24th May 2013 12:07 AM | ||
amit89itbhu |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? HI Its easy to get success in GD. You should have knowledge, presentation skill and confidence. Nothing more is needed. Try to start the discussion. Give chance to other. But only after you have spoken. Its difficult to enter the conversation as it become fish market. Try to enter, when the speaking person is about to finish. You can make out that by his/her tone. his/her tone will get lower when he is about to finish. Instead of making a long comment, make two three comment and at different time. Try to grab the knowledge and enter into GD, if you dont know the topic. There are various things which you can say to make your presence felt even if you are not contributing significantly to the discussion like Can you please elaborate on what you said.? etc Show your listening ability as well. all the best |
8th May 2012 10:26 PM | ||
climber |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? The following are the main Tips for success in Group Discussion:
ALL THE BEST.................. |
8th May 2012 07:05 PM | ||
tash1991 |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? Following are some of the things which you must take care off to succeed in the GD. Read voraciously Make a habit of reading voraciously on every subject. This will keep you ready for any topic for a discussion in GD Your knowledge is your most important weapon in a discussion. Initiate the discussion Most of us have a misconception that initiating the discussion would give you an advantage over others. It does give you an advantage but only if you know the subject well and have something relevant to start the discussion otherwise it is a disadvantage. For e.g. When a group was given a subject “Is Capital punishment right?” some members of the group heard the word punishment and jumped at starting the discussion with out understanding the meaning of Capital Punishment. The evaluators kept hearing for 2 minutes after which they intervened and asked the group if they knew the meaning of Capital Punishment. Not to say, the members who initiated were quite looking at each other’s faces. That is when a quite member of the group got up and explained the meaning of the topic. From this incidence, you can easily tell who must have succeeded in the GD, the ones who initiated the discussion or the one who explained the topic and gave it a right direction. They say, “Speaking just for the sake of speaking is noise”. So, don’t create noise in the GD rather make some useful and resourceful contributions to get noticed in the discussion. Speak politely and pleasantly As you speak make sure that you do not speak at the top of your voice. You should be audible and clear. Remember that you are participating in a discussion which is different from a speech given out by the leaders in their rallies. Even if you disagree with the other’s point of view, disagree politely. Use phrases like, I would like to disagree a bit here, I am sorry but I think I have a slightly different point of view here. Be précised Abstain from using irrelevant information and data from your talks during a GD Speak precisely so that others also get a chance to put across their point of view. Acquire and apply knowledge Stay attentive to the ideas put forward by other group members and keep writing the important points discussed during the GD As you get a chance to speak, put forward your views about the topic. You can also agree or disagree with other’s ideas, based on your knowledge about the subject. Agree with the right Don’t take a stand on either extreme when the discussion begins. It might happen that you get convinced by other’s argument and want to change your stand. Respect other’s opinion as well and agree with what is right, even if you initially had a different opinion. Speak confidently Maintain your confidence as you speak. Establish eye contact with other members of the group and do not let your voice tremble. Moderate Try to moderate the discussion if any arguments arise. This is necessary to ensure that the group doesn’t wander from the goal of the GD Use positive body language Your body language should not demonstrate dominance or low self confidence. Show your interest in the discussion through your gestures like bending forward a bit, nodding your head. Be a team player Last but not the least, be a team player as this is a group activity. Be comfortable with the group members and vice versa. |
8th May 2012 05:35 PM | ||
romi_bal |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? Some important GD tips are: 1. Always be the initiator and conclude r of the GD then being a participant. 2. But if you are participant always try to be the most vial/key participant. 3. Put points firmly and always try to get others support too. 4. If you find that the discussion is going off-track then never loose an opportunity to bring it back to stream this is the best point to score max. 5. Try to keep latest information on the topic. 6. Be very polite, people may try to provoke you to get more points but try to keep cool. 7. Most important don't wait for your turn to speak when discussion is on. Interrupt politely if you want to put forward your points. 8. Last but not the least keep a tab on the time given for discussion. Score points by wrapping up the discussion if you feel that the discussion is heating but the time is going to be over. 9. During conclusion, do end with the conclusion note. That shows your leadership quality. Best scoring points are: 1. Initiation of discussion, 2. Always keeping/trying to keep discussion on track 3. Conclusion on time 4. Your capability to keep your cool and listen as well as putting your points. |
8th May 2012 05:05 PM | ||
pops07 |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? Quote:
![]() GD or Group Discussion has now become an integral part of recruitment in public or private organization. GD is the 1st phase of interview where you will come to the notice of the interviewers. So you have to be very careful regarding everything. Some useful tips to crack GDs are; 1. Be punctual. 2. Look fresh and descent. 3. Do not forget to greet good morning or good afternoon or good evening. 4. Acquire a good communication skill in English. 5. Communicate using simple but correct English language. 6. Try to take the initiative of speaking first if you have a genuine and clear idea about the topic. 7. Be descent and be dominant over others. 8. Always speak useful or valuable points. Do not speak purposelessly to gain the attention. 9. Be positive/assertive and never loose your temper if anyone object you. 10. Try to reach a conclusion about the topic, whether you are speaking against/ for the topic or both. 11. Show them your leadership / team work skills. 12. Give time to others and to yourself also to collect information. 13. Practice at home. Because practice makes a man perfect!! All the best for your next GD!! Crack it! |
8th May 2012 04:13 PM | ||
jyotiprakash2108 |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? Group discussion is a technique from this a company give a post one of this procedure. Group discussion means two or many people will sit in a common room and they will describe a topic. On that topic you will speak and other people will do arguments. At that time manager/checker checks you that you become angry or not. How much politeness have in your speech or your given answer. you must keep in mind some points. 1. communication skills 2. presentation 3. information about topic these above point make your personality. If you speak well but way of presentation is wrong then nobody give you a chance to do job on that company. If your all above points are accurately keep in mind and keep polite to you when anyone do argument to you thanks |
8th May 2012 12:35 PM | ||
rocking_pr |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? 1st thing is that you have to be calm, having patience in yourself.....you have to be get full knowledge of the topics being discussed.....you can also recommend a book: arihant book for group discussions for better understanding...... |
8th May 2012 11:52 AM | ||
lvnareshsunrise |
Re: How to get success in Group Discussions? Now a days, Group Discussion has become a part of selection procedure in many of the recruitment drives. This phase is being the screening phase in many of the recruitment drives. In order to get through Group Discussion, you should be strong enough in the following areas -Communication skills -Convincing skills -Presenting the information in a better manner etc. Here are some of the tips to crack Group Discussion. -If you have good information with you regarding the given topic, don't hesitate to take initiation. First impression is the best impression. If you start the discussion in good manner, obviously you will be given good importance. -If you don't have good level of information with you regarding the given topic, don't take initiation. Let the others to share their views and thoughts. Collect some points from their discussion and prepare your own content and present the same. -Whatever the information you have, present it in a better manner and easily understandable manner. -Don't carry out yourself for a prolonged period of time. Let the others also to share their views. -Finally bring the discussion to a conclusion. Don't be aggressive and don't let the others to be aggressive. Wish you all the best. |
8th May 2012 08:34 AM | ||
kilarinani |
How to get success in Group Discussions? i am attended for so many interviews but i am rejected in gd round so [lz give me sugistions |