Thread: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat? Reply to Thread

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21st April 2018 11:04 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

Student passed 12 frim out side gujrat located college and his father doing job in aditaya birla gujrat can take admission in b tech.
29th March 2016 11:48 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

how many seats are available for medical college through gujcet for Maharashtra students & how to apply
26th March 2015 10:40 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

5th May 2012 12:08 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

Seats for CBSE in gujrat for MBBS through gujcet
2nd May 2012 12:44 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

i have done 12th from cbse board.....n i was born in gujarat only......can i get domicile of gujarat??......i am basically from u.p.! and i want to know how many seats are reserved for cbse students??????
11th April 2012 11:30 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

pl let me know
what is quota for
cbse students who did 12th from Gujarat and appeared in GUJCET 2012 ?

Is there any quota for wards of EX SM in admission through GUJCET aginst CBSE quota.
10th December 2011 11:12 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

is gujcet form available only in gujrat?
5th November 2011 08:25 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

hiii,i'm frm indore,m.p. i want to give gujcet. pls anybody tell me tht can i give this exam...
29th July 2011 11:07 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

how many seats are reserved in gujcet in medical field for isc students
15th July 2011 11:37 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

hi dear,
Gujarat entrance exam is held for selection of students of gujarat for the institutes in gujarat and not outside gujarat.....

so if you are applying for guj cet then you will be getting a engineering college in gujarat only and not outside gujarat..........

but if you are interested for goint to a institute outside gujarat there are many entrance exams for that can apply for aieee, vit , manipal university and bitsat.....and even iits..........all these exams will let you choose colleges of your choice outside gujarat and even in gujarat...................

14th July 2011 11:12 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

hi dear,
Gujarat entrance exam is held for selection of students of gujarat for the institutes in gujarat and not outside gujarat.....

so if you are applying for guj cet then you will be getting a engineering college in gujarat only and not outside gujarat..........

but if you are interested for goint to a institute outside gujarat there are many entrance exams for that can apply for aieee, vit , manipal university and bitsat.....and even iits..........all these exams will let you choose colleges of your choice outside gujarat and even in gujarat...................

12th July 2011 06:50 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

How many seats are reserved for the CBSE Board's students in Diploma Engg. in Gujarat ?
2nd July 2011 12:42 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

my cbse merit no. is 39 shall i get adm in govt. mbbs college of gujrat???pls rpl...
17th June 2011 06:38 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

my brother passed 12 from bihar and he appeared gujcet 2011 entrance exam when will be declared his merit list and what is the
procedure when merit list is not declared for admission
13th June 2011 06:23 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

sir when will be declared out side gujarat merit list plz tell me , iam very upset about it
30th May 2011 01:24 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

My daughter had studied in Gulf till Xth Class (CBSE). Now I have planned to bring her to Baroda -Gujarat and take admission for XIth class in science stream. Please advice if he will be eligible for GUJCET, AIEEE. What about domicile eligibility, as a matter of fact.
Kindly suggest and guide me in this regard.
30th May 2011 12:55 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

If any student after studying 4 yrs in CBSE Suadi Arabia affilated with Delhi Public School (runb by India ammbasy), Can the student get admission in Engineering/medical etc in India and Gujarat after 12 th on this merit ?, The student will be considered in Indian CBSE merit ?

Pl. guide
17th May 2011 07:30 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

i have got 36 marks out of120 (pcb) in gujcet m i eligible for getting admission in goverment mbbs collage of gujrat state
12th May 2011 10:47 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

i get total13 marks in GUJCET and 65% in HSC paper camn i get am i pass or fail?plz reply
25th March 2011 03:42 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

% of seats for CBSC students in Engineering gujarat by Gujcet?
17th March 2011 03:56 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

hi dear,
Gujarat entrance exam is held for selection of students of gujarat for the institutes in gujarat and not outside gujarat.....

so if you are applying for guj cet then you will be getting a engineering college in gujarat only and not outside gujarat..........

but if you are interested for goint to a institute outside gujarat there are many entrance exams for that can apply for aieee, vit , manipal university and bitsat.....and even iits..........all these exams will let you choose colleges of your choice outside gujarat and even in gujarat.
8th February 2011 08:03 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

What is criteria of allotment of seats(MBBS) between cbse and gujarat board student?
27th January 2011 10:49 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

what is criteria of allotment of seats [mbbs] between cbse and gujarat board student. little difficult question but pl. guide if anybody knows
27th January 2011 10:46 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

what is criteria of allotment of seats [mbbs] between cbse and gujarat board student. little difficult question but pl. guide if anybody knows
15th December 2010 11:24 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

what are the formalities to be followed by a student who doesnt live in gujarat but wants to appear for GUJCET??
9th December 2010 10:29 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

i am defence personal and presently serving in airforce station wadsar gandhinagar from daughter has done class 12 cbse board from meghalaya state in year may please be confirm whether my daughter is eligible for gujcet2011 on my posting ground to gujrat.thanks
30th September 2010 08:28 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

how many seats are reserved for gujarat in medical colleges?
17th September 2010 01:43 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

i am domiciled in madhayapradesh, wanted to take admission in mba college of gujrat through GUJCET.
can i get admission
30th August 2010 03:19 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

Hello Friend
The education department of Gujarat conducts common entrance test for admissions to degree engineering, as well as medical course after std XII science stream.

And this exam is only for the Gujarat's students ,if you want to apply for the exam then you will need the domicile of Gujarat..

This year Gujarat common entrance test 2010 (GUJCET 2010) was held on 8th April, 2010 (Thursday).
10th August 2010 11:59 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

yes it would be better to take admission in Gujarat board because there are about only 25 engineering seats in Gujarat for cbse students
it creates a lot of problem while admission in college in Gujarat and i hav faced all these problems because i also studied in cbse in 12th Sc.
6th August 2010 01:07 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

my daughter is in 10th std.cbse school for next yr.11th std. should we take admission in gbse school, she wants to become engineer and want to study in gujarat,than tell me pls. what to do- we should cont. or gbse. How many seats in gujarat for cbse student for engineering stream.
26th July 2010 12:37 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

how many seats in medical reserve for CBSE of gujrat
14th July 2010 03:40 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

if you are applying for guj cet then you will be getting a engineering college in gujarat only and not outside Gujarat, but if you are interested for joint to a institute outside gujarat there are many entrance exams for that like you can apply for aieee, vit , manipal university and bit sat and even iits all these exams will let you choose colleges of your choice outside Gujarat and even in Gujarat
12th July 2010 11:19 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

what % of seats is reserved CBSE student in gujarat in medical & engg. colleges plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tell me
2nd July 2010 04:32 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

all cbse students of standard twelve are eligible for gujcet. but, you can not get admission through gujcet outside gujarat.
2nd July 2010 01:31 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

My dear friend u r eligible 4 GUJCET

2nd July 2010 07:59 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

dear friend
you can passed 10+2 with cbse board
and you have a domicile in gujarat.
then you are elligble for gujet.
2nd July 2010 01:02 AM
gaurav goel
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET inside Gujarat and CBSE Gujcat marks calcualation %
1st July 2010 11:56 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

i am domicile in gujarat and also study in gujarat in cbse school ,i eligible for gujcat but what is the criteria of addmission of cbse student in medical college of gujarat state for CBSE students?
23rd June 2010 01:48 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

i have done 10 th from gujrat but 12 th from let me know my eligibility for enginnering college adnmision.
10th June 2010 12:37 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

what is the criteria of addmission in engg. college of gujarat state for CBSE students? how many seats are alloted to CBSE students?
Is there any specific % for CBSE schools?
4th June 2010 08:04 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET inside Gujarat and CBSE Gujcat marks calcualation %
31st May 2010 02:04 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

hi friend,
when a student pass from CBSE in India than it eligible for gujcet and guj cet is given for colleges inside gujra if you have a domicile than it is better for you when you take admission

all the best
28th May 2010 01:03 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

how many no of seats are reserved for cbse and icse board students in gujarat state university?
22nd April 2010 12:39 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

My son had studied in AP-State till Xth Class (NOT CBSE). Now I have planned to bring him to Gandhinagar and take admission for XIth class in science stream. Please advice if he will be eligible for GUJCET, AIEEE. What about domicile eligibility, as a matter of fact.
Kindly suggest and guide me in this regard.

10th April 2010 02:13 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

hi friend,
you can take the admission in gujarrat through its own state entrance exam,
and in this case out sider is not allowed,
and you can check the list of college in the gujrat on the websites of gujrat university.
o k
all the best
10th April 2010 05:14 AM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

dear frnd,
GUJCET is an exam for the colleges in gujarat
for others state student you have to show your domicile
beeter luck
9th April 2010 10:29 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

Gujarat entrance exam is held for selection of students of gujarat for the institutes in gujarat and not outside gujarat.....

so if you are applying for guj cet then you will be getting a engineering college in gujarat only and not outside gujarat..........

but if you are interested for goint to a institute outside gujarat there are many entrance exams for that can apply for aieee, vit , manipal university and bitsat.....and even iits..........all these exams will let you choose colleges of your choice outside gujarat and even in gujarat...................

best of luck
9th April 2010 09:41 AM
rahul k
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

my dear friend,
Candidates who have passed Higher secondary
certificate examination science stream conducted
by the Gujarat secondary and higher secondary
education board and have a domecile are eligible for

all the best.....
4th April 2010 12:52 PM
Re: Seats for CBSE students through GUJCET outside Gujarat?

all the candidates of cbse are eligible for gujcet and guj cet is given for colleges inside gujrat and not outside of just need to ahve a domicile certificate to get admission through gujcet at the time of admission
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