Thread: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam? Reply to Thread

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19th December 2015 09:57 AM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

I want qstn paper of bhu physics for msc Last 2 years..plzzzzzzz plz plz send it to [email protected]
26th August 2013 10:00 AM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

PET questions for MSc Physics:

I Have attested 3 files.
Please check them out.

Good Luck...
26th August 2013 12:14 AM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

I want question paper of bhu physics and geophysics of entrnce oflast 3years plz send it to [email protected]
2nd June 2013 07:36 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

last five years question papers of entrance exam for physics
22nd May 2013 03:30 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

Please send me solved question paper for entrance exam physics in bhu on [email protected]
7th October 2012 07:09 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

please send me solved question papers for entrance exam physics injnu on my email id nikki dipti
25th August 2012 09:28 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

Sir,Please send me previous year question papers of BHU and DU msc physics entrance exam.
24th August 2012 12:53 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

please send me the msc entrance question papers of DU and BHU for the last two years.
11th August 2012 10:42 AM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

how will i increase my knowledge for phy enterence and book i should read ?
1st August 2012 07:55 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

past years questions of M.Sc. microbiology from bhu?
Is medical microbiology better than microbiology?
19th July 2012 12:26 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

entrance test paper of 2012 of b.h.u
10th June 2012 07:51 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

Please send me syllabus of physics for amu m sc entrence
31st May 2012 08:52 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

sir/maan, please send me msc entrance question paper of physics of last 5 years
21st May 2012 11:38 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

sir pls tell me criterion req.... for admission in in phy in any 1 iit..
7th May 2012 11:13 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

sir, please send msc geophysics solve paper 2011. My email addresh is [email protected]
5th May 2012 11:41 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

please send me the syllabus for M.S.C chemistry & physics entrance exam and some previous year question papers of BHU university.
29th April 2012 05:00 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

please sir tell me a question paper op physics entranceof 2012
25th April 2012 03:19 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

sir,please tell me about physics entrance question in bhu of 10 year
16th April 2012 11:23 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

Plzzzz tell me how to get previous years question papers of bhu :sc physics entrance or plz send me at gunjantiwari [email protected]
15th April 2012 07:54 AM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

can you give me last ten years papers for enterance exam in bhu
28th March 2012 06:12 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

i need previous years entrence papers of msc physics of AMU. how do i get pleeeeeeseee help me!
15th February 2012 04:59 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

please tell me the msc(physics) entrance syllabus of bhu
21st January 2012 09:34 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

Msc entrance exam que paper zoology
22nd October 2011 06:31 PM
Re: Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

Bhu pet physics paper 2010
5th October 2011 05:44 PM
[email protected]
Past years question papers of MSc Physics BHU entrance exam?

previous year question paper entrance exam of Ms.C physics bhu

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