Thread: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks? Reply to Thread

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9th August 2013 11:55 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?


With 94.86 percentile you dont have any chance in any NIT. ( you may try new IIT, but still chances are very less)

94.86 percentile is less for NIT also. Its very difficult to get into NIT with this percentile.

However, you may try to get admission in other good colleges such as

IIIT, Hyderabad, India
Bengal Eng. and Science University, Shibpur, Howrah, India
MANIT, Bhopal, India
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, India
Thapar Inst of Engineering & Technology, Patiala, India
Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur, India

All the best
17th March 2013 05:16 AM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

Is there any chance in getting NITs after securing 490 in ECE, AIR- 5833, and PERCENTILE - 97.7...................... please suggest some NITs.
Thank You!!
12th March 2013 10:29 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

Do i have any chance of getting admission in nit after scoring 42 marks,7543 rank,463 gate score in 2013.I am from general catagory..
12th April 2012 12:49 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

I hav a GATE score 380 rank 12761 and percentile of 92.7 ...and i am OBC will i get admission on NIT.????????
29th March 2012 12:34 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

Do i get any university or any good college for the gate score of 456 , rank is 6868 and marks is 27.33 and my stream is ece
24th March 2012 07:54 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

hy! I m an s.c. much marks i need to get admisson in iit for mtech
20th March 2012 07:12 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

my gate score is 434.& rank is 7981.where is the chance for please sussess.
16th March 2012 03:29 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

My GATE score is 484 in CSE branch with 44.3 marks, Can you please tell me in which all colleges can I expect admissions with this score. Is Anna university is possible?
15th March 2012 03:29 PM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

my gate score is 380 n percentile is i hav chance to get NITs or other gud colleges
29th January 2012 09:25 AM
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

how much mark I need to to get admission in IIT,I am belongs to general categories.

13th September 2011 03:34 AM
vishal jaybhaye
Re: Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

dear friend ,

first of all i would like to congratulate you to score such beautiful marks in the GATE ( graduate aptitude test in engineering ) exam.

on the percentile of 94.86 its really difficult for the general category student to get admission in the iit's.
but if you belongs to any of the reserved categories like sc/st/obc then you have great chances of getting admission in the iit's.

according to the last year cutoffs you will easily get admission in the nit's for the course through the exam of gate.

to know more about the admission process of the gate exam kindly visit the website

thanks and best luck
17th March 2011 11:19 PM
Do I have any chance for admission in IITs after scoring 456 in GATE, 6963 rank, 94.86 percentile and 35.67 marks?

Gate score 456, rank 6963, dept CS, percentile 94.86, marks 35.67.

Do i have any chances in IITs?
safe chances in any NIT or ay good institution?
Please help.

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