13th April 2015 12:17 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Please send me some model question papers and previous year question paper for Junior Executive(Electronics) and ATC....to prasanth218@gmail.com |
12th April 2015 07:22 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? can you please send me jr executive (electronics and atc) exam previous question papers? my mail id is Stellamersis@gmail.com |
2nd March 2015 04:36 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Is the technical paper same for electronics branch & electrical with electronics branch? |
28th February 2015 10:10 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? please send me sample question paper for jr.executive electronics to vidhyaraju13@gmail.com |
8th February 2015 09:42 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? please send me the syll and prev papers for jr. exec electronics and ATC at manik1991.x@gmail.com .. thanks in advance |
2nd February 2015 04:05 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? could you please mail me the syllabus and previous question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics) to achugngcrazy@gmail.com? |
14th January 2015 11:40 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? pls send me the current syllabus previous year question paper of Jr. Executive Electronics and Jr. ATC on my mail id- varatharajec@gmail.com |
25th December 2012 01:40 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? PLEASE SEND ME SYLLUBUS OF JUNIOR ASSISTANCE FIRE SERVICE.... PLESE SEND THE DETAILS TO Nikhilmohanpkd2@gmail.com |
31st July 2012 09:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? please send me syllubus and model question paper for the post of Junior Executive Technical (ELECTRICAL) branch, please send the details to jupudisudheer@gmail.com |
19th July 2012 06:49 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Syllabus and question paper pattern for the post of junior Executive Technical (Mechanical) branch? |
29th June 2012 04:22 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Any idea for the syllabus about the post of Junior Executive(Computer Science)? |
27th June 2012 12:26 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? pls send me previous paper & exam date of Jr.Executive HR on my mail id kalyani.teddy@gmail.com |
26th June 2012 06:52 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? pls send me previous year question paper of Jr. Executive Electronics and Jr. ATC on my mail id- thangeshrinath@gmail.com |
26th June 2012 06:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Pls send me exam paper pattern of junior executive(ATC) post of AAI on my id arpitashri22@gmail.com |
2nd June 2012 10:21 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? pls send me previous year question paper of Jr. Executive Electronics and Jr. ATC on my id-yunus.ansari7@gmail.com |
26th May 2012 12:12 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Please upload or send any model question paper for AAI Junior Assistant (Fire Service) If anybody have it please send to my mail ID parthi14021984@gmail.com |
21st May 2012 08:45 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? sir plz tell me what the syllabus pattren of junior exective for f post of electrical engineering.....? and i want privious question papers....? |
15th May 2012 05:59 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Please send me some model question papers and previous year question paper for Junior Executive(Electronics) and ATC....to sandeepayadav111@gmail.com ASAP.Please. Reply With Quote Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/syllabus-question-paper-airport-authority-india-junior-executive-electronics-652460.html#ixzz1uw9JQ5ug |
14th May 2012 09:39 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Sir, Kindley wud u please inform me the expected date for the exam jr executive,electronics and please send me previous year model questions for this..please sir..my mail id is ashima.chinnu@gmail.com. |
13th May 2012 02:28 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? sir i want to know about the syllabus for sr asst OL Hindi |
9th May 2012 04:03 PM | |
vivek_mailz |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Please upload any model question paper for AAI Junior Assistant (Fire Service) If anybody have it please send to my mail ID vivek_mailz@yahoo.com |
4th May 2012 01:47 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? sir, i want to know the exam date of the aai junior executive in electronics......please inform me the date on my e-mail id- rakhibabu.3u@gmail.com. |
3rd May 2012 01:28 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Please send me some model question papers and previous year question paper for Junior Executive(Electronics) and ATC....to biyababu@gmail.com ASAP.Please. |
27th April 2012 09:14 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Dear sir, i want to know the exam date of the aai junior executive in electronics and also the syllabus ...sir please info me on my e-mail id-saran201110@yahoo.com |
21st April 2012 03:57 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? hello,.....pls send me the syllabus and sample question papers of junior executive (electronics and ATC) exam in airport auothority of india.my id is ppawar86@gmail.com.....................plsssssssss |
16th April 2012 11:36 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? plz if u get the syllabus then do provide me too.. kotikamani33@gmail.com |
14th April 2012 11:02 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Pls send me the syllabus and qustion paper models of aiport authority of india junior executive(Information technology) my id is vinothkumar.div@gmail.com |
10th April 2012 02:48 PM | |
bhama kalyan |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? can you please send me jr executive (electronics and atc) exam sample papers? my mail id is bhamakalyan@gmail.com |
1st April 2012 01:55 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? how should i prepare for junior executive (airport operation) of airport authority of india job. please help or suggest me something.... |
31st March 2012 03:00 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? please send me study material,placement papers for preperation (jr. executive computer science).........kavitaarya.26@gmail.com |
26th March 2012 02:17 PM | |
aadesh12345 |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? plz if u get the syllabus then do provide me too.. aadeshsingh2007@rediffmail.com |
26th March 2012 02:10 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? plz provide me syllabus and study material for AAI (ATC junior engineer Information Technology) .. |
26th March 2012 12:41 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? HI, I would like to know about the syllabus for Junior executive(HR) in airports authority of India. Plz do needful Help.My mail id is kumraankita@gmail.com Thanks & Regards Ankita |
25th March 2012 01:41 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Hi, I would like to know about the syllabus for Junior executive(Information Technology) in airports authority of India. Plz do needful Help.My mail id is niteshsehrawat@gmail.com |
21st March 2012 01:59 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Hi, I would like to know about the syllabus for Junior executive(Information Technology) in airports authority of India. Plz do needful Help.My mail id is g.anil05@gmail.com |
18th March 2012 08:52 PM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? please send me the last year question papers and sample question papers or the link from where i can get this.... |
14th March 2012 12:31 PM | |
MohitBhardwaj |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Most probebly Written test consisting of 150 (prone to change) Multiple choice questions, divided in to two sections namely :: 1. 50% questions on Technical subjects 2. 50% questions on Non-Technical. For Technical Section Questions are excepted from the concerned engineering subject most likely from the following subjects 1. Basic Electronics 2. Communication Systems 3. Microwave Engineering 4. Analog and Digital Electronics 5. Telecommunication Engineering 6. Information Technology 7. Computer Networks 8 .Network Graphs For Non Technical Section 1. General Awareness – History, Sports, Geography, Environment, Civics, Basic Science, Defence, Art, Culture, Current Affairs, Politics etc. 2. Verbal Ability in English – Comprehension, Error Detection, Sentence Completion, Synonyms, Antonyms and Testing of Vocabulary. 3. Numerical Ability – Decimal Fraction, Simplification, Average, Profit & loss, Percentage, Ratio & Proportion and Simple interest. 4. Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test – Verbal Skills and Spatial Ability. |
14th March 2012 11:45 AM | |
Unregistered |
Re: Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? Dear sir, i want to know the exam date of the aai form in electronics...sir please info me on my e-mail id-amitvce1991@hotmail.com. |
5th March 2012 09:22 PM | |
vikas0152 |
Syllabus and question paper of Airport Authority of India Junior Executive (Electronics)? please send me syllabus and question paper of airport authority of india jr. executive (electronic) |