Thread: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com? Reply to Thread

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11th September 2014 04:55 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

10th September 2014 03:25 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

when the exam will be conducted . can any one tell me the exact date of exam which is going to come on 2014 - 15
9th September 2014 06:35 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

I m Ina yadav , I want to know about income tax officer practising after doing bcom taxation ,what course did I choose to make my carrier in my line
2nd February 2014 02:24 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

after clearing S.S.C exam
what other exams to be given for income tax officer??
and in what intervals??
2nd August 2013 06:00 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

Originally Posted by kuldeep@1989 View Post
Dear all,

i want become a income tax officer plz give me the suggestion after passing bcom (p) .
i had passed exam how can i apply for income tax officer exam
and i want to know all the details of income tax officers exams
11th May 2013 10:32 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

sir i am doing my second year..and i want to become income tax,what should be preparation and procedure for becoming for this post?
21st October 2012 08:36 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

i am finished intrested income tax officer plz give to way......
5th June 2012 09:38 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

sir plz suggest me about the details requirement for sale tax officer.
28th May 2012 12:46 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

which subject is easier to become a sales tax officer. For 1 st puc ?
14th April 2012 08:19 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

Income Tax Recruitment 2012 brings you latest Income Tax Recruitment 2012 for Officer, Clerk, Inspector, Dates, Notification, Job Vacancies, Openings in Income Tax Department.

Incometax Recruitment 2012:-

Income Tax Recruitment 2011 - 2012 Income Tax Settlement Commission :-

Income Tax Settlement Commission Applications are invited for the following vacant / likely to be vacant posts in the Benches of the Income Tax Settlement Commission at Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai to fill up these posts on transfer on deputation basis on usual terms and conditions as prescribed by DOPT in their OM No. 2/22/8/2008- Estt (pay-ll) dated 03 09.2008.

Name of the post:- Senior Private Secretary

No. of Post:-

Chennai 2
Delhi 1
Kolkata 1
Mumbai 1

Total = 5

Pay band and Grade Pay applicable:- Rupee 9300-34800+Grade Pay of Rupee 4800/5400 [on completion of 4 years regular service in the grade]

Classification of Posts:- Group 'B' (Gazetted)

Mode or Appointment:- Deputation

Name of the post:- Private Secretary

No. of Post:- Mumbai 1

Pay band and Grade Pay applicable:- Rupee 9300-34800+Grade Pay of Rupee 4600/-)

Classification of Posts:- Group 'B' (Gazetted)

Mode or Appointment:- Deputation

Name of the post:- Superintendent

No. of Post:- Mumbai 1

Pay band and Grade Pay applicable:- Rupee 9300-34800+Grade Pay of Rupee 4600/-)

Classification of Posts:- Group 'B' (Gazetted)

Mode or Appointment:- Deputation

Name of the post:- Enquiry Officer

No. of Post:-

Chennai 3
Delhi 5
Kolkata 3
Mumbai 1
Total = 12

Pay band and Grade Pay applicable:- Rupee 9300-34800+Grade Pay of Rupee 4200/-) (likely to be revised to Rupee 4600/-)

Classification of Posts:- Group 'B' (Non-Gazetted)

Mode or Appointment:- Deputation

Name of the post:- Senior Private Secretary

No. of Post:-

Delhi 4
Mumbai 2

Total = 6

Pay band and Grade Pay applicable:- Rupee 9300-34800+Grade Pay of Rupee 4200/-)

Classification of Posts:- Group 'B' (Non-Gazetted)

Mode or Appointment:- Deputation

Income Tax Recruitment 2012 Income Tax Settlement Commission Eligibility:-

I. Senior Private Secretary Jobs in Income Tax Settlement Commission : Officers under the Central Government

i) Holding analogous posts Or

ii) Private Secretaries in the pre-revised pay scale of Rupee 6500-200-10500 with 3 years regular service in the grade.

II. Private Secretary Recruitment in Income Tax : Officers under the Central Government

i) Holding analogous posts Or

ii) Stenographer Grade-I/II in Pay Band-2 (Rupee 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rupee 4200 with 6 years service in the grade)

III. Superintendent : Officers under the Central Government

A. i) Holding analogous posts on regular basis Or

ii) With 6 years regular service in. Pay Band-2 (Rupee 9300-34800 with Grade Pay Rupee 4200)

B. Possessing two years experience in Administration, Establishment and Accounts matters

IV. Enquiry Officer :

i) Inspector of Income Tax Or

ii) Assistant of the Central Secretariat Service with experience of work relating to Direct Taxes Or

iii) Senior Tax Assistants in the Income Tax Department who are graduates with 3 years service as Tax Assistant with experience of Income Tax assessment work.

V. Stenographers Grade II : Officers of Central Government

a) holding analogous posts on regular basis Or

b) Stenographers Grade III with eight years regular service in the grade in the pre-revised pay scale of Rupee 4000-100-6000.

Applications of suitable persons having requisite experience and qualifications and willing to join this Commission may please be forwarded to this office in the prescribed proforma along with photocopies of their ACRs for the last five years duly attested by a Gazetted Officer along with vigilance clearance and Major / Minor penalty statement for the last 10 years if any to the following address within 30 days from the date of publication [Employment Newspaper dated on 11-17 December 2010].

Applications not accompanying ACRs / Vigilance Clearance or otherwise incomplete are liable to be rejected. While forwarding the applications it may please be ensured that the age of the applicants does not exceed 56 years as on closing date of receipt of applications.

The Secretary,
Principal Bench,
Income Tax Settlement Commission,
4th Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan,
Khan Market,
New Delhi – 110 003.

Eligibility Criteria as follows:

* Qualification:

a)you should have any degree of a recognized University, or equivalent.
as you have done graduation in B.Com ,so you are positively eligible.

* Age:

a:Your age should not be not less than 18 yers and not greater than 27 years on the first July of the year of examination

b) The age limit for the posts of Inspector of Income Tax, is 18-27 years as on March 2011

* Physical Standards (Minimum)

a)Height :157.5cm
b)Chest :81cm ,fully expanded with a minimum expansion of 5 cm
c)Physical Test:
i)Walking:1600 meters in 15 minutes
ii)Cycling:8 Km in 30 minutes

All the Best
14th April 2012 07:59 PM
Oracle 9
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

you can become CBI inspector.

Central bureau investigation

for joining CBI student must sit and score well in Combined Graduate Level Exam which is conducted by staff selection commission

for recruitment of assistant, Sub-Inspector in CBI,and for income tax officer etc.

minimum eligiblility for the exam

• Bachelors degree in any discipline form recognized university
• Physical requirements- minimum HEIGHT 165 cm and chest 76 cms(around)


18 years - 27 years.

For more info visit
14th April 2012 03:59 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

Income tax officer eligibility criteria:

The candidate should be complete graduation from any recognised university.

Age limits is 18years to 27 years.

The candidate should be a citizen of india

Income tax officer exam is conducted by the SSC.

For further details visit

All the best.
5th April 2012 09:43 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

Which type ofexam practicle based exam or written exam conducting in ITO?
4th April 2012 12:58 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

HoW many percentage require to become income tax officer
29th March 2012 09:26 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

How many percentage required in 12th standered to become an income tax officer in 2012?
11th February 2012 05:26 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

Sir , i am pursuing CS final nd bbm 3rd yer. So any STATE/central govt. Job for company secretary(CS)
21st January 2012 07:33 PM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

For becoming an income tax officer, you have to first of all clear the Short Service Commission exam (SSC). You are required to complete bachelor’s degree in any stream from a recognized university to appear for the exam. Even candidates with pass marks in graduation can apply. The age limit for the exam is 18-27 years. Generally, these exams are conducted every year in the month of April. The questions asked will be objective in nature.
20th January 2012 07:06 AM
Re: How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

Originally Posted by kuldeep@1989 View Post
Dear all,

i want become a income tax officer plz give me the suggestion after passing bcom (p) .
After completion of your B.Com, you may write an entrance exam conducted by staff selection commission to become an Income Tax Officer.
The examination is known as Combined Graduate Level Exam and is an common entrance exam conducted for recruitment of candidates in various departments under the central government in non-technical branches.
The post you will be offered after you qualify the exam is of Inspector of Income Tax.
To be considered eligible for the entrance exam, you should be within the age limit of 18-27 years.
For more information, refer to the official website of staff selection commission.
18th January 2012 07:41 PM
How to become an Income Tax Officer after passing B.Com?

Dear all,

i want become a income tax officer plz give me the suggestion after passing bcom (p) .

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