)His age should be between 16.5 to 19 years.

4)He must be physically fit.

5)He must be Indian.

Eyes: without specs: Better eye:Worse eye :6/6
with specs: Better eye: 6/6 Worse eye: 6/12

there is a color vision test: Isihara Test

Health Criteria:

-->good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability
-->no past history of mental breakdown or fits.
-->no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or under weight.
-->do not be overweight or obese.
-->chest should be well developed.
-->no disease of bones and joints of the body.
21st March 2013 07:02 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Hi Friend............

NDA - National Defence Academy

This Examination is conducted by Union Public Service commission in yearly twice i.e. NDA -I and NDA - II

Physical Standard for NDA

Educational Qualification for NDA Examination

21st March 2013 06:25 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Hi friend,

NDA stands for National Defence Academy.

NDA is conducted by UPSC twice in a year.

Eligibility for NDA exam:-

1] 12th class should be passed in any stream from any recognized board for Army wings of NDA and for Navy and Air force, 12th class must be passed from science stream.

2] The candidate must be unmarried male.

3] His age should be between 16.5 to 19 years.

4] He must be physically fit.

5] He must be Indian.

Required Physical Fitness :-

1]He must be physically and mentally fit.

2]Minimum height must be 157cm.

3]The eye sight must be 6/6 with glasses and 6/12 without glasses for both eyes.

4]The candidate must not have postural deformities like knock knees, and flat foot.

5]Myopia should not be more than -4D and hypermetropia should not be more than +4D.

I hope this information will help you.

BEST OF LUCK..............
20th March 2013 03:09 PM
Saran 18
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir could you please tell me whats the physical fitness do i want to join NDA

Required Qualifications.

The Applicant should be 12th passed /appeared from a govt recognized university.

The Applicant should be the citizen of India.

The Applicant should be medically fit.

Candidate age must be in between 16.5 to 19 years.

Candidate Height must be minimum 157 cm.

20th March 2013 03:06 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

NDA- National defence academy.

in order to join the NDA, you should fulfill the following conditions:

Age: 16 ˝ to 19 yrs as of first day of the month in which course is due to commence.

Qualification : 12th Class of 10+2 System of Education/Equivalent for Army and with Physics and Maths for AF/Navy

Physical Criteria:

Eyes: without specs: Better eye:Worse eye :6/6
with specs: Better eye: 6/6 Worse eye: 6/12

there is a color vision test: Isihara Test

Health Criteria:

•good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability
• no past history of mental breakdown or fits.
•no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or under weight.
•do not be overweight or obese.
•chest should be well developed.
• no disease of bones and joints of the body.

Height and Weight standards:

•Minimum acceptable height will be 157.5 cms. (162.5 cms for Air Force)
• Weight should be according to height.

For complete details, log onto:

all the best!
20th March 2013 03:00 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

NDA - National Defence Academy, the entrance exam for which is conducted by UPSC twice every year for an entry in to Indian Army, Navy and Air Force wing of NDA.

The eligible candidate must be an Indian National having either appear for the final 12th exam or pass in any stream from a recognised Board within the age of 16.5 to 19 years with good Physical and Mental Health.

For required Physical Fitness, here is a file attached for reference:-
20th March 2013 02:32 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir could you please tell me whats the physical fitness do i want to join NDA

Physical requirement of NDA

First of all you have to clear the NDA entrance exam, then they will call you for SSB interview which is one of most difficult thing to qualify.

Refer my attachment for the physical criteria
20th March 2013 10:03 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Hai i am hemanth reddy from andhrapradesh i am in 11th standard i want 2 know about about physical tests
13th January 2013 11:37 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Physical requirement for NDA is---
(a) The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disease/disability which is likely in interfere with the efficient performance of military duties.

(b) There should be no evidence of weak constitution, bodily defects or under weight. The candidate should not be overweight or obese.

(c) The minimum acceptable height is 157.5 cms. (162.5 cms for Air Force) F

Height and weight standards are given below :

Height/Weight Standards for Army/Air Force
Height in Cms. (Without shoes) Weight in Kgs.
16-17 years 17-18 years 18-19 years
152 42.5 44 45
155 43.5 45.5 47
157 45 47 48
160 46.5 48 19
162 48 50 51
165 50 52 53
167 51 53 54
170 52.5 55 56
173 54.5 57 58
175 56 59 60
178 58 61 62
180 60 63 64.5
183 62.5 65 66.5
10th November 2012 04:49 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Dear There,

NDA - National Defence Academy

Now The physical fitness standard Required for the same

Minimum Height - 157 cm

Eye sight :

6th November 2012 10:09 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Dear Friend,

The Physical Standards Required For NDA Exam are :

* Minimum Height -157 cms.

* Eye Sight :

This is the information i have to the best of my knowledge regarding your query. Hope the information will help you to the extent you want.

6th November 2012 06:32 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?


NDA - Natonal defence Academy conducts entrance for -

Air Force

Minimum qualification should be 12thpass and age should be between 16.5 -19 years.

Physical fitness required is -

Eye sight - 6/6

Army :- Minimum height is 157.5 cms .
Navy :- Minimum height is 157 cms .
Air force :- Minimum height is 162.5 cms

No mental or physical illness should be there in the candidate.
6th November 2012 04:32 PM
AAI ..
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Physical fitness is required for NDA-

Leg length = 99 to 120 cms .

Thigh length = not more than 64 cms .

Sitting hight = 81.50 to 96 cms .


Candidate should complete intermediate.Candidate age limit should be between 16.5 to 19 years.Only unmarried male candidates are eligible.Girls are not eligible.Candidate should physically fit.Candidate should be citizen of india.

ALL THE BEST..................
6th November 2012 02:35 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

dear aspirant..

Go through my attachment..

Good luck...
6th November 2012 01:37 PM
Ravi kumar pawar
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Nda exam are conducted by upsc every year
Age limit:16.5-19 year
Physical fitness:
-candidate should free from any disease and disability
-eyesight 6/6 with or without glasses
-minimum height 157 cm
-minimum 5cm chest expansion[well developed chest]
-weight according to candidates height.
6th November 2012 01:29 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Sir could you please tell me whats the physical fitness do i want to join NDA
hi friend,

Physical Requirement:

good luck.....
5th November 2012 09:13 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?


NDA examination is a way to Join Defence just after completing his Intermediate examination, those who are interested to Join Army, Navy and Air force wings may apply for NDA Examination, this examination is conducted by UPSC, two times in a year.

**But Girls are not eligible to Join Defence with the help of NDA Examination.

NDA has Conducted in three wings:

1.Indian Army

2.Indian Navy

3.Indian Air Force

Eligibility criteria:-

**The candidate should be complete 12th standard from a recognised state or central board.

**Male unmarried candidates only eligible.

**The age limits are 16.5years to 19years.

Physical requirements:


all the best.......
31st October 2012 11:13 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Hi friend,

NDA stands for National Defence Service. This exam conducted by UPSC twice in a year.

NDA has following Three Wings:

Indian Army


Indian Air force


Candidate should complete intermediate.

Candidate age limit should be between 16.5 to 19 years.

Only unmarried male candidates are eligible.

Girls are not eligible.

Candidate should physically fit.

Candidate should be citizen of india.

Physical Requirement Attached.

Selection Process:

Written Test

Medical Test


All the best.Attachment 121634
31st October 2012 09:24 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

hi dear,
Physical fittness is one of the most important creteria for selecting Army candidate.
*Minimum Maximum
Leg length 99cms 120cms
Thigh leg 64cms
Sitting height 81.50cms 96cms

*Height and weight should be according to standard chart provided by doctor.

*Chest should be well developed

*The candidate should be free from disease and bone joint problem.

27th October 2012 08:50 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Army wings :- Minimum height is 157.5 cms .
Navy wings :- Minimum height is 157 cms .
Air force :- Minimum height is 162.5 cms .
eye sight 6/6
1st June 2012 12:28 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Sir,if i want to join army then which stream i have to choose for class XII?If am having a i sight 2.5(right) & 2.0(left) then am I eligible for NDA
11th May 2012 10:11 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

my foot is flat from bottom? can i join nda?
11th May 2012 01:49 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in NDA
Then please go through these criteria details below

1.Academic qualification :
The candidate should complete 12th standard examination

2.Age limitation :
The age of the candidate must be within 16.5 to 19 years.

3.Nationality :
The candidate must be an Indian

4.Eyesight criteria :
Eyesight of the candidate must be 6/6.

5.Height criteria :
The height of the candidate should be minimum 165 cm.

For more details you can see these attachments below :
10th May 2012 03:46 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what qualification for nda and physically requirement

Eligibility Criteria

Age: 16˝ to 19 years.

Marital Status and Gender: Unmarried male candidates

Educational Qualification:

(i) For Army wing of National Defence Academy :- 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

(ii) For Air Force and Naval Wings of National Defence Academy and for the 10+2 (Executive Branch) Course at the Naval Academy :- 12th Class pass of the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent with Physics and Mathematics conducted by a State Education Board or a University.

Candidates who are appearing in the 12th Class under the 10+2 pattern of School Education or equivalent examination can also apply for this examination.

Nationality - A candidate must be either

(i) a citizen of India, or
(ii) a subject of Bhutan, or
(iii) a subject of Nepal, or
(iv) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India before the 1st January, 1962 with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
(v) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam with the intention of permanently setting in India).

Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. However, the certificate of eligibility will not be necessary in the case of Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

Physical Fitness: Candidates must be physically fit according to the prescribed physical standards by the respetive training academies.

Good Luck..
9th May 2012 09:38 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Sir can u help me to give some suggestion towards the step of achevieng great sucess in Nda enterance exam sir please help me and also about physical fitness exam taken as for example pull ups ,deeps etc pls sugget me as fast as.................???
2nd May 2012 04:07 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Go to the last section in the attached document . You can clearly know the physical requirements to join NDA .
2nd May 2012 11:46 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

my height is 174 cm. what should be my weight for nda. help me sir
6th April 2012 12:42 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

if any individual suffer from knock knees and 5feet height will he qualify physical
19th March 2012 04:45 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Hai sir my name is gurvinder singh i have completed the first year can i join nda army now or can we join nda army after 19 year .can u plz tel me my mail is [email protected]
24th January 2012 08:43 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

(1)What are the physical test that i want to pass to join NDA
(2)With computer science in 12th can i join NDA
23rd December 2011 10:52 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

i have eye sight of 1,1.5 can i apply for nda
28th November 2011 07:48 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

my one teeth lost can i join army
30th October 2011 01:11 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

People who cleared nda exam written ! Please text or call me . I require some clarification on nda . Please help me . 9535284392
5th October 2011 09:25 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

i ha fracture and was get operated and hav rod in my hand so i will be fit or not for nda army my contact no is 8859065153 plz rply me soon
18th September 2011 07:18 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

what % in ciass 12 required for nda
8th September 2011 07:49 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Yes , physical fitness is required for NDA-

Required leg length = 99 to 120 cms .
Required thigh length = not more than 64 cms .
Required sitting hight = 81.50 to 96 cms .

Your Hight and wait should be according to the standard chart .

You have to be free from any mental or physical diseases .

Thank you
8th September 2011 03:21 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

I have done 12th with commerce.Can i apply for Indian Air Force flying branch?
25th August 2011 06:51 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

sir, mr right arm has broken and i have qualified written test. i have called for interview on 4th sep 2011. can i pass in physical test. please reply me soon
20th August 2011 11:14 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

my height is 160 cm , am i eligible for this height.
14th August 2011 01:06 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Physical fittness is one of the most important creteria for selecting Army candidate.
*Minimum Maximum
Leg length 99cms 120cms
Thigh leg 64cms
Sitting height 81.50cms 96cms

*Height and weight should be according to standard chart provided by doctor.
best of luck giesss
3rd August 2011 12:11 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Sir in which subject 12th should passed
1st August 2011 04:41 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

what qualification for nda and physically requirement
26th July 2011 09:47 PM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

what % in ciass 12 required for nda
10th July 2011 12:57 AM
Re: Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Dear friend,
Physical fittness is one of the most important creteria for selecting Army candidate.
*Minimum Maximum
Leg length 99cms 120cms
Thigh leg 64cms
Sitting height 81.50cms 96cms

*Height and weight should be according to standard chart provided by doctor.

*Chest should be well developed

*The candidate should be free from disease and bone joint problem.
4th July 2011 05:40 PM
Required Physical Fitness to join NDA?

Sir could you please tell me whats the physical fitness do i want to join NDA

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