Thread: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees Reply to Thread

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26th July 2014 04:16 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

IAS coaching centre in pune that offers coaching for relatively less amount of fees....
27th June 2014 12:49 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

Iwant to do degree&ias insame academy which academy will offer good coaching with low fee?
17th June 2014 10:00 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

even after joining ias coaching centers which provides degree too. if i could not crack the civils. then the degree provided by them can help me in other fields ? does it have equal value like normal degree?
13th June 2013 09:28 AM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

i want such a coaching institute which can provide coaching with affordable/low price. or else name govt. coaching centres, online coaching institutes. plz suggest if there is any good coaching centres in chhattisgarh, raipur.
13th March 2013 12:06 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

i have passed b tech degree last year and i want to preparing for government whis competition is better for us
16th January 2013 07:01 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

Dear sir,

I am Priyanka preparing for UPSC kindly suggest good coaching so i can join here as i am very confuse about the institute in mumbai.
24th November 2012 01:43 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

Please tell some good coaching centre in Kolkata..
3rd June 2012 10:18 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees


Can anyone suggest reputed coaching institutes for Civil Services Exam preparation in Pune? I have found some leads but the course fee is very high.
22nd April 2012 01:46 AM
nagendra vijayasree
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am planning to join postal coaching in JTS institute, Bangalore.Their fee is Rs.23,000/ approx. per it a
justifiable amount?
It is good to see that, you are interested to prepare for UPSC Civil services examination. So, if you really interested to crack this examination, then please join one of the given coaching classes, then definitely you will be able to crack the UPSC Civil services examination -

Panjab University IAS Coaching Center, Chandigarh

Career Point
G.S., Geography, History, Law, Public Admin., Anthropology, Physics
North Delhi. Ph. no - 011-7240105, 7457211

Chanakya Academy
A/42-44, Manushree Building,
Commercial Complex,
Dr. Mukharjee Nagar,
Delhi. Ph. no - 011-7652625, 7652337

Academician's IAS
B- 12, Basant Vihar,
Ist Floor, Sector- B, Aliganj,
Lucknow. Ph. no - 0522- 331560

Chanakkya IAS Academy,
1st Lane, Dwarakanagar,
Phone - 2751965

Career Coaching
13,Kamla Nehru Rd.

All India Civil Services Coaching Center,
Government of TamilNadu
225, Second Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai

Netaji IAS Academy
27-C, Rameshwaram road,
T.Nagar, Chennai.

Best Books to prepare for UPSC Civil services examination -

For Mental Ability - Quantitative Apitude by R.S. Aggarwal

And for Current Affairs - Please read the Magzines and newspaper daily only then you will be able to attempt the current affairs section in Civil services examination.

For General Studies/Awareness -

Ancient India by Rama Sharan Sharma

Modern India by Vipin Chandra

Geography of the world through maps by Anil Keshri

Democracy in India - NCERT XII

Indian Economy by Dutt & Sundram

But, its better if you can read the ncert books. NCERT books will definitely helps you to crack the UPSC Civil services examination. So, please check the above given books and join some good coaching center, they will provide you all the necessary study material.
21st April 2012 11:27 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

I am planning to join postal coaching in JTS institute, Bangalore.Their fee is Rs.23,000/ approx. per it a
justifiable amount?
11th March 2012 09:08 AM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

3rd December 2011 03:34 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

I am doing CA now (appearing for CA final ). can you tell me the classes in pune for IAS and fees of such classes.

6th October 2011 03:46 AM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

can any one say me how much does it cost for coaching overall
25th September 2011 10:02 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

to become an ips officer height is considerd or not
17th September 2011 01:01 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

What is medium of classes?
12th September 2011 04:49 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

How much it costs for studying IAS? Is there anyconcession for completing IAS with low fees pls help me?
12th September 2011 04:47 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

How much it costs for completing IAS? hlep me is there any concession?
12th September 2011 04:45 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

How much it costs for studying IAS?
3rd August 2011 09:55 AM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

Sir, i am dhruva..and m alone..there is no financial support for, i just want to know if there is any govt.institutes giving coaching for IAS aspirants for a student like me
17th July 2011 12:39 AM
Gita Irudhayaraj
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

Hi Dear Aspirant,

From now onwards, you can start preparing for the exams.
Refer the website like etc.,
So,there is no need to search for private coaching centres. There lot of online sites which provides test, question papers etc.,

Also Government centres is also available.
All the best.
16th June 2011 09:19 AM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

my name is m.renuka devi studying in b.tech4th year,iam planning for ias preparation coz my aim is to become an ias officer,am an shedule cate student i cant spare that much ammout for the coaching out side so please can you suggest me good institutes for MBC students for ias training.
31st May 2011 05:07 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

For IAS preparation I think Delhi is the best place where very good coaching is being given. So go there and take your coaching. Also check out this website for more details.
12th May 2011 12:28 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

How much amount happens for IAS coaching in hyderabad and which is the best coaching centre at Hyderabad.
27th April 2011 08:11 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

I m in bsc 3..want to do coachng for ias same year at low fee budget..suggest me please..its better if its about delhi
24th March 2011 10:11 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

It depends upon region that you want to pursue..

In hyderabad some good coaching institutes are..

R.K study circle.

TIME Coaching Institute

Ravi IAS study circle

and all

if you have friends in hyderabad just enquire about them

these are the best

according to me

make a good selection.


16th March 2011 05:05 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

is there a choching center in jaipur.
28th February 2011 09:47 AM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

For IAS preparation I think Delhi is the best place where very good coaching is being given. So go there and take your coaching. Also check out this website for more details.
8th January 2011 09:50 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

First it is not necessary to join coaching to clear this exam ... u can do it even without coaching.
Otherwise u can join RAU IAS study circle , Khan study group etc.
8th January 2011 06:17 PM
Re: Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

hi friend,
i am giving you a link which provide a no.of list of institue for ias preparation-
8th January 2011 02:32 PM
m.renuka devi
Good coaching institutes for civil services coaching that offer coaching for relatively less amount of Fees

my name is m.renuka devi studying in b.tech4th year,iam planning for ias preparation coz my aim is to become an ias officer,am an shedule cate student i cant spare that much ammout for the coaching out side so please can you suggest me good institutes for sc students for ias training.

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