Thread: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form? Reply to Thread

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24th January 2016 04:06 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Hello sir
I am 15 year old I want to join NSG commands after 10?? And if I can join then plzz tell me when the form will be available? ?? Please tell me sir
30th November 2014 04:42 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

requsted sir,
I am 16 year old and am study in 1 commerce
am a good state level boxing player
my aim is to join NSG. plz sir tell me what i will do to join NSG plz sir i will do anything for join NSG
9th August 2014 03:36 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

i want to know that how can i join NSG commandos after 10 ??? and if i can join then please tell me when the form of NSG commandos will be available???please tell me sir.
3rd June 2014 09:21 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

ow can i join commandos arter 12th/ pass from where can i buy the form. [email protected] from mumbai.
20th September 2013 12:42 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

how can i join nsg commandos arter 12th/ from where can i buy the form. PARVEEN from haryana
19th September 2013 02:55 PM
sidhu 759
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

I want to join in Nsg commando After 12th,, , where can I buy the nsg form..I am from odisha, kendujhara , , plz help me sir how to join in nsg,, my Contact number + 91 7639971797
19th September 2013 02:45 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Sir i want to become a NSG COMMANDOS .where can buy the NSG form ....plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz help me sir..I want to working for my my my india only, ,, , plz sir help me..I Really Dont know also how to join sir,, plz sir god promise sir I want to join in NSG COMMANDOS, ..PLZ SIR HELP ME,..sir my contract number 91 7639971797. (.sidhu ) Bharat mata ki jai,,, jai hind....
19th August 2013 09:04 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

HOW CAN I JOIN NSG COMMANDO AFTER 12TH?FROM WHERE CAN I BUY THE FORM?dear sir good morning.myself miss mousumi,from tripura..i hv cmpltd my gnm nsg crse,on i want to become a nsg plz sir or madam help me or guide me..i want to know the contact nmbr 09402382990thanking u sir..
19th August 2013 08:46 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

13th July 2013 10:56 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

hi sir this chenna krishna from bangalore ,i have a dream that to be come a black cat pls tell me what is the
12th July 2013 10:06 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Suraj from Kerala

Sir, i like to join the indian army as a NSG commando what i have do and what are the requirements please replay me at my mail [email protected]
17th April 2013 08:14 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Sir I am studied in 1st year and I am
Join N.C.C in my college and want to be join army commando so please give me detail for the purpose of joining commando force on the post of officer rank. please tell me how can I can join commando.thank you and please reply
29th March 2013 06:32 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

hello sir please tell me how can i join the black commando, i am waiting for your answer
25th November 2012 08:52 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

i m working in railway protection special can i join in nsg commando service.
25th November 2012 08:49 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

hai i m working in railway protection special force.can i join in nsg commandos serivice
11th September 2012 02:48 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

hw can i join nsg aftr 12th? my age is 19 yrs...
17th August 2012 04:30 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

how can i join in nsg.? i was a plus two commerce student. now i am studying in can i join in nsg? please help me...
24th June 2012 10:21 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sourav chanda from wast bengal.

sir i am 19 yrs old and wanted to became an NSG commando. What i have to do sir?

plz sir i love my india ,so sir g after 2 may i join comando
plz mail me my id [email protected].
21st June 2012 10:30 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Requested sir i am Naga simha i have completed inter(pass) with M.P.C group i want to become a nsg commando pls tell me sir to become commando if i can continue the studys to become
21st June 2012 10:26 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Requested sir i am Naga simha i have completed inter(pass) with M.P.C group i want to become a nsg commando pls tell me sir to become commando if i can continue the studys to become
20th June 2012 09:10 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

For applying for this post it is a must that you satisfy certain eligibility criteria. It is a must that the candidate should be working in the army or the para military. Even those who are part of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, Border Security Force, Sashastra Seema Bal, Central Industrial Security Force and Central Reserve Police Force can become commandos. But the posting will be on deputation basis. It is the must that the candidates should prove their excellence inorder to be selected for the same. Since you have completed 12th your first step should be to join the NDA.
27th May 2012 11:18 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

i m now in 2,
i had applied for NDA entrance exam,my embition is to join NSG.if i pass the entrance exam and all other test,can i join NSG.
16th April 2012 09:42 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Can i apply NSG commando after join cbi officer?
19th March 2012 09:55 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

is i am eligible for nda , if my eyeside is not 6/6 . it is just less .
9th March 2012 06:45 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

friends First step for a NSG cmdo is to join Indian army Para regiment they are openly recruits the jawans(sepoy) the physical slandered is to complete the race of 1640mtr in 5minute time or before that then you will be selected for a para regiment followed by complete your training then be a para trooper one month course that is compulsory if your physical slandered support then your local posting will be in NSG even you are a para commando that is also equivalent your nsg
9th March 2012 01:16 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

How can i join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can i buy the form?

sir i am 19 yrs old and wanted to became an NSG commando. What i have to do sir?
8th March 2012 03:11 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sir im 14 yrs old and wanted to become an ips officer but before that i want get trained at nsg training depot so what steps should i take after 12?
29th January 2012 01:38 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

For applying for this post it is a must that you satisfy certain eligibility criteria. It is a must that the candidate should be working in the army or the para military. Even those who are part of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, Border Security Force, Sashastra Seema Bal, Central Industrial Security Force and Central Reserve Police Force can become commandos. But the posting will be on deputation basis. It is the must that the candidates should prove their excellence inorder to be selected for the same. Since you have completed 12th your first step should be to join the NDA.
28th January 2012 08:19 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

NSG- national security guard are appointed by the selection from Indian Defence Forces and Para Military Forces as per one's suitability for the post. No direct appointment is there for NSG and no application form is required for this. You should join any forces under Govt. of India to get the post of NSG.
28th January 2012 02:56 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sir iam anvesh rao frm hyd.... iam doing b tach 2yr.... my height is 6:2... i want to join in NSG commandos.....
can u pls help me sir for joining in dis?
n reply me sir when d xam conducts?
contcat me at 9533738318
26th January 2012 03:50 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

plz sir i love my india ,so sir g after+2 may i join comando
10th January 2012 06:03 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Originally Posted by unregistered View Post
dear sir
i want to know that how can i join nsg commandos after 10+2??? And if i can join then please tell me when the form of nsg commandos will be available???please tell me sir.

from delhi.

personnel for nsg are selected from defence force and paramilitary force of india on deputation basis . No one is directly appointed in the force hence no application is available. You can join any armed force of indian union and later on join nsg on depuitation for a period of 07 years
29th December 2011 04:00 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

28th December 2011 03:48 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sir, i'm desire to join nsg, but now i applied for assam riffles if i selected, can i join then nsg
28th December 2011 03:44 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sir im doing bsc and i applied for assam riffels if i selected then can i join NSG
25th December 2011 10:50 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sir now i m in i will join uswith nsg can i join us nsg commando.
24th December 2011 09:31 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

i want to join nsg after compeleting my 12th.please advice me that how can i achieve this
10th December 2011 04:06 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

i want to become an indian commando??so i request u to plz give some ideas and things required?
23rd November 2011 11:54 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Sir i want to become marcos commander please give me gaide line to achive my aim

i am waiting for your answer
14th November 2011 11:17 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

what is the minimum height required to a person to join in nsg commandos?
13th November 2011 11:27 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

How can i join NSG command office after my 2
27th October 2011 08:16 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

I have done my graduation
17th October 2011 11:28 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

i am 12th pass I join NSG commandos ..
15th October 2011 01:17 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

i am 12th pass I join NSG commandos ..
23rd September 2011 08:56 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sir i finished my engineering in mechanical and now looking forward to join in border security force. what is the actual procedure to joiin sir?
waiting for your reply sir.

sabarish renganathan, chennai.
18th September 2011 01:56 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

sir i would like to know that can i join the NSG after 12th,and what is the criteria for it?how much mark should be obtained in 12th for PCM group.i know sir u will fulfill my request.DHIRAJ JADHAV,LATUR.
10th September 2011 01:19 PM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

how to became commando after 12th
26th August 2011 11:29 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

Can I join NSG commandos after 12th?
15th August 2011 09:11 AM
Re: How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

For applying for this post it is a must that you satisfy certain eligibility criteria. It is a must that the candidate should be working in the army or the para military. Even those who are part of the Indo-Tibetan Border Police, Border Security Force, Sashastra Seema Bal, Central Industrial Security Force and Central Reserve Police Force can become commandos. But the posting will be on deputation basis. It is the must that the candidates should prove their excellence inorder to be selected for the same. Since you have completed 12th your first step should be to join the NDA.
14th August 2011 10:25 PM
How can I join NSG commandos after 12th? From where can I buy the form?

dear sir
i want to know that how can i join NSG commandos after 10+2??? and if i can join then please tell me when the form of NSG commandos will be available???please tell me sir.

from DELHI.

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