Thread: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy? Reply to Thread

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28th June 2018 01:06 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Can i do pharma.d after b pharmacy from abroad on the basis of GPat entrance exam.can I take admission from abroad countries on the basis of GPat result ...give me suggestions
If not then give me information for taking admission in abroad on the basis of entrance exam..
21st February 2016 10:22 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

After b.pharma.. What is better option MBA or m.pharma from abroad ??? Mail me at [email protected] ...
24th November 2015 04:52 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Hi sir, am doing 2nd year m.pharm pharmacology in tamilnadu am interest to doing MS course am eligible for doing MS course?
25th December 2014 02:27 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Hi ther, I have completed my pharm d (5yrs), now I want to further study. But I m confused what to study n where to study... Please help me
31st October 2014 07:10 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Can I do MD after mpharma in microbiology in India??wat r other good options after bpharma...plz interested in genetic engineering n biotechnology n biology field a [email protected]
27th October 2014 12:27 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Hiiii i m now doing d pharma 1st year but can i do m pharma after d pharma plzzzz ans i m confuse or i should take b pharma after d
12th October 2014 01:05 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Hi am lakshmi completed my this year .n i want to go abroad ie; US after my masters so Will I be eligible for FPJEE and NAPLEX even after my masters done in India or I hav to do pharma d for that ????
23rd August 2014 02:13 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Hi I am doing b.pharm rt now. Can u plz give me an idea wht to do after b.pharm either m.pharm or pharm.d?
20th August 2014 10:01 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hiii....i m in my 4th yr of b.pharm. as i wanted to go for further studies can you plz solve my doubts to do MS prog in us or pharm d. and whats the differnce in both degrees and for opening the pharmacy store in america which degree is required???plz solve my problems fast as soon as possible..
28th June 2014 07:07 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hie.. I am nikita !! i m doing M.pahrma in pharmacology !! i want to go US for my Phd. but i dont no how ? I have ielts score 8 . so i wanna know, can i get admission in USA on basis of any kind of scholarship ?? if not , So what will be the admission fee for phd in US cause I've heard it is too expensive to study in other countries !! and is dere any chance to get a job outside of india after M.pharma in cology ?? please suggest Me !! I m so confused and losing my hope to study outside the india or get any job there !!
Thank yew !!
28th June 2014 07:03 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hie.. I am nikita !! i m doing M.pahrma in pharmacology !! i want to go US for my Phd. but i dont no how ? I have ielts score 8 . so i wanna know, can i get admission in USA on basis of any kind of scholarship ?? if not , So what will be the admission fee for phd in US cause I've heard it is too expensive to study in other countries !! and is dere any chance to get a job outside of india after M.pharma in cology ?? please suggest Me !! I m so confused and losing my hope to study outside the india or get any job there !!
Thank yew !!
20th February 2014 11:48 PM
Amol v. zade
Re: M-pharm or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

i want to need some information regarding ,how to apply the admission for m.pharma or ms. in germany with part time job.....
16th September 2013 01:53 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

can anybody please tell me what is the approx cost for m pharmacy in us? and what is the exam we have to clear to join m pharm in us?
16th September 2013 01:51 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Dear sir, can anybody please tell me how much does m pharmacy cost in U.S? and what is the exasm we have to clear to do m pharmacy?
4th September 2013 06:40 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Hello, i have completed my b. pharm and want to do Ms abroad but not sure which specialization has good scope and better job opertunities. so, kindly help me decide.i want to go for jan intake aswell. so, kindly suggest as soon as possible please..:)
18th August 2013 12:01 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

sir i wanted to do pharm d in abroad after b pharmacy can u please tell the procedure.iam also confused to decide whether to opt for pharm d or b pharmacy.iam listening that there are no jobs for pharm d in india is that true?please suggest me
24th May 2013 02:08 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hwz pharmaceutical analysis in india? better in india or abroad??
18th May 2013 01:24 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hiiiii sir
im interested in doing pharm d frm studying in bpharm 4th plz guide me the best country to do post bacchulerate of pharm much money is required to study pharm d in abroad
annd whether a bpharm student can continue pharmd in us..i.e post bacchulerate of pharm d....after completing bpharm in india..........if dere iz any choice so plz inform me,.........thaanku
17th January 2013 02:43 PM
whether pharm.d is eligible for naplex ??

hello every one ,

i am doing pharm.d 5 th year in india , i need go abroad for an pharmacist , what are the exam i need to clear for us and cannada. i am so confused.
plz guide me..
rply: [email protected], [email protected]
21st September 2012 02:31 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

I wanna go for research in India and wanna do masters in cology .am pursuing ma third yr in pharmacy bachelors... Now wht r the steps I need to ??? Other than preparing for gpat.???
11th July 2012 04:14 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hi!i completed my and i just want to know whether doctorate in pharmacy would be better or m pharmacy ?or should i work as a medical transcriptionist?
4th June 2012 08:30 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

I have done my B.Pharmcy, Can anyone let me know which country is good for doing M.Pharmcy?
29th March 2012 02:22 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Hi! m 3rd year student of Bpharmacy, i wud lik to join pharmD rite after my 4thyr final xams, whether through join entrance or privately, wil i b admited to pharmd colge privately evn if i dnt get through joun entrance? if m admited where the colge m eligible for? please drop me ua advice
15th March 2012 01:07 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

how can i do ms after b.phrm.can u tell me the procss go for abord. Which country is safe.financially how much per year.
26th February 2012 12:17 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hi iam manoj i want to do pharmd(postbaccarlaureate)in europe so plz give me a suggestion about it
29th January 2012 03:21 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Dear friend,
I will definitely guide you but please be focused on your aim so that the decision will be more easy with out any confusion. As you are in 4th year now first prepare for your Gpat exam which will give you a gate way for your degree. Score maximum marks in it. While doing this job apply for the foreign universities like in Sweden, Norway, Germany because these 3 countries offer free education. Please apply for these countries before August 2nd week which will be the last date for Jan., intake. Because from next year on wards they are cancelling their free education. The interesting news is that you need not write any competitive exams for these i.e., it is not mandatory. It will be based on your academics up to your highest degree achieved so far.

Now you have 2 options in hand 1 .Gpat 2. Ms in European countries. If you failed to go through it or if you doesn't like it then choose Ms in America. If you are more interested in Ms in US then you should opt your first option as preparing for GRE and TOFEL instead of Gpat. My suggestion is to choose Ms in US which will be safe and more knowledgeable. Thats it. Keep asking more queries if you have any. All the best and choose write step.
29th January 2012 12:16 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

A lot of job opportunities are there for marketing in abroad. A master’s degree in management is required for marketing job abroad. Excellent communication ability is required. MBA in Marketing will give the candidates a good exposure in marketing area. Job opportunities in abroad include Senior Sales Manager, Senior Data Sales Manager etc. Marketing field is really an interesting field. This field is also good for those who are interested in traveling. Good analytical skills and leadership qualities are also essential. Marketing profession mainly deals with customer satisfaction. An excellent convincing skill is also needed for marketing profession.
28th January 2012 07:27 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Dear friend,
If you are interested in M.Pharm
Then at first you will have to fulfill these criteria :

1.Academic qualification :
The candidate should be a graduate with minimum 50% marks.

2.Age criteria :
The age of the candidate 21 to 35 years.
For SC/ST/OBC there are age relaxation.

3.Backlog criteria :
There should not be any active backlog.

You can see these colleges :

Rao's College of Pharmacy

Rosory College of Pharmacy

Sarojini Naidu (SN) Vanitha Mahavidyalaya Pharmacy

Sarojini Ramulamma College of Pharmacy

Shadan College of Pharmacy

Shree Datha Institute of Pharmacy

Shri Vishnu College of Pharmacy

SR College of Pharmacy

Sree Vidyanikethan College of Pharmacy

Sri Indu Inst. of Pharmacy

For more details you can go through these attachments below :
28th January 2012 01:44 PM
palak jignesh
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

but after doing m.s in america i wont get license for that ?so pls tell me for getting license what should i do?
Originally Posted by anupam kuruganti View Post
Dear friend,
I will definitely guide you but please be focused on your aim so that the decision will be more easy with out any confusion. As you are in 4th year now first prepare for your Gpat exam which will give you a gate way for your degree. Score maximum marks in it. While doing this job apply for the foreign universities like in Sweden, Norway, Germany because these 3 countries offer free education. Please apply for these countries before August 2nd week which will be the last date for Jan., intake. Because from next year on wards they are cancelling their free education. The interesting news is that you need not write any competitive exams for these i.e., it is not mandatory. It will be based on your academics up to your highest degree achieved so far.

Now you have 2 options in hand 1 .Gpat 2. Ms in European countries. If you failed to go through it or if you doesn't like it then choose Ms in America. If you are more interested in Ms in US then you should opt your first option as preparing for GRE and TOFEL instead of Gpat. My suggestion is to choose Ms in US which will be safe and more knowledgeable. Thats it. Keep asking more queries if you have any. All the best and choose write step.
27th January 2012 04:20 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

I am interested going to abroad after my b.pharm can u gv suggestions abt exams n good universitis with low fee n good funding and also can u plz tel me how much amount of money will be needed to get there?and can v make our study possible by doing part time job simultaneously?if so,how much amount of money do i need initially to land there and pay for first semester?i just need a rough figure. if you knew more about universities in us will u plz tell me the names of few good universities which offer and there location in u.s? ([email protected])this is my email can mail me or just give a reply to dis message depending on your convenience.the information which u provide us will guide us. thank you.
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29th December 2011 04:22 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

assalmualikum......dear frends can u send me all details regarding m.s. in pharmacy in abroad countries.
name:mohd ibrahim obaid. 4th year(2011)
email:[email protected]
[email protected]
25th December 2011 09:33 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Which country is better to do MS in Pharmacology / Pharmaceutics.......... I have completed B-pharm
20th December 2011 08:51 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

im persuing my final year of i want to do pharm d conversion course in abroad please suggest me how could i get over there any exam..? please specify..
20th September 2011 12:04 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

what is full form of MS? Is it master of surgery? sameer
12th September 2011 02:55 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hello dear,
i hav completed m-pharm in Pharmacology from india. now i want to do Pharm D in U.S.A.
is it possible to get direct Pharm D in U.S.
plz suggest me.

Miss. Mital Patel
10th September 2011 07:33 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

i finished my bsc degree in pharmacy, n i want to work in U.S.A, which exam i should write naplex or FPGEE?? plz help
27th August 2011 07:25 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

I am interested in doing M.S in us.can u plz tel me how much amount of money will be needed to get there?and can v make our study possible by doing part time job simultaneously?if so,how much amount of money do i need initially to land there and pay for first semester?i just need a rough figure. if you knew more about universities in us will u plz tell me the names of few good universities which offer and there location in u.s? ([email protected])this is my email can mail me or just give a reply to dis message depending on your convenience.the information which u provide us will guide us. thank you.
13th August 2011 11:43 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

sir .i have complete b.pharma from india. iwant job as pharmacist in abroad .so plese sir guide me.
my email id - [email protected]. plz reply at my id..
13th August 2011 02:03 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hi, i'm a b.pharm graduate, i'm totaly confused about higher studies, i dont know which course should i prefer, should i go for M.pharm or pharm.D post baccalaurate? plz guide me.
8th August 2011 04:15 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hai. i completed my i want 2 do pharma-D in a.p. will u please give me the details abt entrance test for pharma-D after how to apply for entrance test? please give you r valuble suggessions. plz.. plz...
27th July 2011 08:57 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

is that efficient to phd after b.pharm than m.pharm
18th July 2011 09:15 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

i hope and MS is best when compared to PHARM.D because pharmD is not developed in our country and we should go to only hospital side and clinical side is developed in our country so we can get a good job opportunities and good salary
7th July 2011 01:37 AM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hello,now i m in last year of pharmacy. i m also preparing 4 G-pet now i m in confusion about future study. what should i do after completing pharmacy. and also what is Pharm-D and MS. which one is better either pharma D, MS or M.pharm? can i directly do the M.pharm in abroad or i hv to complete any other like diploma coarse before it and then can do M.pharm?? which are the jobs for B.pharm student in abroad? which r the best clgs in abroad 4 MS, pharma-D and M.pharm? ans plz also give me the roughly idea about the fees for study over there 4 all the course which can be done after B.pharm in abroad.plz.... give me answer.... so can i do the best.
2nd July 2011 09:52 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

can i do a diploma in pharmacy after
1st July 2011 12:16 AM
pabolu pradeep
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

Originally Posted by RajaniRajesh View Post
hi....!am doing my B-pharmacy 4th yr rit really in a great confusion wat to do next after completion of dis course.will plz u guide me in this matter.what will be a wise option for me 2 choose either M-pharm or pharm-D? which one will have greater oppurtunity?how about doing M.S abroad?in such a case,which country can i choose?can u people give me an wise option in detail plz.....
There is a lots of development taking place in INDIA and ABROAD.
PHARM-D is a new 6 year course and it has more work in clinical side than in industries, but with M.PHARMACY OR M.S IN PHARMACY , there are lots of opportunities in INDIA and ABROAD , like in industries and in teaching profession.
30th June 2011 08:20 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

tell me about pharm d..
24th June 2011 04:20 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hi, i m b.pharm in 2001 & doing job as pharmacist , can i take admission in pharm d course in india & is this will benifecial for my future?
30th May 2011 03:11 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

I f u want do b.pharm and m.pharm in low coast in tamilnadu MGR ucty .. Contact 09600526716 or 09746939053
27th May 2011 07:04 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

hiiii,i completed my b.pharm and now i would like to go for ms in pharmacology.but am confused regarding the university and the country that where to apply and how? pls help ouy
19th May 2011 01:35 PM
Re: M-pharm or pharm-D or MS abroad after B-pharmacy?

im persuing b pharm 4th can i do lateral pharm D in us?and i want to know complete detailes abt the fee structure.and also abt universities inUS
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