Thread: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise? Reply to Thread

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27th May 2018 02:27 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I have completed my Doctor of pharmacy... Can I eligible to do phd in clinical psychology?
20th April 2018 08:20 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I'm studying in 12 n want to become an clinical psychologist . Want to know it's salary and total no of years I will have to prepare for it.
29th January 2017 04:40 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I have completed my twelfth with my fifth subject being psychology. now i want to pursue a degree in clinical am i suppose to do that ?
and please also suggest colleges for it along with the whole procedure. and do i need to do mbbs first to become a clinical psychologist ???
17th March 2015 07:35 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I am completed my BHMS degree from bhopal. can I have admition in clinical pscycology .how can i admition jn clinical pscycology and what is the scope of clinical pscycology in my carrer?
19th February 2015 09:48 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Hi I m doing medical . Can I do msc in clinical psychology and which are the best colleges.and how can I get admission.
2nd August 2014 01:07 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Iam ma student, whether ma psychology or msc psychology suit for me?
6th March 2014 04:19 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Originally Posted by minu2011 View Post
i am a clinical psychologist and have been working in this field for over ten years now. i have worked in many places and sectors and can comment a little on the scope of the subject now....
1) for someone with mbbs... it hardly makes any sense to do phd without going in for masters first... one is not likely to have an in depth knowledge of he subject
2) clinical psychology is the best field.... as one can fit into any sector after that.... a private practitioner can earn about 35-40k per month in a metro like delhi... in a school sector you can work on a salary of 30k for a start if you choose to be a pgt psychology.... as a counselor your start may be around 27-28k.... here a lot depends on your negotiation and communication skills.... i am currently in a school sector on an annual package of about 5.5 lakhs per annum... which i think is not bad considering i moved to this sector last year only due to my family issues. earlier i was into full time practice in which i was doing very well
3) in the organizational settings the packages are good.... somewhere about 6-7 lakhs per annum.... but then the job profiles are hectic and one ends up competing with HR people... getting into training and development... especially soft skills... can be very fruitful in an organizational setting....

in a nut shell... psychologists these days are earning better... being a developing field, one has potential for growth provided your education is from good institutes and you are ready to take risks...
all the best!!!
dude its awesmm
2nd January 2014 05:07 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

sir,i completed ma in psycology and i entrested in psycriatrist fild can i do this courses... how
14th October 2013 07:53 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I am doing my MA in clinical and counselling psychology so i want to do MBBS IN Clinical psychology can it possible tell me.
3rd August 2013 11:26 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Which is the best college in india for doing masters in psychology i am currently in arts faculty and wanna do from the same do reply me..on my email id which is
9th March 2013 11:11 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

i have completed my mba in hr. would it be a good decision to do a masters in applied psychology? Or which course should i opt for?
25th February 2013 12:14 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

i have done mbbs.My plan is to do masters in counselling psychology and then m phil in clinical aim is to become a child psychologist and work in a hospital setting with decent /good this possible?
19th January 2013 06:02 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I have done my mpt in neurological and pyschosomatic disorders.i want to do Phd in NeuroPsychology.How can i do that?
19th June 2012 09:44 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Originally Posted by minu2011 View Post
i am a clinical psychologist and have been working in this field for over ten years now. i have worked in many places and sectors and can comment a little on the scope of the subject now....
1) for someone with mbbs... it hardly makes any sense to do phd without going in for masters first... one is not likely to have an in depth knowledge of he subject
2) clinical psychology is the best field.... as one can fit into any sector after that.... a private practitioner can earn about 35-40k per month in a metro like delhi... in a school sector you can work on a salary of 30k for a start if you choose to be a pgt psychology.... as a counselor your start may be around 27-28k.... here a lot depends on your negotiation and communication skills.... i am currently in a school sector on an annual package of about 5.5 lakhs per annum... which i think is not bad considering i moved to this sector last year only due to my family issues. earlier i was into full time practice in which i was doing very well
3) in the organizational settings the packages are good.... somewhere about 6-7 lakhs per annum.... but then the job profiles are hectic and one ends up competing with HR people... getting into training and development... especially soft skills... can be very fruitful in an organizational setting....

in a nut shell... psychologists these days are earning better... being a developing field, one has potential for growth provided your education is from good institutes and you are ready to take risks...
all the best!!!
This information has been really helpful...thanks a lot Minu..
However, these seem to be salaries for those with some experience. Could you pls tell me what salaries can a fresher expect? I'm an MBA, and am going MA in psychology from IGNOU (correspondence). What can I expect in d job market?
30th May 2012 09:02 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I m currently doing my masters in clinical psychology.. what r d scope nd job opportunities by having MA degree in clinical psychology.. how much salary is expected??? Is doing MA wil provide good job opportunities?? Hope to get good suggestions from everyone
23rd May 2012 06:40 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i hv completed my mbbs n doing internship now.i m intrested in phd in clinical psychology.wat is its scope in india in terms of pay packages?

M.A. students also pursue this course,so my mbbs will be of use or waste?
am i elligeble 4 directly applying in phd ?
it has decent scope in india in terms of pay packages as well but to pursue the career of a psychologist, one should have a genuine desire to help other human beings o/w the degree might go in vain .

The highest- paying position is for psychologists having M.Phil and Ph.D degree. Remunerations in the corporate sector are the highest, though salaries vary according to the level of involvement and the job profile.
At the entry level the remuneration varies approximately from Rs. 5000/- to Rs.8000/-. Established consultants can earn at an average between Rs.8000 to Rs.10,000 or even more. Those are in private practice have much more earnings.

Clinical Psychologists work in counseling centers, independent or group practices, hospitals, community health centers or clinics. They help mentally and emotionally disturbed clients adjust to life and may help medical and surgical patients deal with illnesses or injuries. Areas of specialization within clinical psychology include health psychology, neuro psychology, and gero psychology.

no, your degree will not be wasted . M.A. students offered jobs in different specializations and MBBS students in different . SO , they cannot be compared.
they offered specializations in educational,social,counselling,industrial psychologies whereas you can do all sorts of courses including above and clinical,research,development as well.

so, don't worry about it.

definitely!!!! , you are eligible for it .The course will be of 2 yrs. duration .
so, if you want to go for it , than go for it !!!

some of the good colleges for pursuing the course are :

~M.S. (Maharaja Sayajirao) University of Baroda : Faculty of Education and Psychology, Vadodara( Gujarat )

~Bangalore University, Bangalore( Karnataka )

~Gurunanak Dev University, Amritsar( Punjab )
15th May 2012 01:10 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

My self Pooja sharma
I'm doing my m.a. previous in psychology.........after my pre m.a i ll chose a subject in psycho field.,plz suggest me wat subject i ll chose??????
I belong to alwar nd my clg ve only 1 subject in psyco. field n that is industrial psychology........n m intersted in clinical psychology.
ths time m very cnfused ?????? I wanna ve a gud carrer in psycho field....can u plz help me .....4 my good future...........
15th May 2012 12:59 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

my self pooja sharma m doing my m.a. preious in psychology..........i will chose a subject in ma final so plz tell me wat subject i ll chose ..........
m in intersted in clinical psychology..............plz help 4 my future ..........m very confuse????????????????...........
wat scope in clinical psychology plz............
25th April 2012 08:32 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Can i do Bsc psychology or BA psychology after passing my 12th in medical stream? Please let me know about colleges from where i can pursue this degree from Chandigarh.
6th April 2012 10:48 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

hi, I am Abhilasha. i have done MA in psychology .i want to do Ph.D in clinical psychology, can you pls tell me from where i can do this? kindly sugest.
23rd March 2012 04:32 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I have done BA in Education..and I am interested in pursuing my masters in Educational psychology or simply Psychology ..Is it possible? Can someone please suggest universities which offer masters in Educational Psychology?
20th March 2012 09:14 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

i have done MSC in psychology, looking for a suitable job, i have a two years of experience, please help
20th March 2012 02:58 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

sir/ maam plzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me

I have completed my mba(HR).Am i eligible for pgt psychology or i need to do ma in psychology????guys pls help me??
16th March 2012 05:59 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I have done Bsc in chemistry and want to know whether i am eligible for MA and then PHD in Psychology?????
3rd February 2012 12:22 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

what scope after M.A psychology? and i become to a what i do for this?
31st January 2012 01:00 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Hello ,

There is an increasing demand for psychologist in almost every sector whether it is corporate, educational or social sector.

Psychology degree can find great employment opportunities in a number of sectors, especially in the field of clinical psychology, there are good opportunities available.

If you are clear about your interest in being a counselor/ lecturer, then you must do Phd in clinical psychology, rather than divert to the HR field.

Good Luck!
2nd January 2012 08:28 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
i completed my school n want to get higher degree in Psychology with Philosophy and Yoga.. plz advise me which university or institute will be beneficial for me???

Aavikal Krishna
Dev sanskriti vishwavidyalaya will be better university for course...
27th December 2011 07:44 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
HI,I have done my post graduation in Biomedical Genetics.I would like to do a diploma course in clinical psychology.What is the scope of such a course in India?
Well hello, hopefully this information will help u. i am giving u a website in which u can hav knowledge of various courses in psychology the site is ,
"" and gud luck.
15th December 2011 01:27 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

If students with a master's degree in Psychology are interested in the PhD program in Counselor Education (very similar to Counseling Psychology) at Ohio University, they may contact me by email.
Christine Suniti Bhat, Ph.D., P.C
Assistant Professor, Counselor Education
Department of Counseling and Higher Education
The Gladys W. and David H. Patton College of Education
Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701

Office: McCracken Hall, 374

15th November 2011 02:36 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Friends,If you desire to go for Ph.D. you should clear the National Eligibility Test for Junior Research Fellowship and lectureship conducted by the University Grants Commission or the university-level examination.
The doctoral programmes are designed for students who wish to take up a career as a psychologist and involve themselves in psychological research and practice.
Job prospects: Teaching and research are two major avenues of employment for qualified psychologists who secure a Ph.D in clinical psychology.
You can also set up a clinic and start counselling independently. Psycotherapy can be offered by trained clinical psychologists.
Remuneration: Remuneration depends upon qualification, specialization and experience. Psychologist in school, collages and NGOs can easily get Rs 8000 to 10000 per month. Teaching psychology is also a profitable job. However those are in private practice have also have good earnings.
15th November 2011 01:51 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Friends,If you desire to go for Ph.D. you should clear the National Eligibility Test for Junior Research Fellowship and lectureship conducted by the University Grants Commission or the university-level examination.
The doctoral programmes are designed for students who wish to take up a career as a psychologist and involve themselves in psychological research and practice.
Job prospects: Teaching and research are two major avenues of employment for qualified psychologists who secure a Ph.D in clinical psychology.
You can also set up a clinic and start counselling independently. Psycotherapy can be offered by trained clinical psychologists.
Remuneration: Remuneration depends upon qualification, specialization and experience. Psychologist in school, collages and NGOs can easily get Rs 8000 to 10000 per month. Teaching psychology is also a profitable job. However those are in private practice have also have good earnings.
10th November 2011 07:23 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

hey guys i'm doing my 3rd yr in ba of psychology and wanna continue ma masters in industrial psychology ,,,so will u please help me out in suggesting good colleges for industrial psychology in India ?????/
9th November 2011 10:44 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

helo..i fnshd ma 12th nd nw i wana hv a gud carrer in d field of psychology ..can u plz guide me wat all i hv to do ..?
4th November 2011 10:58 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Hi .... I completed my BAMS . I want to switch on my career in the field of Psychology. How my graduation is going to help me since non medical people are also adopting this course?? which specialization in psychology is more beneficial to get a better career option. If Post graduation is compulsory is it possible to take correspondence pg and then phd? Can you suggest me the right path. Will this be a right decision for my future?
23rd October 2011 03:40 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

hi... I hv completed msc nursing in psychiatry nd realize that its a bit hard financially to go for phd. I m thinking to go for msc clinical psychology. Will it help me for a gud fortune?
11th October 2011 04:43 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Hello All,

I am a commerce graduate and MBA and already in HR profession. I am very keen to pursue my education in Clinical Psychology. When inquired in the university of Mumbai ppl there said I first need to complete full time BA in psychology and then only you could get admission for masters and then for phd.

Can anyone suggest if any other option available to pursue masters without BA in clinical psychology or its compulsory?

Please also suggest institutes/college in Mumbai to pursue this course.
After going thru various posts I come to know that there is good scope for Clinical Psychology in India money wise as well as job wise, but is it really so in corporate sectors?
Do HR professionals have good scope after pursuing the masters or Phd in CP?
11th October 2011 04:25 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Hi All,

I am Management graduate and MBA and already in HR field. I am very keen to pursue education in Clinical Psychology. when inquired with university of Mumbai, People there said to do post graduation or PHD in psychology I first need to complete 3 years of full time bachelor degree in the psychology(BA). But since I am working I cannot afford to invest this much time for this course. Do I have any other option. Is there any part time option or if full time then night college option.

As per the above posts I got idea that money wise and career wise clinical psychology is really best, but what is scope in corporate companies/ In HR?

As a HR professional if I opt for this course, do you think I am on the right track?
7th October 2011 06:42 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Hi.. I am a Diploma(GNM)nurse with 3 years of experience in oncology. I have completed BSc Psychology through distance education.(Annamalai university). Now i am doing MSc applied psychology(Annamalai university). Is distance education valid when we apply for a job? Iwould like to work as a school counsellor or clinical psychologist. Will MSc Psychology be enough to get those jobs? Kindly suggest.
30th September 2011 12:05 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

hi.. i have done M.A. in clinical Psychology then i worked in a woman rehabilitation centre after that i worked in a de-addiction and rehabilitation centre but i did'nt got any jump in now i want to do M Phil in Clinical psychology. Can you pls tell me from where i can do this?
14th September 2011 02:52 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

hi..i am an extremely bright student who is pursuing BA out of choice.People have told me that i have made the worst decision of my life by opting for Arts & that i should have taken science.i want to pursue a degree in Clinical psychology & then branch out into an MBA in HR.would i be wasting my time doing the MA? should i directly start preparing for MBA or will my MA in psychology give me an edge over others (in terms of knowledge & salary)?
14th September 2011 10:19 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
what are the job prospects after m.a psychology in universities and what salaries are offered to them?
wwhat is the scope after m.a. psychology &salary afterwords.
13th September 2011 01:15 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

what are the job prospects after ma in applied psychology??
5th September 2011 12:34 PM
Re: Scope m.a psychologyIndia: Salary wise and Job wise?

[what are the job prospects after m.a psychology in universities and what salaries are offered to them?[/QUOTE]
31st August 2011 03:41 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

I am a 2nd year psychology student and want o persue clinical psychology in future. Please suggest me some good colleges in india from where I can do my msc in clinical psychology at the best
28th August 2011 02:31 AM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

i am an m.a in psychology from open i qualified for joining m.phil in clinical psychology in india?
19th August 2011 09:39 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

in mumbai ,from where one can do Phd in clinical Psychology
18th August 2011 02:44 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

i have done my MSW (master in social work) i want to do phd in psychology so please tell me what is the criteria for that also i have an work exeperience.
18th July 2011 01:07 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

i have done my mba and now i want to do ma in sycology directly without doing ba can i do so.
28th June 2011 05:42 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?


I have done M.A. in Psychology, & now i want to do M Phil in Clinical psychology. Can you pls tell me from where i can do this?
28th June 2011 12:45 PM
Re: Scope of PhD in clinical psychology in India: Salary wise and Job wise?

im shreya im about do my ba in psychology. im interstd in alot n wana do smthn in dis field bt ds it hs scope in india. il finish my ma in clilnical pschology so what wil b d pay scale of dis? plzz hlp me
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