Thread: What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job? Reply to Thread

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24th April 2012 10:51 PM
Re: What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job?

my name is mukesh, i completed my with only pass. so can i apply for government exam or not
3rd March 2012 12:46 AM
Re: What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job?

I hav passed my with 50 %, what should I do to get a good job
27th February 2012 06:46 AM
Re: What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job?

Dear Friend,
Yes you are eligible to all Government jobs.Why Because you have Completed Graduation.So you are perfectly eligible to join in Government Sector.There are a lot of government Jobs are available.But you have do is put efforts and hard work to get the Success.The Following are the Jobs
Bank Po and Clerical jobs.
Indian Railway Jobs
Defence jobs
Accountant Jobs
Civil Services
And many more
Good Luck
11th February 2012 05:42 PM
Re: What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job?

What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job
18th January 2012 06:28 AM
Re: What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i hv done my wat i wl do nxt i want 2 do a gvt jb plz gve me sugstn
If you want to get jobs in the public sector,being a graduate, you may write various entrance examination conducted by different regulatory bodies for recruitment of candidates in various departments of Public Sector.
Since you are a commerce graduate, you may write the following examinations:
Graduate level examinations conducted on state level by public service commission of state.
Combined Graduate Level Examination conducted by Staff Selection Commission for recruitment of officers in various departments under central government.
Civil Service Exam conducted by union public service commission for recruitment of IPS officer, IAS officer etc.
Entrance examination conducted by Banks for recruitment of Probationary Officer.
Entrance exams conducted by Railway recruitment Board conducted for various positions.
16th January 2012 06:48 PM
What should I do after passing B.Com so as to get a government job?

i hv done my wat i wl do nxt i want 2 do a gvt jb plz gve me sugstn

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