Thread: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular? Reply to Thread

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6th October 2020 10:11 AM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

Sir I am doing job and also want to graduate from bba then we can do bba in distance mode? If there is no problem issues , please guide me sir
4th August 2014 11:38 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

If we discontinue after 2years in bba...can we continue in another college for 3rd year?.?
28th May 2014 12:37 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

i did my bbm for 2yrs under andhra university in regular mode and discontinued the 3rd yr.i passed with 60% in 1st two im staying in hyd.are there any colleges which are affiliated to A.U in hyd,so that i can do my 3rd yr in distance mode as im working at present,if not can u suggest an alternative
10th May 2014 08:26 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

BBA stands for Bachelor of Business Administration. This is a 3 year Graduation course being offered by number of colleges in India.

The minimum academic qualification that is required for the candidates to join this course is by completion of 12th class with a minimum of 50% of marks.

Direct admission will be given for the candidates to join this course.

Yes. You can join this course in any of the following modes
-Regular mode
-Distance Learning

My suggestion will be to opt for this course in regular mode only as there is a scope for you to gain good subject knowledge only through regular mode.

You will be having direct interaction with your friends and lecturers in regular mode so that you can easily resolve all your doubts and discuss the concepts with each other which is the best way of learning the things

If you opt for this course in Distance Learning, the classes will not go regularly.

Might be once in a week, they may conduct the classes and efforts from your side should be more. Then only you can complete the course successfully and gain knowledge.

In some companies, they will not give preference for the candidates those who complete their Graduation in Distance Learning.

You will have to face problems at those times.

Don't create such a kind of situation for yourself.

Opt for this course in regular mode only in a good college and complete it successfully.

If you want to go for higher studies, opt for MBA course at Post Graduation level so that you can easily get the job.

Wish you all the best.
8th May 2014 09:16 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

Any problem in taking bba through distant education after taking science as my group in 12th
27th June 2013 01:55 AM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

i am dng ma msc nw like to do bba airline mangemnt as distance education
will i get a job after completing d course
15th November 2012 01:17 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

I think do bba with distance in many university.I think ignou university is best for you.
Regular bba is better than distance bba.

colleges-KIIT School of Management - IBAT - Bhubaneshwar

Prestige Institute of Management and Research - Indore

Chandigarh Business School (CBS)- Mohali

Badruka College Post Graduate Center Hyderabad

Apeejay Institute of Management -Jalandhar

St.Josephs College of Commerce - Bangalore

Fostiima Business School - Delhi/NCR
11th November 2012 04:09 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

Dear sir,

presently i m doing job and wan't persue BBA from a distance....will it be possible for me......doing job and distance course simultaneously........?.
3rd August 2012 10:14 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

hi sir..

actualy i m a bba student and i m doing it from distance education (S.M.U). i want to ask u.. is there any difficulties in getting job as if i m doing graduation from sikkim manipal university..
and if their will any difficulties, so plss guide me...
24th July 2012 07:06 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

IS there any specifications will be in the certificates that we get from the distANCE EDUCATION???
16th April 2012 12:47 AM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

You can do bba with distance in many university.
I think ignou university is best for you.
Regular bba is better than distance bba.
16th April 2012 12:27 AM
nagendra vijayasree
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

There is no difference between courses done through distance or regular

mode if the institution offering the distance education is UGC, DEC and

AICTE approved. The pass certificate for both are equal and a candidate

gets equal opportunity to appear for entrance exams for higher studies

as well as for getting a job. The difference lies in the mode of teaching.

Regular is a traditional method of teaching which takes place on face to

face basis in a classroom whereas distance education is done through

self study material without any face to face teaching in a classroom.

Remember that its about the knowledge one gains from the course

which is important rather than the mode of education.
15th April 2012 11:40 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

Hi Dear

Always i said that you go for prefer in regular education

because every where company or any others all of they requires graduates in regular ,mode. always regular course is preferable after complete your education in regular mode that is more help you for future study and for job.............

Distance education usually means courses that are taken online from a distant location. A "regular" education requires you to physically attend classes.

Good Luck................
15th April 2012 10:36 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

plz tell me the best colleges for bba
11th April 2012 02:22 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

as iam doing my bba from distance education so can i get admission in an regular mba college
30th October 2011 01:26 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

iam doing my btech 2year.....i want to do bba distance besides my regular it possible???if possible there will be any problems????
7th October 2011 02:45 AM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

There are many colleges in India for BBA course you can look for following colleges-

St. Francis College for Women - Hyderabad
Satya Institute of Media and Management - Lucknow
St.Josephs College of Commerce - Bangalore
KIIT School of Management - IBAT - Bhubaneshwar
Prestige Institute of Management and Research - Indore
Apeejay Institute of Management -Jalandhar
Fostiima Business School - Delhi/NCR
Badruka College Post Graduate Center Hyderabad
Chandigarh Business School (CBS)- Mohali
Aryans Group of Colleges (AGC)- Chandigarh
30th September 2011 05:55 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

is there any change in my certificate after doing study in distance mode as compare to regular mode
30th September 2011 03:43 PM
Re: Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

If you wish to join your graduation through distance mode you can very well go for it. While opting for an MBA at a later stage it may or may not create problems. There are certain universities or colleges which may allow admission to only those students who have done their graduation as a regular course. In case of job also it may be the same situation as some companies may clearly specify that the students should have done their graduation and post graduation as a regular course. Hence take the decision accordingly.
2nd August 2011 11:21 PM
Can I do BBA through distance mode? Difference between distance and regular?

I want to do bba . May i do bba from distance mode but i m confused regarding to difference between distance and regular.
May pursuing bba in distance mode problems me in filling the forms of colleges for my mba. May it also create problem in my job after completing my bba...

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