Thread: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil? Reply to Thread

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24th October 2013 05:06 PM
Re: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

i done my engineering in civil dept,do i have any chance of doing my m.s in architecture???here in India itz not possible as MArch is a chance only for BArc we have same situation in u.s.a???
24th March 2012 04:15 PM
Re: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

i am studying 2nd year civil engineering
i want to do mtech in archietecture ..
so can i do dat after my btech is done...
19th March 2012 08:24 PM
Re: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

i am studying 3rd year civil engg
which is best one to do ofter my in structural design or in Architecture or MBA
plz tell me which is better
27th October 2011 01:44 AM
Re: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

I want to continue my higher education after my B.Tech. Civil (Construction Management) 4 years degree course offered by IGNOU. I am very much interested in the field of architecture. Is there any correspondence/distance education course/program for M.Arch. after B.Tech. Civil (Construction Management) ?
9th August 2011 10:30 PM
Re: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

Dear friend,
please go only for one.
Architecture or Architecture . don't go for both.

In my opinion in Architecture you will get batter future.
So, you apply for Masters in Architecture.

9th August 2011 06:03 PM
Re: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

I had complete my B.Sc (Built Environment) in university of Moratuwa Srilanka.And also i did my M.Sc(Architecture) ,But i couldn't complete the easy and one subject.Shall i be able to complete these few in any other country like UK, Australia, Pl guide me
31st May 2011 02:43 PM
hitendra kumar malik
Re: Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

my friend its a suggestion to you please go only for one.....
agri. or arch. don't go for both....

in arch. you can get batter future....
you should apply for ms in arch...

all the best my friend
30th July 2010 02:31 AM
Is it possible to do Masters in Architecture or Architecture combined with structural design in UK or USA after completing B.E Civil?

i am a 3rd year B.E. civil engg student at NIT RKL , i want to know if there is a chance of doing masters in architecture or architecture combined with structural design in uk or usa after i complete my graduation , if possible please notify probable cost and future advantages or disadvantages

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