Thread: Are reservations helpful? Reply to Thread

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17th August 2013 11:03 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

Hai friend
Resrcations are really helpful when we are seeking an admission into the colleges based on the category by any entrance exam like eamcet,rtc...,
Fee concession will also be given to the reservation category candidates
Age relaxation for government exams is another benefit for the reservation category candidates
They can get job easily by reservation when compared to other candidates
Thank You
26th August 2011 05:26 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

Dear friend,
The current reservation system is not right, reservation should not be made depended on cast.It should be changed.Facility should be in terms of money not by reserving a sit,so that we can have real brain and in this way no intelligent brain will be lost.
26th August 2011 12:35 AM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

I am in partial support of reservation. It is good for those who are financially weaker or who are belongs to extreme backward background. But it is not given to all SC/ST who are now in a position to serve himself. Government should have to make some rule for those who are financially stronger but still comes under the boundary of reservation.
20th August 2011 05:06 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

Originally Posted by v.charan View Post
are reservations important.because many people who are not worthy are getting reservations,reservations are made to improve to encourage some grope of people to encourage but i think it is not right,because they will get opportunity by their i right or wrong
u r wrong in my views........
21st July 2011 01:16 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

now-a-days oter catagory students are no reservation why
28th January 2011 08:38 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

are really reservation helpful for development indian society?
20th December 2010 01:52 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

yes,reservation is helpful for those who really required.
not for those who are fake and not meet the requirements
11th November 2010 07:08 PM
chandana Reddy
Re: Are reservations helpful?

yeah reservations are helpful in getting a seat in a good college..

good luck
3rd October 2010 07:22 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

Actually the primary purpose of Reservation was to give the below poverty line people good education but nowadays all the creamy layer are getting the benefits, so i personally feel the authentication is not there hence not worthy.
3rd October 2010 01:51 AM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

u r 100% india reservation should on basis of echonomical condition not on the basis of cast....
3rd October 2010 01:02 AM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

resrvation is important though we sometimes find it meaningless. actually there are various problems regarding this.
actually many people who are eligible for reservation are not aware of the fact, so what happens is that their vacancies always remaun vacany years after years.
2nd October 2010 10:08 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

Originally Posted by v.charan View Post
are reservations important.because many people who are not worthy are getting reservations,reservations are made to improve to encourage some grope of people to encourage but i think it is not right,because they will get opportunity by their i right or wrong
ye it is very much helpfull.your are right from your point of view but our government wants to improve the status of all the cast in our country some cast which are not so intelegence but they should also get chance to come forward so that they can also become the important part of the country.
you are also right
and resevation is also right for the country development.
thank you,
2nd October 2010 09:02 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

reservations are sometimes helpful but sometimes it has bad results also.sometimes good deserving candidate has to suffer n struggle a lot to achieve his/her aim due to reservations.reserved seats should be decreased so that general category students can also achieve there aim with less sufferings.
2nd October 2010 07:58 PM
shubham polisht
Re: Are reservations helpful?

yes to get in good college but not in good job............................................... .......................................
2nd October 2010 07:02 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

Originally Posted by v.charan View Post
are reservations important.because many people who are not worthy are getting reservations,reservations are made to improve to encourage some grope of people to encourage but i think it is not right,because they will get opportunity by their i right or wrong
on one side your corect but on the another side some poor students with merit may help the reservation category
2nd October 2010 03:39 PM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

yes.. reservation is important. some reservation students are still struggling to study. but this should be get some changes.. Reservation with family background should be important...
some reservation parents are gained when they r in students now they are in good position so like their children are not consider for reservation category.
2nd October 2010 12:31 PM
nuzhat fathima
Re: Are reservations helpful?


YES ACCORDING TO ME ITS QUITE HELPFUL,when ever you reserve something for yourself let it be a room,bus ticket etc it would be kept for you.
2nd October 2010 10:55 AM
Re: Are reservations helpful?

So you understood that though they are not worthy because of reservation they get seats,jobs etc., and my question for that is what makes them less worthy than others....
There should be a cause for that.
Even though all people's brain have equal capacity some become less worthy than others....
some reasons are their
1)poor standard living,
2)less persons to guide,
3)poor grooming habits,
4)lack of good financial support,
5)low looking in the society
these situations make a person less worthy and those are mostly the backward class of people.So there is nothing wrong to provide these people reservation.

But,its true that many are facing problem by this reservations because one of the situations do exist in all people......
2nd October 2010 10:12 AM
Mansi Gandhi
Re: Are reservations helpful?

as the coin has to sides this also too have the same...........
resevations are helpful but the correct use of it is very less.................................
many people make fake certificates in order to prove themselves of SC and ST just to get into good schools,colleges and get a good job even though they dont have the proper knowledge...............
2nd October 2010 07:30 AM
Are reservations helpful?

are reservations important.because many people who are not worthy are getting reservations,reservations are made to improve to encourage some grope of people to encourage but i think it is not right,because they will get opportunity by their i right or wrong

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